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<br />83-1I\.lS680
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. 1Jorrower and Lender cuvenant and ~lgree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. Psynlent of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest un the
<br />indebtednc~s evidenced hy the Note, prepayment and !:.tIC charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2~ Funds for Taxes and lnsurancc. Subject to applit:ablc hl\\' or to a written waiver by Lender,_ Borrower- shaH pay
<br />to Lender on the d11Y monthly in'itallmcnts of principnl and 1O!(:rest are payahle under the Note, until the Note is paid .in full;
<br />a sum (herein '"Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly rax~s and asses-smcnts which may attain priority. ewer -:this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus one-twelfth, of yearly premium installments fOf- hazard insurance_~
<br />plus. one~twelfth of yearly premium inst~illments for mortgage insurance. 1 f any. all as reasonably estimated initially' and:- from
<br />time- to time hy Lender nn the ha3is of iJss.essmcnts .md hills and reasonable estimate'$ thereof.
<br />The-Funds sh;:li,1 be held in <.Ill institution rhc deposits or accounts or which are insured or guar~nteed by a--Federal}~r
<br />state ~tgency (includmg Lender if Lender I" sUl'h an institution). I,coder shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, ,_assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may n..t charge for <;() holding and ap,Plying the Funds, analyzing sa_id .accou~~,
<br />or verifYlng and compiling said ~ssessments and hills, unless Lender pays- Borrower IOtcrest on -the Funds and~-a'pplicable~law-
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower ~lt1d Lender may agree in writing at the time 'Of execution -,~L this'
<br />Mortgage that intercs1 on the Fund-s. _"hall he paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made' or_ .applicable_- law
<br />requires such interest to ~ paid. Lender "hall not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds,_ Len.der
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. .\0 annual a':C0UIlung llf the Funds ~howjng credits and debits (0 the Funds and the
<br />purpo~e iN. ,,,,'hich each debit hl the Funds was made. 'The Funds .ire pledg~d as additional security for the sums' secured
<br />hy this Mortgage
<br />lf the amount (It the Funds held hy i..~ndtr. together with fhe Illl.ure monthly installments of Funds pnyabl_c pf:ior:to
<br />[he due dates of laxcs, a~"cs~ment:-;, insur;lI1Ct: premiums and ground rents. shail exceed the amount required to pay:said- taxes;_
<br />assessment~. insurant.'::e- premiums and gn:mnd rents a~ th"y f;ltl due, such excess. shall be, at Borrower~s option, either
<br />promptly re-paid to BorrO\-\'c:r or l,.'[edited to Borrower un monthly installments of Fllnd~, If the amount of the Funds
<br />held hy Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as, they :fall -due,
<br />Borrower shaH pOly to Lender :.111).' amoUn1 necC's.s."ifY to m;-lke up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />hy Lender to Borro\\oer rCi..luesting pa) Ok'nt thercol.
<br />Upon payment m fuJ) nf all :,ums secured b:.- {hIS \-1t)flgagc. !.~nd~r shall promptly refund 10 Borrower -any Funds
<br />held by I..coder" If under paragraph 1 t.: h~,cof lhc Prnpcny h ;,,~IIJ '....r !hl~ Pre'perty IS otherWI<;C acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />shaH .Ipply, n"i i,ucr than tmmediatd;.- pnor h.) (he :-ah: III The PI\)pert\" or ils ~t(;:qUlsi[ion by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at [he Wile llf <ipplicallon as a ..rcJit <igalflst the ~um~ sCl:urcd hy lhi:.. :\-fortgagc.
<br />3. Application of Payment.,. Uilk.." <tpph~ahk law pfl)\'hies. (lth~[\\.,i:ie, ul! payments received by Lender under the
<br />:--.Jote ~nd paragraphs I ilnd ~ hCfeot :.hall hc- ~lppi1cd by Lender first in paVlllcnt of alTIOllfllS payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2. hercol. rhen to !Ol~r\,',,! p;:lyablc ,In th~ :-\Ok. then r,_l the principal of IOC Note. and then to interest and
<br />prmcipal nn any Future Ad\'an12CS.
<br />4. Characs: t-iens. HCliflmt:'f ,tLdl pa\ _di ~.\:x.""". .l"...I..'_......nll.'Ob ,.nd u{hi.'! ,:h;lrgl..';'. f'lnc-~ ~lild impositions i.lttributable to
<br />the Property \\'hich may ;ll!~lin ,I pfll'rity <lye! lh,>.; \h\r:~,i~e, ;llld h.:a~dwld pJpUClll:> ur ground rents. if any, in the manner
<br />pro\,l(led under p;.tragr.lph :? hcrec't Ilf : f1P! !n "ll.:h HldflIll'L hy BMw....'.....r making payment. when due, directly to the
<br />payee thereoL Borrower ..hall pn.'mp!h 1,-, I ,:.:nd~1 .l.il ]1''11;.'1..... nf ,lHHHHlb due under thiS p;'lragraph. and in the event
<br />Horrowcr !'h;lH make paynu'rH Jlr::r..:ll,. Ik'rT(H\\~r ,h.:lJ p,-.-lmpl!\ lurnl\h I" 1.l.'lldcr n:~eipts. c\'idem'ing such payments.
<br />Borrower ~haH promptly di'f,~h.1f~e <iny il~n \~t1!-.:h La1- pnnr:t' ,'\a ihl'\ \hlrtgJ.gc; provided, lhat Borrower shall not be
<br />reqwred 10 dlschargc any ,m:h !ten ,,(i kiB1; ,'~ Bnri\'';\i,'r \hall \\i!tlng 1<.1 tht: paymcllt of tht: (lh-ligatll)fl secured by
<br />such lien H1 a manner aCl..":l'plabk t,', I.xndcL ,If ...hall U\ ~l'-{)J ~\"nlt,;l '11>.:h lien ny, or defend ('nf(lrcl!m~nt of such lien in,
<br />legal p(ot:ecdmg5 willch ~lpL:rak to prt:~'\.:llt H1~' \,'Hlpr~:..:mcnt \;1 till' i.en \\j' r0rt~lltH"(, LIt' the Property \.If ,my part thereof,
<br />S. Hazard }m;untDil.'c, B,Jno\\-cr ,haJi ~.;,..cp the ,mrr'_lH'nh,'nr, n(h~ C\I'>l.lHg llr hcrcalt~'r I...'re("tcd t10 the Property inslL
<br />;l.gamsl kl$S bv tire. halard." m...JoJ.'J \\ ,thlll th-t' !~rm <:\!l.."lIlh.:d ,;nd ..udl nthC"r haziHds as. Lender OM)" reqlHre
<br />and In such 'Im.'Hllt:. ~nJ I"" 'th:ri 1't'llllJ:. ;.l' l,~ih,kl '~'qLJlrl.' ;h;'ll l_\.'lhkr c.ll:Jil nOl n:qlllfl: that the amount Df
<br />\uch (OVcragl." \..':\;';I.'('J 1l1aE ,HTi\),m! ._'1 ,-i'''':I;j~L 1,,'iJu:r..:Ll c,- l".\~ 1;,<.' ';;;J\" '.<:"':\la:,o I,\, l!".. \tOllgiH!C
<br />The lIl;uram.:c (.lrn-cr rroYiJing: the ln~~Il.w;:1..' ~h;di ht.~' .'lH'",,~'n b\ Bilfl";_l\\Cr \uhit.:(( il' app;oval by Lender; provided.
<br />that s-u.:h <lppfOva! ~haH 0(\1 ~-c (mn:a",'HMhh I'."HllhdJ \il i'i<:l1lHH11'- pH in"uulIl,.'I..' ptlliClC'i ....hail Pl' p~lid ill the manner
<br />provided under par~igraph .:: herell! ,~r^ l "',I~ p~ud ;n ....,..;h m~\lllH:1 tl\ B{ll r.y,."~f !llUklng payment. when due. dtrCdly to the
<br />Hl~urance (:arncr.
<br />All insuran.;c r{lh~jc'!, .luJ r~fH,'\\-;lh ,t'll:,!,','! \~Ui; h' (n ;t1rm ",,;':l'j~:.lbh: !;\ ll.:udl,'i .011..1 shOll! llldudc.: .1 ,>1:tndarJ murtgage
<br />dausc lfl faVl..lj' ,If .mJ If! [,'\rm .H.:.:t:puhie (i.' Lt::H.kL i \:!H.ki ~1;1\ ,-' ihl' J Iglll ;,1 hl~IJ !ht' pohcie~ and r.:ncwals thereof.
<br />.md Borro\\.cr ~\h"lj prompll\ turnl~h 1\1 LJ.:nlkr ,ill 1\.'0\:\\.11 lK'!:..-....., dnd ;:11 rt:,,:clph 01 1'_IlJ !'rcflIIUnl... [n the event of loss.
<br />Borr~)Wl'l ::.hai! gt\'c rf\\mpl notll..t: kl the In.,llldlkt' '.:.nTJ\;! ,~IH1 1 ;.:ndl'l ll,.'lh.kr ni;l~ loalo.c Pl\ll)! OI loss Lt !hHlTIude pn"lmptly
<br />by Borrower
<br />Unless LC'nder ;ino BtHhl\\Cl orht:.l',\j'oL' .-I,i.:h:C;!j ''''l](!n~_ ~ii~,lj,!()":(,' prt...\..'t:I.'d.. "hall he .irplied ft\ ft:~tofation (If repair of
<br />the Proper!) liamagcd. pn'\'kkJ ~i1\.:b f6l...~raL,'n \.'t rq~,ijr i_" ,....('ih.illlh.:,jJl\ ,C;6Ihk ,1l1d the ...,c(;urity \)f lhi~ .Mortgage IS,
<br />not thereb-y impaacil It "'-th.:h r,'.,h.1r.;it~\\1l or r,,'po.ll! ;~ r\d C":llf\,'OHC,dh :\'J7'tlhk ,)1' 11 the ...t:"(Uf!t\' llf tillS ~'Iorlg.tg~ wllllld
<br />he impaued. Ihe IUl-Urance pr'lxcnb .h.lil be ,ippli,",d it' PH: ~ulli~ ",!,':>;,'urcd h} [hi":. ;\h)ctgagc, wnh the e:\ce-~, if ;lny. paid
<br />to &'\.rrower it the Propeu;. ;). .If'>alh.iollt:U i'~ H..nf"l'V'Ct. \.,r II Born\\\.cr idlh I,) respond to 1 \.~ntlcr within 30 days from the
<br />date noti\.'l: i~ mailed b\ l~endcr to BCfhl\\er rh..H the HbW'J.fh,:>: ,,';lIfll:r (llicr:. !'_' ....enk ,\ \.:I~tll11 t(lr insurance hencfits, Lender
<br />IS autbonzed to ~oHecl and "ppiy the !!l~urall\:~ l'rt)l;ccJ:> ..:t t ,('I1J;;:r '" .\pU-l.ln elth<:r l':'~ res(\.)[:itioll IJr r~pair of th~ Property
<br />or (0 the )ums ::'C-i.:urw by {hi:. Mortgugc
<br />Unless under liod }h'ffiJWe-r l..,thCf\\i:.'" ,~gn:e in ....Iitmg, Ml\ -.;u.:h appji':;ltlon III rH'I..<~-eds lO pi'ltlClpal ~hall [1I)t extend
<br />\)r postpone the due date \Jf the Bh)nthl) im,t,;111mcnh rderred L:) ifl paragraph... I and ~ here;,)!' or t:hange the aml)unt of
<br />~uch in~tall~nlS. If under paragroiph l ~ hereoi the Pt...Ip<ftl,-' ,..; a.,;...;uncd h\' l.1.:.mkr. .lil ngh!. t;tlc and interest of Horre.wer
<br />m and to any lOSUf-i.O'C policies. and in and hi the pr('h.,;ced$ {hcret'! re~lll{lllg J mOl damage to the Pmpcrtj prior to the ::;alc
<br />..)-l" acq\l1siUo-o ')haH pa>> 10 Lender w the l.'>..tent ,:.1' the ,..,UHb :'><":l:ured by tb~ \l~)f{g:;Jg.... lmmcdialely prior t,l ...llch .!laic or
<br />acquisition.
<br />'* Pnsen-atkm aad MaiJI'e~e of Pmper1); Leawholds: ('j,mdumiuiuUl!o.; Planned Unit l)en~lopmen's. Borrl..)wcr
<br />sball keep tlk: Property in gc.lOd repair and ~h.aU not -<.'{munil Wl1~le or permIt lmpainnenl or deteriorallon of the ProperlY
<br />and shall (;,omp!Y with the pro""isJOob ~lf ..:toy lea~ it (hIS. Mongagc 1:- Oil a !c.t-whold, It lht~ Mortgage is on a l!flit in J
<br />condominium 1.'lI' .). planned unH d'cveh1pm-e-nt, BOTh.""'cl ,h..1i perform "JJ \.)t Borr\l'Wcf':-' ubhg.ttH"Ins under the Declaration
<br />01' covenants. creating or gO\fCrnUlg !he ,,:;oiH.iomIOlum ('f' piannt:d unn l.kvej~lpm-cnl. the by.la\\-s .and n:gLllutlon~ of lhe
<br />condoOllnaum Of pi.:mncd unit dclt'eh.lpmCl1t. .md (()JlstitucrH documcllls_ II <l \:nnJQfllmium or planned II HI { dcvciopmcnr
<br />rider I~ ~ute.d. b-y 6orrowcf .Uld rc-(:ordc.d IOjJt:lhcr \~,lth lhl':>i Mortgag!:, lhe \-l)\lcnan1S and agreements. (ll ~lIch filler
<br />1baU be Inc;.()-fpon,tcd. JUte and ';.ball ro:utnd aflJ iUpp!cfncllt rOc ";lncnams i:inJ dgfcCmCl1h of thIS- M-ortga~c as if the rider
<br />"'ere" pa,"l hereof.
<br />7. Prot.u.1i9a of 1....,lIIIIer's s<<urit)'. H Borrt)wcr fali" 10 pCrftlnn th~ covenants -.llId ~l,grt'\':rncnts (onlmned fl1 thl"
<br />Mort.. or If any action i:.."!T rroe<<iling i~ CtmmH':,l\ccd whi;,:h m.JJcriaHy ~ff~'\:h t codet'_':i lillet",4>t in the Pn""pe-I'1Y,
<br />ina;tY<hol. but not btnitod u\.., emtf'tem dt;WnaUl, -llt!oOh'Cf1;';:y, ..:t..oo t"rtWn.:I;.'Ul-cllL \H anangemems ..)f proceedings I1WOhlOg: "'
<br />huJ.krupi Qr ~td~-fl't. then Lcndl:t at Leoder"_>!. option, ll~}fi nOfi-\.c 1(1 BOl"wW~'l", may m-aio..c ...u~h i:JpJX"amltc~\. dls.burse ...u~h
<br />~_ .04 IKt ftJdi ~mm M ts n~~~Ji!;ary to p.f\.Jttx-! Lew.k-_T ~ HHcrcs-t. 'fh;ludmg.. hit 1l0{ limned h), l.hsbur"l.'Ill!:ut nr
<br />r~~ ..iU-t(t(Uc')'-<l- fc.e,1iI ..no ('jltr)" Uptl-H Ihf.> Prl}pt"nr to Wi*"'C rer~ih, If Lt"IHkI t'...~tlIrl:~! lnmtg,-,g\." IH:.UPUH.:C <1' ,1
<br />{.:-.~h,;}tl l}f fttakW@ Ift;t lOAn :<,,:ui~d h) fhi~ M{lft.S-->tge-, Ro-n..j_.....~t \iMH Pd\' !he- i"(("-mimw-" ~::qf!!r~J III lnainLHn \lh:h
<br />lmut-M)i.,'t' b~ l..~nit,,'l unW ;\.~o;h hmc Ai> ih-,.:; f~,t~Ujfente.:'t lor ..u;;:h ;.l,,"uran('t.' h:-rmin~ih.-'... '1(:--.:{~rdalhT With fi..rrwlh'....!"'... arid
<br />
<br />L
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