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<br />83- 005655 <br /> <br />9. Coade-mnatioo. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender, .' <br />In the eventof a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thts Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, tf any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking ot the Property, unless Bo~rower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in lhere shall be appl1ed to the sums securW by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that pTOportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />laking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of Ihe proceeds <br />paid to Borrower <br />If the Proper1y is abandoned by 80rTow~r. Of if. ~lfter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a cl:1im for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. lender is aut homed 10 coll""t and apply the proceed.. at Lender's oplion, eilher to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to Ihe .ums .""ured by this Deed of Trust.. . ' <br />Unless Lender and Borrower othern'lst.' agree 10 wntlng. any such application of proceeds to princIpal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date- of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />'iuch installments <br />to. Borrowff Not R~Ie:u~. Extension nf the timr for payment or modification of amonizatlon of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by I. cndcr to any successor in interC5t of Borrower shaH nol operate to reJea,se. in any manner. <br />lhe liability of the original Borrower and BOrfl..1WcT''ii: successors In Interes!. Lender shall not be reqUIred to commence <br />pr~ings agalflst such s.uc~sor i.)r refuse fQ cxtend time fnr payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by thiS Deed ot Trus.t bv reason of all\" demand made by the oriqmal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />J I- Forbeanft("f' by uadff Not a Wai\'~r. Any forbearance by Lender lfl exe-rcising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />o-the-rw1-~ afforded by apphcable law, \haH nOf he d w:ti-..-'er ()t UT prcciude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The pf{)Curemem of insurance or the paymem ('\{ taxes or ,-'ther liens Of charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to acce-leralt the maturity of the ll1dchtedncss ..ccured hy thIS Dee~ 01 Trus.t. . . ' <br />J Z. Relllfl'lks ( AH rcmedle~ provIded m thiS Deed of TnIst are t.hstmct and cumulative to any other rIght <br />or remedy under !hl' lleetl of Trust or afforded f;} law \~r equit\, ;lnd may he exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successively. . <br />13. S"("('~~ and Auitm Bound; Joint and Sen-ra! "iahitit)': C.ptions. The n1\'enants and agreements herein <br />conta.lfle-d :\haH hmd. and lh~ rllthls hCTt'UOtler I,h.1H inure It) The rC$pectl\-e '\U(,'l..'~~)rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />">UDtcct to fhe pn:l\'!\IOnS of parag:raph l7 herco! Ail covenants Jnd .:1greement'- of Borrower shalt be joint and several. <br />1he c3ptH_,n.. and headlO~ 01' the p;t.fJRrapn"\ nl !h1" l"ked \'f Trtl..l are for (.on\'enience only and are not to be used to <br />mtC"fpret (}f define 1he pn.lVl1H'(U, hereof <br />t... Nofkt:. F_'\ccpt (or an~~' nahet" reqwred umit-r <ipph(3bte law to he given In another man~T, (a) any notice to <br />Horrower pW"'tdc:d for in thn Dc-ed of Trust shail he ~i...en hy !luIllng such nlltlcc byyertified mail addr~ to Borrower a1 <br />dlC Property Addro.\ or af '!'.uch otMr addrn'i ,i'i BmrpwC'f may deugnalc oy liCHee to. Lender as prO\'lded herein. and <br />! h) any nofKC tn I endet shaH Me g;ven ~) I;ertdied m~ij, return receipt fe-qUest~. to Lt-nder's address stated herein or to <br />"ouch {'Jlbc:r aodres" as Lender may designate hy noU~e to Borrower at prOVIded huem< Any notice provided for in this <br />f:>effi {)f Trust ,haU ~ deemed i(l tta\-'c l'otc::n ~I~-en l\~ Borrower l,r Lender when given III the mannc~ desiBnated herein. <br />IS, l'Riform Ilffd hI Tm'il; (;ov~tni__ f..aM: x\"etaDitil~-. r-hl\ form (If dee\l (\f tru"l ("ombmes Uniform covenants for <br />HatwmJl U'\e ,:IlId rH)t) \lfjlform cove-nanl-s Wl!h limited Vart;UH'n" h)- l~tnS-dh.:hon h) con~htute a uniform security instrument <br />covenng ft'-al prop-'rlv llu\ Deed of Tnt\r \haH he ~{)\('rned h\' the law 01 lhe iun~dlchon 10 which the Property is located. <br />In 1M e"'ent th:;jt any pt'ov!sion or d.zeu$C nt ttw. tlt.~ 01 Trn"t or lhe NOle ~ontlid\ wHh .lppltcahk: law. such conniet shall <br />not aft'tt:t other p-nl\'i\H)hS of rbi, f)reed of "Inl',l l'f the Note ~ hu.:h (an he gl\-C-n dfec1 Wnh()ul the conftlcting pro'Vision. <br />and 10 lht\ end 1he provf1tons of the' I~i d 1 !\Iil .!OJ lhe ,,",ott' art' dc-dared h' he severable. <br />16. BotroWf't"J COrp)'. 8orro.......~r shall h<: flHlll..hed ..l ,",-'ntnrmcd ~-, t'! thl' Nole and \)f this Deed of TruM at the time <br />1,)1 c~ecutton nr .<!fter r<<otdaticm herroJ <br />17. .r........,. of ttw Ptop<<n,; A...pdoo. If all ~'r .an:-' part (\( lhc Propeuy i.\t an mtetC:st the-rein is ~old or transferred <br />h\' 8onow~r 'Nl1hout l..eruJt:(" rrHu ~-r!tf('n ...nn_'\t'n1. t"''tt:h.Khng (.t I tht- ucalu.m of a hen ('!-T encumbrance subordinate tll <br />,hu f>eed 1.-)1 TftAf, !_t:i lhe (r-catlon i.~1 a plm;i1-J;~c lnlmt:)' ....e-~tirlty mtcr-('''jt f'pr hou!W:ht-'ld apph4o~('$, tel J. transfer hy devise. <br />deKcnt -flf h-}' npe-raHon ~,lf law upon the death u.f a ?"1f11 tenant lJ( j d! the grant \.t :iny leasehold mter<<t (\t three years or less <br />not contaillm~,3n ('opl:lun 1';1 put,h41U:, l_ender ma\". .It Lcnder-~ OptH'O, J.~dat1:' all (he 1-um\ 'Secured t'iy this (ked of Trust to be <br />Hluncdia_tc:i\" due and p--J)J;hie I coder ~hall h.n.t:' '-"'a\,o'l;,"d ~u(.-h l1l'fH\O ttt Ol..:cderlltt' d. pnor h) f~ s.ale Of' transfer, Lender <br />Jil1U ttv=- lJCP.Wi1o to wffi..-ml the Property t~ in I:lt' h)~d ut lfan'ifcH(1j reach Cilgrttment !n wrillOg that tht credn of $ouch penon <br />;\ uli,fa~tof\- tr. I i'ntlef :.nd. th;:!! the inter~t pa\abl-e t~n the \um-" ,,\."'\.'ur~d. t;~ !ht~ [k~ uf Tnl\,t ..hall he at such rate as <br />i en.., s.hall fC"Qucst. If lender hu W!l".-cd the "'f)1IO:\ hJ ii.:cdrrat(' ftftntdt'd m thiS par:1Ji(raph f 7, and if Borrower's successor <br />In In~1 has. c.\ccuted .a WHUen aJM1mptlOf1 agreement ac(.""C'ptcd ,n VrTf!ing t>v Lender, Lender shaH rdea.w Borrower from <br />ilIii ohhg,iUl-OfiS under thi) f~ of Tnn.f 4llO tnc ''''b!>: <br />It Lendrr (-':\ef;..-t~ ...m:h op-ono 10 il-...( I emit-I' ,-l'ui! mall Iklrrnw('f nOfU.:c ~~f acceleration In accordance with <br />p.lra.~ph i 4 h,ef"('Qj Such n....{Oc(: s.haH p'.:w.dt: ;j; paH~ d ~-'i.'t k~\ than HJ da\'S from the date ~he ;-HHlt~e i'S mailed within <br />which Uonowc-f m;ay pn the. :\urm- de(;LucJ due fl ~)HO""('f bd~ \0 pa~ ,\ul,.:h \um'5 prior to the expua.tioo of such period, <br />Lender m~"'. WHho-ut further OOlli.:c nr tkm4lld ~lO 8mrow('f _ !nH'ke il"". remcdlC1 pt'rmmed by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />N~lN"t'!'<IIHJili:M (.'I_'\1t.~4Nt\ fk)frOW('f ;;and I rnder lurthet ~nvenan1 and ilgte'C a.s loHowI <br />'II. .\....,lftal'- Rr_ b<<pl as....._ i.. .......... i7 _'0 .._ Borrow",. b......,h 0' ..., .0....... .... <br />__ of Bono.... i.. Ih. U..... 0' rnaol. i""-,,, 1M .0...._ 10 ~.. .._ dw ..y s_ by Ihb Deed <br />of T..-. t...... prior 10 _........ """" ..... _r 10 Barro..... .. ,rv._ i.. pu1II.... '4 hereof .Pftlfyq: II) the <br />hrado: (Zl..... action ........irr4 10 ,"Vft suell _: 131 . 'II.... _ ..... ,.... 30 u)'O f..... the ..... t.... notlr. Is mtIiIflI 10 <br />............ by ..!oklt "'~ ........,.. _ br <........ """ 14, ,.... 'IIB_ 10 .un ....... b_ OIl ... !te'on Ih.. ...... ......11Ied <br />i.. ,.... noli<< may........ i.. ~""iooo of 1M ..._ _ured by IhIs 0...>1 of T...... """ .. of ,he "'-rty. Th. nolkt <br />...... 'ulflt<< latom< Borro..... of ,.... ritlIIl 10 _* "'If. ""<<1ft.,.... ..... the ..... 10 b... . ..ourt aetioP to .....rt <br />.... ..........u.....uc.. 0' a c1d_ ... ... ........ ..,.... of Borro.... '0 ~...ioot _.... "I.... bft_ is 110' <br />... or brf_ ..... ..... ........... in ,.... ;..a..... ........ a. ............. opt"'" may d<<hoft "" of ,.... ...... _..rod by 1101" Deed <br />'" Trat... ...,--...., _.....,.,- ..it_ f.......... __..... -J ia_.. 1M po_. of"'''''' ...y' or..... ftIIIedlos <br />pet1IIil1ftI by ............ ilIw. .................. ltIIIllW .. _. all ,.---... ._ ~ u,....... !~ ;" I'm~Y!nt: !M <br />_ ............ ia tIoIo ............ fl. ............. "'" _ Ii_cd '0. ............ ad.......,'" f_ <br />If ..... ,...... '" .. io ......... T.- ..... FHOfd . _ 0' dtf.1OIt . ..- <.....,. In wltkh ..... Property 0. '0_ <br />plIIt ........... is ....- _ ..... .... ........ of ..... _ I. 1M __ ...-ribcd .., IIpIIIielIWf lIno to Bonower .... '0 ,.... <br />ot..... ...- PftKribcd It, ............. ilIw. Aftw..... '- '" ....... ,_ .. may .... ......nircd by IlfIlIIkabIe ilIw, TrustH ....., <br />.... ~ _ of _ to..... ......- .... in ..... _ ...-ribcd by appIirabk I.... Trnot..,. ..it_, deMUd Oft <br />a......-.. shoIII.........,.......,. a' ...... __ '0.... ..._ -. a' ,.... '1_ .... ........ ..... ..ode. I.... ,...... <br />in .... ......., at .. in _ .... _ ,..,.,. .... '" _It _r as T_ _ de_. T_ _y pootpolM _ of .. <br />.. u,. -,.nI of ... Pro,eny by ,..... ~ 11 .r..... .. 1_ titae .... place of ..y P'"'kMnt~ sclH'tluIeG uk.. I....... or <br />,~""" -...- -, ......- .....Pwvposty .. ...y _. <br />{!pM _. of ,.,_ of ,.... ,........ bioi. Ttvaft _ delI_... '0 .Ite pam.- T........... ........ <o..""y.... ,.... ..........rty <br />ooIol n.. rrdIa . ,.... T........... ..... _ .... pri_ f...... .._ of ,.... '""It of ,.... .._.... _ 'burin. T......... <br />.... ...., ..... ~ '" 1M _ '" 1M ,........ ...... tal '0 all ............ ..... .... ......._ of ..... _. lnclucIiatl. ..., <br />_1l-.IlatI... .f_os,.... '" _ _ _ 3't of i 'JI. of ,.... .r_" ,......... rr_ aI_y', f_ ..... rosto 0' <br />.. ~ ,... to.. _ __.., ... Docd at T..-: _,..,..... Ul'eSO, If ..," 10 t.... ........... 0. ........... .....y ...lIllcd <br />......... <br />J..-~........ to~. Not~tMtandi:nl Lender', ac(.---e:t'Cratto.n l~r tt\(' \ums ~curt'd h-y lhl'!l. rkoed of T'ttt,t. <br />Ikwrown .-haij haY(' the fllltt to h.~ Arty phX'<<dtf\~ begun by l.ender t(} tnfot\:t' this- [kc-d of Tnnt dlscontmued .t <br />atty h~ pt't(U" hJ:lM 'C-a-r1:ttt to Ot.:,CUf' of (1. t~ fifth til!., ~hlf-(, the- ule of tht' ProfX'ny punuant It) thfo p.i.lwtt of ...<lie ("onfalflro <br />tA thtt Owd afTru~ Of (tl) C'Mn of a h1dame'ftt -enfof("-1na thi" Deed {If Tn"t tf': fJ,~ Borrower pay' 1 c. nd~r all ~\Jms. whiCh would <br />be fhlm due unde, ~nt~ f~ ~lf 'fruit. fk Note ilnd m.\tt'"'i. "t"cHtm, future ^d"'am'e~> if an~, tHh.-t uo a,"-c~lf'ratl{1O (!r("(-urred-. <br />(ht 1kvnnlfft (.;Hft'"\: aU brt<<hn (J-t any \JtMf ((,oymanh Of ;lg.r<<OWllt' 0.( R()f.fl)~'tr n~tluned In Ihl.. I)ecd pf TrU'H: <br />(.(1 -tk"."UJ*fl r-~ (lJ-fJ t~."mahlr <<'''--pPflU'l ~i'K'Ufffd ...~ (t:l'ldc:r and fn"-t<< l11- ('nfof"(~mg lht ~:o\-cn~m'i: ilnu j;grr<rnfnu (\f <br />~ -("om1i''''~ n\ Ihn, [) W l-tu'\t "'f1~ HI f"-nfOKtfll I (:rukr'\ :and Tn~l~l".~ l:Cnwdtc~ a~ ptUVH:,t<<t 10 .para-f:nph ll'i <br />~. ,_~lud'fna:~ ~ ~ h~ ~-lj. rf".~~ 31tornt''',', h~'fi, and td} 8offl~" L'l-i.n 'iU(h .M.'Hn-n u !.t'nd~f ma,"' relt'Mmahh <br />!~ilf.f' t~) .$1-.,.,.. Ht$l fn.:- J,~tl ~if tht~ t~\i of lrulit i\ jl"1-{~f~t m i-tw. r"r~)P<'"'" :mtl H.-'n'~~(;f'''' \l.hhJtalH1fl h1 pel\( <br />