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<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />a?S'PEJIDOFTlUJS'!';s madelhis,.. . .,!~ t;~l, , , ,., '.' . . , .. ' .d~Of. n. .~!,.c.~~.b.~r:.<.. ." '<::i<'
<br />19... .,aJ'AllllgthoT~ort., .P.l:!t.,~ t. ,~~n'!l~.~, !'.I!~. ,I::j.!1.t!~. ,r" ,. .<?r.t.IlJ?'P.,. )1."~P.l\~lt. ./.,..:. .
<br />ahd:wife,.. .. .('" . ."D_~_.") Fir st Nation"'. "~n,""'''..l,.",
<br />1'" '" : 'C ... ..d" r' '.. . .. ., ,. .. .. . . .. . .. ..Clem uu,,""~ ... . , ,......... .."H.""""":"",,,,.,
<br />. :~:~~. ..~:n~~!l.Y... ~..~;>.r:?~.~. . '. . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . '.' ... .(lIerein "Tioustec')) .andt~l>IJ~~'
<br />r:'!-F."!1;-, .tf~F.:i:~!1!l).. J~l!~J<. .?P.4. :r.r: \I 11.1< , 9.Ql!1p,lWY. .+11. .~\1.r.Qr.a......" a~tionOfganj~d!a~~
<br />~lJngunderlbeJaWSof,tf.1~. .lJ!l.iS~.4. ;:;.1;H.~l? .q~. AIlJ~.r.i,Ci'1....., Whoseaddressis.UOl..1Z.tb:c~ti~
<br />t::. ... .~.~~. ;3,~?~. .~!1.r.l?r.a. t , .N,~!>... . ~~.~n~. . .. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. . . . (horein"Lender")., .
<br />
<br />BOllllOWI!Il, in conskteratiOllof lhe indebtedness herein recited and lhetrus! hereincreated;irrevocablY"g(l!nlS
<br />and conveys 10 l:ustee, in trust. willi power of sale, the following described property located: in' IhcCoonty'of.
<br />.. . . . . . .. . . . . . "! 1.1 . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. Stale of Nebraska: .
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot Three (3), Moseman Subdivision in the Village
<br />of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />
<br />\
<br />
<br />which has lhe address of. . . :-. - :-:-. . .
<br />
<br />.. .Wop.d. Ri ve.I:,. .Neb.r.as.l<;a. b8883... . . .. .. .. .
<br />{Sl,",l {Cltyj
<br />
<br />. . . . . . . , .. ...... (herein "Property Address"):
<br />t__Z"'~1
<br />TOGt;nIEIl with all the Improven><..,,\) now or herellfler ,'",ct,'d 011 the properlY. 'lOd all casemenls. righls.
<br />llpIlUftCftatl<, rents ( subjeQ however to lhe rights and authorilil's gi""n herem 10 Lender 10 collcet and apply such
<br />feft\s), royalties. mineral. oil and gas rights and profits, W'.tter. water rights. and water slock. and all fixlures now or
<br />hereafter attadtedlQ the pmpert)'. all of which, including replacem,"'ls and addilions therelo. shall be deemed 10 be
<br />and t'efD!litl a pan of thepropert)' covered by this Deed of Trust: and all of the foregoing. logelher wilh saidpropcrly
<br />(or the leueboldestatc if this Deed of Trust is on nleasehold) nre herein referred 10 as the "Property";
<br />
<br />1....1;.
<br />lit
<br />
<br />6 To~gytoLendcr (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's nole daled. . D.e.cember
<br />1. . ~~.'.. . . . .:'(blreill "Note").inthe pril)cipul swn of. T.w~!l.t.y . .t.lH.e.fI . .t.llOJl.&111UI. alld. .fIO I.lOO.t.bs.
<br />:::-:--:'::-:-.-::-:-.-::-:-.-.-:-':"':-.-:-':"'.-.-::-:-.-::-:-.-:7... . Dollars. with inlerest thereon. providing for monthly inslallmenLs
<br />aI ~w illtereIt. with the balanc:e of the indebtedness. if nol sooner paid. due and payable on . . . . . . . . . .
<br />. . . . ..4.Iln.t,UU:.y. . 1.... . 21B 9. . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . ; the payment of all other sums. with inleresl then:on, advanced
<br />m~!llInMitb II) ~ the _udt)' of Ihis Deed 01 Trust; and the performance of the covenants nnd
<br />........lI>aI~IleteiIlCOlll4itled;and fb) IhcrepaYl1lCnt of any foture advanccs, willi intel'CSt lhereon. made
<br />1O,~b)tLendcrJlllllll/llllIQpafllII1lph211wrcof (herein "Future Adllal1Ccs").
<br />
<br />~~tW~ islawfull)'scilied oIthe'-'SlalC hereby cooveyed and bas lhe right to g!'ant and
<br />~* ~,d!at_.~rtY is.~beted. und thaI Borrower wiU W'UTlllll and tkfcnd generally the
<br />._lOthe ~ iIpiIlJtllll dlIilm lInddcmandl<, ",*c1 to any <kcl3ratiom. cascmentli. or resl.rictlons listed in II
<br />~ofu~ IO_-.e in an)' Iilk insuranee policy !n>urine l..ender', mlercst In Ihe ProperlY.
<br />
<br />"'8/82
<br />