<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />lJt1SO!iigD8FJ'RUSTfs made lhis .. .,. .. " ': ;3~:.. , ." .,
<br />19,1p:,"m~l}g[hCtru5Iot", ,',' ,.~ :q~ ,~~. ,~,~,~~
<br />. :"'.>:.' ,'.,.H '.' '.'C"" H'" ..,' '.','. ": ., ,..(here.rv"llorrower").. ...,;...
<br />
<br />~::~~~;~~~;..,'.'........,..:...:....:.....,.
<br />
<br />e~15!iJl$'l,lllderU1ela'ii$Qf... ,........ ...~.' ;.........,..,
<br />.~.,1!..;.Q,,~;A6.&,..~ ;I$.~,.~. .~&&Q?;....,.........
<br />
<br />BoliRowER,inconsideralionol ihe indeblednesshercin recited and the
<br />:md eon"l'YS [0 TIU!.tee, in Irust, with power of sale, Ihe following described property
<br />. . . . . , . , ~. .. , . . . . , . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . ., Slate olNebraska:
<br />
<br />IDt Seventeen (17), Block 'Ihree (3),
<br />F.eplat of Riverside Acres, an Jldditicn
<br />to the city of Grand Island, Hall
<br />0Junty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which hilS .lhe addreS>i of. . . . . . :l,6.Q4 .~. .
<br />\',,,,,j
<br />.~,. ' . ,~~, . . . . (herein "Propeny Address");
<br />
<br />~.+?~.
<br />ICity)
<br />
<br />t~~dli$-COO:.}
<br />
<br />
<br />TOOEl'HER. \\;ltb,uIl the i",provcnl'l,.~nb now- or hcrc*tftcr cn:ctcu on the profXrt-y, and ull cas:cmcnb; rightl't.
<br />aPP:urtenl\ll<;eS,rellls (subjec[ h_ever 10 [he righls and aUlliQr~!ies given herein to Lender !O collect and apply such
<br />rl'iltS). rny:tltles. mineral, oHand gas righlSan<1 pronts, waler, walcr righls, and water slOck; nnd nil fixtures now or
<br />~;I/!~ allllem;d to. tm; properly. all of which, including n:plaecmcnls and additions [herelo. shall hC deemed 10 be
<br />ltnd.relftilina pIIrl ofth~properlJl covered by Ihis Deed of Trusl; and all nf [he foregoing, logelher with "lid property
<br />tQl: till;!ea,^,OOlde'lllll:iHhisDeedof Tl'Ust iSDn a leasehold) arc herein referred 10 aslhe "Property";
<br />
<br />TO<$JU;Illl.E to under (atlhe fepaymenlof [he indeblCdnes, evidenced by Borrower's nQt.e daled.~. ,
<br />..t~rcin"N<>te")i in t!l1>principal SUID 01.. ~~t;yc~ ,~. ,i,ijl\!.~ .~..
<br />-.c--...., -.- --'.- ...., -,.- -..- ~~. with int,ctesI lhcr-eon, p~oviding for monthly instutlmcnb
<br />Gfflt~ttffl1 '1lI~,\\'iJ\)Ihe.bala!lce of Ill" indebtedness, if nor SO()ncr pai<J. dlle and payable on. . . .. .' ."
<br />.,.... ,:.., "C." .~1IPl':I',; ~,,-: ,2.Ql,i. ',.. ,. .. ,. .; Ihe pIIy.nenl.olall olllerwms. willi imeresllhereon. advanced
<br />llI11~~~~'~P!'5>!~ttbe~curiIJlol this Deed of Trusl;and (he performlttlC-e of Ihc covcna'Il, "nd
<br />\t~~~~~l!eteit\ COnlained;a1\dfb)l~ repJll1l<:ntofa"yc future "dvances, wllh illlereS[,!>cre"", made
<br />. t~~r!1t.~P<I~1 t\). ~~~IIWreof (hl:rein "Future Advances" )..
<br />
<br />~.cli~~~Ihat.~~r j(\J1w{ulIJl~cilK\<loftm;cstalchereby convc)l~'d alw has [he rilllll '0 granr and
<br />~~.~; lllI!;f'~rty~_Il11~mllered,"l\4that Bwn>w!'r will Wnmullan<lddcIld generallylhe
<br />~~,j~. .. ....... .... . .... .. .. .. ... .... ...... .~IU'l,I$, SUbjo:"IIQanydcclaral~n;., C1i,^,lllcnl$ or r~'Slnclions /i"lrd in."
<br />~!1t<:ll,i:.~l)t\~l!:i<t~1! in llllJt>l1e fnS!KIll<<te.poli"x '"'l"in~ L",,<ler', llllcr"s\ III lhe .l'ropertX
<br />
<br />t,
<br />
<br />