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<br /> <br />;::l'..!'",.':"'.~_::"",!".':_~~~'_he~_,__.__.____.__ 8~_ 0066 51 ~ Security, I "Ill giving a security inleres! in: <br />L"umber of Payment!' i <\.muum of Pa}n~(ll~ i \' hen POJ~mcnl.. <lr.\,': Om: ~ I, the goods. services and p~petty be,ingpurch~,~,.~. <br /> <br />i 1.1 p. ymel'U' i 1 Estimated to tx:.~ day~ after ~e date 'I 2. nhlY real'l estate ~A. ddr.,it~d~e~~~~ jnboC_J~dillg-:,mY' ., <br />,~',. ;L i $"'.C;5"': __~ (of'~:CoJnpl:wm CertJ~c~tc. _ . _' _ i i ouse. ~ at I~Y 'n' .. _ ,~ss> ,__~~Ig~~)~.,:_,_~e.'. " ~ <br />I . ~,. - I . ' ! All .M>1l,quenl' ,.".lIme"" "Ii'IM',"me m:V"flf.illRWR....~ill..g,~'$.',.:l..~.'.~. d~... '(L ,~'......-/.............. <br />,"..._ _ r.;-&I.._" !' ~ s '. .'. i 1...5 ..-: I:; each cOr\:._s.eCUllv,._e.,JIlO.,;,..~.., until p1ud In full. . 1,,' , ".. <br />~~~---L_~---,--5t2J_ "'" _ 0 Late Cha~e:. If a payment: is more than ten (10).J~~-' ~ <br />I...ura.."" . ~ late. I will he charged $5.00 '" 5% of the payment, <br />Qedit. life insunlJ1c(' -and ~rOOil disability insurance are not reqoired to oblaln credit" and will whichever is ,less.' - <br />oot-be:providedunkS.'irslgnamiagreeto-~YIhe-additional<:osl. , ,', '" , ". ,':" ,:':,' ,::,' ,,'; <br />-t.t", . 'Prem' ! T~'! S' : --1 ' Prepayment: -1f I payoff farly, ,J. ,wilt not:have,}(}'~pay <br />I }'{)e, ,. +-------"-.,!. ~m._,_~. .","~""!\'-1.'..,. 19nat~__._----:---_-:-__. _. --~--fW. __~. tl penalty. aJld I. may. be enti..t1.ed.....l.0.. a. "7fu......R..d, O.~....I'l\l1..'..... <br /> . of <br />1 Credit LIte) !; ~ want (' life --.;?; ~/l.),*6~ the finance -charge. <br />! ! j mSUrdncc. (~"'-1~,~. ~" ., , <br /> <br />! : $ ,(~ .. b ;t;.. C' ; '-- i ~ { will review other' p~rtions of thi's' contract <br />l_-:-_-:-__~~!_---L___-t--___,_:----:__?~glJ_tt' ' ~~~.::.:,~=1 for addi~ionaJ infonnati?" :abou(:'non~~ym'erir. default; . <br />I Credit Accident: :' I want credH ;Kcldcnt i allY requIred repayment In full- before 'the scheduJed'-date;' < <br />& Health // <Jnd heallh If):o.uran.:-e <r,';; Ii ' __._.-_,_...l and prepayment refund~ and penaltie~ <br />i sOO~w f#"/ ,~nJM~' l~~~r .. ~, <br /> <br />..______~....:_____._____-L.-__.~L...._~.~_.._,________._____,J <br /> <br />e means an e~tjlTl3te. <br /> <br /> <br />Propeny in~uratl\..e .is/cqulfed, bu~ ,I ~a.y (lbt~ this pr~y. iml1r~nee,,~rorn an 'on~ <br />.~lf.1-_in.'~>'ftrongh~""'f'paY-$.(>-G~"-'o:'1&.:"cc mimtir.-"fm.....?- <br /> <br />COMMENCEMENT Of THE F1NA~CE CHAR<.;E= The- finance charge (interest) j... esiimated to start on J <br />\insert the date) e,l(cept in tne c~'{:'nt tha~ vnu cornplClc the In,,taltatinn \')1" th~ g.t,,-,J~ and ~crvil;e" ,>n another date. then the financ cbar c, (interest) will begin to run.oQ <br /> the <br />liatc Ih3.t.l !/.halllil~n a C?mpictlOn CerHtll.:atc TIll: amount \l! finaneI:' chMg.e tlOtt'X"i!1 may h-c m"re or le..s than the amount disc used depending,on the, .amounts J ,pay.'}'ou <br />and my llmelmcs,\ m ma!r;:mg payment.. <br />PR~PA YME.;~T:I may \-uhlOtarily prepay Ih\:- aH}{)!lfll f nv.~, \'('0, 10 full nr In pan. at any lim..:. If 1 m;lkc ;1 partial prepayment, I must'continue to make,my, regular 'paymerilS <br />unnll have paw all arnount:-; o\t.ed. <br />RF.QU~. f.'OR FULL -PA \'ME~I: If I d~l nO! jXty when due. you ..:an Iii'\:brc all fhal I owt.' undl!r Ihi:>. \.'oRtracl payable a1 O~C:. I agree. to pay,you interes.t on that amount <br />altnc l1\iximum conrtactual rare allowed by l~" until Itk' amount I "....t~ you L" p.ahL I al~o kO\')\\-, that ye,u \.'ao lorcclosc the Mortgage I have gl\'cn [0 you. <br />c..'OI.I.ECTION COSTS: if J ,l.m Ul ,jd:mit tlf thi~ ':llnlraCl and you ckmand iUlJ pdymenr, I <.lIlOerSlImo thaI you may send it [(I an attOfT!eV for roHection and cnforrement-. <br />If you dn so. I agtC<' to pay your rl.'a....1nab!c a[{nmey~' fee" rhh <Joy ';.'lUn Cq~>; ..oJ C\PCflSC~ irKUlTcd by you. thilt i~. If'ynu are ailowcd to ('ol(ect such amounts by law.- <br /> ~ <br />I\~~TGAGE: f hereby gnmf. to-.ugam, ,,dL '1m...!."!, :md p.,wn}!ap.: ,tn ~\lli, d:o. Mongagce. my real c\t:;l!e and h.lUSC localed ~il my "Address" designated on the top portioo <br />of thIS conuact a... "",clmty !f.r all amount" due to \'\')U urnkr fhls fn..taimwnl \alc~ (','ntt1I<.:t <br />REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SlOE Of THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A <br />PART Of THIS INSTALIJlENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN IHE SAME MANNER AS IF T~EY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT Of THIS VERY <br />INSTAlLMEIlT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ONREYERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER . . .. <br />I. ,f @ riot tsav;' to,,~n this; contract Ildott 1 ~-td~'it or',K' IIn,., of the .sp~ intendnl: for 1m agrrfll terms CO the "extent or then 9v.Hrable information <br />~~e~':~:k~ 2~:"1 t,=~~ l~~::r~nO~',l~e~a~~n~~~he a~~~:r~:e n~:~~ ~~l'in~u':.':~~!~~a~1T ~h~/ u~d~~::~ ~~~~t-~is"inc:.r~m~~ <br />is based upon a honre wlicitation sale and that Ihb instrument i.. not l1t'gotiabt<:. 5, It shan not ~t' Irgal for ~'ou 10 enter my premis6 unlawfully <br />or commit any bnach (If the pea~ 10 rrp(t~~ ~oods purchasro under lhi~ contract. <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT AllY TIME PRIOR TO MIOIlIGllT OF THE THIRD BUSIIlESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE <br />REAO THE ACCOMPANYING !IOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) <br /> <br />COPY RECEIVED: I ~d.nnv.--k'dge re..i:lpl ul a ~mllpJch:h !lHe-d HI ,.:,1py pt thI...,.~.tI~lra.:t ,II"Il!?, with 1,1.\'0 (21 ~{lPIC'!o III lh~ t:!oul.:e, of Righi 10 Cancel form. <br />L'\ WIT"'if:S,S. ~HEKEOF. I~J In~l.dlm(;!!! ""dc" C(ln!r.~j(: .\nd \lll~l~.t.,;t' h;l~ bc(.'n ..-'lrncLl Hn fhi,,'-, ....5.....,,'~"'''' J<I~ III lLlt'-~~"'.'I~.4.. ,~.19 ~, <br /> <br />c" !"I~ 1.Ll..)~.~~.. .'.,,,4"'~i' \",'e .'1 "'eh""." <br /> <br />:~C~S:~::~~;~~~. ~/...j.l1~~_...______ <br />~, l-i.!t, <'il ;lir~"'''''H' - 0 ' ,{I-~')'''~';X) /d . 0 <br /> <br />-- F'~"',~, ,,~; ,;,,,~;':-4.f.iL1~_,!.k,J;/fXLc;:p-?CCp ..... <br /> <br /> <br />'l'!:~"'~'~""'.'\.l.~:J"'"':;,::::'e~" w", ''''''nwle:'~d ",'me "" .,,, 1''''( dc" "I <br /> <br />/Vl2__v'c:.t3,d..i:.e-- "l~} lz hy lhi: "hfl,~<.' Je~l.!!nateti <br />~"""" \1""""".", p'i }..,/1 ,./ F > <br /> <br />"""_,, p"",,, . . ._~_tL~~--d(~~~ <br /> <br />fiNANCIAL iNSTITUilON COPY <br /> <br />.')Wte ,,11 ~ebr-.l"~i.1 <br /> <br />C~llJl1l~ ni <br /> <br />ckki{ <br /> <br />]'f' A GElI~'flllM"SliIe"lItiIr_l <br />t\tf- JIM L MUELLER I <br />L~ M, eom... up. on I. 1985 j <br /> <br />\.1~ ..'lllnml'''Hl!l ~,\i'Il\:'" <br /> <br />SM.lOl~;-";E.t' He <br /> <br />CONfIOENTIAl ONLY <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />-1 <br /> <br />L <br />