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<br />COMn-ETENESSOF.THlSCONTRACT: This COnIraCl can only be clw1ged ifbolh you _I_in ",riling" <br /> <br />n,., fol!owil1g1l<ltice'!Jrioj,s1O .,y.-.oou ,Ihe rig. h\'.tim I h.... .;,.. '_ this cOOtracti. sold to a financialind;tution... a bank. and I shouJd noticothat. .. tho.... iiri""",. <br /> i <br /> <br />!an<o ofth.. proVISlon IS strossodby us appoaraoco '" I.n poInt, bold f_ typo: 'NOTICE 83:;:;"0 (; 6 6 51':', i <br /> <br /> <br />This credit contrllCt flna_ . purch....Alllegal rlghte which the Buyer h..agelnst the,SeI...riiilr;; <br /> <br />out. . '. 01 thI. .... tra. nsactl....... .Oft. ,.Includ.lng." cta.11M .nddefen_, ......180 valldagetnat .ny/10Iderof. .,th. 1..COIItrHt:........ ..... . .d';' <br /> <br />The right to recoVlll' money from the. holder under thla provi.lon la IImltecfto the.mount. paid by the'buy;r" ..., <br /> <br />under tit.. contrKt. ...... . .. . ....x .: i <br /> <br />A cI8Im J...\egally v.11d reason for suJ"lftl'ieSelleriA,defenee Is. legally valid reuon for notpiayi"", , <br /> <br />the s.1Ier.AhoJderla .nyonetrylngto collect for the purcha8e. . . .., ' <br /> <br />INSURANCE C'ANCELLATlON, If! have ""I_i_mICe io this purchase.J may f... insurance for anY1'D~i>within fiftoen (l5Illay.I:ttim~f <br />date ofthi. conlnlctbynotifyi/lgYOU. or Ihe boldot.Of this. co. ntract i. wting. I know thaI tba cancollati. 'on of my covorng. will be lIITIIIIged with thoinlunlllc#~....'.... .s) aDII. <br /> '.' <br />a full rofundofmypromiwn(sjtogetberwitllapplicablofinancecharg.wi1l becroditod tothis_trllCl. . ;;,. 'r <br /> <br />PLEASiNOTE: If! have roq~ insurance in this pnrchase,l will receiv~ wirhin rhirty (30) days a certific...of insurance tiwn:fully desctibingtbaillsural=covmg~ ; <br />, I knowtbllrif. thoro !Sany coul1ict '" lhecov......... the language of Ihe c."'fi~ of IDsuranee and the follow,"g NOI1ceof Proposed TnSUl8UCe.that I... covered onlY!!b <br />theexten. Slated in thefollowing Notice ofPropo!iedTnsurance. I also know that T have insurance cov.rag. omy if! hav.been chargedfor it, . .. .. .. ' <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED. INSURANCE .. . , "H';;' <br /> <br />1- tak.-e notice tDateither' Life-or.Credit Accident ana Hcalth,lnswance;-Of'-bOth. will be applicabJc to.this Sales CODlracton lhc reverse 8idc-4-;~~\tv,.;.'_-~~-:- <br />i'by'sisning-1berequestfor_illSlllllllCe. 'This il1SUl'll11Ce will onlyco_tba ~ signingthe request althecostforeach,,,S1ibjeC:HO'llOCePl8n<e. <br />by the insurance company, the insurance will be effective as of today and \f..d) continue- only, for-me Dumbn: of months after the. effectiye- date ~,t9 ~,_,IJ1IJ!1J>>er of <br />mo. nml.Y.payme.. ...., I undemand that. rhisparticular insurance may fIOI provide COV'. for my Iaslfew \"Iym.nts.and that during thatpen. '0<1. O.ftime'..J.. WiI.... .1.. _. <br /> .. ."" .. an. y <br />insunoncc: co_go. All benefits and orocec:ds of the insurance will be paid 'o)'?u or to a fioancial instilUlUlD or a hank.if it purchases theSaI!'SCoolnlctto. th.,.xtentofits <br />interests and any balance will be--paymle to me. The initial amount of Credit l.ife-lnsurance is theamonnt required to repay the-Total of nts;'1he.rC8fter,' ~_ ins,U(.lIJlCe <br />decreases bv the amountof eachmonrbly payment on B scheduled 30 day basis. If I am iointly obligated on the Sales Contract with <br />the~est for-Credit Life' Insurance, d~ benefits will be paV2ble only with respect to the first one of us to die. Subject to exclusiotl! <br />in the insUrance policy or certificate, Cre<lit Accidentand Hea&h Insurance is for the benefit amount of 1/3Oth of each month's paymentfi <br />due to an injury.... sickness whil.1 0'" any pa}.....nt 10 you; bowever. I undersllllld rhat I have to be provented from womng due 10 such IOtal disilbmtyf...~Il...l'fo\Jr' <br />leen (14) consecntive days before the in5llnlllce is paid hack m tba flrsJ day of my total disability. I aIro!mow lballcannot_ anY:lnaUl'lIIIo.'frOonjii':'tf I <br /> <br />=:=':::'~i=I~~:;~,==,:v~~~.J:::''':;u:::m~i~~::=':;'~':~'".':=~~=':,'f&b.....: <br /> <br />COVDJSgewill still havem be paid.lf~ales Conuacl is prepaid in full prior.o the 1... rayment dat.. any unearned insurance promiumswill be rofunded 10 me in1beD1lUl- <br />ner prescribed. by law, Within thirty <.30) days, I \!rill receive the certificate of insunmce more, fu1Jy describing my insurance coverage; If tbe-insurance is,JIOt-accepted by <br />lhewuranceeompany,f wiU rec::eive a refundofthe insurance premiums. I have paid. - - - <br /> <br />BUYER: The-nexuwoparagraph$cornaia wammticsrelllive to this !&Ie given by us to the financial institution or bank in orderfor ittobuy this:contnlCt. <br /> <br />SelLER'S WARRANTIES AN[) ASSIGNMENT OF INSTAllM <br /> <br /> <br />fOR V AUJE RECEIVED. Seller hen:by sells~ conveys-. transfers. and delivers to _; <br />(Aisipee) all of its riglua, title aQCl interostin and to tho fDslll1Iment Sales Contracl and Mortgog.. mg.ther. with all. Ii.ns existing m its.paymen.. and tho. .. ~ <br />encwilbemI beroby. AssigneeislieJd>y substituted.. Mortgagee under Ihe Mortgag. provisions of Ihisc:ontnICt. Seller wamuus and roprosen!S: (1) It has the righ'lo make <br />this auignment: (2jAU_ and figures in this conuact and in the Buyer's materially true and COl1'DCt: (3) This contraCt arose from the <br />of the goods and services described hemin: (4) n,., c:asb downplymen. shown in this contraC,' w.. actually paid by Buyer and no part of said ciownpayment was loaned di. <br />recuy or indirectly by Seller to Buyer; (5) Each Buyer Is-legally_competent ~ con~t; (~) TIus con~lls D4?t and wdl ~t be subJOCt to any ~laUT~, defense. ~ or nght <br />of offset: (7) The: execution of ~ contract and the undcrlymg Ales ttan~lon, g1:vmS nse theJ:eto dl~ not ~l€?late any f~ or state Jaw, direcnve. rulc.or,regulanon now <br />in effect~ (8) In the event that tillS contr8Ct or the underlymg sales tralIsacUon IS subJCCt to a nght ot resclSSton or elllcenatlon by the Buyer J SU.Ch_rescISSIOD or cancell.r <br />lion perind has expired and neither Ihe sale nor this contraCl has been CllllCOlledzrcinded, THIS COIlTRACT IS SOLO BY SEllER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />day ~; TESTIMONY WHEREOF. the und.m@:>ed ii.~ed :::!~e of the: Sc:II.r and has signed below on behalf of the S.lIer on this <br /> <br />~---~-~-;A' Ji PAC~A PRO. DUCTS, lAC. -.:l. d'- <br />~. Bk~ ~-l~~ <br />e-t<.4 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />c'~~~ ,2 1\:,'831 <br /> <br />" " <br />:! . Ir!:lz . Un. ,...,........ <br />. "fkl..?'...-( 11/ '-.r J .u..' . <br />~t::: Publk .- <br />y" <br /> <br />~ \ <br /> <br />\~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />l_ <br />