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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />My payment "dled"le will be, 'l'J"- <br />13~{JlPbcr-~f_P~ymek'i 1- !\fOO'All vi PiJY" j'Whc.>tt P,i'/}.~;;;;;o~--~______-i <br />I.. .. ---+-----'.-1'.. . . .--------1 <br />1\ f ~t Payment I / "7 .. _ ~~ -,. I Estimaf:O to ~ 3~"_ day~ ufler the date- 1 <br />_ _~.___-Li.L "'J.j 4~-1~)f t~~_ c~~tet1on~ertlficate~_,_______~__~j <br />"t.r- - r I _ i All subsequent ifL<:JlllJments on the s..ime day off <br />L~L_.__.._W3;< ~3_:3-'j;':::Kh<e.t:)OsecutiYe monrh ulall paid in full. j <br /> <br />Insuraitce L_______~_..________J <br />Credil-life- insurance- and credit ~isahitit)1-insunrnce are not required to ob1.1in l:'fC'dit. and wlfl <br />not -be. provided-_ unless J sign and agree to pay the additional cosl. <br />~~.. .'__ i .....;;;,;;-~-T;;,:':>fS;;n""':'-=.==~-==~=t=~-==-:-===:===J ~;;:":I~drfl I':"i~fe~~i~\~d LW~'~n;:;ri~a~;;~rt:;; <br />1 Credu LIfe i j j t ".ant cn.-dll Ilk ~ Jv. ~~ Imancc charge. <br /> <br />L,__ l;?.;j $;(~G.~~:~~~____.;;;'T;~".~__::::=-:::j lor addil:,~t~l~f;;::,7;,:t~~:'~:,(~~~~:;~:~ ~~~~:~~ <br /> <br />! Credit A.ccident! ~' f warn: credit <iI.."""'l:;ide~t '- : any reqUired repayment intrutt bet~lre- fhe scheduled-date. <br />)-& Health" ; ; otod insurJn....e ~~"'Ru:"t:t _,__.____...-J and prepayment refunds and penaities. <br /> <br />'! :h""VY l}" <br />L-.~_-----i..~-~_..::'_,~..:'::':L~L.+,__"_~._____~, ,"_~,~~_~~_,__~-,_,_____,_"___~,_~ e mean!' an t:stlfTlate. <br /> <br />Pn:~tty inSUfa~e h requj~d. but r ma,' oblaia thi~ P~P1 ~rance ,froV'c ~l'~: <br />" , ft_ _I oMalD thIs !nSUr.ulC't:' through }(nl. I w1l1 pay ') ~""'::_.":'.:...,.L::_._ tl1r __ monlns of ('~w~.rdge. <br /> <br />83-B05729 <br /> <br />Securit)i; I am giving 1\ security interest ion: <br />I lhe good~. servi< and property being pun;pase~, and <br />2. my real estate an4' improvements, including my <br />__ hous~. all al my "Ad~,ss" designat~ above. <br />~;i11I1giRt'Conling.f... $ ,:N-O(j <br /> <br />Lale Cbarge: If a payment is more than ten nOldays <br />lale. I will be charged $5.000r 5% of the paymenr. <br />whiche\t~ is. le~. <br /> <br /> <br /><<;:OMMENC---EME..''T-'.o;;;.;.~. Fl.~C-E--C"^RGE: -~, finance chli'rllC tintere~tl 1'$ Cs.nmared h) ~(ilrLWl -:::>- "i'_/- ;:(C:.:.._.f~~~-~ <br />I uue:t 1M date! cu.."tJJ _ In the e"ent that ~'OU complete the m...tallahl.'m ot the ~o{llf~ ami -.cnx~~x I)" an..'""llhcr d;uc. Ifk.-n the finance ;;harSi; onterest-i- Will begtr(I9-lVn"oo- <br /> the <br />'0* that_, MlaIt ~tgn a C~'l1l1pktlon Cc-rtlf<<:iilC:_ Thl;' a:mount (.t fifl;An,:e (harl=~ \In!crt'\ll n1d~ r.e IllO~ or k':>..;. thJn th..: ~m(\unl Ji"d\)~ depending on the amouniS <br /> Y'Pay you <br />W my [ul.hf1e)s In makmg pa~mcnl" <br />PREP" \'M&~": I may V\~untdn}y prcp.t}' ilk' ..m.'lll'U I .n.''-C YO~" m HIll 01 !n pan. oil ;:lfl:! Wll< It 1 n\'itc a p"'T1I~J prq\;;l)'l'llCnt. I mu~t ....~lfllinuc to make m,., re~'Ular <br /> payment$ <br />~J I have .pi~ aU amtlUtIb- OwetL ~ <br />REQ(JF.5T fOR FeLL PAYME.~-r: It i d~l nflt pay \Iohe-n Joe. l'-'U f.'an lh...~.ldO: all fhat J I-'\H" uTllkr lhi, ...~>tJ[ra...'t p.tyabk <ti ~)h,."C, 1 agree 10 pay you interest on <br /> lllal amount <br />at the: trnax.imum ...'OClUllt.'tUa~ rate aUo,,"-i:"ii b;. la\J, until the. amflunt I "''''-'to YI.IU I" p.ud I ,;Ii"" 1.1~),,;, th.u ~-llll ..'an t~lr.:..:I-H'-C me M...~gage i bav~ <br /> ~!I"cn (0 you. <br />COLI.ECTION C(M,"TS: It' I am In dt:faUit at dw., conlTact and \"nu I.kmand tuli payrocnL J uw.krsranJ that Yl'tl may ~nd it 1'-" au a.ttorney fOT t."O!la:1lOn and enforcement. <br />If you do '>0. I ~re(' to Poty your r':a'!ol..~t-k -.!IWttk.'Y'-' r~t"., phi;; any (HUn ,,"(...,ts ami l'Xpt:fN..':' m...'UfH:d b:,' you. thall~. If !ou ;art' aUO\1",t:d to ;".,.olk"'Ct <br /> such -amounts b)" taw. <br />l~~~~: ~~ :;::~),!tt:~jt:=L':~~ t:~1;l:;\~~r ;;:fr~~~I:~~~~:'S;t~;.. ~t,::fr~~::' mv rl-~I ~<otal~ .wd hnu"t: k)l:arc.....l at my "A\kU-~S~" \tcM~nated nn the lOp portIOn <br /> <br />REmlSE SIDE: I UIIOEllSTAIIO lllATTIIE AOOIllOIIAl TERMS 1Il0 PROYISIOIIS PRIlIlEO 011 TIlE REVERSE SIDE OF TIllS IHSlllLMEIIT SAlES COIITRACl ARE A <br />PART Of TIllS IlISTllUIEIIl SAl.ES COIlRlCTlIlO THATllM BOUllO BY TIIEM III TIlE SAlliE llAIllIER AS IF THEY WERE PRIIIlEO ON TIlE fROIll OF TIllS YERY <br />IIIS!JWlEI!T SAW t01llIIlCl.lIOl1CE: PROYISlOIlS PRIIIlED 011 REVERSE SIDE C!lMl'lllSE lDOllll1llAllERlIIS lIMllIlIG SEllER'S WARRAIIlY OBLIGATION. <br />, . .... ... . NOnCE TO BUYER <br />I~" i do noI ha~t' .10 - R8 ttits' ~tnK'1 tid'on' I read it nr if aft.' 'Ir the spat'tS intended fur tht" at:~ h.-rIlL.. In th.... ~~tent of lMn avaita,*, information <br />~~:"'~~2~1 ~~ t~ti=}.() ~ t~~:nc~~hea~~:r~~ o~~ ~;'ci\~U~:~~:h~~h~:ff~:\;~ u~~~:: :~~~ ~h:~~m~~~ <br />is bu<<4 upoII it homr soIicltadott \&Ie and that this Inurulht'nt i, not n~o.iabk_ $, It sruaU not be it-2ui (or ~nu to enter my premises unlawfully <br />or _It any b..-II of 1M poa<e 10 re........ ItOO'l> pun:h>>>ed 0...... tbls ro1ltra<t. <br />. BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I ." CAIIC8. TIllS AmElIEIIl AT lilY TIME PRIOR TO MIIIIlIGHT OF TIlE TIIIRO BUSIIIESS DAY AFTER TIlE OAlE Of THIS TRANSACTlOII. {I HAVE <br />REAO TIlE ACCOlilf'AIIYt116 lI8TlCE Of RISN1l1l ClIlCR fORM fOR 1Il EXPl.AllATlOII Of TIllS RIGIIT.l <br /> <br />COPY llECE..tVf>>:. t -a.:...ooVt-ktitr ~_"tpt tlt -it. ,-wnpkllth t1lku U'l ,-pr'} .,1 ttm_ ..,nna~ti."; ~;d!l~ ~Ith !\,\,v >~ 't~'" \"; ltit.- \;;:IH:'t'_o> of ,RI-!!ht tQ CaO("d_Jor~1 <br />l~ WIT~ES-S WHf.ijI::OF. !hi.. In~t.lnffi('n. 'a!c~ C.'nt~~j .wJ \tnrtp~~ ~.t" ~eJl "!~fl\.--J i~n ~ -~_..ZL/ \J.l~ "J _~<! L.._______._ li} .i..___ <br />;d i..'l!)-i .t'-o'--k,_~______________ .: :-L_.,~"',c "i,He i'1 'd'H.i"'-l..ol <br /> <br />:~CES~~~~~NC. /~=':,z:~ <br />B, iJt?"~6G- <br /> <br />, '-, ,\,... "'~ ~"",t.,I-', ~',\ 1 <br /> <br />'l<< J}.,. ~ H_ .~/ /hr".~tv <br />f~,-^~~ <br /> <br />HI 1';'- <br /> <br />\1;,.." <br /> <br />CONfiDENTiAl ONLY <br /> <br />FINANCIAL INSTITUtiON COpy <br /> <br /> <br />~tlllt' ,'I 'cN-'""j,..,J <br /> <br />C,:lUIlI> l.j t:\a...Cl:2.- <br /> <br />\t~ ~<)mnll..~l<,'1l c\pn"C~ <br />~\t.l<lI,1\ic.HK <br /> <br /> <br />.dlliU................... ' <br />...,...... <br />............- <br /> <br />'\.,'{..'. j\,hil~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />