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<br />I <br /> <br />83-006189 <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF _ !~IS mslrumenllS e:xeculed and delIVered 10 Mortgagee by Mortgagor this ~ day oj <br /> <br />/7 /"~ } <br />, / <br /> <br />November <br /> <br />.19~. <br /> <br /> <br />15. ThM" any ilCtlon or P~91le,,,jmmencll<l to which acUon 01 procee<llng lhe Mortgagee Is made a party by ,..son oIlhe..",. 01 !hIS\i-\llliF' <br />gItionswhich k SI/CU....or In whithlhe Mortgagee deems il nllCOSsary to appearo' answer inordeno u""Okl Ihe lien of this Mortgage orl11a priOrtlylhtlltotor1lMr,...,.... <br />sIon ofllle l'ren1Ihs. or 0\hefW1S&10protect ilS interests orseconly hereunder. ail 'urnS paid or incurred by lhe Mongagee lor attorney" tees .and _..pen~ln_ ac- <br />lioI>or PlOCllOldlng'o\la1! be repaid by lhe Mortgagor. together wilh inle"st Ihe.... Irom dale 01 payment PyIM Mortg3l!ee. alllle raleol 15. 2 5 pari:enf(,---:"lpi( <br />aMUIII; and ail such somsand lhe inleres1 lI",reon shall be 1m_lalely due and payable and be added lDand become a part 01 theOPllgaliCmS secured~ in _....oner" <br />Of onIer as Mortgagee may _re or determine. and be secured hereby. having Ihe benelll of the lien herebycrealed and of lis prlortty, <br />16.. ThaI acceptance by Mortgagee otany sum in payment. or part payment, of the OP'gaIIons SllCured hereby. a"erlM same is due or aner loreclot;lJre~ngUi'8 <br />flMtJ,- shalf not constitute a waiver _of the right to require prompt payment when d,ue, 01 all othe~ obligations so, secured. nor S_ltall su~h-acceptct.lta.t C1:I~__Of wafv&&lJYJ'~lng <br />default OT invalidate. any fMecfosure- proceedings fur any such- remaining default. (lr prejudice any of thp,: nghts of M.ortgagee~'under this-, Mortgage:., <br />17. The terms Mortgagor and Mortg4gee wherever llSed in this insfwmen1 shall be construed fa inclu-de helrs. legatees-, devisees.' executors; -adntin_iSt~_;_ SUCC8$sOrs' <br />and ass1gns.~here the contexl may ftquire or permi!. and lhe convenanls and agreements herein-contained shall-bind and inure to-the beJ'\e'tlt~ satd Monoaoor:~:~~~-;. <br />gee and theu- respective heirs. exer;-utor~. admi_"istraIOrs., suecessor~ and aSSigns. and the lerms MorlQdgor and Mortgagee shall include singular-and plural.:~dfess'ot <br />gender. This MOf1gage and the ObligatiO-ns which It sec~res are assignable by Mortgagee< but not by Mortgagor II applicable and _if pern1!Uitd ~y ~w;, :M_ortgagar-~by - <br />waives and any and an rights and remedies relatmg 10 homesteads, marshaling of liens and assets. redemptions and- slatutes of Iimitation,- Redemptl~ _Permitted bY <br />laW. after foreclosufe sale- i-s expressly waIVed. If permiHee by iaw . <br />18. Additionai Terms <br /> <br /> <br />\lorll)a9Of <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Its <br /> <br />STATE Of ~_; <br />\ 55 INDIVIOUAl ACKNOWLEOGMENT <br />COUNTvOf .Hallj ~I n_ <br />On thIS __Oil. oay Ol~-'~.~,~~~ Hl~t~, belore me the underSIgned notary pubhe In and for said county. personally <br />came Jerrv Gree"nwood and Marcella Greenwood " 10 me personally known to be the identical <br />pe1-sootS) whose name(SllS amxe{I to 1ne foreQOtng msllumen! an-d acl<:nowledged the execution thereot lu be hiS Uhelr) vOlunlary act and deed. <br /> <br />lowlIness Wflereol i t1erevnto ,,-i!l my nanc iln(i tllJIJli,i! se,ii d: Grand Is 1 and. Nebr aska 10 saId eounh'llle aay and year laslabove wntten. <br /> <br />----..-... <br />1liIWlD... .... <br />Mr_-, _27.1. <br /> <br />'iJ~ (C~ <br /> <br />NO!,HY PuDhc. <br /> <br />My ComtnlSSlcn eJ\p,r-es <br /> <br />,dz.,16=> <br />I I <br /> <br />STATEOf_._.__ , <br /> <br />CORPORAft _ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> <br />COUNTy Of <br /> <br />On thts_ na\" 01 _19_ belore me me underSigned nOlary pUOhC 10 and lor S310 county. personally <br />c_ <br />ot 10 me personally known 10 be <br />tne .10d ihe j(jen!leai pers.on whose name IS alll)Ced to the loregomg instrument and <br />acknoWit:dgeu the ea;1'!CuhOn therE'OI to be n::, .,.-01t10l41';' <ie! ane deeo 35 sueil {jl!icer ahQ me VOlunt~ry acl aM oeed 01 SalQ corporallon by dulhofliy OllIs Board ot Directors <br />and thaI tne cOfpot"ale seat of the sal\l corpQfalHJ1'l was tnelelO :!ltnted Dy ,is aUltmfl!y <br /> <br />In 'Nitness-whl;freof 1 hereun!o set my hanQ ane! fl!)IJ~laj SlOat.:ll <br /> <br />In $<lId COUnly the day and year lasl above wnllen <br /> <br />Notary PuOtlC <br /> <br />Ily COtlllOisoion e.pore" _.__.__,._._ ..______._. <br /> <br />~f <br />
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