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<br />I" <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />ot.! <br />'''if <br />I'" ~" <br /> <br />~.3;e053'~2; <br />{t- :'" -::: <br /> <br />-.. <br />A[)l)lTf~~AL1'ER~1O <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br /> <br />~~gt9~!"Iiqamq.8lll. .on . basis. Ift!iet <br />wDhefUlllIwmeclbe Uiteattied'pIlfllon of the fiDan<:e cb8lll <br />~."",tb,e$~u!~ dates ~ amounts of my monthly payment <br />~\d1lm~!.(l()WliJll9tbep18de' .. ... ...., .' <br />;.~;~,~TiCE._UT..WAflR~..,.fE$; <br /> <br />'>';i(.w;~'~"~~FORA'fJ~.. .' <br />~1$Ht:S, ".. .. . A.. $EPARAtE , <br />Le~iON ..... ....B~HALfr(WHICHflf' DE,ACCOMPANIE~THIS< .' . ........ ." <br />(b) I have ~:iu.<!elail, th<i separme "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this co~tract: It explai;'s the conditions and circutnS~ U;wi;ichlhii'~ <br />uf,""""",,productsw;JHli'repaired;oueplaced. I take notice of the limitations on t1ie Wll1TIUlty ,and! particu1arly..recogglzo,thatl1llYjmpli""'wao1ln~"biCl!.app~JoJbo <br />goodsl~ts-,?nlyasloRg-~.~~~ty:or,servi~~on~ct. _ _' '__ .- , _ _. _ _ ' _ _ _ d____, ':: --< :::,'-,--'--,,~_:':-< -:.<~-: ,-:,' <br />SPECw:.oRDER GOODS"I ~riOw that you have Dleasured my house and i~ openings so that youcan malee the produCts to fitmyparticWarljOuse~ r~~otfciHIWthe <br />goods that_ manuli1ctuR:d for my specific house probably will nol fit any otborhouses,ADdunde..uch i:onditioJ1li;I know thatl_e8llce1thiS''''!lllrlto1atan)(P <br />_~perii>d oftimegivento me; by law; in which tocan<:eI.Afterthat legalperiod of time, I know'thal Ihave tbeobligatIon to pay you inf!illtbelllllOI!"'OjVIllI';' <br />OBLIG:ATlONSPEltTXlNlNG TO'MYREAL EST A TEl I. IproiriiselO keep myhoiJSefu 'gooaiqiaiiBnato k.t!eP itJosul..ffor at least 8ll%i>f~~llCi;IneDtkI.. <br />bybuyinga,fueand'e~<:ovetage insurance policy .;The insurance company )1lust:be appro~edby you, and !be policy mu~hav.ea beneficiaryylau$e,\idliqh~t!>at <br />y.o.' ~d i.~_there-is.a lOSS.;' The... iUS._ _untnce. cn...mpany m. .ustagree that it win not cancel-my po. IiC.Y~ith..()U. t fU'Sttell.)ng.Jou. I au....thorize.. . ~ <br /> _ ~-.ins.. . urante._'., .'_ ,_'~.....'. y. .....10...... pa...y <br />youdir<ictly.fof'anyloss. YoUC8D choooe to-use payment to eilber repay any amounts I repair.myhonse. 2; lalSOi'\Ooiise.tha~I;W1l1:nOtalIOw <br />any""" el"" tp'pIaceany liens WI_your written pennission.3d promiseto pay. all taXes; >S5e$Smentsandotborcharge&""my rOa,I.c:slaIl>~duec <br />4;-1 pomise to tiinely make all pa~ts .c)n-m~or loam secured by my real estate. 18Jso ~mise that I will not extend, renew or change priorlo8ns;wi~t ~uilYJiuen <br />=i:j;ia:o:.:tu~'::re~~t~~;~u~::'J~=~~:'I.~~i':l.h~~i=ia~r~~n~~~f~;i~~~t~tul~t:~~~r.'~:~J~~It'~~ <br /> <br />to my debt to_you which is secUred by my real -estate and-house. I know that if you decide to buy insurance for me that you do not.haveto-obtain any:homeo~or liability <br />insUrance~ ' , <br /> <br />SAtE OFMYHOUSE:Ipn;mi~not to sell, I.... or give my house 10 anyone until I have fully repaid my debt to you. <br /> <br />DEFAULT: I will be in defaultwderthis contract if: <br /> <br />1. ldon'tmakeapaymentwbendue;or <br /> <br />2. -,It!feak:aypromise-hnade to-you in thiscontmCt; or <br /> <br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith lliat I do not intendl0 pay you as promised; or <br /> <br />4. ldefaWt~ any obligations for which 1 am using my home as coUateral; or <br /> <br />5' Something haJ>pens tn illy house which threatens yonrnghts. if any, in it. <br /> <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have !be right to foreclose !be MUftgage I have given to you and have my hnuse sold to repay any amounts I o","youifl <br />am-in default u.nderthis contract. Before my_house is sold. you will do everything that the law requires. !fyou hire an attorney to assist you-to sell my house, or, _to sueme. <br />.llf'!O~P!QltCl.your.~, I _10 pay you,for ynur reasonable auomeys' fees and for olber related expenses such as court custs, tiUe searcl>e'<lell~ <br />toprotect'myllouse, if you _allowed tocolIeet such amounts by law. <br /> <br />p1llER RiGJiTS:;We.~ c~ not to enforce any of the ri~lS under this contract as often as ,we want without losiDg'them. or-,"we can delay eDiorciD&.ll!ly'_oftlie~ ~, <br />wi~lo_singthem.WecanalSouscanyrightsnoworinthefuiUregiventouSbYlaw. _,',_," c_'._'-' _ ''''_ (:' <br /> <br />~Xs: lk.oow-that you.will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my ho~se, but I also ~nderstand 'that in some situations you ~Y:~Il':QUDter : <br />~lays--:that are caused by strike5._weatber conditions. delays you have in obtaining materials, or for other reasons that are- ~yoDd your- control. I understand-that _yo,," will ~ <br />, not be liable forsuch delays. <br /> <br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim with you concerning !be quantity, quality nr perfnrmance of!be produclS, I understand that my dispute may be submitted !O <br />~ settled accordin~ to the inediatioo--arbitration program that may have developed in my community. I also know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) would be en.-- <br />~ inthe ~~UIt havmgjurisdictionover me and you. <br /> <br />SAL VAC>E V ALP!!: I know that tbe'windows, woodwork, and other materials that have to be removed by you for this installation have NO salvage value. When you ~ <br />~ve ~.._you._can have lbemfor-wbatever purpose you want. - " <br /> <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to !be uniqueness of some oflbe products that you sell, I understaI\d that in ijpCcial situatiuns that your Regional Office may have to review. <br /> <br />~~~~s~r~\':~cl~';=~~th;:;~~v~';=:J:i.~;:=~~=~::b'~~;~~O~:~;c:,:'~:d~on important to this _tiO!l <br />, ~~~1'n':~~tb':I.~~~~y:n:m~~~I=~~;ht-:~J!;;~~-:I~~~~~?:~t=~~~~~I:~~iu~:"0~C~II~~:ontraClrequires <br /> <br />, COMPLETENESSOFTHIS CONTRACT: 'I'biscontract"",,onlybe changed ifboth you and lagree in writing. <br /> <br />, ; '!'hI; fo1lowingllOii"" brinas to my..nenlion.the ri~'thall havuveo when this contraCt is sold to a financial institution or a banI<, and I should notice that Ibe impor, <br />:.~""'.urovtilOA~OVIlS-anoearancelntenDOlnt.boldfacetvoe: _...... ...... - - ~.<r'\o.-"'" <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />