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<br />I <br />83_ 005922 <br /> <br /> <br />I 'will Dllike my monthly payments at <br /> <br />2120, ,South. ]2nd .St:r~,,,~!. y!"a~a.' Nebraska.. .~8~2,4..., <br /> <br />or at a different place if required hy the Note Holder. <br />(B). Amount of Monthly .Paymenls 7 <br />My monthly payment will be In the amount of U.S. $ ,... ,?9,2 ~,~...,... The NOleHolderwiJlchliUgelll~ <br />mollthly payment asrequirod by Section 4(Cl below on the 61b Interest Change Dale every 36di J\l(IlIth <br />thereafter. Each of these dales is called. "Payment Change Dare. "The Note Holder willarso change my moilthlypayntelll <br />on any Inrerest Change Date if Section 5(B\ below requires me to pay the Full Monthly Amount. <br />(e) CalCulation of Monthly Payment Changes <br />Before each Payment Change Date. the Note Holder will calculate a new monthly payment sufficienl' to repay the unjlaid <br />principal halarn:e on my loan in full on the malurity dale at the Payment Rare in substantially equal payments. The "~t <br />Rate" is the sum of the Index figures on the five Interest Change Dates preceedin~ a. PayrnentChaBlJ.t <br />Dare plus the Currenl Index. divided hy the number 6, plus ,:I., ?9;1, , .. percenlage points ( ~,. 9,2: . " %). rounded to <br />tbe neareslODe-eighth uf UDe percentage point m,125%), Exc".,t that the maximum. i.Dler"S! .rate(:hanged <br />soal" no! exceed13.990%.,. ,'. <br />I will pay the. arnounlllf my De'" monthly pa}'lllent unultbe next. Payment. Change Oateunless.Sec1lQn 5(BJ/)e/ow <br />requires me 10 pay the Full Monthly Amount. . <br />(OJ Eft'ectin Date of Paymenl Changes . . . . ....' <br />until mymonthly paymenl is again changed. I will pay the .mounlofmy new monthlYl'qyrneoteachmontb I1ellimjU1g <br />on the first m<mthly payment date .fter the Payment Change Date. or Interest CJlan;!e Date if I am required to pay l\leFuU <br />Monthly Amount. <br />5. UNPAID PRINCIPAL 8Al.AN'CE <br />(A) Claanges in My Unpaid PrIncipal &Il111ff <br />My monlhly paymcnt c(}uld be less than the amount (}f Ihe mtcrcst POrll(}G of the firSI Full Monthly Amount I owe or <br />less than the interest pOrliun "f my iirst Ful! Monthly Amount .fter an Interest Change Date, If so, the Note Holder ""ill <br />~ubtrnct [he amount of my monthly payment from the ;ull\~un{ (}f interest I owe and wilt add the difference to my unpaid <br />principal balanc. .lKh n"'Hlth Unlil the ue'l lnlerest Change D.le. The NOle Holder wtll also add imerest on the amount of <br />Ihis diff"",nce 10 my unpaid l,rinc'pal bahmce each month. Until the next (nterest Change Date when the Note Holder <br />determiDe1l my new tate 01 interest on my ,hen unpaid prioclpall>alance. the rate vf interest on the interest added to principal <br />will be the rate dc{ermi~ti in Se--'.":tiot1 .2 iJoove" <br />My mondtiy payment could t'C more than the iunount of the Full MomhJy Arm..\unt. If ~O. the Note Holder will subfract <br />the difference from the unpaid pnrKipal O~.htlK-C of my loan ea'-":h Bh.inlh until the next lntefl~st Change Date as ILl hatS-made <br />a partiai prepayment under $e-elion -: hehn,\ <br />(Bl Limit 011 Unpaid Principal Balan<<: Required Full Monlhl)' Amount <br />My unpaid prinnpaI balan,,'e can f\t"vcf ~'.\C~ed -a maXImum amount t'Xlual to fine hundred twenty-five percent 025%) of <br />.heprioc.pal ;UOOunt I "ri!Slnail)' h<)ffl'"eJ If my paymg the amvunt of illY n"''''thly paym"nt afler any Interest Change Date <br />would cause {he unpaid prim:.ipai halarn.:e to cxCt."ed L.~al ma~umum .;unount at any time, ( mus( pay instead the Fun Monthly <br />AmoUllI ..., my m""mly pay11'''''''' unlll the "'''t Payment Change Date, <br />6. NOTI<."}<; OF CH.ANGt:.'i <br />Tht- Nl..){c Holder \.\iH irHlll nf ddl'd.'-r tH me OJ. '10(H.-~ ~)t an)-' ,.:tum~6 in the Full Momh!)' Amount and my monthly <br />pa)'mt'nt beft..~ t.lte etf'ecflve date nt any ... nan~(' _ The fi(tlU.X wHl rndu-tk tUf()ft1'\3tion required by -law to be given me and <br />also the tide and t~lerm)ne number 'Of i1. pc"on who Vl,di .m\wcr any i.pJes.-il.1tl 1 may have regarding the notice." <br /> <br />B. CHARCt:s: LIENS <br /> <br />Umfutm Co\'cnam -1 .;~f the St.'~,;urlty In!!.ifUllk:m 1~ ,untended hi rl'"~d a~ foUows; <br /> <br />4. (:hargn; Ue-llS_ Bt' -shaH pa.j all ta:\t.';.. ~:,~~~mcn'h. ao.d tl(h\.~r \.:harges. tines and nnplJsitlonN attributable t-O the <br />Properry wtu("h nMJ -<tUam a pnHnty t;\t:f t!li'. Scl.'uriry In~t.rumcnt, and lea~h()ld pJJymcnts Of g.round renlS. if any. in the <br />f.nanncr pI"01:wicd under p-M4gr.tph :. t-rt:-ft'of Of. 11' nVl p~t4 in sudJ manner. hy Borruwer making pa.yment. when due, directJy <br />tn the po)<< th<:"",{. llolTm'~r shaJl prumptiy lurnish to Lxnder allllutic'es vI amounts due under this paragraph. and in the <br />evenlllolTower shall make payut<:nt directly. Jk'm,wer ,haJ! pmDlpll) [unusll ll> Lxnder rece.pls evidencing such paynt<:llIs. <br />Borrower .uU pnllnptl) Jls<:harge itll) l",n "hId. has pnoril}' over this Security (nstruuICnl; prvvided. that BOlTower shaJI <br />nut be ""iUlreO hJ dtSl.:ha-q,: an) SUdol h~n ,\J long d~ Borr\)wer (aJ ~hall agree in wrltrng to the payment of the obligation <br />s<<un:d by stICh lien in . Dl""""r ""ceplabk t" Lender; (bl shall In gouU faith cOllle,1 ,ueh lien by, or defend against <br />eoforecme.nt of S\Kb lien in. legal pt\x-eediutts, \\-hkb 10 the opiniun of Lender operate to prevcnr lhe enforc..'ctnent of the <br />hen or forfeiture of the PrujJ<rty or an)' pan th('-n.,.~}f. ltf h:) shall ')C;(ure frum the holder or ~uch lien an agreement in a foon <br />sttW8Ctm)' to Lender ~ubo-l1Jirutting ')u(n Hen tH thl.S Security Instrument. <br /> <br />If !.aItlcr detl:nnines .hlit all or 3lIY ptlrt "I' the Propeny i. .un.!"", to " hell wlllcb may attain a priority over lbi. Security <br />Ill$U'UiIleUt. Lxnder shall send Jk,""",.r nOli,e ,lknufYlllg .uch lien, Borrower ,hall sallst)' .ueh lien or lake 0"" or more <br />o.f {be &;:,Uon.~ set forth abt:w(: W1-UUS ten day> of the gjVtIlg \)1' notice. <br /> <br />C. NOT1L'E <br />Unif<>rn, Covenant i4 vI the Seeunty' Instrument i. amended w read "' f,'llows: <br /> <br />1.. Netlo!e. Except fur any nooce requmd under applicable la'" to be given ,n another manner. (aJ allY nOlle" lU Bom"."r <br />pro~idDd lOr in this Seellri!}' ~1I1 .hall be gIven t>y delmmng il or by mailing it by fi", dass mail addre"".d 10 <br />8cr'n)~.ltt the- Propet'f)' Addre!'i,\ -Or at su~h t."1ther addres.s as Bom)w~r may Uetsignate h): nonce l\) Lender a,'i pl'U\'ided herein, <br />u4 (b) iItlY 0Qtlr-e-- to Lc-ndet ~ be gl'ic:n by first ditS}. mall h,) Lcn&:r ':s addreu ~ta.ted heft'in (lr to such other address as <br />lto!ll:kt ".y ~ t>y llOl>C" tv Borrower '" I'nwl<k:d lICrem An). n<~ice pnlVlded for in thi. Security In51n1meut shall <br />\Ie ~ 10 have been g,'''''' to & o. L"nde, wben gi~.n ifl the Illitllner de.ignal<<.l hereill, <br /> <br />D. \IN.lfOaM MOtn'GAGEl (;o\'F..l<<'i"~G l.AW; St;Vt:RA81UTY <br /> <br />\.16m l~ 1$ ora. s<;""'\Rlty I_m ts ilmended t" read iU [0110",,, <br /> <br />.$. t~~; Go'l'enHAtU1O; .s.v~y. Tllis foon llf Security (n'Ull"",nt c"mbl~' uniform ""'.ella",. lor <br />~1IW it. ~ nQn~:utl#'C;lffn ('i)Vcn.wts w-tth hUtUed van.atk'tfl~ by JuriMtJC-twn fo C-IJMUt-UU.~ W1 ulUform ~tX~lJrity tn.,,"ru~t <br />,;..""r~ Il;lIl ~. Thj, s"nmlY (n"'lllrn~lI ~I be IW."med b)' feder.l I.", "n<l.he la" or lhe jun.oKti{1I! in whwh <br />~ ~t, ~ ~~- In tt~ ~\'e,nl that any {"t[ dau1!le nt' dtt~ S-et;>unty In_'tn:nnem or- tht. No'(' l.:onfhcl.'l- \l\l-tLh <br />~- ~-, ti-\iCh ~(Jnitki~! A-tJi -4ffen t.~ty.-i' pf{t,:d.S'k~tn: of rhh ~unf.'1 lnMlulnc-nI \\f Iht- NOh.'_ wtu..:h (an be l'!;H'-fl <br />