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<br />._.-1._ <br /> <br />:::~2;'J:~_._ <br />, <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />83- 006651 <br />'~~' <br />;;;t_-__.l", , <br />, , ";It DIT10NAL TERMS <br /> <br />,~ <br />1 <br /> <br />~ t <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />PREPA l'MENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Even !bough' do "",have'" pay mme than the regular scheduled monthly payment. thaVe lhc:" <br />right to ~f the whole amount owing to fib: in fuU at any time or in part from time to time. If the lending institution or barik that buys'my-contract com utes theJinanc& <br /> <br />~t::.,c~=b."'kV=~~ru::JtJ:i:~e:'~=d::~~~ho~~~~,~~~lto:it::~i= <br />...estimates'_ on ll>e.....mption that you will receive each otthe palmlOn.. exactly on its due dale; and 1 know <br />isOO(lling '" rel'ulld if I am charged un a daily basis. If the lending inslllUtion... bank does not compu~ the finance charge claily,andifl pn;pay the w ,'''''O\lllt, yoq <br />will reftliid to me the uneamedportion of the fi_ charge(i_~lhc: accoun~ lmown as.the actuarial metOOd; and'die' --..t of my reb4Ie.vliltbi: <br />~'fI'~.h'.::. ':f,OO~~I~ ~ - of my monlhly payment nO! on the dales andamounlS of the prepayments thatI yo~. I know lIIala,tefund <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOncE ABOUT WARRANTIES: , <br />(a) We_SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSEOOR.IMPUED. OFME8CHAN'rl.o <br />BluN AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON AU. GOODS AND SERVlCE$U....ES$SEU.ER'FPRio <br />NlSHESBuYERWITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN UMITED WARRANTY OR.SERVlCE.CONTRACTMADEBrsEl. <br />LERON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br /> <br />(b) I have read, in de1ai1, the separak "LIMITED WARRANTY" which acrompanies !his conInICl. It ...~tllecoodilions and circumstances in which the....... <br />__ produas will be repaired.,.. replaoed.11llke notice of the Iimillltionsonthe warnmty, andl panicularly remgnize'hal/lnyimplied WllmIlllyw!licb appliesto:the <br />goods lasts only as lOng as the WlllTllllty or service contract. <br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I know that you have measured my house and imoponings so tbatyoucan._ theprodllCt:i to fit my particular ho11se. I. nolicethtit1llli <br />goods tbataremanufa<:tutc<< myspcciflC house probabIywiH .... fit anyotbe< _,and under suclt <:<mditiot1s, 1 know that I ClIllIlOtcanceltbiscontractatant_ <br />llfter the period of lime g;''<ln to me, by law. in which 10 cancel. After rhatlegal period of time. I know thaI I have theobligation 10 pay yon in full tlteamountOWlld. <br />OBUGA nONS PERTAINING 1'0 MY REAL ESTA TK: 1. I promise 10 keep my _scm good repair and to keep i. insured for SO'll> of its replacemenlvaiUe. <br />by boying 11 fuuDd e__ eov<ragc.insunmce policy. The insDfllllCC compony IoU" be approved by you, ..'1lI the policy ......... have a benefiCiary c1...... which says that <br />you are 10 be paid if there is a loss. The insurance c~y must agree that it win not caned my policy without fU'St telling you.. I authorize the~. ,~ CO~.' Yo.",~)' <br />you directly (.,.. lllIY lnos. You can choooc.o use this insuntnc<> payment 10 either repay any amounts I owe you.,.. to repair my house, 2.1 a1sopromisc'tbatlwin_allOW <br />:"l';;:'=~~~~l;;z...~:.~~ w~~o:;':~llell~~:~lr.r:se~~'::~~:s:.::=~~=:i~~=~~~~ <br /> <br />p<<?fIt1issioo< S. If I do not insw-e my house or fu~y other obJigauons to my real estate~ ~ )'Ou can de it for me if you want (but you do not have to). If-you dopay any <br />of lhe>c obligations fur me, I agree to pay you back on demand plus int...... al the highest lawful conlrltCt tab: of interest, Until I pay ynuback, these amounts will be added <br />to my debt to you whicb is secured by my real estate and house. J know that if you decide to buy insurance for me that you do not have to obtain any homeowner or liability <br />insurance. <br /> <br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: I promi5enot IOseU. Ieaseor give my house-to anyone until I bave fully repaid my -debr to you, <br /> <br />DEFA\.J'LT: )...ilI be indefau1t undcTthiscontnlct jf: <br /> <br />I. J don't make a payment when due; or <br /> <br />2:. I break an)' promise: I made to you m tins contract; or <br /> <br />3 Something else- happens which causes you to t<-hc_ve m good faith that i do not int~nd to pay you as promised; or <br /> <br />4. I default on any obligations for which I am using m)' ht:>me as ,oUateral; or <br /> <br />5. Somethin~ happens to my 00usc: which t~alc:ns Yfmf rights. If any , in il. <br /> <br />IF I AliI IN DEFAULT: I underotand thaI you have lhe righ"o foreclose the. Mortgage I have given to you and have my hou.... sold'" repay any aroounls I owe you if 1 <br />am tn default under ~lS rontract. Before my bOllle u. sold. )'00 \It'll! do everythll1g that the law requires. If you hire an attorney to assist you to sell my house, Of. to.sue n1C. <br />cr. ,to proleCt your tlfbts. J agree: to pay you Jor your- reasoDiibk iUlOfneys' fees. and for ot~ related CXpeWiCS such as court costs. title searches and money you expended <br />wpnHeCf. my ~.Ifyoo we:al\owed LOooliectsuchamounuby law, <br /> <br />OrnER RIGHTS: We can c~ oot toenforr-( any of the nghu u~der this comntCl as often 8b we want withoUllosiog'lhem. Or. we can delay enforcing any ~fthe rights <br />withoullosmgthem. Wee-an a!souSC'a.ny rights now or io tbefulurt gIven (0 us by law. <br /> <br />DELAYS: l.know-that you will ux yourbe1it C:,ffQft$ to instaJl the products I ~ purch85i~on DlY house, but I also unclecstand that in some situations yO\; fllayencounter <br />delays that are caused by strike&~ ~"Calher condioons. dela).s you have in materials. or fl)f other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will <br />not be liable for such 2lays. <br /> <br />ARBITRA noN~ If i haw.. dUpute Of claim ""lth you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products.! unde~tand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and setlkd accordm~ to the mediatiorHirbitcatlOft program th&t may have developed to my communllY. f also know that liny decision made by an arbitrator(s) would be en-- <br />tered in thecourt hav1D&JUn5dlctton<.wer me: and you. <br /> <br />SAL"AGE VALlTE:-l know thattbe Wlndo\\.s. woodwork. andotber matcnab. that hav~ to. be removed by you for iliis inslallation bave NO salvage value. When your&- <br />move memo )'-ouc.anhave eben\ for-whale",.:! purpose )-OU ~..uH. <br /> <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due.o the uniquco<.. of some of the products that you lOll, I undetJ;tand 'hatiupecialsituatiOllS Ull' your Regional Office may have'" review <br /> <br />~ourf~~~I:r:~~~c~~th~y~~~~=n~~;~a~~J: ~::tl~~:~~~~~~~~~j::WD Impcntant to this transacuQn <br />:v~~=r=~~r.~;:::~~-:~~~I=~~;h~:~l,::~:I~u:m:~~~~~~~i~~I~:~~i;~~~~~:::.CODtractreqWm <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />
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