<br />I"
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<br />...;
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<br />83-006189
<br />
<br />(Open.End, To Secure Present and Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />
<br />KNOW All MEN BVTHESE PRESENTS: Thai Jerry and Marc ella Greenwood. husband and wi feifindlviduals.
<br />jointly and severally, residing in Hall COunty, Nebr.a s ka ; and if a corporation or other business entity, with its
<br />pnneipal place of business in County. ~, (hereinafter referred to as "Mortgagor") in considera.
<br />tlOnofallMortgagor'sindebtedness, liabifities. and obligations to Commercial National Bank &- Trust Co--~
<br />of- Hall Gaunty-, State of Nebr-a sk a {"Mortgagee"). now existing or hereafter incurred, and olher valuable consideration-fn hand paid,
<br />dOes hereby sell and convey unlo Mortgagee the toflowing described premises situated 1f1 ~ County and State of NA-hr-;:j;!lo:::ik;:a
<br />
<br />I..wit: A. tract of land si tuated in the Sou th Hal f of the Northwest Quarter (S~NW~)
<br />sect~on Twenty-e~ght (28), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described in
<br />Exhibit A.
<br />
<br />together with ,dllaf the right. litle, and mteresf of the Mortgagor m said property now owned o. hereafter 'lCQwe.j and all bUIldings. improvements. and fixtures of any Iype
<br />now or hereafter otaced on said real oropeny and all easements. rlgllts. appurtenances. rents royaltIes Q'l and gas rights and proms. water. waler rights, and waler stock,
<br />and aU fixtures now or hereaMer attached 10 ttle toregOlrJg descnbed tHoperty all vI which lf1cludma rf'p"tCf'J'"'e!1ts and ad<htjons thereto, sllaH be deemed to be and remain
<br />part of the properly covered by thiS Mortgage AU ';ll the foregoing property shall be collectively l1erclnal!ef referrea to as ~he PremIses
<br />ThismongagelsgJl/e;.\Osecl1reacertamoromissorynoledalect ._ )>lovemper ,3.., .1.Q.~3.. ._. !nthepflncipal~um\lIS_~ven.tL Four Thousand'"
<br />Seven Hu.~~red ~Z:d _ 9~ (~_~,O - - - -_::..:.. :::- -:_=:'-~~"::'-U~llar~"~;.-.7_~__; t9-,o. _._.~..~i. and ii11efeSff~ereon~~~ordin~hete(mSOf
<br />said noleaM any aM all extensions. renewals_ :11O(llhc.ahons, or s\Jbslllutlons tnereol ano eacr. and every deol habllily and Obhgatlon 01 el/ery type and description which fhe
<br />Mortgagor may now or at any hme hereafter owe 10 the Mortgagee whether such debl liability or oOllga\lOn ;,VW eXIsts Of IS or may be direct or indirect due or to become
<br />due. absolute or contmgem primary or seconaary ilQUldatea or unliQUIdated or jOml several. or lou':l aM se"fHal. al1 such deb!.s haollmes and obligations all collectively
<br />hereinaner referred 10 as ObligaltOns
<br />The tota~ prmcipal amount. exclusIve 01 mteras! oj it:e ObligationS inCluding any future Cieols ad\"aflces. habllltles Or Obligalions. not inCluding however any sums ad-
<br />yanceCl for the protection of tt1e prem~sesor ~ne MorlgaQee s tnteresllneretl1 shail no; exr.eel11he sumo! _~J~t~:four Thousand and no I,
<br />.LO 0 - - -_=-=--~=":~-:=.=-=-~:-=-==---~DoI!arS ($_~_~.I..9.Q.Q_.__Q.9__" I, prOVided. however. that nothIng contained herein shall constitute
<br />, a commItment to make aUdltlonal or tulure loans or aavances In any alT'.ounl
<br />
<br />The Mongagor nereOy warran:s ;I1al H 15 lee owner of ine mortgagee! real properly. thallI Wlli defend me tItle agamsl ail claimants whomsoever. and If relinqUIshes aU
<br />rights ot homesteaO In saId PremIses aM covenilnts and agrees wllh the Mortgagee as ta!lows
<br />1 To pay wnen aue all taxes. bens, luugments or assessments wnlch may be !Jwlully assesseo 3g.-1,"';1 HIe Pfemlses ana the rental Charges upon any leases assigned
<br />as aadlflnoal seCUflti' lor IhlS MOi1gage
<br />2 To Insure .apo keep HlslHe:l1lhe Premises ano olner Improvements no.w cn 01 which Olav hereafter be piaced on said Premises 10 Ihe satlsfaClton of the Mortgagee.
<br />Any oOhey eVIdencing such Insurance shall be eMersed wlfh a mortgagee loss payable clause, approvea 0, anc In favor ot MOllgagee. and deposlteO wIth the Mortgagee and
<br />With any loss thereunder 10 Ire payable to Morigagee Allhe OpllOI1 o! !he Mortgagee sums so receIVed by Mongagee (If Mortgagor may De used 10 pay lor reconstructIOn of
<br />IMe aestroyea PremIses or. d flol 50 <lppl'etl, nlay at the ootlon 01 lhe MQrtgagee De applleo If! payment at ar>v OOligatlons malurecl 01 unmalured. secured by lOls Mortgage
<br />J fo keep all oUlldmgs occuptea Jne In gooa ~ep.w aM 10 relraln from the cOmm!sSIOn ll! any acts ot fPJ11')\ldf demolitIon. or impairment of tne Premises. not to cuI or
<br />remove, or permll 10 be Cll! Of removed. any '#000 or tlml>er !fom satd real property aM not 10 comllHt 0' pll',rni! JllY .....asteor ImpaIrment 01 the value 01 the security: 10 contino
<br />uously prachce apprc:ve<l methOds at la!/Tllnq Gn s,ml PrerTllse-s ~O prevent erOS10n.ana lhe spread ot noxIOUS dnd damaging weeds. aM 10 preserve Ihe fertility of the soil.
<br />4, ThaI aU money a'10 awards payaole oS damages or comoensahon fO! trle raj(lng 01 IIUe to or possession 01. or for damage to any portIOn 01 the PterTllses by reason 01
<br />any cooC1tmflation. emment domain. change of grade. QI olhet pnJCeeOlOg shalL at tne opllon 01 the Mort9ayee. be palCllo the Mortgagee. aM such moneys and awards are
<br />he1eby aSStgneo 10 Mongagee. aM jUQgmen! merelor snitH De enleleel If'! lavor ot Mortgagee. and when pala shall be used. ,311Is op1rOJ1, toward lne payment 01 Ine Obhgalions
<br />secure<! hereby H1 SUCh orUel or manner as Mortgagee m.ay c!eslle 01 cele/mme. n~ SI1.lll oe usee ,U lis opl!Oil. tor paymentilHax-es. assessmen~. repai~J"Qfother lIems tor !he
<br />payment 01 Whtch thIS Mortgage IS gIVen as see-unlv whelner lhe: Sdme be Il1eo <:Jue Of not_ an<llf\ such (HOer or maoneras MOJ1gageemay determine.;a(ll1 any amollnt not so
<br />used shal1 be releasee by Ule MOrlgagee to i!'le Mo-.1Ql!90r Such iiPphC<lIlOf1 or releas.e ShaH not Cufe or wallie any defa4!1 or-foreClosure'-ProceedlOgs ll'l the event Mortgagee
<br />deems It necessary 10 appeJr or answer m c-onoenmatlon ac.hon he.lnng Of procee<hng. Mortgagor shail pay allleq.u expenses In COflneclton-lhtlr.Wilh, inCluding Out nollim.
<br />itea 1-0 attorneys lees ana court costs .::n{l ont:1 so palO. Sl.i,n expenses, with ,merest allhe rate ot _ .15---2.5 percent, shall be t1doed to the Obhgahons secured hereby in
<br />s.uct! manner or oraer as Mortgagee may ()eSlfe or Celefml!\e ro-a...mg !he bene!1! ollnf lIen creatM hereby tiS a parI hereOf ano ot Its pftOfl!Y
<br />S ThaI m lne even! MQrtl)3g(!-f lads to par when cue any ta..es rental r:!1,argesupon ,my leases asslgneo as adCllllonal SecUflty lor thIS Mortgage. hens. judgments. or
<br />assessn'lents ia.,.'tu~jy assessee agalfls1 the ?rerruses ;;H !"lls to ffiillfl!iilO H\s-urance as heremoelore PfOvIOed MOr!gdgee may make Such payment 01 prol/lde such Insurance,
<br />and the amoun!{SI paKll~rel-Qf shaH become a Part {}1 tM Qtii!godllons seturt!tl hereby, due ana pavabJe ImmedIately ilnd sr.a!! near Interest at the rate Ol~~_~percent
<br />per annum lrom aOQ .at !Ile M"Ie toe Mwtg3gee m.ikes suer, paymenl
<br />6 Tnat In lne e...enl MOf1gagor aelautts In Ine- paymenl o! any oj Ihe Ooligatl!)ns or of any Inlereslln&r&On. althe lime when the same snail be due. or With respecllO any
<br />COV&na.flt Of COnQlllOfl nerevt, then. at lhe opMn o! MOr1!)agee the enhr& Obitgalions secured hereby shall lorltlwllh Oecome due ano payable, and Ihe Mortgagee may 1m.
<br />mediately tDf8tlOse this Mortg.age Of PiUS-Uti .H'ly otMI c!.,al!aDie legal remedy In Ihe event of any action oy Mortgagee to antorce collechon of any of Ihe Obligations secured
<br />hereby, the Mortgagof agrees thai ally e.-;pense mcliJOlO9 wlthOOlllmltahOn allorneys. lees and COSIS Hlcurre<;l In coonechan !herewllh or mcuHed 10 procure or extend an
<br />abstra<:t 01 tllle snail. when mcuntQ or PalO oy 'uOftgagee. o-ecome a part 01 the Obllg-altOnS secureo hereby ana shall be palo by MOllgagor together wilh all ollne taxable
<br />costs of SUCh at:tlOn
<br />1 fnat in tl'le event any acttQn 15 olOugnt to lOf6Cll)Sf nllS Mortgage IOf ah 01 any ~art of the Obhg.lflons secureCl hereby. tr,E Morlgagee shall be enllllea 10 Immediate
<br />posstSSlOfl 01 tile mortgaged f;femisas. and the coort. or a ludge thereof tr'i IIClcatlon, may appGlnl and to#! Mortgagor nereby consents 10 the apPOintment 01 a receIVer to lake
<br />possession of said Premises I'.) cOlleel all\] reCell/e rents alld profits ansinc lherefrom. anCllrGm any moneys so collected. 10 pay taxes. prOVide Insurance. make neeCled re-
<br />pairs to imptavem&!llS upon the Prem.ses, and ffia)l;:e any oUler expenditures 3uthonZeG by !he cOurt. ana apply Jny sum remaming alter Ihe paymenl 01 such authonzeO ex-
<br />penditures upon the ObltgattOfls.
<br />8_ T~t 'aslure Of delay of Mortgagee 10 exerCise any of ItS nghts or Pflvii.egeS or 10 1O$ISI upon slnel performance 01 any covenanfS o.r agreements of Mortgagor contalO-
<br />ea in tms Mortgage sllall never be consfrued as a waiver 01 any requirement Of otllgaflon at Mortgagor o.r ngh-! or remedy 01 MGrtgagee Gonlame(1 Hl or based upon any ollhe
<br />lefm5. pnn1stons, agreements or covenants of Irns Mong.age l.ll" any luture detaulls
<br />9. That In case 01 defaUft tn the paymenl ol i-tty of the ObkgaHOIls 01 In case 01 paymeflt by Mortgagee 01 any hen, judgment, lax. InsurallcEI-, cos!. 01 ex.pense, said
<br />Mortgagee. sbal1l',.ave the privitege. Without declaring the wfl<>>e indebtMness Oue and payable:. 10 loreclose 011 accounl of such speclhc delault for such Onligallons as are in
<br />default aM such forectosure proceeamgs may be had and the !and oescribed l1ereH1 may be sQiC, subteCllO the unpat(l Obligatioos hereby secured. .and !his Morlgage shall
<br />continua as a hen Icr any unpaid ~e of 1M Obltgations.
<br />10, ~ assigns and tieUvers ttllhe Mortgagee. all nght. !JUe. mterest. aM C1emand In and to rents .me prnhts ollh-e Premises and: does assign 10 Mortgagee all
<br />lNSO$ of the Ptemtses oow or :tereaflet made, wrmen or oral, aoo does empow81 MOflgagee to coHect and receipt for ail rents Mortgagor aileels a!llenants to pay rent C1uu or
<br />lo'become due. to Mongagee. TM t&:m Of this assignment is untd the- OntlQ31lOnS are lully paid Tnis aSSU;jn!Nlnt s~all not becorne operalive unless Oelault !s made m the
<br />~, terms, oI~d conditions of illY of the ObhgationS Of Il1is Moogage
<br />11, It any PM! of the Pfermises ite trillSf&rred or SQid WltfloUl th8 prlOf wf!U80 consenl at lhe Mortgagee. 1!le Obhgalions mai' at lhtl optu:m 01 the Mortgagee be llaclare(!
<br />~ dlA. and: payabie and tms M.ortgage way be torec.tosed- a!. set forth in tlaragraphs 6 and 1 O! thiS Mortgage
<br />
<br />\2 TnB lile PTtmiStS Me tfee: iOO cl:8ar of ail hens aM encumbrances whitsoe:v-&r. e).Ctlpt
<br />
<br />'3, I~ t~,'\!t('l\ ~ srw!. wllnout l!le pnOf 'oilInt1eo Cor.~1 Ul Mortgaqe.e. 11'!GI1gage Of otherWise encumbe: the P!ernJse::, 01 penlHllhe P,emlS-tl$ 10 tie en
<br />~ed.ln Mt~. tMn MOtt~ Mil)'. at Murt9i9&t(S OOIlOfl, l1ed-a-r~.a,l1 Ob-ligauOflS 10 be lmmed141*IY oue d!lCll)d';.101e itllt) ,Il $lICt! evenl 1111'S Mon!,}agt (nay be ture
<br />drosIIl .. ... Iorj!I .. '''''''glOP" 6 .... 1 01 'Ius Mon_
<br />1", 1'lIit it JtJ'f pt1M~ f\t:!'-.o1I~ be htkJ Ur'rtr,-l:Qtcut>>e IX void. men !.i;CI) P-HNi~l1inali 00 Ceem~d ~ep.;ltat>fe lrom 1% '~fTIilimf1g OfQ\"IS-;llIIS JOG shall \fll1Q way
<br />_IMVOl!di1lol,"",.__
<br />(.:~,. OJ ~ ,~tM
<br />