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<br />I <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />, . . . 83-JHi6666 <br />. 9. (~ndentnarion. ~hc pnx:ccd'\ \'( an)' award or c1aml ft.'!r damagc\. direct Of consequenlial. in connection with any <br />\.:ondemnatlon or other takmg of the Property, or parr thereof. or (or (."onveyancc in lieu of condemnation, arc herehy assigned <br />and shall be paId 10 Lender. <br />. In the event, of a total. taking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with t~e excess. ,If a~y: paid to Borrower. In, the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />ot~erwlse agree 10 wrltmg! there ~haJl be apphed to the sums secured hy Ihis Deed of Trua~ such proportion of the proceeds <br />as I~ equal to that p~portlon which the amount or the sums sc.:ured by (his DI..-ed of Trust immediately prior to the date ot <br />la~lDg hears 10 the faiT market value of Ihe Property immediately prior to the uate of taking. with the halnnce of the proceeds <br />paId 10 Borrower. . <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after mltice by Lenucr to Borrower that the condemnor otters to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails 10 respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. lender is authorized 10 l:ollect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Properly or 10 the stlms secured by Ihis Deed of Trusl. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwis.c agree in writing, nny such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />~:c~,::~:;.,~~ets~ue date of the monthly inslallmenlS referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />10. Borrow" Not Rrleued. Extcn~ion of the time for payment or modificalion of amortization- of the sums secured <br />hy Ihis Deed of Trust granfed by I.cnder 10 any SUCccs.~or in interest of Bormwer shall not operate to relense, in any manner, <br />the liahility of the original 8orrower and Borrower's successors in intereSL Lender shall not be required to commence <br />,proceedings ~'gajnst such successor or refuse 10 extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured oy this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made oy the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Forbearance by I"eader Not a Wai\'t'r. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise afforded hy applicable law. shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercisc of any suCh right or remedy, <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes Dr other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of lender's <br />right 10 accelerate the maluri-ty of the indebtedness secured by rhis Deed of Trust. <br />1%. Remedln CumulJlti\'e. An remedies provillcd in this Deed of Trust arc distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />or rc~y under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may he exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successively. <br />13. Successors and AssiRns Bound; Joint and Srvera' l.iability; (:aptlons. The co\'enants and agreements herein <br />t:ontainetl shall hind. and the rights hereunder ~hall inun~ to, lhe respectivc Slh:CC~SOrs and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />subjecl (0 the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All c\wcnanls and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust :'Ire for convenience only and are not (0 be used to <br />interpret or define the provisions. hereof, <br />14. Nofke. Except for any notice reqUired unller applicable iaw to be given in another manner, (a) any notice 10 <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing stich notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the- Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may design.lIe hy notice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />(b) any notice 10 I.ender shall he given hy certified mail. return reccipi-" requested, to lender's address stated herein or to <br />such other address. as Lender may designate by notice 10 Borrower a'i provided herein, Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed 10 have been given ro Borrower ur l.em.ler when given in Ihe manner designated herein, <br />15. Uniform Deed of l'~t; Governina; Se\'rrabilit~,. rhlli form of deed of trust combines uniform covenanls for <br />national usc and non.uniform covenants Wilh limiled variation~ hy JUrisdiction 10 constitute a uniform security instrument <br />covering real properl)', This Deed of Trust ...hall he governed t'1y lh~ law of the jurisdiclion in which the Property is located. <br />In the C\lcnt th:.,t any provision or clause of this Deed of Tru1l,1 or the Noh: t:onflicls with applicahlc law. such conflicl shall <br />nut affecl other provisions of this Oecu of Trust or the Notc which t,.<all he given effect wirhout Ihe contHcling provision. <br />and to Ihis end Ihe provisions of Ihe Deed of Trust and I he Noll' .lrl..' declared In ~c severable. <br />16. Bonowe:r's Copy, Borrower shall PC funu<ihed ;\ conformed \-:opy of the Note and of this Deed of Trusl at the lime <br />oj execution or 3fter recordation hereof <br />17. Transfer (I' the Propert)'; Assumpdon. If all ,If ;my pilrt of the Prl'pcrty or an intcrest therein is sold or transf....,...rt <br />hy Borrower withoul Lender's prior wriltcn consent excluding (~I) the creation of il lien or cncumhrance suhordinatt. .~I <br />1~~~rO~yTo~~t~~~ ~!rl~:~~~ ~)~ea ~~~h~t~ ';:~~'~i~~~c~:r:~;' til:~crfst :"nr hn~Sch~)lf apfJ;fd~~~~ (c: :If l::~.s:~r.~Yl devlls~; <br />~., iiRI.iniRl!I OM rf r' r 1 L. I.ender m3\', ;If I cnJcr-; nplloll, declare alllhe sums secured hr Ihis Deed of Trusllo he <br />immetJialely duc and payahle. lender :-h;11I h;wl: \\-al\\:l.l _"III..-h .lpt1l11l 1\1 ;\l:cc!crulc iL prior tn che sale or Inlnsfcr. Lender <br />and lhe persoll 10 whom Jhe Property IS to he MllJ or IL.ln"CCffCu rcai:h .l~reemcnt in wriling thai the credit of such person <br />is satisfactory to Lender ;mtl thai the intcr~t p-ay.lhlc nn Ihe ..llIll.. ..c~urcd h\' Ihis Deed of Trust shall he at such rate as <br />I.ender sh.tU request. If Lender ha!> v.'aivcd rhe (ll'li,--lO 10 ;H~l.;clcralL" proVided in this parl1graph 17. and if Rorrowers successor <br />in inlen,''S1 h3:'lo executed a wnHen as~umrlitln agn..~IJ1c-1l1 OIl.."ccplcd 11) wnting hy I,ender. Lender shalf release Borrower from <br />all obligations under this Deet.! of Trusl Olnd Ihe Note <br />If Lender exercises ~uch oplion h) .H:\,:dcr.HC, l.ender ..hall m;1I1 BOfnw,'cr nOlice of acceleration in accordance with <br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such nollce ..hall proVlfJC " pcrif~1 of IIpl It:.... lh;m W da)~ from the dale the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower may pay ihe SUIUS "'cd;:trt.~t.1 ouc. II RlH.,Il\\:t,./ 1:111'0., Iii pa) ..u.:h Mlm... pnor to the cxpir.Htlll1 of such period, <br />Lender may, without further notice ('Ir demand (m Horro'WcI, in\\lk.c am rcnlt~Utc!o. ('lCrmillct.I oy paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NON.UNIFOItM COVENANTS, Borrower ilnu Lender lurthcr ,:ovtnilnl ;t1td ;:Igrce as tollows: <br />18, ACt"e'NontiG::; Remedies. .:xcept as pro\'ided in para,:nlph 11 hN~of. upon Borrower's breJH:h of ahY CO\lenant or <br />aaree.-enl of IIorrowtf in .hls Ilffd of Tru,lri'. indudinf,t the .'O\'f'nants 10 pal when due any sums secured by this Deed <br />of TI1ISt. t.e....r prior 10 Keele-ration lIhall maD n..du- to Borr"",'t'r ItS pro\'ided in pal' 14 hueor spedfyilll: (I) the <br />......h: (2) 1M .<l1oe .-.quirtd to ,'ur' ",,'h b",.ch; 131 . da't, nol I,..., Iban .\0 d.ys from Ihe da.e th. notice is m.lled 10 <br />.......-. by whkh sach bfto<h must ... cured; and (4) thaI failur. 10 ..... such b.....h on or "'fore the d.te ."""Ifled <br />I" 1M nolke may result in ..cmralion of I'" sums SKured by Ihis uf Trusl and sale of lhe Property. The noli.. <br />shall furtht.. inform Borrower of the right to ",iMlate- after 3c('cleraUon Bnd Ihr 'ifth. to brinR B court IIction to assert <br />the ~JlisteltM of . or an}' other def-rnse Oll Borro,,"'I.'''- '0 accelt'Tatlon and sale. IF the bnach is not cured <br />OR or befOft 'M dat~ specified in the Dolice, Lemle-, at I~..der'.. op.ion m.y declare all of the sums ,,~cu~ by .hls Deed <br />of T.... to "'Immedialely due .nd p.yallk witboul furt"'r demand .nd m.y In.ok. Ihe pow.r of sale and any other remedies <br />.......Illed by .ppIkahle law. I..nder ...all ... entllled 10 mllrd all r.....08bl. cosl. and in,ulTed In punullll Ih. <br />re--'Ies pro.1ded I. IhIo panenpb 18. Indudl"ll. but not Iimit.d lu. "'''''08ble .lIorney's f.... <br />If the po"'~r of sale is ia,'oked, Trustee shall r<<ord _ no'ice uf dd8UU in each ",'ount)" in which the Property or some <br />paIt lMftof is located uti sIutIf mall .opIes of su.h nolke in Ihe manner pr....rlbed by applicable I.w 10 Borrower .nd 10 Ihe <br />nClou........... p.....rlbod hy appIkable law. Afle' I'" Ia~ of ",.h lim. .... may'" required by ....p1k.b1. law, Trust.. .haIl <br />Ill..., peWk MIke of .... 101M pe....... .nd In 1M m.nner pr....rl...d by applk.b1e law. 'hustee. wilhool dem...d on <br />.........u. slaoII..1I the I'n>perly .1 publk: .udion tu Ih. hiahesl bidder .llhe Iim. .nd p1..e .nd under Ihe t.rms deslgnattd <br />ill the IIOtke of sale In OM or more parcels aod in 5ut=b order.. Tntstt"e may determine. m8,.. postpone sale of all <br />01' ..y pan:d of the I'n>perly by publk .n....uIKe_nt at I'" li_ and pl... of .ny pr.viously ..htduled ..Ie. Lender or <br />IA........ ...._ May ,.....hMe the p......rty at any..... <br />U_ receIpc of pay_ of I'" prl<e bid. TruIl<< shall dell..r 10 .... pun:h_r Trusl<<'. d.... ,0\J..yll1Jl Ihe ....operty <br />...... 11M -'WI mlhe T........ deed ohaIJ ... prima f.... ..Iden.. of I'" lruth of I'" ...Ie....nts made therein. Trustee <br />.... ....y the pnoeeeok of .... .... fa the follow", ordtr: {.llo .n .._bIe .ost. .nd of Ihe sal.. Indudllll, but <br />_1IaIted .... 'f_'. 1_ of not _ I..... 11 Z 0 f 1 % of 1M .r..... .... prke, ......n.bIe .lIn....y.. fees ..d ...... of <br />liIIe~: (b) to all _ by tbis Deed of Tnasl; uti ('llhe .......If .ny. 10 Ihe person or penons leaaOr .ndtled <br />........ <br />I'. .Ierrow~r'. RJa!it to Rdru.ate. Notwtthstandina Lendcr'~ act:derlltion 01, the \tlm.. s.c\."urcd hy fhls Deed l~f Trust. <br />Borrower ,haU have the fl,M Co have .Ill)' proceedings negun hy Ll~nt.ler h\ enforct' this Deed or 1"1"11".1 dts,collllnucd III <br />any lime priO-r to the earlier 10 occur of (j) the fthh day before Ihe !>:tle of Ihe Property pursuant 1(\ the fX'\I>cr of sale conlalllcd <br />in this Deed of Tn-l$t t~r (ii) enuy of. judgment enfordng this Deed of Tmsl If: (a) (lorrow,cr pay.. Lemler ~\II sum~ whldl wOl1h.~ <br />he then due m<<$ef thu. (.>cell to}f 1 rltst, the NQlc tt(Ues .~~t.:unng FUlun: Advance"-, If an)'. had no a'-'i.-c1CnltlOfl (x-c~lrrcd. <br />tb) 8OtfV",'Cf 4-Ufe:\. aU breaches (11 a-ny uther (:{1\'cnan.... Of" ,lgrccnH:Hl';. of Bon~l\ l.'(lntnmco Hl thts tlt.'cd o( Trust: <br />(c) Burnlw~f pay.. aU rC4I\OllaNe t:"ipensc,> incurT('J by L("ndt.'r ..nd Tflt'ICC in cnf....runll Ihe Ct'\.Ct\<tnt.. ;1IH.I ;t~rl'l'nh:nh !.If <br />Bon\ (Hfl..uocd ilt !tw. Deed (If Trmt U:ntJ Itl cn(on.:ing f endcJ'" ,lad TrU\i.lcc'.. H'mcdit:"$ u" prm-h.1cJ fn pMllgraph I R <br />h-cr~ol, hwJudm~~ hut not htnlltd h1, I (-'u..ouabk: .aft(llnCy'.. fl.."c,>, .mu hll HHfr-Owcr I~llic}, \u,"h ih..llt"Hl a.. I t,'"mkr m.t~' fc.Nm.lbly <br />rt'q-U1f\: tp a~"Uf~' tn.t the lu::o {If Hm_ f.lccd ("\( Tru...1. l.en-d~f'" Inkn.....1 In th(' Pmrcny .H1\.1 R~ln\l\H'I"\ ,'hligilfh\1\ hi p;l~ <br />