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<br />I <br /> <br />My' payment s.chedule will ~: <br />: N\lm~J: ;;(Pay~nis,,! A~)llnl of Payments j When PaymcJll~ <Ire Due <br /> <br />83"1'105322 <br /> <br />I $l Payment <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />Estimale'd to be ~ days after the date <br />.~,":.. J ,1'.-J. of the Completion Certificate. . <br /> <br />All subsequent installments, on- the same day' of <br />'9 tJ;...- ~l .,C.ft c:(~rS_ecutive month until paid in full. <br /> <br />----~ <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Security: f am giving a security iritere'SI in: <br />I. Ihe goods. services ~nd';proptmy being p~~,h~~';"a~d <br />2.' my real estate ',.Jlnd improvemerits~ JncllJding ,~inY:".': <br />house. all at my., "Ad~ress" designate!1.__uPov:e,... .__~:~ . <br /> <br />.'iUnwRecordlllg f... $ ,,;//..J 6.4 ....... ... ....... .. <br /> <br />Late Charge: 'If a paymenjis more thao telf .(IOj'dayi <br />late, I will he charged $5,00 or 5%. of ,the ,Da'ment; <br />whichever IS -less. - .' . <br /> <br />Pr~p~_ym~ntr .If' I, pay '-:off"_earlY; - ,r._~i~l~ ,-A~t_ ~:a_ve'_!9-)ay <br />a penalty; and" r- may be enti~,led to ,a t:efu~d,,~(p.l~' of <br />t~e .ti~an<:~ cha~ge.., :.' -- - ';-" -' ,'", ;::- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />59 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />Credit:- ,Accident-' <br />& Health <br /> <br />~" I ~,i1r -feview o~il€i'_:,'pbrljoris-: ~f'YHt~ :"co'riii-aCt <br />for additional. inf0rmation"-'abOU~-: non.payment. 'default;:-, <br />any required repayment-i_n__full befote,theH;cheduh~d -date, ' <br />and prepayment refunds -and 'penahies:;- . <br /> <br />I' want credit--actide'nt <br />! . j' and health insurance.~ <br />$,..1"0 <br />.,?.; 7 ".; , emean, an estimate, <br /> <br />-~6rfe1f/ in~tirance is required, but I may obtain' this property insurance ,Crom- anyoJ!C..:~>_ ~,'__ <br />_r.~:ant_. ~f-'-"o~lain, [his i~~u!1lJlCe through you, I will pay $ ,('S.l? <').Q "tor.-~ _~o(,soverage. <br /> <br /> <br />'~~ltNc-EMiNT Of :fHE 'FINANCE CHAR'GF.: - The, tinance charge (interest) IS estimated. to. start' -on ,- _'::> r~~'~-,:~",' /<;f;....~'=1 '- : - _:, _,_:':- -' ,:' <_""<' <br />in_.rne. evepr>tharft:ou complete the installation, of .the good~ ,'and services_on uholher datC,-then-lhe:fij(ance 'charge "(interest) ,wi1l begin'toroll.;~-O-,t_~ <br />h,~~p~~~:,rti u:_ute. The amount of finance charge (int~res,t) may be mote Of less than the amq~;,_diSClosed dcpe_nding on_the amount~,l pay,;you _ <br /> <br />_PR~~M:~'T_:- t' may voluntarily prepay the amount J owe you. in full or in,parJ', at any time. If I make a partial prepayment,"r musHontinue:t.() make'!llY regularJ>!lymentS,-,_4 <br />:!J.!lhllh~\!e pai<tall;amounrs owed. . , <br />:REQUEST-fOR-FULL ,PA.VME~'T: If I do not pay. when du~. you can ~ecla~e all that 'J-owe under this contrnct payable at oncc. -J agree too pay you :inrcrestoo;that amount <br />~~'1!la,ximum contractual,ntte_ a1IQwed by lawu.iltiJ the amount 1 owe you IS paid, I also know thal you can foreclose the_Mortgage J have giycn-to you.- _~ ' <br />C-oLLECTION'COSTS: If I am in default of this_contract and you demand full payment. I ~nderstand that you lTIay :!:cnd it to Im,anomey f(wcollectioo:and cnforcement. <br /> so; I agree to pay-yourrcasonable attorneys' fees any COUll costs and expenSes incurred by you, that is,' If you arc allowed to oollect-such'amounts by_law-;'_ <br />MORTGAGE:.-I'hereby grant' bargain. sejl, conVey and'-mone.age to you. as Mortgagee,' my real eslale and house located al my "Addre$s" lIesignated on -the-tap-portion <br />of this:contractas securiry for all amounts due 10 you under this Installment Salcs-_Contracl. <br />REVERSE, IDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTAllMENTSAlESCONTRACHREA <br />PART OF INSTAllMENT SAlES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY T~E!tlINTHESAMEMAHNERAS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ONTHHRDNT OFTHIS'VERY <br />INSTAllM,~C~. '. RACT. NOTlC~~ROVISIDNS PRINTEII:llN REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIDNAl TERMS LIMITING SEllER'S WARRANTY OBlIGATlDN. <br />"'''-., . "",-, .'. .');" \ . ~\ ~_ NOTICE TO BUYER <br />I. I: d,o not-hav~-lct:-}lgn- t cadtfa(l-~ron. I ~)f al\,,\' of the spaces intended for the agreed terms to'the extent of then availab~,e__J~~fotrnation <br />are_ -~~ blank. _2. .l"BJ:Il. enli eel to a copy of this contract at the time I sign it. 3. I may pa)' off the fuil balance due under this rontraCt'"at any <br />time; _and in so d9ing I may_ be-entitled to, a -rebate of the unearned finance and insurance charges (if any). 4. 1. understand that -,this instrument <br />::.. ~ini~':~'br~r;eo~~~~~ :1:e:::S~~~~ ~:;~=~e~o:h~~:~:'~i, S. It shall not he legal for you to enter my premises unlawfully <br /> <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL , <br />I MAY CAItCEl THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT 10FTHE THIRD- BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE OATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I.. HAYE <br />READ THE ACCOMPAHYlltGItOTICEOF RIGHTTO,CAHCEl FORM F.llR AN EXPLANATlDN DF THIS RIGH1.) \ .'. <br />CO.PV RECEIVED:.I receipt of 1:1. co.'n..1PletelY t~lled. in ,COpy. of this ~t\{'t along Wit~{~)'f~.)j,I~.' of the ~,otice-of Right-t~ Cancel_~~~. <br />IN WITNESS WHERE<:)F::__t~is l~lhnent-.S~les ('nntmel and'J\1ongage h:.:ts bl:cB..~d on (his L~_'i:;,,-~~y--,)f __._: ,---" "_";." ~"/-__/ ,!9..J-...=:.., <br />at Idty) ,.. ", ....;....- > -~"';<- - -Start: nt :'\lebra~\"a, "\ '" <br /> <br />:Z:"EU;+~~.. <br /> <br />"lA~GE~'" ~ -- J,,,,,-,,,;,:,,,-. <br />'1 >- /J,/J~-'f/;,_-2/::;'~---,-' "-"_.....~_......~,~ ,-ii!:t::\.,,'-.~,~~ <br />IFA'tt\lH.'I' RI-:PR:f....f-~ .-"Co <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />By; <br /> <br />By, <br /> <br /> <br />County of <br /> <br />My cnmmissi,un expire~: <br />SM,IOI-NE,FfHC <br /> <br />CONFIDENTiAl ONLY <br /> <br />FINANCIAl INSTITUTION COPY <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />