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<br />c <br /> <br /> <br />83--006443 <br />ADDmONAL TERMS <br /> <br />..:\!i::~:. It, <br />, <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />:J <br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHAllGE: Ev.n though I do not liave to pay more than the regularwheduled tl1OIllh1ypaYmOlll.1 bav. .the' <br />~ to prep8. y-the.w~ amD.. unt owing to au in full at. any or in pan. from. time to time. 1. fth. e I.. in.. stitution or bank buys m.... y c.ontract c~.. teUhe. <br /> .finance. <br />cbatg.. .. dailY;. l. 11.....,. ... be leu. ifl ~lakeall.' a..y.late;1. also recogrtizethat all.'Y.. .,..-.sary.r,/ld.~ ........ .to.... m.... <br /> y. total... .. <br />ti~ ch. . I Jlioo Im?w thai tbe reverse .Ide furithe.F~arn:e. PlI~nts;~;ri>ialllale Price; <br />at< estimalO$ . I you wil1:ecelVe each of on .I.due date; and J Ifuow refund IfljlrepaYbe<:8Dse!bOre' <br />i.s~lOreli!JJdlflamch ... OIladall)fi~ii,lftheleodin.g. . or bank does IIOtCO\1lputethe financechatg and If. I PrOl"'Ylthe wI1Q. .ie._. un.'I...y ou <br />wllirefiiiid to_the une&ntOifportii:m.of tho.tiinu\ce <1'_ (_) by1lic tho actuarial ; anOlheamoimt<if'myfcbilte'will1le <br />fimuodOll the "'hedu1ed dates andamoutllS of my IllOllthly pa}'lllOllland not 011 the actiia1 datAlS and &mOwn. of the ptqlllymetl.. thai I paY.lOyoo.l know thai a refuod <br />ofIes$thaD$l.OOwillnotbemade. <br /> <br />lilPdRTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />.. ..... tal.. W....15ELLER. . HEREBY. DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSEDORIMPUE.D., O.FME.... ...AcK....ANT~... <br />BIU1V ANDFfTNESS FOR A PARTlCUI..AR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESSSEtU!R FUR" <br />NlSHl$SBllYER.WlTHA SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTV OR SERVICE.CONTl'fAcrr MADE BY $Ek <br />LER.ONt'RJOWN.HHALF (WHICH, IFMAOE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br /> <br />(b) I have read, In detail, u., .eparaIO "ill.trrED WARRANTY" which accomPanies this con"""'. I. .xplains IhC conditiOll$and ~ in wliic:ll.the'...m. <br />_:prodUct$ will be repaitaI Of repIa<ed. I rake _of the limitations '"' tile warranty ,and I particularly rceogrtize that 8Ilyimplie<l"""""'lYwhiCl!~~\!Ie <br />~1""onlyasl,",gll\lthe_tyor.eMceCOll""'. ..... .... .... ... ..... ......... ..c> ... ...,~ <br />SI'ECIAL...oltDEll GOODS; I know thai you bave measured my )louse and Its opening. SO that you..., make tit<; products to fit my particular 1)ouse. Ttal<ClrOtiOetiiatilie <br />goodothat,_.mauufaclllre4 fur my specifIC houso probably will not fit allJ' other houses. and_ .uch condi.ious,1 know thalI caunot CIQlgillllis co~,",IIllYtimo <br />aftorti\eperiodoftimepven to me. by law. in whldi 10 cancel. After thai legal period of nme. I know thaI I havolllOobllgutiOll 10 pay you in ft1i1 tho amouolOWed. .... .... .. <br />OBLIG" TfONSPER'I' AINING TO MYllEAL EST" TE:l. I promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured for a'least gQiJ; Of its "",I~I,,",*" <br />by buying di~""" ox_ 00_ illsum>cepolicy. Thto insurmlCecompany must be SOlJlOVod by you, and the ~ey must bav'.a benefjtliat:y ~ wbIcb~~ <br />you are to be 1>8id if there is a.1oss. Thto ins_ companv must agree thai II will not cancel my pulley without tin' telling you. lautborize.ti\e~ compatlytQ'pay <br />you dinocrly lor allY loss. You""'choose to _this insunince payment to eithet repay any amounts I owoyou or to repair my hoUse;Z. J - promiso'tllatl _,*auow <br />anyone oIIe to place...y liens 011 my real ...... withOUt yOUI' _.permi..ion. J. I promiso to pay a111aXeS, ...._..and othor.cQarges o. myteaf.oata1O- due. <br />4. I promioe.o timely make all payments on my J\iiOf loan. secured by my real....... r alan J:miso that I will not extend, renew or change prior 10all. without your wriUl!. <br />=='I~~dofor~~as:I=y':.U~:=~~~=I':!~~i;;~ia~r:.=:~r:i=~Ot~:Ig;.;';:'6:r.~'':;;'=1\":~ <br />to my debt to you-which is secured by my real estate and house. J know (hat if you decide to buy insurance for me that you dO not-have to obtain any,bonleOWnef or liability <br />insurance. <br />SALEOFMY IIOUSE: r promiJe-'I\O(tosell.lcaseor give my house t(l anyone until I have fuUyrepaid my debt to you. <br />DEFAULT: I willlle in defauJt under this contlllCl If. <br />1 , I don't make a payment when due, or <br />., 1 break an)" promise f made to you 10 this contract; or <br />3. Something ehie happcM which callieS you to believe in good faith that 1 do not intend to pay you as promised; or <br />4. I defauJt on.l:lt)' obligations for which I am Uiing my home as collalefal; or <br />5: SomorhinthappOnolOI1'Y _wblcb _.M you.rights. IfallY. in iI, <br /> <br />IF " A.M IN DEYA.UL T: ] undentand that you ha,,'"t' t~ right to foreclose me Mortgage f havf; gi\'en (0 you and have my house- sold to repay any amowtts I owe you if [ <br />am in default under ~ contract.- Beforemy boule lS sold. you. will do everything that the law requires. If you hire an attorney W &SIist you (0 sel~ house. or. to sue me, <br />:~c:.~:r=-=,;;==~.;; :~ys'f... and for other relatodexpon.scs such as court COS". title searcbesmoney you .xpendod <br /> <br />OTIIIa R1GIlTS;.W. __.... to.oforce any of the rightl_ this COlltract as often as... wanl without losing ~"'m,Or. we Call delay enforcit1g~.of,tI\e righl$ <br />witbout lOiing them. w~ctm-aUo-u_anyrlghtsDO."orintbefuturegiventousbylaw. . .", '._""h,' ': <br />DELAYS: I know thlIt you will_ YOU' best effort. to Instal.< produc.. I am purchtimg on my ho.... hot I alan unden;...d that in some situations you maYe~. <br />delays thai are caused by _. _ CODdirions. delay. you bave 10 obtaining matenals.or for other ....",n. tbat are beyond you. controL I understand that you will <br />.... be liabl. for RlChdelays. <br />ARBITRATION, If I havu4ispute (Hlaimwith )~"" '-iDI the quantity. quality or petformance of the products, I ondenilalld that m. "spute may be .ubmitted to <br />and settled aceording to !be. medlation-arbl_ JlI'>JllUD thai may bave developed in my commwuly. I alan blow that any deci.ion made b; an arbi....tor(.) would be.... <br />_ i.the court ba_gjumdiction oY<< me and )"". <br />SALVAGE VALUE' I know thalth< wiadow.. _. and other material. that have 10 be remoYod by you for thia ~ bave "0 salvage value. Whonyou re- <br />~ve dMtm. you-can have them f<<wbalc-ti<<purJI05e you wanl. <br />sPllCL\LSlTUA TIONS; Due 10 !be uniqueness of some of the produc.. _you soli, I Wldentandthal in .pecial.ituatiOll' that you. RogiOt1a1 Office may bave to review <br />:,_~=y.,;.:'~"'=:'~v==.:::::.=~=.:;;:~~~.:.::.:=.,:::~impoltaaltotbi.tr1UlS8Clion <br /> <br />tNV ALUJPIlOVlSIONS, If any prov;.ion of OOCOllllDCt vlOlatoo the law and i. unenforceable, Ibe real of tho COIItract wUIbe vaJi<I. If illY partofthi.COIl_requirea <br />~..._'- dtan IlM>lawpennilS\ _ you will oaiy bav. tbe1iJbltocolloct fro!n me theamount of In.....t whicb the law aI10Wll you to collecl. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />.-J <br /> <br />L <br />