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<br /> <br />My payment \Chedute will be; <br />~Umbef, of Pa~tneJll" I :^~~;;;nt!o.~~;p;;;;;;;;~~-;I)~--'-'"----~----'- ~ <br /> <br />1 Lt p. 'ent J _ ~ Es.timated to be ~_ davs after the date ! <br />L ~ a~m 1$ 75.'1 /p j o~~ Completi~~~~~cale'~~"______"__._j <br />I 1- I AU subsequent insrallments - on. the .'i,arm: day of! <br />'59 j_~_u~_j each 'con~U{ive month'-umil p;ud in ful,. ! <br /> <br />lnsuraace ~__.__~__i <br />Qalit'iJift' insui1inte, -and credifdisabilky' inSuntnce arc- not requfred't~) obtain -credit. and 'wl-f!' <br />nQt-~~-'-p:rovJ_ded- unJeq-.1 .1),lgn and -agree to pa~ the additional Cio')M. <br />l~'--- -, j~lIl1" J~~~1gnat~~__~.__~~~~~,______._=:=J <br />! Credit Life! i: I want credit life ,: <br />, :,: / 1. insurance ';l#:lll\lr.. ,,! <br />,I I~ C'-- ~ <br />I Credit A<eident-T~'--'-- +--: f ,,;,;;rr;:redit;;Ccid<;;r"';r . ~,;y.'::::::_=~-~ <br />l~:ealth____1~~~-L~_~~h~~~'==~_~~~:~:~.__-=~~=~ <br /> <br />I" <br />83-006443 <br /> <br />Security: I am giving a security interest hi: <br />I, the goods, serv-lces and property being pun:hased_. ~ <br />2. my real estate_ and improvements. ,incJud,ing .my <br />nouse. all III my "Address" designated above. <br /> <br />.'llinglR_rdlng f"'$~_ <br /> <br />Late Charge: If a payment is.more than leh(lOLday. <br />late, I will he charged $5.00 or 5% of the payme"l. <br />whichever- is leSs. <br /> <br />Prepaymen~: I(L pay off-earl~'" _l-'wiH>no.:'~Qve"Jo, ~pay <br />a penalt)". and I may be entitled. to a'ref~nd-,' of <br />t~e finance charge. ' <br /> <br /> <br />n <br /> <br /> <br />~ J will review-other portions o(H~ts wntmet <br />for -addilionaJ _ infQrmati.on_' abOur- _.npn~payment ':default;;" <br />an'y'-require-d repayment in-.fuU:'before the scheduled'-d!ite,-c-' <br />and prepayment refuTids and 'penalties. <br /> <br />e nleJns an - estimate, <br /> <br />Pro-peny insuram=-e is require-d. but I may obtain,tbis pt"flp<<t)' in...uraJlCt'_ from a YORe- <br />I want~ If I obtain _this insumnce through yuu, I \\'ill pay S ~,(Jt:;..._Qf:L__ .' for '_0 months of cuve-Fdge. <br /> <br />CoM~EN€EMEl\'T -OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: T~ finam:e .:harc.c Unterc!\t) i~ e~timaletl lo ~Ian on _ ': t <br />HMers; thc~) _<x~p{ in lhe event IMl)'oo H'\ffipll.:'lC lh<: in~t;l.lI.di..m ,of the ~oc~J~ (1M "ef\-I('~:!o on -a-llt,(~r date. Then the tinancc,char-gt:,(inlere:sO wui ginJo ri.m_oo <br /> J.he <br />datc_t)1_~.1 ~L~$~ II C~mpklion-Ccrtlficat~_ ~ a.nlOllfll 01 fH1-am.~ dmf!c (H\{crl:';ti may ht, JllOrt: I'lr k~.. trum the amount disdosed. dcpendinl!ron the amountsl pay'~oQ.-, <br />and ,my Jlnx:hness 1IJ makmg payrnenls <br />PREPA.YltfENT~ I may "utu~ily pr-r:pa~ Ihe :.l.m\l<Ul1t i ll~'e y-o)u. Hl t'ull ~lf m p.;iJ1. :11 :my [Ime. If I make i.l pa.rriJi pre-fiayment.-I mUM_continue to make,my regular. payments <br /> .., <br />und'_1 h<n'C paid all ~ms uwi:d, <br />REQUF..S'T 'FOR -nJLL P"YM~"T: It I do-nn!~)i whi:n aUt;':.. you ,-'an dc\.,tarc ""fhal J owe under this contr&:ll>ayable at ()nl,.'t,~-,-I a.gree [0 pay you inrereslon-that-amount <br />1tl (~:'mAXimubl-(''QQtf'l4dUaJ rak .dlowed by law until .nc llnlounl I !lWe YOll L.. paid I ill.~U koo'" that you i.:M loree-10M: Ihe Mongage, I have given to you" <br />COl.LF...cTION-,C-OSTS:-tf J am,m defauh -of thllt ,:l)Qffa't and Wli.l demand full pa-yment, J\d lhat Vi}U ma\ ~end it to an attorney for collection-and,-enforcement,-- <br />lfyou do sri. l-lilgret ttl- pay )'t-Wfe.:tymahk aiIOf",,)"" t'en p-lus any nlUll -cons and t~xrlt:n..e.., :ncu!Tcu br yuu, Ihiu 1'1>. II'.YDU arc allowed_to (:olleel su(.'h amounls <br /> by law; <br />MORTGAGE11 hereb:r grant, b3r.!l"ain. ..ell. \.'(}I'l\'CY and ITlOmuge to 'Y.)ll, a' Mort~-a!,-t.--e. HlV real ~slal.e :md hllusc hlCatecl at my "Addr~s" de~i!!nafed on-tRe top -portion <br />~)f tAll' !'ontract l>>. set'U01Y fur aU amount'>. do< to y{>u under tilt'S 'n,;lalhn,'llt Sales ClmfrClCI <br />REYERSE SIDE: I UJDERSTAIID THAT THE ADDITIONAl. TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REYERSE SlOE OF THIS INSTALlMENTSALESCONTRACTAREA <br />PART OF THIS IIl$llU.EIlT SALES COIITRACT AND THAT I AM IDUIID 8YTHEM IN THE SAME MAIIllER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRDNTOFlHlSCYERY <br />tllSTAl.LmTSAlSQIIIlRAt:T.IIlITlCf: PROVISIONS PRWD ON RtvERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDIUOIlALTERMSUMITING SELLER'SWARIlANTY<08LI6lTlON. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />t. ._do,not......n to .dgn'thls fontrac1 brion I read it ur if an}' of the spaces intendrd_fur the agreed term.', 10 the e-xtent or then avaUable information <br />an ttft blank. 2. 1 am mtitkd Co- a copy of this rontract al th-t time- I sign ft. .~. t may pay uff the fun balance due under this C1:>>htrad at any <br />time.. and_ in 50 doing 1 may be entilled to a rebate or ttw lflt'arnrd nnaoc.f' and insurance charges lif an,"". ..t. I understand (b8.t this in.str.oment <br />is based _upon a bocne 5oI:icitaticm salt and that lhk inw:umtlllt is not ntgot,illlble. 5. It ~h.lI not be le):aJ fur you to _enter my premiKs unlawfully <br />or <<>mmlt .a, broach of lh. pOll<< l<l repoo._ goods pul'<basod uador this contract, <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I lIlA, CAIICEl T11ISASllEEIIENT AT AllY TIllE PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF TIll THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRAllSACTlDN. (t HAVE <br />READ THE ACCDlJPAWflHlIlJTlCE Of RIIlNT TO CANCEl FDRMF1lRA. EXPLAlIATIDN OF THIS RIGHT,) <br /> <br />cop\, RECEIVED: t ockl'!u.....k1.1!!c !\!\.\"IPf 01 a ;:~lI"pl-et-eh filled in i.;Or"- p! thltd:omr,jl.;"l ~tl'Jng wuh !wn l2 i ('i.1pic... oi the Notir..-c of kigbt to Carn.'el -form <br />I~ \\'lTNESS)\~HEREOf")_hi;. 1:~--'lH~nl ....oi!eX-CPfHnt..:t ~md \tl'np~,,- h,\"" h..:-en"",igllcd ,in (biJi' _'c_jl" d.l~ III p~~___ ,19~, <br /> <br />;~~~s~~~~~';~0".""w, 2:'" ~<"'a.',~/ CYJ ~. I ./ j. J I <br />By uc;,t,f::!!/z-L./2t.<:.d "::< lr,(j~Cl/....~, ...~._n.___.nn <br />By n - {, -,,,,.~',.,,~,11',,,,,, X,,~2n..~-- <br /> <br />, ". .='1 <br />_.... ... . '_ ' ill - \'<.r~ 1~1 -< In'>tnlll}C'.Ol v.-a_, JrlH(\'.\I~ug('d ne-hlre me. on tlu.. 1t,.._... day of <br />I_..'..,.....P.~' -'~~1":~~ ,-,.,--)__..._~,":" -, ''', ~___.___ .19~'3_.~~iht'.-lh-(lV~tle~igna{ed <br />r~ ~-$I'''''~."q BlIyerh).SI0f",,!,n"'~ '/ /J "'\ /1 / ~ <br /> <br />":~"",""~<c.......u:.~~~t(;' '",,,,,PlI.,j,, _~{.~_ <br /> <br />Stall" of ~ebf<l:."d <br /> <br />(\-'\mt~ ,>! <br /> <br /> <br />M~ Um\ml~,hm e.\rl1rc.. <br />SM.lOl.Nl...F'HC <br /> <br />CONFIOENTIAl ONLY <br /> <br />FINANCIAL INSTITUTION COpy <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />--3 <br /> <br />L <br />