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<br />the SUms. ~c-ured by this'Deed of Trust shaU continue unimpaired. Upon s,uch p,aymenr and cure by Borr()wer. lhi\ Deed of <br />Trust nmltne ~~hga'ton~ secured- hereby ;\halt remain tn -fuU fort:c find eifect as d' no' accclcrattnn _~ad oc,urred: <br />20..- A~..t of Iftnt.; Appo~mmt of Rft~h'er; lender ill Possession~ As itdthttnnal sec~trity hc,rell~dcr. Borrower <br />hl."ebyassigns to t..nder Ihe rents of ,heoproperty. providedlhal'Horrower ,I>all. prior '0 accderauon> IX <br />hereof or abandonmet)t ohhe Property. have Ih. ngl>t iO colleeland relain wch runt> "'they become due. and payable. <br />Upon aeecleratinn.under paragraph lXhen:of or abaodonmeOl ollhe Pmperty. I.ender. In pcrson; by <br />iudiClally appOInted ..:Ce,ve\', sh./I be entitled to ent.r. upon, lakcp"'.....on of.nd manage ,h.Properlyand,oc"'I..llh. <br />renlS onlleProperty including Ihose past due, All ten" collec'.d,hyl.cnder or lhe =civersh./IheappliL-d tirsttop-a)'mcnl <br /> ."..... o(management. of die Property and coll.elloo uf rent.. including, bu'nollimited to. receiver:.fces.prumium, <br />Oft_ 'r<<c'iver~s bonds 4lnd r,casonabte :attorney's fees. ar..J _th,,~ 10 fhe .i,ums ~ured fly, lhJs, I:leed j)f Trusl" I.ender' _~n~_ .,the <br />receiver ,h.llbe liable I" aCCOllnt on/yfor t/lo.e ren" aemally received. <br />11. F_... A'"- Upon'requeSl of Borrower. Lendero .1 Lender', option. pMor lot"lIn:conve)'.",,,,,,fllie Property <br />hy Trt'iJtee to Borrower, may make Future Advance\. ,to Borrower'.- Such Future AdvanceS'. witb:intcres~-:-theteon~::,han: he <br />""""ed by Ihis Deed of T ru't wilen evidenc..d by promlSS<"Y nOfes "ollllg Ihal said nOle. are securC'd hereby' Al no time shall <br />lhe--priUClpa.1 amounr-of the indebl(dncss-seeurett by thi.", Dt.'Cu ()f Tnt"!. not includmg sums' advanced m,ac1;ordancc her~wlth <br />10 I'rolect the ",cunty of Ihis Deed of Tmst. exceed ,he ""glOol amounl of Ihe NOle plus US S ::; 1,750.(10 . <br />U. RecDR..,........ Upon p.yment of all 'urn' ,ecured hy ,his Deed of TmSl. Lender shall requ"'t Tro'I~" 10 "....nve)' <br />,he Pr<>pert)' and ,hall surrender this Deed of Trusl and all nOI", evidencing ",debledne... ,ecuredby Ihis Deed"fTtll,1 <br />h\ !ru\.tC:c Trustee ~haU reconvey the Property wunoU{ warr_.mty and wirhoul charge to lhe pen-tm or - pcrsun~'-'I_cgall} <br />enwled tnereto, Such perron or peNOfiS snaU p~y-aH co'<<l\ of recordation. .f any_ . <br />%3. SutMtitute TJVSfft. lender. at Lender\ .option. may from tj~e to rime r~ove _ Trustee lInd- appct'_~-nt a-- -SU~;cCsSf,lf <br />lfti-'S.tee to any Tnlslee <appOinted hereunder by an tMfrnmcnt rC>\:ordc~J In the county In whiCh- ,his~-Oeed'-of-Tn'~t is: ret.:ordcu <br />Without '\.-cnvcyance of the- Propt'rty, the ~Ucce"'\.l'lf 1tu:stec ~haH ~uc~eed to all the- tide. power and- dutIes t.:onfcfred<ilpu-n <br />Ihe Trustee herem alld by applicable law. <br />24. ~for N<tt;ces. Borrower request. ,h.' co!"es or ,he nmice of derault and nOllce of sale bescnno Borr(lwer', <br />.ddr~. which" .be Prnperty Addl'eS!l. <br /> <br />IN WlTNE"'-S WHEREOF. Borrower has ,'XCCUICu thIS rx..d of Trust. <br /> <br />Chate~~.O~le~P~ .Q~Ye~PA~~~~,.~r~~.. ....,.. <br /> <br />/ / /7/'# --, <br />(.;;:1/,(~n~ ~l~k;' p~~~':'" ,'_~~";';.; <br /> <br />~/~ <br />Co? <br /> <br />(by) <br /> <br />STATE Of NEtlRASKA. JiALk County ss: <br />On this 21st day of O~t.Qber 19 83 hetore me. ,he undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duly eommtSslOt\ed and qllllltfied tm 'alii wunlY. ""..,maU, ,'.me I;. WaYne, .MQlc!<., Pt;elli\ler>.t. .Q( .. . . . . <br />CMl;e~l,t, Or.l.ean.$ DevelQPl1lent..Jr;<;. ,a Net;ralJf<a<;on)Qr;:t,t~Ql) .. 10 mc known 10 be Ihc <br />~dcnhcal per-s.onpa whose namct!d arc sU~-A:'nhcd In th",~ lnrt'~()mg H'lstrument and acknowkdgi.-d tt"-.e c~cci..ihon <br />'hereoi to be nil' 'olunlarY act and decU <br />WtlnC$-S my hand and m)larlal \cal dt ;~rand I~.1~nd t in ~ajd county! lh\." <br />da'e afor",..u <br /> <br />My C<>mmisslOn expires: 11 j 19! 8S <br /> <br />6&;;. =~-J <br />c... _"'11._ <br /> <br />o_~ ~/,\ <br />, Al~~" , ' <br />. ..~V1,~, ..... ,,,. <br />~....".< Barry.. ase <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR RlCON\EY ANCE <br /> <br />To TRUSTEE: <br /> <br />The undC'f'>lgned " lhe holder 01 ,lte nole or aOles "',,ured hy ih" DC't'tl oj Tru'l SaId nOle or 1I0'e,. (('gelher <br />"'rllt all other ,ndC'btednes"C'eurt'tl h)' Ih.. Deed 01 Tru,L have hem paId !II tull You are hcrebl' direeled 10 ,ancel <br />~.ud note or no(e~ and th!~ Deed ~)i Tru:r.t. wht..:h .ace dt.'h."cttd hereby. .inJ tt} reconvey. wltho~( warranf\'. all the <br />""laIC !IOW IIeId by you under Ih.. Deed ot T ru>t '0 'he """un or pc"om legally ent.r/ed Iherelo. . <br /> <br />Date: . <br /> <br />."" <br />." ''--. <br />~~~ <br />.~ -....' <br /> <br />,Q <br />,::) \ ,:.c.. <br />c "~l <br />"'.~"- <br />J <br /> <br />~:>D.a<:" ~ fn,,, i..'r'1~ ~.'.h4<f If/' ....t;~ .na R.-.::-;:;sd.., <br /> <br />r;, <br />2- <br />t' <br />E <br />::t <br />j:i <br />o <br />a <br /> <br />] <br />.6 <br /> <br />U) :: <br />U) ,.... L I ' 1;"- <br />:~1j:~ <br />~. ,! J..~ e ," <br />JJ-... $, ~. ~.. - ~k <br />:% :i -! ti.-- i::j. <br />,. .. 8 <) '""_tt:! '>- <br />w ~~~ <br />- >- ..... <br />'-"$ ..~'--"''''' <br />(t,) :;; 3 <br /> <br />..... <br />..... <br /> <br />.;!I- <br />:: <br />Q.. <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />~"',..,.# v <br />-"i c.-::- <br />~..J w <br />'>, ~ .;.:, <br /> <br />Q <br /> <br />l- <br />t) <br /><( <br />a:: <br />I- <br />\,1) <br />al <br /><( <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />:....1 <br /> <br />t. ", :i <br />~J <br />'~ <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />~ <br />.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />...: <br /> <br />ci <br />