<br />I"
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLIl'fBNIiS89f"FHlll.lJONFaA6T,Thio.onIractcan only be.hanged lfboth you andl_inwrltiag,
<br />
<br />The following. notice'briftgt-~y attention the-rigbls that (have ev-en when this contract is sokl,tO a f~ial institution or a bank. and I should notice that the iIttpof-
<br />......<If!hJs provision i. _byituppwa_ in ..npoint. bold fac.type; 83~o 0 6 4 4 3
<br />
<br />NOTICE . .
<br />
<br />Thl' credltc:ontnlCt ~ ll.purctluei All legal r1ghtawhlchthe Buyer hal.agalnat theSel.. arlll",
<br />
<br />out 'If.. tbll..t~, Including all claims . and defctnMl, Ire 1110 valid against Inyholder'otthllCOntract:'
<br />
<br />Tbe. tta!lttorec()yer money from the hOlder under thll provision II limited to the lmount peld bYthabuyer.. ... ,.. .
<br />
<br />undlIr'lhll c:ontrac:L
<br />
<br />A daIm Ie. legally vIUd reaaonforlulng the Seller. Adefen.. II I legally vllld reason for not paying
<br />
<br />, ..tJ:Mt~Ier. A holder I. anyone trying to coIlec:t for the purch_. .......\
<br />
<br />JNS(JRANCJHlANCELLA TIONtlflbave ~_.insunmce in this ,Pun:hase. I may _I such request for inSUl1lnce focany reason within fifteen (lS)daY'\'rODiIbe,
<br />dale... oftbis "",,_by nollf\IiIlg... ..' )'QU. or.. lhe Ilolder oftbisconlr1lct in writmg, I know that lhe CanceII8Ilo.. n of my COVeragew.iI1 be an'llII8ed ",ith the iDSUnllCO....
<br /> .cmjef(...... ..' I)and. ... '.'.
<br />il full refund ofmy plOlDium(.}.tilgelhcrwitb appIlcIbIc fI....... clulrge will be credited to this contract, ....;
<br />
<br />fLEAsENOTE: Ifl bave:ed~ ill thisJ:.un:base.1 will....iv. within thlJ1y (30)day. a certificate ofin.lIfIlllCtmo",fuUy~gtbeinsUrall<:e~'.
<br />
<br />~~~~~il:~~~r~i...~:~::=~:V:~co~':~~~l~i1i~:=.:'~=~~..-..ib8tlainCO_OnIYIO
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I ...POIko _._ Cnodit.Lif",orCnodit Accident and HealIh Iesurimce. or both. ",ill be.applicallle to this.SaIes ConttaCtOlllheno..'....ideonly,ifI ba.ve.cllciseIl
<br />itby.IlJ!...ftlljUC$tfor_i..........,.nm......,...,., will only""""'''''' penonlljgning the _.t theeomfor each type ofi..........,..ho""".,S.~1o-......
<br />by Ih.......;r.nce company. lhe i~ ";11 be effective S!J of today and will COfIIinuc only for the nWllber of months siteI' ~effec!iv~ da,te egqal'\l> the)"'~ of
<br />tIlOlllhly-paymenlS. ! ._ th8t this plltiaJIar insurance may not provide cOverage formy las' few poymellt3. andtbat d.nng tbatpenodof tlm.rl wiWlIoI.hilvnny
<br />i""""""".. ""'...... All _ and I?'?"eeds of the insutance will be paid to yo. or 10. financial.in.titutlOn OU bank if it ~ lhe Sales' . its
<br />interests and any baIalIcewill be payable to me. The initial.mount of Credit Lif. Insurance i.lhe amountreq.ired to "'pay ihe Tolal of Po
<br />decre.... by tbe amount of each monthly paymenl on a ..bed.1ed 30 day basi., If! am joindy obligated on 1he SaI.. Conlnlet wi1h a eo-
<br />lhi:n:queat forCrcdit Life Insutanee. death bCneiilSwill be pavable only with ....pect to the first _-of n. to die. Subjecl to e.clusioos',eI' . ... .. ...
<br />in 1he.,......... policy or certificate. Credit A""ideot.nd HCafth I........e io for:he benefit amountof 1130th of .ach month'. paymentfon:ach ~tbat. IamtOtilllydisabl~
<br />dlle roan injury 01'_ _I owe any payment to you: however. I _ _Ihave to bepro....te<I from wOlkingdue tosucbll:itaIdisObilityfot""""JhllldOlit"
<br />teen (14) consecuti.e day> before the in$urance benefit is paid I>acIt 10 tile 1\151 day of my total disability. I aIIo _..lItat l_obtllItt'_~~JOII,lfl
<br />__65_or.......y,_laIIo__doe_eoverappniridelllDmemay__.._amoomtol..verapWlddrWllJliOtpaylll-
<br />..... doe___I__ Due to the nw<imum amount of coverage state<! in tbe in.......... policy, I know tbat any unpaid amount.in.......oflhe -
<br />COYenge wiII.un ba", to bepaitl. If 1he Sale> Contract is pr<paid in full pnor to the IlISl.\'llyment date. any unearned ins_ pmniumswUl beref\mdecl to molnthomao-
<br />... prescribed by law, Within thirty (30) day.. I will rec.i", the coniflcate of i......... """" fully describing my insurance co.erage, If lhe insurance janot.accepted by
<br />lheUIJ_company ,I will meei......rond oflhe insunmce premiums 1 bav1t paid.
<br />
<br />BUYER: Tho ...tlWo I'Jt1lBIllIlhs <onl8in warranties ",lati..1O thi...le giVCl1 by u. to the financial institution or bank in orderfotittl> buythiacontract,
<br />
<br />
<br />FOR VALUERECEIVEO. Seller heRby sells, assigns. conv.y.. trsmf." and deli,,,,,,, 10 '...., .. ; ~
<br />(A""._.. jail ofits rigblo.li. .~tIe and i_ in and to tho In...nmeot. SaI.. C.ou_t.and Mons.age..., ",.g. with ens existing to ..' IS ~.. '!>1CO. . .t..aDd.. tIle.~..
<br />encwilbcted heRby. AJ;siguee is heseby _ ..Mortgagee under the. Mortgagc proviaion< of this con_I. Seller W1llTODIS and lCpl'OSCllts: (I )lthas lherigbt to it1aI;e
<br />1his8$Sigtlment; (2) All __ and fiBurca i~ 1his conttact and in the Buy..... _ "'" ~y'."e and correct; (J) T!tis oon__ f(Olt1lhe boiIafi~saIe
<br />of the gOOds and """ices <bcribod herela; (41 The cash downpayment shown in this conuact was actualfy paid by Bo).... and no part of said downPltym<nt was loaDed w.
<br />rocdy or indirectly by SeIJer to Buyer: (5) Each Buver i.l.gaIIy compeICnt '" contract; (~) Thb contract is not and will not be.ubject to any claim. def..... demand or right
<br />of offoet; (7) The .xecution of this cooln<t and thO underlyiag sales. II'81WI<:tion givinj 'uc tberoto didnot yiolate any fcdenl ot.UlIe Illw, dinoctive, rule,or "'guIatiott now
<br />iAdfect; (II):""...__thia __...lheunder1"... ....._'ttoD1I .iIbject to. rigblof __ or c_l_brlbe Buyer...."_orcaneclI..
<br />
<br />lion periodbaa<<pirod and _the saIe ll<'>f this _, bas been CUI\.'ClIed or mcjOOed. THIS t:OJn1IACT IS SOLD It SEI.lEII wl'l'llOUT RECOIIIISL
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />day ;TFEnMONYWH~. the -pd "li#~ot d~se~:~:a:::~:~a1foflheSetleron this
<br />~------~ii~ ~ :~TS"~
<br />
<br />
<br />by the authoriud_of Seller who.. _ ~ ~.a..- ~
<br />
<br />MycOflUt't1$SJooexp:in:! ~. . . ". (j ih&' . 0UJ,r '.
<br />Ii:. (;{!iliHl.t! ~{tl".lt'f"St'Uflflut,...,. -
<br />" ,:ESSIE C ~.
<br />s:::~~_3.? My Ccmm. ~ o.e.. t 2. 19$3 IT SUW'y Puhlil,'
<br />
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />~
<br />
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