<br />I
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS.. Borrower and Lender covenant nnd "gn..~ ilS follows: 83-00 6666 .
<br />
<br />t. Pa~m~ 'Of Prindpal and Interest. Borrower shaH promptly polY wh,cn due the principal of and .interest on the
<br />lItdchtedm~~ cVfucnccd by the Note. prepayment and laic charges as provided 111 rhe Note. and the. principal of and interest
<br />on any Future t\dv.mccs sccnr<.-d by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Z. Funds for Taus _ ~"""lI<e, Subject to applicahle law or to a written waiver hy lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to LemJer ()~ fhe d:IY monthly In~tanme-nt~ of prmclpal and jn((~rcsl arc payable under the Note, until the Notc is paid-in fun~
<br />a sum (herem, "Funds"') equal (0 one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and asscs!'ments which may auain priority over this
<br />Deed of TnI~t. and ground rcnt~ on the Property. if any, plus oiltHwelfth of yearly premium installment!'; for hazard, in.'mrance,
<br />plus ..me-twelfth of yearly premturn installment!; for mortgage in,ur~ncc. if any. ull U5 reasonably c$timatcd initially and from
<br />time hJ {~me by Lender on the basis of assessment!; and hills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />. The. Funds shall be held in an lI1ltitution the deposits or accounl!\ of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Pederal-or
<br />,tate agency {including Lender if under is such an institution,. Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes~ as.~sments~
<br />m~ur.UlCC premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge (or so holding aod npplying the Funds, analy.ong 5aid account
<br />or verifying ~lOd compiling said asseuments and hills, lInle.~'" Lender pays Borf(lwcr interest on_ the-Funds. and applicahle law
<br />permits '_curler to muke such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of -execution of this
<br />Deeo of Tn(j:t that inlcreU on Ihe Funds; 'ihall he paid to Borrower, and UnIC!i.s; sllCh agreement is made or applicable la~
<br />requires such imerest to be paid. lender shalt not be requm:d to pay Rom)\\o-cr ,lilY interest or earning!- on the Fund\. lender
<br />shaH give-to Ror~-.Qwcr, without charge. an annual il(."Counting of the Fund", s.howing credits and dcbil!'l to the Funds- and the
<br />purpose for which each dehit to the Fund, was made. The Fund. are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />h\' this Dc,cd of Trust.
<br />. If the aruount of the Funds held hy l.ender. together with the tuWTC- monthly installments of Funds payable- prior to
<br />the due- dales of la~-cs.. a!\SC~ment~. insurance premiums and ground rents. s:h-aU C'xcccd the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />ilssessmcnts. insurance p-remium$ and ground fcnls as. they fall uuc. ~uch eXCess shall he. at Bo-rrower's option. either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Fund'ii, If the amount of the Funds
<br />held hy Lender shall not be suflicient in pd.)' lones. asse.{j;s.ments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall' due,
<br />Borrower shall pay It) lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within :30 days from the dale notice is mailed
<br />hy lender to Borrower .....uesting paymen' 'hereof.
<br />UpCln payment in full of all sums: secured by this Deed of Tru,l. I.ender 'ihaJl promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lcnde:r. If under paragraph l8 hereof rhe Propert~ I'\- s.old or the Pro~rfY IS otherwise acquired by Lender. lender
<br />'ihall apply. no later than immediately prior tH the sale ot the Propcny or its acquisition by lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lende... at the time of application as a credit against the sum'\ secured hy thi!li Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unk-s.<l applicablc lav. provide", otherwlsc. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note ami par"graph'lj; I and:! hereof shall he applied hy I.c-ndcr first In payment of amounts: payable to L~nder hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the NOfe, lhen 10 the princip:,' of the Notc. and then to inlerest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. C~; 1.1e.... Borrower ..hail pay all taxes. ;J!o,s.cssmt:nl.. and Ilthl'r i;harg;es. fines. and Impositions allributablc 10
<br />the Property which may altain a pr-ionty over this. Deed of Truit. and leasehold payments or grcund rents. if any. in the
<br />manner provided undeT paragraph 2 hereof or, if nor paid in '\llch munncr, oy Borrower making payment, when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower -"hall promptly furms.h 10 I.~ndcr all nofU:c:-. or amollnt'i due under Ihis paragraph. and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make paymcOI diro:tly, Borrowcr 'i.hall promptly furnls.h 10 I cnder rt.'CClpts evidencing slIch payment!..
<br />Borrower ~hali promptly discharge any lien which has pnorHv over (hilt De\'~ 01 frma: proVided. that Borrower !'hnU not he
<br />requlred to di'\chargc any sut:h licn .;.(\ h'ng a.. Uorrower "haU agrc~ in \\-rill"!! Itl the payment of the ohligution secured by
<br />'lOch lien In ~l manner :u:ceplilblc h' lender. lH ",hall If} ~oOlI faith ~ontcs( ,u("h lien hy. or defend enforcement of such lien in.
<br />legal f.roceedingS which operate tll prcvcnI the cnlort':emel1t l)! the !tel1 or hlrfciturc of the ProperlY or any par. thereof.
<br />. H.anI Jnsvl1UK'e. Borrower shall k<<p the Improvement.. now c'I',;{mg or hCrc-.1fter en....ded on the Property insured
<br />JIt3in\. lo:\.'\ by tire. haTa.rd~ il1c1uded ;>iHhm Ihe lerm "c-\(cnucll i;\wCragc". ,md ,Ul..h (lther hazurds as l.ender may require
<br />t-lnd In :mch amoull(~ :md for ,t1l:h pcrwds '-1\ i.enlk:r may rcqUlrl'; pnwltkd rhal Lemler "ih.dl not fClJUlrc lhat the amount of
<br />s.uch coverage e:4.cccd thai amounl of ,,:uvcr;.tgc rcqlllrcd 1(\ l..ay Ihe "i11lH', "'coll'cd hy thiS Deed (\1" Trust.
<br />The insurance- carrier providing the in\urance shaiJ be ...'ho~n hy Hnrr()\\,cr sunlcet 10 approv;ll hy Lender: p:rovidetJ.
<br />that such approval shall not be unreas.otutbly withheld, All premiums on insurance policies shoJi he paid in the manner
<br />provided under parapllpb ! hereof or. if not paid in such manner. hy Borrower making payment, when due. directly to the
<br />insurance carrier~
<br />All tmurlm:e policie~ and rene-wals thereot shall ~ In form a":l.7cptabfc hI I_entlcr and "ihall mchldc a standard mortgage
<br />clause tn favor of and in form acceptable- 10 l.ender, Lcnder ...hall have the r1l,:ht to hold the poJicicli ,lnd renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrower shall pr()mptly furnls.h to Lender .tll n:ncwal noUn.... .md .lll n.xcipts of paid premiums. In the event of IOSoli.
<br />Borrower shaH giye prompt nOIlCc-!() the IIlSUl"ancr ""ilrrlcr and t .coder. l.cuder mOlY make proof of loss' If not made promptly
<br />hy Borrower.
<br />Unle$., l.ender and Borrower otherWise i1gl'l~ in .....ntll1~. Hlsuran,,:.: pru\.'ct.-ds ,hall he applied to rC\IOralion or repatr ('If
<br />lhe Property damated. provided s.uch resloratiul1 nr rcp.ur I' !:lllJ1umu;..iJly lca..ihlc ,inti the SCt.:llflty of Ih,,,, Deed of Trust is
<br />not thereby Impaired. If such restoraClon or fCplUf is not economil.:ally ft::aslhlcnr It the 'ic..:unty 0' this Deed of Tf'.ISI would
<br />be impaired. the Insuratl~e proceeds shall be appJied to Ihe 'ionm.. :'lc\..ured hy Ihl' Deed of Trust. With the C\l'CS'i. If any, paid
<br />to 8ofTClW'eI'. If the Property ~" abandoned by Borrower. tlf It HOHowcr f;.uh to lestlt,HW to Lender withm :\0 days from the
<br />dlle notit.'C is nlaited by lender to Borrower th.H {he Ills-uran..:c ..:atflcr l){fers to scule it dUlm for lo:mram:c hcnefits.. Lender
<br />is authorized to ccllect and apply .he inluram.'c l)rlKeed"i at Lcnder'~ n~llion ell her to T\."Storallon or repair of the Property
<br />or to the so,," secured by thIS Deed (If TnI'l.
<br />Un!eu Lender aAd BomMer otherwise agree in Writing. any !!ouch apphcatuJn ot proceeds to principal shall not ex.ten~
<br />Of postpone the due date ot the monthl)' inslal~menls retcrred 10 In .paragraphs I and 2. hereof or change the amount 01
<br />such installments. If under parngaph I K hercol the Property l!!o ~u.:qUH"ed hy tender, all fight. tille anu interest of Borrower
<br />in and t() aoy insurance policies and III and to tbe prO(eeds Ihereof n:-Suhi.ng !rom dama~ 10 the Property prior to the sale
<br />or acquisition shan pass 10 Lender 10 the c)l.tent o{ the sum! ~e(;urcd by thl'" Oe4.-d of Trust immediately prior to such sale or
<br />ac:quisilioll.
<br />6. P_.......... ~ of Property; le~ C.........luE<l; PInned Unil De..l4pments. Borrower
<br />shaU keep thl! Property in gOOll repau and shall not ,"omml! waste t"lr pcnllll IInp.llfll<<:nt (lr lIctcrior~llilln of the Property
<br />and shall comply with the provi_sions of any lease if this Deed nf Trust j-!'o on a leasehold, If this. Deed of Trust i) on a unit in a
<br />condominium or a planned untt developmenl. Borrower shall periorm all 01 Borrower's obligations under the declarl;'tion
<br />or COvenanbi crea1lna or IOvcmjnc. lhe condominium or planned uml development, Ihe by~law5 and regulations of the
<br />condomimUOl Of planned unit devdopment, and consh.l~nt documents. _ If <1 condtlminium or planned unit development
<br />rider is ex.eculed by Borrower and recorded lopther WJth this [)eed of 1 mll. the covenants and agreements of .such rider
<br />shall be incorporatod into and. shall amend and .supplement the. ,-"'O\'enunb and agreements of this DcetJ f.ll fruM as If the rider
<br />_re a put hereof.
<br />7. ......... of r..e.Ier't Sfttuity. If Borrower (ails to pedorm the covenants and agreement\ contained in Ihi~
<br />Doed of Trust. or if any action Of proceed~nl is com~fKed whkh materially affecb Lender's inlcn.":st Iii Ih~ Property.
<br />indudintt but not limited to. eminent dornam. insofvenC)., code enforcement. or arrangements or ptf.\Cecdinss II\volving Ol
<br />baakru.pt or ~ then Lender at Lender's option, upon nolice_lo Borm.wet. may make such appearances., dishurse slU::h
<br />SUIM and ~ke such action as is necessary 10 protect lender's \Ote~t. mdudjng. hut not limited to, dlsburse~nt of
<br />~ al~'s fea and entry upon the Property to milke repaiu_ If Lender req~ired mo~t,age insu~an,:e as a
<br />coodi_ of mUina the. loan secured by thIS Deed of Trust, Borrower ,hall pa~ t~ premIums reqUIred to maIntain such
<br />'....... in died UDti.i sU$:h limo as- lk requu'cment for :SOCfl IItSUf3n,c terrnmates in accoroance wtth Borrower's and
<br />l..cadar'$writteR ..- or applicable law. Bornlw.r shall pay the amou,." of all mortll"8" IDsura",~ premiums in the
<br />__ pnwidcd undot pa......ph 2 hereof. . .
<br />AII)' altlOUDla dilbunod by tender poI.....nt to ,hi. para.,.ph 7, wllh interest thereon. shall become add'llonal
<br />I~ u11lotfower secured by this Deed of Truot. Unla..s Borrower and Lender "grce to olher terms of payment, such
<br />._ dtllllbe payable up.m noti.... from Lender to Borrower req"",,'ing payment ther""f, ond shall hear Inlere,t Ir.om lhe
<br />daIa of dIoboI_, al tha ralc payable from time 10 time 0" outslandm. prinCIpal under ,he Nole IInless payment of Int.reol
<br />at lIUdt .... would bio eOtlltat)' to appliul>le law, in whkh event su.;h amounts. .hall hear mien,,,. at the hjgheot rate
<br />,*millihleundot applicable law, Nothiltl ""'tamed in th.. P'lralraph 7 shall requlfc L.odef '0 IDCUt any expense or take
<br />aay actioo hertuodtrf.
<br />.. .........~ tendt:f' may make, Of caUl<< to be m~ reuumtbk': entries ~rpo" anti 1O'r<<-H(In~ of th~ Propt!rty, pro\lidc.d
<br />'hallA-ode. than 'tve 8an-owcr ootlCC pnur to any -W\:ft iMipe\:.Uun )pc-LltYHl& reas.onable \:-'lU-:'!C thcrdut rdated to tender s
<br />,_.. ,It the l'\'1loe<<v.
<br />