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<br />83-005922
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<br />tbesuim ",""ured bYlhis Deed of Trust shall conlinue unimpaired. Upon such paymenl and cure by Borrower, Ibis Deed Of
<br />Trust and.tbeohligation. securedbeld>y shall remain in full force andelfeelasif no acceteration had occurred.
<br />:tjt. ~_ of Keats; AptiO/ntmentof It_Iv"" Leader in PoSsasIon.' As additionall!OOurity hereunder .J,lorrower
<br />her~. ...iJn. .to Lender lhe .reo" of the Property, provided thaI Borrower shall, prior 10accelWlrion under paragrllph . 18
<br />here9f oobandonmenl of lhe Property, have the right 10 collecl and ,elain such rents as they become due and payable,
<br />Upon _eleration under paragraph 18 hereof.o' abandonment of tbeProperty,Lender;inl'!'rson,>byagellt:orby
<br />jud!ciaUy aPP<>inted receiver, .hallbe entitled .toenter upon, rake possession of and manage the Propeny and JO colleelthe
<br />rinll.of lbe Pt6peny.including Ihose l'ast due.. AU renlscollected by Lender or the recei~er shall be applied Ilrst'l" payment
<br />Ofthe.CO$ts of managemenlof the Prol'!'ny and collection of 'ents, illcluding. butllotlimitedto, receiver's fees,premi",ms
<br />on receiver's .bomi$ and reasonahle a!lorMY'. fees, and then tc the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender and the
<br />receiver sball be liable to accounl only for tho"" renls aClually reeeived.
<br />.:U.. FldU.. A~ Upon reqlJCSt of Borrower, Lemler, at Lender's oplion, prior 10 full reconvey~nceofthepi"openy
<br />by Trustee. 10 Borrower, may make FUlure Advances 10 Borrower. Such Future Advances, wilhinl..rest lhereon', shall be
<br />SCCU. ...red. . bY. thitDee. dOf Trust when eVidenced. by promissory DOtes.stating.lhat said. nO.ICS. .re.secured.. bereb. y. Arn.oti. me.... 'shaH
<br />the pnneipalamounlof the indebledness secured by this Deed of Trusl. not including sums advanced in accordance herewith
<br />10 proteclthe $CCUrity of this Deed of Trust, exceed the original amount of In. Note plUS US $.""......"".n",..",.....,.""
<br />tt It_ey-. Upnnpayment of all sums secured by Ihis Deed of TruSI, Lender shallrequesl Truslee to reconvey
<br />lhe Property and sballsurrender Ibis Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebledness secured by Ibis' Deed of Trust
<br />to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and wilhoul charge 10 Ihe person or persons legally
<br />entilled lhereto. Such person or persons sball pay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br />23. SuhItituCe Trustee. lender, ill Lender's ,option, may from lime to titm- remove.Trustee and appoint' a -successor
<br />trweetoany TrusreeappoinlCd hereunder by an IOstrumenl recorded in the counly in ""hich this Deed of TnlSt is recorded,
<br />Without conveyance 01 the Prol'!'rty, tbe successor trustee ,ball succecd to all the title, power and duties conlerred upon
<br />lhe Truslee herein and by applicable I."".
<br />:z4. Rcqooeetfor NGd<es. Sorrower reque>ls that copics of the nOlice of default and nOlice of sale be senllo Borrowe,'s
<br />address which is the Propeny Address.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has ex.cuted this Deed of TrusI.
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<br />...W~.:/~,.9r.,...,........
<br />
<br />~'eslev :. Tjarlen, ..Jr.. -Bom:rNet'
<br />
<br />-BorrOwer
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<br />STI.TEOf NUJlA.SKA,. ' .P.aU. . . County ss:
<br />On this..... .. Jrli., . .. .day of. .r:oyclrl'rr., 19. .~,3before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said counly. personally came, . .\,'N;Jrr. .t.. .Tjaden.. J.t:_,............
<br />, . . ii, .s.~1lJ;1t'. P1'.f.5.0!). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ' . . . . , . ., 10 me known to be Ihe
<br />identical penon(s} whose name(s) are subscribed 10 the foregoing instrumenl and acknowledged the execution
<br />lhereof 10 be. . . .1; \ Ii . .. '. "oluntary acl and deed.
<br />Wil~ my hand and notarial seal 31. . , . .t:r:1F!Q. J ~,l,1.l\'! . . , . . . . . . . . . . in said county, the
<br />dale aforesaid.
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<br />My CommissiQn e"pires:
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<br />GENUAl NOTA~Y $......_
<br />
<br />'"1? M, ~ f~ Aug. 45. 1911
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<br />~/ ~./
<br />/ /. . '} , - 0'U2
<br />..,. A~~(.. /. ..C0...t?.,. "<;~.' ,.......
<br />Notaty P~)flr c:7
<br />
<br />To fiUSTEE:
<br />
<br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by tbis Deed of Trust. Said note or nOles, togetner
<br />with aU othec indebtedneM secured by Ihis Deed of Tru>!, have been paid in fuU. You are hereby direcled to cancel
<br />said note or notes and Ihis Deed of Trust. which are delivered hereby, and 10 reconvey, without warranly, all the
<br />estale now held by you under this Deed of Trust 10 Ihe person or persons legally entitled Ihereto.
<br />
<br />Date:......,.....",.........,.. .
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<br />($pKe hto. This: lm. Reserved fCN lender M\G Recorder)
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