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<br />I <br /> <br />0060483-6 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE. PAYMENT RIDER <br /> <br />83_005922 <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE PAYMENT RIDER is made rhis .....'.' 3r.<l. . day of ... .}!9y!,.n;1:~r. . . . . .... , <br />19 .. ?3, and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement rhe Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or r>eed to <br />Secure Debt (the "Security Instnunent") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "BoJrower") to seC\lre Borrower's <br />Adjustable Payment Note to ...... :r.~":'!r. r~~,?~n,c;~al.,. }n!'...,.......,.,..........,............... ....., ,. <br />. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. '...............'....... (the "Lender ") of the same date (the "Note") and covering the <br />property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> <br />. ., .~08. .N .~~.a~, . G.t:nnd. Islan,d, .1~e.I;~,!s1<.~ ,68fl.01 . <br />(Property Address) <br /> <br /> <br />The NOte Contains Provisions Allowing For Changes In The Interest Rate And The Monthly <br />Payment And For Increases In The Principal Amount To Be . Repaid. <br /> <br />The Note Also Provides For Calculations Of Two Separate Monthly PaymentAmountS. One <br />WIlt BeTtle Amount That The Borrower Must Actually Pay Each Month~ The Other WIll Be <br />An Amount That The Borrower Would Pay Each Month To Fully Repay The LoenOn The <br />MaturIty Date. This Means That The Borrower Could Repsy More Than The Amount Orig- <br />Inally Borrowed Or That The BorTQwer Could Repay The Loan Before The Maturity Date. <br /> <br />ADDmoNAL COVl>:NA!'<"TS. [n addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Bor- <br />rower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate I,f 1 J..,7 51;1-. Sections 2. J. 4. 5 and 6 of the Note for changes in <br />the interest rate and tbe monthly payments. as follow,' <br /> <br />"1. INTERE!>'T <br /> <br />(A) Interest Owed <br />Interest WIll be charged on .ha. pan \ll princIpal has notlx...,o paid. Interest will be charged beginning un the date <br />of this Note andcootinuing untd tbe lull amount "I' principal has been paid. 11.750 <br />Beginning 00 the date of this NOle. I will owe interest at a ycariy rate of %. The rate of interest I will owe will <br />change on the fint day "f lhe month "f June . 19 .f'4 and 00 that day every 6th month thereafter. Each <br />date on whi(.'h the rate of intere:st t:ould (han~l' i.... ('idled an ~'Intcrest Change Date," The new rale of imerest will become <br />effecti\l'e on e.ach IntcfC"S[Change Date T~;E' r:tt.(~ of lnten:'~;t 1 \--'Jlt (1'\-.'(' ~hall not exceed 13a990;:.. <br />(8) 1M ladex <br />Any changes in ,be rtlle of interest will be !>ased on chanl'e, in the Index. The "Index" is the weekly auction average tate <br />on United States 1reasury bills. Wllh II UU1turlty {If h months. as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. <br />lithe Index is no longer .nailabk. the Note H(i-l(k~r wili choost' a ocw inJ~,- which h based upon t.:omparablc infonnalion. <br />The Note Holder will give Ill(" nOiit..'c t)f thl) ,,-hOKe. <br />1be most nx:entl)' available Index tigun-" Ii'!. of the date 45 d.ay~ bcfufe t"<tdl IntCJt'~l Chang!" Date IS e..:illled the "Current <br />Index." <br /> <br />IC) CakuIatIon of mterest Ra~ Changes 3,502 <br />Before IntereSl Change Date. ,he 1'<l)\e Holder will c~lcul~te my new rate of inlereSl by adding <br />percentage points (3, Sf'? %) to tbe Current Index. The Note Hokkr willlhen roulld tite result of Ihis additioll to the <br />netItCSl OIlle-eighth of one pet<"ntage point (0, 125%). Th;. r\lunded amount w,lI be my new rale of interesl until the ne'llnterest <br />Change Date. fxcf'pt thnt the t::..1Y. i.Y-Ht" in t t'T€st r-;3 t:e C"han,N'" fihal1 not exc{'pd 1 3 -..l)g(l~ ~ <br />(0) mlenst Aftft' DefllUlt <br />The rate of interest required by thI. Section 2 is lhe rdte I will owe bolh belore and after any delimit des<:ribed in Seclion <br />9(B) below. <br />3. CALCULATION OF AMOUNTS OWED EACH MONTH <br />The NOlO Holder will cakulate my Full Monthly Amount. The "Full Monthly Amounl" is the amounl of the monthly <br />pa)'tIlCftl. that would be .uffidem to repay the unpaid principal balance of my loan in JUII at tbe rale (If interest I <br />reoWMd b Sec' . Z.A and 2 Cab<. b 'all aI Lccemh:;r I ~t <br />am 'lJ to,pay Y - I I, (I.. ,ve m.u SlanU y equ payments~n .... .....;ci... '.,...... ,.,.. . <br />20 . .. ,WhKh.s ,ailed !be "!natunt)' dale My ~t Full Monthly Amount IS t! S 5. . . . .../2,7.... ... Before <br />each lnlerestClwlge Date, !be Note Holder will cakulale tbe new Full Monthly Amount whIch I will owe each month beginning <br />00 the first moothly payment date after the Interest Clumge Date. <br />71te F1dl Mf1fithl)'AIIWU1U 1 OWe" may M_mure or less (lu.ll! ,he amvwu' am n'quired Iu f>t(V t!uch momh. St'('llon 4 be/OK <br />~fI dI.. _lit QJ'my mclllhJy p<1}'hU'1I1 and I",w it will dWllge. Sec/ion 5 ""'ow Je.fcrib"./to,,' my ""/>aid principal bal<ln<'e <br />wilJ ~ i/tlte,_ <if my 1IW1IIhly P")"hU'III muJ the Full Mon/hl)" .4""'"111 an> d;gerem. <br /> <br />., 1'J\YMiNTS <br /> <br />(A)n...- PbIw IJt Pay__ <br />I will p8:'i pri!li;ipaland. interest oy makillj! paymenl5 e....'ry monlh. My mumhly payments will be applie<J 10 interest <br />before prillcipaL <br /> <br />lwUllIlakc lI'I~ moothly paymealli 011 the liril day or eaclllll<lnth beginning on Ja.ll\!"n ll't. . <br />19 ..~?, . I ...lIt Me.ll1coe pay_ every mootb unfill ha.., paid aU the principal and inter""t and allY other charge, <br />~ ~. d\1ll1 lI\IIY owe .Ullder this Note. If I still owe amounts 1Inde,' this Note on the maturity date, I "tit P'ly <br />llIolc.. ~ ill NIl oo.1t.aI a..t, ~ amoontsoould be gteJJler than the _"I of lYl)' I... monthly I'llyme.nt bel',,,,, tbe <br />~_. <br /> <br />~MYMIHT RIOER -Single !Family - \;>lill - FNMA \In*- ~I (Plan ~,Am.) <br />