<br />83- 0(15655
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender covenant and agree as follows;
<br />J. ""_1 of Prindplol ..... JDten:st. Borrower shall promptly pay when due lhe pnneipat of and interest on Ihe
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and laIc charges a. provided in the Note, and Ihe prin."pal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Oelod of Tmst.
<br />2. F.... for T_ ..... J_ Subject to applicanle law or to a wrinen waiver by Lender, Borrower.hall pay
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and mlerest are payable lInder the Note. lInlil the NOle is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds~') equal to one~twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which mOlY attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on the ProperlY. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium Installments fnr hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth o-f-yearly premium installments for mongagc insuran(."C. if any. _all as reasonably estimated initlaUy and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable cstimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institulion the depo~its or accounts of which 3rc insured or guar~mt(!ed hy :.t Federal or
<br />state agency (including lender if IA:nder is ~uch an mstllullOl\~. Lender !\haH apply the ~lInds to pay said taxes, as_~c:'ismcnts,
<br />insurance premiums- and ground ruus,. Lender may 001 charge for so holdlllg and applymg (he_ Fundi, anaJynng salll -a_ccounr
<br />or verifying and compiling said ClSSiCSSf1lt:nls and bills, lInle~~ Lender pays Borrower mtcre.~l on the .Funds and appllcahle Jaw
<br />pem1irs. Lender to make such .1 charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in wnfing at the lime of cxcculton of _ th!-s
<br />Deed of Trust Chat interesf On (he Funds shall be paId to Borrower. and unless such agreement i!li: made or 3llphcablc'- law
<br />requires such inrerest III ~ paid. Lender shall not be reqUired to pay Borrower any IOtCfe'it or carnin'gs on the Funds, I.ender
<br />shaH give to Borrower, without l.:harge. an annual accounung of the Fund... ~howlng credits and -dchits to,the Funds: <uni the
<br />purpose for which eacn debit to the Funds was made, The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />hy Ih", Oelod of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the fllflds held by Lender. together with the future monthly in!Ot;dlmenls of Funds pay.lhle prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. a~nts. UlS-ur3nC-C premiums ;md ground rents. shaU cllceed the amount reqUIred to pay said t-a~es,
<br />assessments. im:urance premiums and ground rcnh ~1S, they fall due, ~uch c\.ces...... ...halt Oc, at. 8orrower'~ option, -either
<br />prompdy repaid to Borrower or cn:dit-td 10 80ffower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amounl of the Fund~
<br />held by Lender shall not he- sufficient to pay faxes, as-.\C'lOSmeOls. insurance premIUms and ground rents 3~ they fait- due,
<br />Borrower -shall pay to Lender any amount nectUary 10 make up {he deficiency wlthm 30 day.. from the date notke is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requoslJlIll payment lhereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thiS De-ed of Tru..t. tender shaH promptly refund (0 Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hete'of the Property !'\ ..old or fhe Property 15- uthcrwl\c a(;quired by I.ender, l.ender
<br />MlaU apply. no later than immediately prtOr !o the >;.ale pf [he Pwperty or il\ aCliuislliOU bv Lc:nt..ler. any Funds. held by
<br />Lender at the time of appticatlon 4S a credit against the sums secured hy thiS Deed of Trujt Waived by Lender ~
<br />3. Aptlkadoa of P8ytllents. Unless- ;tppltl.."ahk lolw {'h~\ilde' O!h(T~lS-C:, all paymenf"- rccet\'t:'d by I.ender unmr the
<br />Note and para8raph~ I and ;2 hert':i)f shaH be apphed h,. f ~ndcr fir~t !n pal'ncnl l'f ;lnlOlIn(\ p3yabk- f{) I entJer hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then 10 inte:re!it payable on the Nnle. {hen to the pnnclpal ot !hl." Note. and then to inlere.'i( and
<br />principal on any Future Advances,
<br />~. C~ 1.Jet&. IkllT<lwcr ,hall pay all f.l.\.C...., ~'sc,~~menh Jnd other ,,:hugcs, tjnc~ and Im~,~ltions ,ltfributablc hJ
<br />the ~-ny which may auam a pnority over thi! Deed of Trust. and kaliichold payments or ground rcnt~, if an)', in the
<br />muner provided under paragraph 2 her-cof or, if mli paid In ~tlch mannt'"L by Borrower mallng p3;'mt-nt, when due, directly
<br />10 the p"yu:: thereof. Borrower \hall promptJy turnili.h 1\1 I ~nder .!.II mJIl~'e' of amotfnl~ duc under this paragraph. and in the
<br />event Borrower ,h.i1 make payment directly, BOf'ruwer 'lihall prompI1'r' IUfnlU1 !.I r (.'lukr receIpts cVH.knt:1n~ sm:h payments.
<br />Borrower -.hall prnmpth' diu:harge any hen ,-"hK_h ha~ prll,1flt\ iYH~r thl" Deed pf i rm,t: pn.wlded. that Horr(\'A-cr ~h;J,U not he-
<br />(equlCI~d to di!oChuJe' any 'iu(:h ticn \.) k,ng :1'; Bonowei ~hall O1!lfCC In v. rltfof: to the p,l.)'mCfH (.' the \~bllg..ltlon sC:t:"llrcd by
<br />:\u.::.h hen In a manner Ih.:cept<lble h} Lender. or ~hilH m Rood Lllt!l .::onlC:\{ "l_h:h j,cn bv. In tidenll cnfofl.:cmcnt of slIl:h hen in
<br />lqal proceedinr whu:h opeUlt to preV1."lH the e~lfon:cmcnl ~,t the hen \~; f,ldcihlft' ,,I lhe Ph'pcrty \If any part thereof
<br />5. HazanlI~_, 80ffOilrCf :-.ht:tll ~ccp the Hl\JHt.H-\'ownh !HJW C\I\(tf1~ nr hcr\'atli,;'f cr~l.:lcd \'11 fht~ Pwperty insured
<br />ag...in$t Iou by tirt". h.u.ard\ in-eluded \i,-l1hm the term "t \lcn..kd ..-,-nt'ra~c-" .1IlJ ..m,:h ,-,:hct h;u.aroh it\. .I clldl'r may require
<br />.and 10 s.uch amount'- .iilW hH ..u..h pc:flt~::h. .1i I cmkr may 1'l,'4\;;I(' < prl'\-'n.kJ. lh-il I cndc! ...h,JII'll't rcqtllfC thai the amount 01
<br />'1uch covf:rage e'((.~eed lh;it amounl oi ..i.JVelilj:c ft't__pIHC'd ", p.n rhe \um.. 'It,.'(ured tv.. th!, DCl'd III frw.1
<br />Tht- rnsur.n..:-c carner pHl\'ldlng the' lfl"iJr~l1("l: ...hall ht, ..h~-..cn hy BnHower \ut\ICi.:t t.' appfll\.i! by I coder. pril\lIdetl.
<br />rbat such approvai s~1l not he unreasouaoly wlthhdd .'\11 p:-t"rnium.... ,-\U 1!1"Ur~W~l.' Ix.lh:ies "\hall he paut in rhe manner
<br />provtdcd ucdcr par.lf.ph :. hereof o!. If !lQt pllJd H1 "l.l.;-h manner. h~ 8or-r(lW~f :H-illi.lng I'.i.~'mt:nt. when due. dlfet.-1.ly to (he
<br />iDlUf'aGCe carner.
<br />"'~llnsur-ano:- JJi....ll-l:-~ Oint! fC:nc'"..-'ah fhcrl"n-I ..hall ~ m. !{l,m :.t__i.:crtahlc !,", i cnder and ..tuB lfl..;hh:,h: .1 standard mortgage
<br />dowse In favor of and in ((lrm aC-i.:~phlhk to l coder ! cnt.lC: .,h;lll h&ylt !he ~.!Kh! !<l h..l!d the ~)-ik:lc-;o. "nd n:ncwal\ rhereoL
<br />~od 8orTowff ~h.aU prompdy fUfnlj,h tl,l Lt:fttkr all It.'l\~""iI! 00(10.:(', d.i-J ;.J!l f,"ctlpt\ PI l~.l:ld prel'llIIJffi'i In the l'venl of Jo<;.,.
<br />Borro""'Cr 'Sh~' give J>t'omp!. nonce 10 !h<<:- Hl;-unrn.-e- ...-..in fer ;;llh.} I ernk. I Clhk:r nLlY maLe PH1f'f (l! !.....s.. il nnl made promptl)'
<br />b)' Borrower_
<br />Unlus Lender and Bornlw"Cr tH~S","'lse agrcl': In ""filIng. ,!l"\.UfdO\:(' rH't~-Cct:'l ,>h.!H ht: .J.ppltrll It; li;'..1\lr:.lIll.'fl Uf repair of
<br />the Property d.lmaged, pruHded ~uch rc";-lnf~lhJl}- Of n:p,Hf l\- (':O!lOml~.l!l~ );....1..'01<.. _:n<l Ih-{: "\.'UHII) t-f !II" Dl..'cd 01 '1 rllst ,..
<br />nor tbcre-b~. lmpaued_ If !l.tH.h rt'tOf~UI(}n I.'f n:pi1l1f I.... n':1{ cl.on,\t;u":loIl-h ka'lhk ,;1 d Ihe ...eUlllty ,'d thl... lked 01 I (n..1 would
<br />hoc- impaired. !~ Hlsur3m':e rH~e-ed, ~haH be awheJ If\ Ih-c 'l.um.. \-l."'t.~l1cd hy ,hI'" l"l.t:l:d ('It I ru,-t. \.\:111 Iht' 1.'"\1.:(':\'\. d ..In\,. paid
<br />tf\ Bono,""cr. If the Pro-penv 1-\ ..bllUOoflt."U bv 8..'l-flOWt:1. .>. Jf Ii-t'nmH:r t,Jll.. hl rl'''fl;md !., I.enon ;.\HhHl H) \.L.lY.. from the
<br />date n(}ucc: i~ nuule-.l b'j! I (oder to Borrower that Ihe iW"'Uf.1th,"(' ....HflCr "ill",,> tp !>,'lIk ,I ..LWll fl,: lfl\l!lam'~ hl.'ndih, Lemler
<br />l-S aUltHJtlud III coile-Cl .md appi)' lilt Hl'iOD..nCC pw...ccu.. ;.;1 i entkr\ "P!Ii'!} t',!!:wr !Il )t"dN.tlitll1 {'I' n:p.w "t lht' Prppcr1}
<br />or to thr sum\ ~';;llft"d h.- 1!1l~ (::)eeJ \\! 1 fU'\_t
<br />Unl~ l,('nder and Bt.'\HO'A'el (\the(W1M: "tg:.r<<::; ",l'Ilm~. .1!l\ '\-H..h .lpph.,l'It\U (;1 r1"lh..-t't.'lh 10 pnl\('pitl ...hall not c'-tcnd
<br />..u pt1\-tpooe the .JUt: dale ~~t the mnnthl~ 1!1\lll!lm-ellT' f('kf!t~d ,.' In I~f,j~raph~ i ,In.! ; herel'. I'f l hangc Ihe amount of
<br />",u..:n ltut.".Umcf1l!> Jf under paragraph ,.. hert;i)1 lh\.' Pr"flt.>Ih '\ ...t,:<.tum,"d tn 11'1Hlcl_ .In It.l:ht. htk .1nd Inll"ll",[ lIt H\\ffl,\A;ct
<br />In and to an)' In~U;;UKC pollI.:-,e'lo and m J,uJ 1\) itu' rrH~et.'d, th~h:"t fnuitll1~ lr...n1 J~lHd~\.' lu lht: Prl'~ll'nv plh1t tn ltlt..' \;1h:
<br />ur ;u;;qUJ!lolllnn )n..1l pa~" h, tender to the t:'\!C'nf (" It-K- ~tlm, .~t:..UIt:\.t !'\ :hl\ Ikt:d <'l fftl,>1 1l1lrnc\.kndv prHH ((I _\uc-h ...ak (If
<br />itCqulSlhon
<br />6.. Pmic,...... and: Mai8knlUK(, of P~rt) ~ LC'~hukb; .. 'umtominium!\; PlannC!'d (I..., ()eu'topmeRh. 1i001l\WCf
<br />..h...U "~p Ih~ Pt1.-pcrt> ;!l ~,~\d I~P";1 .:nd \~\.-t!l fhH ,,'mnitl .~ _t...t,' "~ 1f!>P,nininil ,)f ddC!II'!:.t;.'!1 (,I the Prt\p,~rt~
<br />.)nd shall t:omph "",lh file rfO"i~.;;\n.,> (If -JJ'l\ }ea.\~ d thl~ i)ct.'-,:} ,~l f 'u.,.; ;" ,'1\.< \:...-.t:h~,id i! t~1!'- f).,::ed ,~! ! :Ll:>.t i.~ ,tif .'i. tHut ill <l
<br />,,"On4<nllilltliill l\f a pbnn('J unH d-e-\----eh>pmt"nt, &IHi.H4t,.'-;' :'!-hJ:; r<'unrm .tH H\)lr~'''''er., ,-'hhg.ill(\Il'. under lbe dl'cbr,ltJdl1
<br />Of -covC'n&-nh dl:.afln~ il; g\l..-e-inJ!ll!t tht~ '-iJ-nd~)mmitim \}l rj,inn~J :;'1'( Jc-\cit1pmctlt_ Ih~ to'\, --b,:,::o .::~:.i r~'~ul:l:hln.. ,'1 lhr
<br />c'h-~"iftmfn or p-iMtned un!! lie\c-ioptlK'IlL and ~'Qn~lItUt:H! U'-"'- ,-lme-nt~ 1l;J. I.llndommilllll Uf planned un.! dc-\t;h'pm~n!
<br />rh:Xf ti e''t't..'utcd t">;.< 1k~'tt.1l\;C{ iHlt.1 r-cc':'IHied together ~lth !h~, De:.--u \l! I W;'; tht.' ~:n"...n.tnh .!no ...~It;Cflwnl.... pI "u,-'h ndCf
<br />sb4.H he 1'l-.-orp.1faltd ~mo .'lnd shall .alTlcnd .1!h.f ~urp!{'mt"Hl !he \..'-'\t:H.lllf'> ..lad ,l~i<t'mcnh '_H ,hi\ D~&:J d ! rn..t ".., d !hi: I'llh:l
<br />we", . port he"",l
<br />7~ ~ of t~.'i Stcurih, !f 9orrf\'A-t:. t~iih, h~ nertnrm the ';",>'C;-;;i1H'i. :,...d ..i"H.,..m.~n'" "n! "'''__''/ if' lh!'-
<br />t>eed of T,TUI~, ()-r _It ~n} acHll-n or pr<X~dlOg t.. ;.(lmmen.,;:(-J ~nil,:h mafCfli.lii) ..ltfei:h l.Cfh.k;\ IHtcrnl Hi ~hc i'fl1peft)
<br />fncludm.l. ,.!ut nOi hmltN 10. eminent domam, IIhOIl.('nq-_ .:.xi~ t'ntt'!'"...:t:'menl, (lr ;)Fr.lngc-Hl~nb t.j rfO(".('t:J.'-n~r-" Hl\oh1l1g ,I
<br />bankrupt or ~nt, then Lender at t~nde"~ ophon. upon n{"ltH,:e h\ ik'n-ower. mil\" m<IL.t:' ~{ll,.-h ~PJ)c..lLHH'-t'... d:..,huhC ',.\I..h
<br />wms .m:I tne sw::h d'(~Hon a" !) tltXes.sar) l{' prvte..:l I el!\1t'r', H)!t'"lC~r. nH.'llidHl~t hu! not hnllh'd !'''. ul..,l--,ur..e-mc!;! ,l!
<br />re~bk- aUOfTIe').'s, iees ~rw entry UP~)" the Propef~~ to rn;,},.e r~r'Hr.. 11 I er~,-kf' f\'4UifC-J IHOtlgi;tgt: Hl..,I\r;JlkT :I' ,~
<br />(ODd.bon of makt-nl the k1-l:n ~ured by thl~ {)ecu (.-,-f fru,f. UOH('''''~r sndH pa\ the prtmlJum, fcqUlft:-t.! h, m,unf,llll ~ll...h
<br />l~ 1ft -dfC(:f un~lt ,uch lune a\ ~hc requifCmeflt I~;r "u~h In'Hr.:n~ce krnwJa!i:" In ;J('>':tHd"n;;:--t' v."lh ih'rnwo't:r-.. .lnd
<br />Leodor.s wriue-tl "',Icement Of applK4ble. law BOHQ",--el !l.h.dl paj the .,HHolJnl \.-1 ~dl mO,i~a~e lO'iUfan(t~ r(~:lllIHn... Hl lh('
<br />m.m;er I'fov..led Undel p:lD$f.pb 2 heteof ' ,
<br />An)' ~ dJ$bur5ed by t etHkr pursuant 1<.1 thl'- p.al'ilgr.lph 7 ~ lth 'nlCft'''q !l:H:'rt:"(\fl ~!nil h~lHjPt:- ,HIJI!fN,.I;
<br />u,debt~ of 8otl-owcr \(~urc-d h\' fh:i1i- t)ecd of Tru~t t 'nf~~ 8ortower ;md t cnU't:r ,1~!eC {t' {l!rn:-, f("f\f}'" 111 f\,t\ !llent. \;~".-h
<br />~ ;,ba1l be pay.hIe- upon n{H~~ lmm te~lef' to Hono\lter rC~HeMmg P..lyftlt'H! lhc!e\,L <l!lJ ~h,t1! h...',U 'Hll~l~:-.1 Irpm the
<br />dIte: of ditbut'1lC1'nCtlt .t the tau: pilYAhl-e tn"\m__ time H) hJl\e on (Hll'j;taHdI1~g prlfli:1}'\aJ imdc-r ih;.- S"\.lt' unk~"\ p:Jymcnt \~t intcrc"\l
<br />at ~h 'AU would bt'l;:Of\t,.ry hJ ,,-ppile.hk:. taVi.'. In wtm:n CV\'ttt ''\It.:h amt\Unh ~h"il ~af nltl'rl~~! ,II !hl.': hll;:he"t i;,lC
<br />~ under .pphc,.hic l.lVt'. :"-to1t\fn. cnnt.:amed In lill'~ p.uagrapn ? ..h.,11 teq~l\Ic i 'I,.'nder h~ q\>~~\.lf ;lrH C,\rl(~n~c (;f lake
<br />...y ""t._ ho.lllUftdc<.
<br />.... t~ _ tt,ndftr t't\>>)" fti(;ih.C pt ".AH\oe h~ he made r~..""'->nJhk (;flln(",-" .~pi:~n '::HJ\i In'''f'lt.'i.~ion.. \_\1 \he Pl,__"pnt, 1'1.,\ hkd
<br />rbat t~ t-h.aH ,Wt 8.l..lHt1Wctt tlUtKt' prH~i t~; liny ,"uch Ift\(l<<tw';; o;,p.t4-1trmg lC'b<.:\flOlbk <':i.W'J(.' thO',""",; :d.l!i;'d t<\ I cl'~h'f ,
<br />'-.. ... tbe Pm_v
<br />