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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />NonCE v_.r UUv1~~ <br /> <br />.~~-i...:er~=-"::e.1F~ <br /> <br />A cItIIm ".~VlIIICtlWlllOftfOr~ihe""I'~;defen"I' . legally valid ruaon for nofpayJ", <br />,~~.AholcIlIIt''''~ti'VIl\Gto coIIaCtforttlepurctiliU. . . . <br />...... k Iflhave inlurInce infld.i """'base. I 'IlO)'c<<JI(:l!l such !"'fU"Slforinsunncefcx'aiIyreNion _fifteen (15) daP. ftlllnthO) <br />........... . ...... ... .u, .. ..... .... ..... .~:l:'~~~::~~ofll\yC()~WillheamngeclWithlll!l~~.!~f <br />..;.. .et.BASE,..tnow......thIl. ~. ..~~.lhave~..,"' >. .~. '. .'. i!I d....tis. .!. ~.'.. ... .. .' lWiJl~ive within thirty (30)dayoacertificateof.ins_..~full.Y.detcriblng th<oins_~..,;'..l <br /> , <br />, .. . . U"i'~!S anv c<#lii:l in. ""'~<< iMl8IlPlJFofthO certilIcateof ~ llIIII tlH> f<illowlngNotic<o of l'roPOS!<tlnOlitlnCli that hin COVeted onlY 104 <br />'ll"'_ImItOl"...hnthefoflQwiagNolice'OfPropOoedIIlS1ltl.llCe. hlsil!mowthatlha\'einsunlncecovertjleonlyiflhaveheenchaQjedfuttt: .. . .. . '. J:i <br />~otrPROPOSID INSURAMcE . . .. .... ... ..... .. ......... .... ' <br />'it.cii;~~='t'"=.u::~Accidost~ifeaIch~<<hod>,iril.bct~. ... '."'this.. S..ConIractOD. the re_aida""'"it1ha....chl'Joel,. <br />l!i'ttw.' . .... ...... ..;riUbe-"=as.... .~IIIe. .. ,.. ttl\\O~~~ .. ........ '. .... <br />. . . ..'liUllfti;Ci~~if~s:.~J!t . <br />~, .thel1lllOllnlofeaoh . ....,= . , <br />1Ile~~Cn;dlII.ife 1-' 'nhe~-'Ywith~...firsl_ofuslOdie. SubjectlOexclusions.ofuniDIltlonscx'w ' <br />..the~. po\icy., .<<<<acertificate.CrediIAccldentllllllHCafthlllSUnUlCCisl3rlhebeuolitamountofl/3Othofeacllmon'!"spaymentfor.eacll.. .~J'1!lO. HIU1l. ...... ...'" <br />_to...ilJjliryOrU-wbilel""",anypoymentto. yon,__.lundets'-'thIllha\'etOhe~fromwodcingd"'lOouchlill8l. disIhiI.Ity.. fOt._.. ..illU. ..1\lilfo. .. <br />leOn (141 consecurive~beftn;ollle~betIefit is paidbaclc to thefint day ofmy Iill8I cIitaIliIity. I..... ...._I..-oIMI&~fnlllJOlIltI <br />__6S~".18daJ ...1..........__ '-""""...-.JlI'O'ri*olto_marCGlllala._____Gf.........WlIIdI..........~ <br />_.......... 1. '"'i1Mii_yea.Duetothemuimulllamountofcovetag<lsroted In the _poIicy,llmowthllanyunpaid.._mtln_of. .... <br />.......willSlill......1O bepoldAltheSales C_ it.pnplIid In fun prior to the1ast raymolIt date, auy 1inoamo<I~ pr=iumscwillbereflmdedlD _iII;u...... <br />_pmm1>oclby law. Within 1hiny (30) days, 1..i11 n>ceivethe cer1ifitate of~morefully deoc>ibing my _c:ovenao-Iflbe _'lallClt8ccepledby <br />1be_~.I'IlIilIl'!IRi_refuDlIofl!leinsunmccPft'l"!umslbavepaid" .<>>; .. <br />1R1Yu: n.-tlWO~..-m-u..le\aIhelOthiSsaIe givenbyus 10 IIIe fina!IcW Instltll_ orbank lnordeo:foritlOhllythil c:aila-.:t. ...,' <br />SELLER'S lfARRAN11ES AND ASSlGNIlENTOF INSTA CO ND BE . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />FQ& V AUJB.ROCEIVED, Seller hereby seth, usips. c""veys, .......f... and deli,..,.w <br />(Auipce. ).nof. ill ria/IIl. title llIIII. . i_In. andlOlhelmWlm<Dl. SalesConmlctandMotl~> withalllieMeJJStm.' '&10._,'. .. . . . .~,'. <br />CIlCllIlilbetec'-bJ, Kosi..... is1lcldw~" MClltflI<< IJll<Ierthe~provisionsoflbiscoutnlct, ScIlerwmanrsaDd . ;(1 IthaslherlghtlOlnaP <br />thiS~. 0IIt; m AU _ andflaure,i iD thiS COlItDCt din th<o 8. uyer's statement. lite nWeriallytrue and com:ct; (3) 'Ibis contrlCl_ from.. Ibe.bona. . <br />of the g<ioils ud~Ooscribed bereiD; (4) The cash dowopaytl101lt shown in Ibis contract _actually paid by BRyer and no panofsaiddowmlaYmoDt Wall loaliCd di. <br />rectlyoriildinoctl, 'y by Seller to !lIlyer; t.S) Eoch 8uyeris IepIIy competeJlllOconlt1Ict: (61 'Ibis contnIClisOO<. ud WiU_h<oSllbjoct toanyclaim. di:f<use.', ,'demaDd. <<right <br />of oIfsel; (7) The em:ution of litis conInICt llIIII the UDdorlying..... __ givln. me _ did 00< violate any fedenl or stare law, directive. rukor reJUIaIion now <br />1ntfHGt: ill la tile _ _tha_ Ol'the 1lDdelly1ll! ..... __ is SlIbject 10 a right of rucissiou orcan<:ellalion by !be B~. such resci$IionorcancoUa- <br />lion poriocIlwe.pired llIIII_the sale nor litis conrnct has~cauceIledor~ 1IItS COIIlUCT IS SOUl" SB.I.EI wtJIIGlIY IIfCllllSt. <br />IN TllSTIJo(ONY WHEREOF, the IlDlIeraiped is ~. . ~ve of the Seller llIIII has.. si~ below on behalf of the Seller Oft this <br />day of ,19~ /---- <br /> <br />~~~L=~d <br /> <br />hi;~~4,J' <br /> <br />.' - ,>-.,4 - {'.. .- "..~~. }.,,' <br />" . .~ ;'::. '::.7 :r;:;"j,':~~l.J' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />by tho llUlborUed .,.m of Seller who .. <br />M)<commtuionexpiftl: <br />1~~~;;';:;;"~T - ~t.~ 'Of a.,. I <br />1:: ;~~~~r: r- G" a g',_ .1.. f <br />l~~~ tAv c~ ;;. ~< ~L 198) t <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />L <br />