<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />83-t.106680
<br />
<br />
<br />jHlSMORTGAGE is rnade this. . . .... ..;n~j:.. H':'" .... ..dayo!' .Ptlj:~.nJb.er:..,.c... .. .........
<br />J~,l-., between the Mortgagor,. . . .~.a.~~ . P,. f!r.l!~~q<;:} . ~J1.d. .!;i.l el,'l!l. M....Hr:t,l~~O~j.,. )'lVsbafld..a.l!d,....
<br />'ll~ .f}...,. . ..... . r' .. ... . .. .. . . .... . . . (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,;Thll-..F:lr.st.Na.t.1:Qnal.
<br />. .<~ryk.. ~f. .~r:~f!~. . ~J il.n.~,..~rg!1!f. .I.s.l.~I)<l.. ~~P.r:~~~i!. . . . . . . . . . . . ., acorporatillnorganized andeJli$tiilg
<br />unclerthe laws of. . . .. :.' .. . . . .Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. whose address is. .202.l'Ies.t.TilirdSt\':eet,
<br />.l~r:ai)4. r~.1.aJ\q, .I'jetlras.ka .... .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... ........ .. .. ........ . (~rein "Lender"). .
<br />
<br />WHcR' S Bo. we" debted t Le d 'n Ihe . . I' , Si xty-Ooe Thousand and 001100
<br />~ _EA,,- rro f15m -0- n eft prmclpa sum.o(.:.........:_...~.,._~.._..._.:_.._._~....._.~.
<br />7777 ;:-'::-.-.-:':":':7777.-.-.-. ":":.77 77.-.-.-.-. -: 7 77 77 :-.-.-.-:-: -; 7Dollars. which Indebtedness IS eVldCIlClldb'y.Borrowet's'ntote"
<br />dated. . P.e.cell)l)er. 2.1.,. J~t3~.. ... . (herein "Note"), providing for momhly instaltmenlSllf pnn1tandinterest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid. due and payable on. . . ~9!1!1ilr.Y. ) \ .?9. ~.' . .. . . .. '..
<br />
<br />To SeCURE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note. with interesttheteon; tbe
<br />payment of all other sum~ with interest thereon. advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of.lbiS
<br />Mortgage. and the performance of the covenant' and agreements of Borrower herein eontainccl, ~nd (b) the repayment
<br />of anyfulure advances. with interest thereon. made to Borrower by Lendorpursuant to parallraph2lhercof(herein
<br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage. gram and convey to Lender Ihe follo,vlllg described property
<br />localed in the County of. . . . . . . . . . Ha 1 ) . . . . . . . .. . ..........,...... State of Neblils.Jca:
<br />
<br />The North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(N~SE~NE~) of Section Fifteeo (15), Township Teo (10) North, Range
<br />Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />wllicllha.$.thell\ldrcs& of...... R-.R...2 .80)(. 79A..... ..
<br />iSt,,"U
<br />. . . .~1;4~~il. . ,6.&&QJ. . . . . . . (herein "Prop"rty Address");
<br />t__llp~!
<br />
<br />. . .Gr.and. ls.l.and. . . . . . . . . . . '.
<br />(City]
<br />
<br />TOOBTIltlJlwilb all.tbe improvements 00'.'1 or hereafter erected on. the prop"rty, and all """.menls, rights,
<br />~ rems, royllltles, miooral, oil and g... rights and pmlits, waler, water righls. a,,(I waler stock, and all
<br />fi~l'lQV(-9r~f\lllr attl!cl1edto tho: ptQpCrly.all of whicb. including replaccments and aduJlions thereto, shaUbe
<br />~tI>Jl!IH'lIdr~apart 0( the property covered by this Ml,rtgage; andal! of the foreglling, together with said
<br />~ (Ilt.d\o ~CltalI> iftbiliMo(tjlllg<<; .il; 011 a leasehold) are berein .relcr....d to.illi the "Pl'Openy".
<br />
<br />~t _DlU\~. that ~'W<lr is lawflllly .eked Qf the <!Stale hereby c~"'Ye~d alld has It!<l right to mortgage,
<br />gt.ntlllld~y tbe: ~ny, lb.t U", Property i!i unencumherL'<l. and that Borrower will ll'anilnt .>><1 defend
<br />ll"m;~y liiIt..~ w tiKI. P~nl~in.'I. allolllim.sand<lemands, ,ubje<;t to an)' dre)aUlt;oo.. "as<'tI\<;l\l' N restrictions
<br />t.!j!t~ ~-,a ~~!~; i:'4:_ ~'ey~.,.,}~ bJ ~\lV-~'n~r: in tiny -.litle- in~u:nm~j.: potiey .in~Ufini L-cr~k'1;' ',. ~nft't~\~i in tht; Pior~ny,
<br />
<br />NHFY Sfll;;
<br />