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<br />".._--"-~-~---------,.~-- -_."~--..........-.-,.,--_.__._-_._----~---~--"~---_._-;-:---_.
<br />
<br />Sj (", INSTAUMENT SALES CONTRACr'AN.D...MOR:rGA_.E. ;.... SALKS..f' 61 . .1 .-
<br />ILJ... .".Ne.. ,J If~~'" PACESffiER PRODU.C.T..S..INC.,....A...."..E.B..R..WU. ...., ORPORATlO" C...Q/'<"TRACT~O.' .. . .. '. "',.
<br />. ... ... .,' .. ~'''r'STf(Eiff~' (THE SELlER/~REDIT9RIO:::S- 006651 i ; . .'
<br />OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68127 2550 NORTH DIERS AVE" SUITE F 0 i I '. .
<br />(402) 331.0275 GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 .
<br />FOR ~tTAN OMAHA'SE-RVlCE CAll 331-00177 (308)--3844414
<br />
<br />
<br />-"~:~:~~;~~.-;~
<br />
<br />
<br />In-lhis fm.'tallment- Sa.1es Contnlcr "the words. 1. me. and my ref!!r to tire B,uyer and Co-!liIyer- tif an};) signing- this' -contr"'c~,--Tht: ~rdS:-~ .)'00'-800 Your~-
<br />we and 'U5, refer to the ScHer and may al:;o mean a bank or other fmancial IOstllUtion if It buy!'. Ihis contract. If it does. - I - win 'make mY' payrrient,lr to
<br />it. Under the-.Mortgage sUdutes, ,I am also kn?wn ,as the "Mortgagor," and YOll are_ referred to ,as- the "Mort2~gee". ,I \.illd~tan4^-",thollt:jL"-~,,~an_,,,one
<br />"Bu)'er",:s.ig~li below_that each Will be responMble tor ttll th;"llSeS made and for paYl~ the ob,ligarion(!;) in fuln you _maY:'d)~eCt,--a~ainst:-one:-_'or-'aJ1y/-Ttils-
<br />
<br />~~~r~c~~j~~'':r~~__l~ _;~:l~':,~~:;t: buy -o~~~~er _Corporation: , OU_-'h~ve QUoted-:n1e a Caslt 'Price'_a~~_~q~_~~ /sa~_;-~_~~ T~~:TotaJ
<br />
<br />, t -,J)OVll~ dloose t9 _ buy, and you agree [0 sdl. fOf- the Total Sale Prke. ~t forth t)elow. ~tle, productS and ',~r.vi~s desCf!be~_ bel()~-, ',1., a~~.'__~o' pay
<br />-you-lhe-'amounl financed in accordance with the payment schedule- set forth bd~)w. together wlth interest thereon at tne'annual_percentage-ril(e--_wl1ic-h~"s.:(Iisc:losed
<br />below. I ulliO i;tgree, to all of the nlher term!; on both- sides of lhi's wntracl,. Onty products., manufactured ,by-:,Tbe -,Pacesetter' Cos'pontioo":anJ:ool'ered
<br />by, our _~!_ yur Lim~ ':Va~ty., I'io. e~terior fl, il'!~e{ior tri~. pa~g or sta: 'ng~ will be "YOl.idett un .- sped ed in this Contract.
<br />
<br />o.,rr~., ~..iJ<,,~....;:;1A!{i:I3) :d'''R.u,,~- ' ...
<br />
<br />~.. cc' 1:1.' -:. ,-~.! ''''7''1 I'.". ","", .,,' ? ,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />4t~1~ ~i~t~~;t~:~;~~: -::;:: ": ,. . ' '
<br />
<br />
<br />LEGAL DESCRf.PTION... The. a~ve de~~d.~O(..'i" and S~.' .':e... -O!r~ l)ne m!-;~. leQ and P'1:. ~..'.. ~n..t~e.:'A~~' d..eSlgna.led aOO.lie. an.d.the legal descri.PUO."
<br />
<br />tor ..uch .Addfes~'t i~J.C1k:..:~~\"-l~~~_~~L.j.~_ - " 1,1~\1.~~}-\ 'V 11~
<br />UJ~) .... ,..........J~rl';'...,..,""'... >'. \ \ 'c. ,( yeN. ,!'A.ll ' il'ft; ,hoJ;. ;,,1; {Uk'I'\
<br />~";""~':"'~~_'-~~"--_' 'I L.~I I .,,,,,/ ~__ --,..:.._.,~--".~
<br />
<br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Ba"iC (:ash price 'S. ~t(.~' tax~Ct . :iJdltional w~H;dnty,'scrvicc- {'o\'crage'~ $ Q.?:-iS CoO
<br />
<br />T{~tal ca.;,h price S ,;1 ~';~ [Ii - .__._ -- Cash !totalitlowl1payment S Ll1_L'i..... - CopO:lId balance of $ ~ ~..,tj"Y..C\~d
<br />
<br />!TF.MlZATION OF THE AMOVNT FINANCED OF S el')'ld~.lS--___ :
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />S Q?:,.h. ~ t:-{~. ,A. mount cnllitcd h.... [hIS c\mtra~{ {Same amount ,l:. the hLnpaid Halancc. "}
<br />S ()L-- c:-: ~... AnlOUj!.t p.ud on nct ~al;mct" fwm prim CI)olrac! with ll"
<br />SI paid l-o (l(.~~ my behalf
<br />>,._~;,.:- t.~.....,I~..~;.._: - '.,j~,,~~~: (onl1?-an~, l\l~ \Iedil Ld~~ In''ur~tnf:
<br />'" t4i~rompany l'or-Accident::aoo Health inJUtant:c
<br />
<br />~ _ t{k_~~_ to msunlO('c company for Propcrty Damage-insurance
<br />) ..-?~_~~____ to pub~ic \)tflci~ls f~_n.Ij.IJw-recor.diflgt!;~.~ _.'___
<br />"...~{l,:c.. "tot!>pecifYl.714J.',><' "",.'
<br />
<br />'rne COM or n~v ,-'f~it lh
<br />a yearly roue. .
<br />
<br />CHARGE.
<br />The :loBar ;l!llounl the
<br />cmht U'lll t'\.~~l m('
<br />
<br />Amount
<br />Financed
<br />Thl:' .;lI1l!mnt of "Tedit
<br />pt'\l'n<kd tn mt- 1)( 1111
<br />!ll\' I">t:h'-\il
<br />
<br />Total of
<br />
<br />Payments
<br />
<br />The anu.-mnt r will
<br />hav\': [mid after I
<br />h~r\-e rn:tde all p-aymenls
<br />,11> M,'heduled_
<br />
<br />T alai Sale Price
<br />
<br />The loud C(Jst of my purchase
<br />on credit. im.l\ ~ my
<br />downpayment 01
<br />
<br />$ OL,(..u
<br />
<br />Ifro
<br />IU-,..)l
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<br />% ~ 1i~!;./~.rGL
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