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<br />ot'i
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<br />AoomONAl TERMS
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<br />83--005729
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<br />PREPA YM1!lq. AI'l)) ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Even thougb J do 001 h....' to pay more than the regular scheduled monthly payment. I have the
<br />right to ptepay the WtiOk-amou. -- - of owing 10 you_ in fuD at any'ti~or in partfrom time to time, If the lending institution Of. bank that buys my contract computes the fmance
<br />charge daily .1.knoW my financedw~ will be Iet$ if! makean eMly payment, and it will be higher if I pay late; I also ~ognize that any necessary adjustment to m. y. total
<br />fi_chJlrge' will be re_ in my final bil~ I also know that the amounts ,hown on the reverse sideforthe Finance Charge. Total of Payments. and the Total Sale Price
<br />~ _os hosed on the assumption that yOU will receive each of the payments e.actly on its due date; and J know that there will be no refund if I prepay bec.....there
<br />i, nothillj: to refund if I am charged on a daily basis. If the lending instItution or bank dQe$ DOl compute the finance charge dajlY. and if I prepay thewilo1e amount. you
<br />will refund to me the uneamedponion of the finaace ehJlrge' (intereSt) by the llCWUntillj: procedure 1o1own as the actuarial.method;and the arnountof my rebate wiD be
<br />figmed "" the sch<<luled dotes and amounts of my monthly puyment and not on the actiial dates and amounts of the prepayments that I pay to you. I know that a refund
<br />ofle..than$I.OOwill not be made.
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<br />(b)llu",e re.d. in detail. the seplll'Ote "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies Ibi, contrllCt. It e.p1ains the conditions and ciicumstanCes in whlcb'the_
<br />_ products will be tqllIired or~. I _ llOlice of the limitJlti<w on the warranty. and I panicularly recognize that any implied WlItTllIl1y which applies to the
<br />good> 1tito<>Aly.. iong as the wamIOly or St:I'Vice cootnct.
<br />
<br />~ GOODS, I know that voo have measuredmy house and its openings so that you can malte the products to fitmy partil:uIar house.flake ntlU<i thltlhe
<br />good> that areJlllUtUfo<:turefur myspocifiC boule pro'tohIy w.lf not fit any other house5. and under >Ucbconditions, J know that ICJlllDOt caoccl MCCl!=>ctatany time
<br />_ the periodoftime given .,me.!>)' law. in which lO cancel. After that legal period oftirne. I know that I have the obligation to poyyouin full the_owed.
<br />
<br />OBUGA noNS PERT AlNlNG TO MY REAL EST ATE: I. I promise to keep my bowie in good repair and lO keep it insured fur at least 80% of its replacemoDt value
<br />by buying" rue and extetldod coverage insunnce policy. The imuratlCC eompanv must be appro>'ed hy you. and the p(llicy must ha,... beneficUry cIause.which say. that
<br />you _ to be JlIIid if _ i. a loss. The i__.. campany must agree that It will not cancel my policy without f",. telling you. I authoriu the insorance company to pay
<br />voo-din:dJv for any-loss. Yau can choose to u.se ~ lftwrance p3>menl to either tq)&v any amounts I owe you or to repairmv house. 2. I also promise- that I will not allow
<br />inyooo. to ~ any lienoOOl my.reaI_wilbout yQW'written permission. J. (promise 10 pay all...... _ 8nd other clIarges on my reaI_wb....lue.
<br />.. J proatise to tiJIloly make all paymentS<lA myprio< I...... oecun:d by my realestate. I also promise that I will not exteDd, renew or cIumge prio< loans without yourwritten
<br />~. $, IHdo no< ms- my house or fulfill my otberOlll.igatiom to my real estate. then you can do it for me if you want (but you do ,.,. have (0), If you dopay any
<br />of_obIipliono fur me. 1_", pay you bock on demand plus i_at the highest lawfu!.contnoct rate of_. Until I pay you back. these lII1llJU!'lS,.;lIhe-
<br />tOm, ddtlto.you which i>-w..I by my real estate and house. I know that if you dec.de to buy ulSlIl'lUlce for me Ibat you do _ have to obWa any homeowner or liability
<br />inll&fl;DC1!:.
<br />
<br />SAI:E OF MY HO(ISE:' promisenol to ..D. _orgive my house to anyone untillha"" fully repaid my debt to you.
<br />
<br />DEr ,\ULT: I will De iaclefault _this_tlf:
<br />
<br />L ldon'tmaltu",,~whendue:or
<br />..,. I breal an,. prow..i$e II'Nllk to you in uns ~"'t; Of
<br />:;, &.:mwthinl else happca$ which c-auses you to behevt' In good futh that 1 do not mtend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4., I defauk on &0)' obtipt:lo& for ..i\Kb I am u~tn, rD}' home III (.'(}Ualent (.-'f
<br />S Somedlinah"pp.nlitomyboulewlllcb_Y'lUfrights, If any. In It
<br />
<br />IF I AM L"I DEF A\JL T: I undontand that yw ha.. the right to .lorec_ the Mortglllle I ha.. given ..' voo and have my house sold to repay any IlItlOUIlIS I owe you if I
<br />....on_ undcrtlu>wntract. Bef"", my _.. ooId. you WIll doevery;hutg _ the la...miujn". l(yw bue anlll","",Y touoistY'OUIO..1I my bowie, or, to sue me.
<br />Of. to ""*'~ your nJIUS,J """" lO ptI)' you lor )'OUf ~ altomcy.' fen and for other n:late<IlC'_ ....'" .. <:nun costS, title searcbcs and tI10tlCY you eJ<ptndcd
<br />...,.-.mY_.lf)"",.,ullow<<lto___by Ia....
<br />
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We....,__ toeaf<tn%""Y ofthencbts _lb"contract.. "fien....., want without lostnglbem. Or. we can delay en!on:iIl3...yofthe rights
<br />withovcJos-iAj:them. WeanahoW!tu)"righU.nt.'l\l,'Of )nfbc-htUltegtffnklus by i.w,
<br />
<br />BElA YS: I know lIlIIl you will_ your be>! effort> '" .......u the ~... I am purcbuutg un ill) "'-. but I also understand lIlIIl in some situations you may eDCWllter
<br />_yo that are clltlOCll by >trikes. ..- _. delay. Y'''' ha.. III ~ materiaJ>. or f<If other _ that..., beyond your control. I un<lentand that you will
<br />tJOlbeJiable for _hclela)..
<br />
<br />AJl.IITIlATION: If I have adupoteot cwm ....th y"" <'l>tlCeftUIlI the _"y, q.ah.y ,.. p<'fi,vmonce or the products. I underatand that my dispute lt1IIy be submitte<110
<br />and _...~ Oil the ___ "'_ tlW mol' have devek>ped In m) commumty. I 01", kilo..., that any dcc...on"'- hy an arbilnltor(,) would been-
<br />kftdm dteCOW't baVtAl~ova meaBd Y(lU;_
<br />
<br />SALVAGE \'Al.UE: I know dud the wUldow", ~w<<k.""a.nd ~.b that Iu,~"f: tll be M::tl'M.wed by ~(lU fOor UU!ilns.Wlation b8.~ NO sah1age value. When you re-
<br />mo"~ thoan. )'W~ halt..-ebe&nf~ wMlc~er puI'pOK )'00 v.-.anl
<br />
<br />SPIlCIAL SI11J,\TIONS; Due Oil the ......_of some of the prod\ICU that you ..1l.1 ua<lmwtd that to Sf'C'CW ,,_ that)'O!U' RCJ'ooaI Office _y have to t1lviow
<br />and ltCCepl uw.~, f a.l5.o ~ that mll541~ Ul.'1.--umed m my tk.'If1X and tN:f VOt.l and I 018)' .PUt hive bad aU lbc i;(JfTCCt mf-onnarion imponant to this transaetioD
<br />..oorfU\FUp"; I give yw my ....-11>_ IlAY oltvlOU.em:n!hOt mIIY have "",-...'red _the blaDU on lhu ,""'Ir..... wl:re,completed.
<br />
<br />IN\' M.ID noVlSIONS: If IlAY pmvuion of tlu> coonet vinlata the law and .. unonfotteabIe. the rut of the _t will be valid. If lilY Ptl1 oftbls __ ~
<br />""y_of_~_the low perm.... then you ...111 oN) have thef\&bttocolJocI from me the _of 1Il_ whicbthe law 1II\ow1 you lOcollect.
<br />
<br />COMPU:TEN1!SSOfTHISCONTIlACf: Thii~__",,1) bl: chana04 If hotIt )"" IlI>d 1_ ia ..'ritlP$.
<br />
<br />The followi.. _ briaas '" my _.tho riabIs thIIlllulvo evat when tbts <_~ IS sold It>. f_..IlI _tion '" .l>ank. and I should notice lb., tbe imlY"
<br />_otlbiopmviUoniHUeMedOy'lts___......poW.boldf...lJ<1'< 0'" ".'-'
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