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<br />I <br /> <br />83-lj06680 <br /> <br />l.ender\ wfllh.11 agreement or appJiI,:ablc law. BOrf'ower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in ,the <br /> provideJ under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant 10 this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become .additional. <br />indebtcdocs"5 of Borrower secured hy this Mortgage. Unles.s Borrower :md Lender agree to other tenns.of paymenL such <br />amounts shllll be payabk npon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall -bear interest -from the <br />date-of disbursement at the rate payable from Ii-me to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless, payment::of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event slIch amounts shall bear interest at the highest- -rate <br />permissible under 3pplicable law. Nothing c,:)ntained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. In.'ipection. Lender may make Of cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Propcrty~ provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower noti.ce prior to <lny slIch inspection ~pcdfying reasonable callsc-therefor relate-d'to,.Lender-ts <br />intere~t in the Property. <br />9, Condemnation. The pn'"lct:ed-s of any award lll" claim for damages. direct or consequential" in connection with ,any <br />l:ondemnati-o-n Of orher taking: of the Property. or part the.rcof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. arc hereby 8!tl)igned <br />and shall he paid to Lcnder. <br />In the event of a total taking: pf [he Property. the pnlCceds "hall be applied to lhe slims secured hy this' Mortgage~ <br />v.ith the ex((""~. if any. paid 1(1 BOrn'IVicr. In the event cd 3 partial taking ,--,r the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agrec in writing, there sh.i11 he applied t() the <,um~ sccnred by [hi" Mortgage such proportion -of the proceeds <br />as ili eq{l~1 to that pwp0niofl which The- amount of the 'Wn111 ,,(,cllTed hy thi~ Mortgage immediately prior to- the date-,'of <br />taking hears If" the f:Uf market value {If the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid 10 Borrower. <br />!f the Properly i\ :!h:lOdoncd hy B{llTlH-vcr. ('or if. :'Iftcr nmice hv Lender fn Borrower that the condemnor offers- to make <br />~ln award or ",cttlc II daim fnr daflHtges. B0rrower f;liis In re~p0nd tn Lender within ~O days after the date ~such-- notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to ..:oUect and apply the proceeds. at Lender';; option, either to restoration or repair of 'the <br />Property or h"' the <;lHllS s~":llr~d bv this M('!rtg,!~c <br />Vnlcs.<; Lender and Borr:}wer otherwi,,-1.' agre~ in writin~. an~' ,,;,ul.-h Jpplication {'"If proceeds to principal shan not extend <br />or postpone lhC' due dale nf ih..: month!\' in"tallmi,.'nt~ referred to in paragraph, ! and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />"llch installment!>. <br />to. Borrower Not Released. FXlcn~!on (,r the lIme f~'r payment or modification of 3mortization of the sums secured <br />by this M0rtgagc- granteu hy Lender :,\ ;my 'lKCC"~J,1r in intNC'it d' ROfrrower "hall not operare to rdease. in any manner, <br />the li3.bility of the \)riglnal BOrnl\\'\.~r and BnrmWl.'f\ S'.i<.,:ce,,"-nt'i lfl !rlICH'S!. Lender <:hall not he required hl commence <br />prrx;-ceJing\ again,,\{ "tlch 'm('-C;:-~"'i)r <1( rdu,>t' t,") ~\tend IHll;". f(lf j'a\ me-nt ,\r (HherwisC' modify amortization of the sums <br />~ecur-l,'d hv thi... Mort~a{!e h\' rc_a...on 1'1 .Hl\' demand !mlJe t'\ I ht' l'ri~JllaJ Rorrower and Borro',,'cr's successors in interest. <br />11. 'Forbearan'; by l~ltder :'\01 11 W~in'r. .\11\' ltlrnC.H:!lk;" j-ly i.t'nder in excn.:i".ing ;i11Y right or remedy hereunder. or <br />\)rhCOfWisc- ~dT{)rJe-d hv .ippk;IHt: !.l'.\" "h:tll IF't :--l,.' .1 waiver i-d In pre-dude !ht~ exercise (If any such right or remedy. <br />'me procurement of insurance Pf rhe ~'-iIVflW!11 ,'1 t<l\l'''- \'1' i,thc[ lien.. pr <...'har.;;("<; }-tv Lender "half m"lr t-.c- :-\ waiver of Lender's <br />righf In aCi.~l'lcralc !he matllril~ of thl' ;nut::htr:dne...." 'tYlif,'d h- thi.. ~hH'I~agl' <br />12. Remedit10 Cumulative. '\f! re;ned,\.'~ rr(\\ !,kd ;n lilt... \!()f!P;lgl' are di..tinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />~t'mcdy under thj, M-t'"lng~g(' tll :lff'_'ftkd ).\' !a\\ ,'f etjllll\ _in,l m.l\: 1--1;.: <,'\~r';l..~d ..','tKurrenth. llldcpcndentlv or successively. <br />13. SucC'~sors ~tnd As,ot;ieflot; Hunnd: Joint :lI1d St"\t'ral Liahility: C:lption"i. rh~ ((H'l.-'n;lnls .md agreements. herein <br />,:ontaincd \hall hind. ;,nd the rignh !,....n.'und~'r ..full ;illl]';:: t,1_ t!u: i't.''>iH....:t\\C "o;,;, and a'i"if:n~ nf I cnder and Borrower. <br />"ubject It) !he pro\-i";H.m, ('.f pM <lgf~lrh ~ '7 her,,:,)l. An (iy.','Il:ln!S ,ind d~n'emcnti, ..,f B<'rr\)wi.~r ,hall he jilin! and several. <br />The captions ~md hcaJinf:\ t,f the P:tr:I.'!.Liph, <'f ihi'i \L'r!~;l!;"" :!rc fi~r ,-'\,!l\'Cllil'lk..... ,_mly :\lhl ,In:" nN If' he used to <br />interpret or define the onwhl"'''''; ht'rc,}! <br />'14. Notice. E\i..'~rr ff'r anv nP!1r.::: ,-,:..",i:l;,l :indt:'f' .'i'pli..,~t~f,' l.n_, :1' (\\: giv~..n in ;1nnrhcr manner. fa; any notice L <br />Borrower rf<._"1v;d<;.~d ft)j in Ihi<; ~"~'H!.~;jFe d",ll hI.-' ~;:j, ,'Ii h i1J;(;!ill;.:' \lh.:h nDW,:t' hy ..:crtlficd m:liJ addrcs<.;cd 10 Borrov,-er at <br />the Property AddrC''-i<'; ,Ii .i! sw:h ~'lhef ,\dd~'..',... ;\;-i B\\it-"<.\l'f 111.1\ Ik'ii::n.lll,' n\ IhHi~c to f.coder ;1<: pwvidcd herein, and <br />(h) 3n\' !lotict.' ;:~, L.....-nder ,h,ili h{' ~i\'..T h,. ....:ndi...-d n1,11l 'I:l::r" rt~,:~'q'! rt'4U~"'led, h) I endcr'" adJrc.';'\ staled herein or to <br />..uch ,'!lhcr addre"", _.0; ll'n.der Pl,!\ dl"It'.n;llt' h\ ,1e'I!,!.," f:h~n;\\\,-'r d"> pr,~\!d{"d h(:n.;l1'. .\nv nnti.:c provided f(lr in this <br />M(H"fg~i~e -'in;l!! he de~mt'd !(\ h~IY~' h.'to !tit::n !t-, B"!T(!\\,~i d! ll.:fl&,'[ '.~r":n .!:;l\'('n in the manner designated herdn. <br />15. Cniform ;\1urtltage~ GtJ\t'rnin~ I.:l\~: SeH'rabUih. n~i'" !('-frn :1: nwngagc \.."J,,)mbincs unifNm \.'(WCllant.. for national <br />use and non-ulliflHl'n (:('\cn;-tn!\ \\nb hmHt',i '.ifidlh1n\ h\ ;(lr~",L..__th)n I" ~~In,tl!\!tc a uniform <;Ci:Ufll\' instrumenl covering <br />real pf(\pt.'Ft~ fhi, \-hlrtg~t~(' ~h;dl h: ~\l'.~n1C\.i by dlt.: 10\\\ IhL' !un...",hi.:fll'f1 ill \-l,,-hich the Propert\' i" ioeated. In the <br />covent that any pr\wis1;,'o t'lr "iau't.: ,li :ht... \h~n:,:,'I.!.!'" to[ l"'C ""'.'!t.' cl,/)Jli..t"> \\'Ih ,q1pJi-.:ahle law. sllch contlicl "hall nOI -affect <br />other pH.wl'\ioo' \if lhi.. \h~rt~~1~C' ,)r the '('l~' \\ bk'h ~-,ln ;~c ::i\-"_l) ~:lk\..t wilht"lur The cnnHicting provi..ion. ~md h' this <br />end lhe provi..k'\HS l,f lhL' ~h\rtga!!-t.' ;lnd th"c '-",((' .in:: ..jl,~\.:LH('d t,. he "t'vaahk. <br />16. BolTO'Wu's COP)'. BOITl.i'.\(,f ..h:dl h" tUflmhl'd ,I ,,-',\n!l.lnlh'd '-,'ry _If' th\.' 't'le Jnd (If fhi.. Mortgage at rhe time <br />llf cxci;utiQn nr ~\ftl.'r rc;,;(xdution ht;'I~J,)L <br />1"1. "fraaqer of the Pro~~; A.ssumplio-n. fl :dl :Ir ;111\ p;u.! pf the Property ,'f' ~m interest therein is ,,(lId or transferred <br />by Borrower without I.t:ndcr's pflor \'dHte-n ~"'thcnl. r.,...d~Jdin!! i,l! ~b: (f1..",11r011 uf .1 lien or encuml:'trancc ~ubordinate to <br />this Mortgage, {h} the ;.:reation ,.f ,1 flUr\:ha:.(' !1h'tlCy ...-:;.:\!r:!~ ~nkr\:...! ('If th1H<;ehoIJ appbances. It") <i transfer oy devise. <br />descent or by \.'tpera[ion of la\\ \lpon the death \.,1' ;1 1\\HH !l:nall! ;'f j' 'k~ @fl H[ ~ f . A,- Ii ukrhj i'fHll'fIlllt pi tl nrD :'V~ f.l l1'r hJ:fl <br />. . .~'.. ''-( 'r ~ ..,-~~ Lender ma)-, ilt l.t'nder'.. \'ptlufi, ell! the '>um... secured hv this Mortgnge- to be <br />Immediately d~ and payable. Lender ..hall n;l\t' \~',j!\'t'J "-11<.:11 ,)ptlon to ~lcl..~i.'lcnIC d. prior h) the ,::tIe or transfer. Lender <br />and the person to whom the Pro-pen}' j" In ~e ;,;old \lr tran"t...rred rca\;h ;igreemcnt in wriw1g that th~ .:redit of ~llch person <br />is sati:\facIQTy to l.ender i:l!ld th",t the lntereq p;,t~;jh!t.. ~~n the "om.. "t:~Hrcd h~ lhis ~'fiJnf!.agc ....h:tll hJ.: i1t such rate as. Lender <br />shall request. If Lender has wa1\'eJ the \'pnnn W ;l.(';l."krah' provided \'1 Ih", paragraph 17. and if Bt'lrrower'" s.uccessor in <br />intere$t ha~ executed a written ;i~sumption ;!grt'e01ent <i..:cep-Ied in writlllg hy 1,,codeL Lenl.ler ",hail Borrt)\\,cr (rom all <br />obligahons under thi~ Mortgage and the Note. <br />If Lender exercises ,;;u(,h option to accelerate. Lendcr ,1MB f11iii! B...,rro\ nOlH.:c ,1f ,I~(eler;l!ll"n in ,1.L'cordance with <br />paragraph i4 hereof Such notIce ,h~l1 pn:wtde ,-; pt:ri~1d ,:,f lW! 1':5'0 lhan ~{) day" iwm the date Ihe notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower may pay the ,,-ums de,..:lared due fj B{'fH'\\C-r Lid.. fiJ ray su..--h 'iUms pflor 1(1 the e\piration \.If ..;,uch peril1d. <br />Lenoor may, Without (-urthe_r notice nr demand ~)jf l'h'lf[o\H'f. !H\fILc ~!I1~- f~l11t.:dies !'ern-Hued r.y paragraph I ~ hereof. <br /> <br />NON~UNlfOlt.M COVE!'<i~~lS_ Bt)ffOWCI' ~wd i t.~ndcf further I,,:,\vcnant dlH.i Jgree <;~ t'ollow~ <br />1...' Ac-cdttatioB; Rnnedie8. Eu-ept as pro\iided in puracrapb 17 hereof. upon Borr{)wt:'r~s bt~a,,'b of any covenant or <br />.......... of -Borrower in fbls MongSRt:. indudin: 1M- l'o<'n~'nllltl\ to PS)- \\-hc-n due an)' slinll'li secured b)' this MortM8Ke. <br />I..... pdot.. M<<1enIDoa sl1all luaU notice to Borrowf"l' ~ prmidt'u in pantttraph 14 hereof o;-p<<-ifying: (1) the hrea-e:b; <br />(1)." attlett ~.o ('Uft !Ouch tm:-.dl; (3) . date.. not It'Stlo than 30 da)'~ from the- date the uotH.:t'- i.. mailed to BorroW1!'r. <br />lly.wWdt _.. ...."".. _ be ,'om!: aod 141 that failur. to <ure 'OKlo ...."".. 00 ,or bofor< tho d.t. 'p..-ified in lito nolk. <br />fila)' 1'ftWt-. ~...tkm 0' the SUIlt,\ s'tt'\lm b) Ihhi: .\-1nrtltaaf'. for<<lofiure b)" jmUdal prol...~ding and ...Ie of the Prope.rty. <br />1lte ~ .... flll'thH igfonn Borrow~.r uf .he- riJbt H}. R'inst.'e after lI{'C'C'ltratwu and Ibe- ri)tbt to b.!rtert iu the fU~.OMIre <br />......... die RUtl-es:~ of a "'anlt or an\' n.her defense ur Barrowc-r to 3t:-('ekraHon and foreelmUTe. If rlw bUlk'" <br />h.-.... ~ Oft or- Wo<<: the .. ,pecilkd in 1be qutic~~ f..~nder at Lender~.. optton Play de-t..lal'e aU of tM !iUIWi /J\ecttrt'd by <br />............. ... k 1-..llat<4y "... """ ","y.bIo wlthu"t f"nh.. _.mI .11<1 nmy I""",...,. hy lll<lidol p.....OflIiRl!. tend.. <br />....... ddiied to coIM('C ttt ~1U:h -p~'~ all t''lpt"JfIlieS of r~~r~dU!ii"rr. iDt"fudiq. bHt not Hndte-d 10, t.:~ of do(':uRwntar)' <br />..w....,.. ....._... _ Iilk ,......... <br />.,~ BotnJwd~ JtidU hi Rriftfihfh~> 'i-I'!wl-th'Handmg f ~ll-(k'(" .1(td('H!lWfl -"f 11)1:. <,ntm <,t'l..'Uft'd h.... Ih;,,- Ml)rlga~\'. <br />lk>>'fO"'~.r- "h:an h..\<'C tlW- ri~t t.> h~~'-e any ptv<,,>('\.--dm~... hq~un hv \ .:-wjer h~ c-nk'h:.c lhh MVHF.;l~\' di'\.(t,rHlml<?d "~,I ,m\ lnJl( <br />