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<br />
<br />
<br />.I}.... . .... ~... ..' ,..INC "'. FOR USE IN. T.Ht STAre OF NEBRASKA TO eE RECORDED IN REAL ESTATE RECORP"...
<br />". ....,-., ..~HE.lEUERICREDITOR) ~.j"'"ffa53~2 ./-A'l -\e-,-(.. '.
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<br />Fcft:ETZ:.~E~gE:A::""77 =N~~:~~~~s~u~~:3 27 JOe ~/( ~....'...':
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<br />
<br />sij!<!,ii' .'. . , ," D.te. or This Cont1'llc' "k/AP'/j,'
<br />
<br />'-;-A'd~s':;Jj:-~---:-.:,:~-,.,~:.~?>._-:.__,-~-:,__ .'_',;__-_---: __ Ci.ty, ___ ,__ _ _ _ _ _ ,le ~~~~ -_ziP:-.~f~f.ir?_-_T~lePhojJe:No.
<br />,:.\: - J~.,-:this-ln~ilJiment s~les-:Contract _the- words' r.- me,-'nnd -m)" refer to the Buyer and Co.Buyer (if any)-'signing t~.is. cont~L
<br />'.' ",t--"arid: ust,.;re[er, 10' the Seller -and may also mean a bank or other financial institution if it buys this, contract. If it does... ( ,
<br />it. _U~~er'the ~o'1-gage__stalute~. f am also known'as the "Mortgagor." and you are referred to as_.tne_ "M
<br />"Buyer" signs below ~Ja::c~f~~'n~a;~~~_:~--":~t,th~7~~~~_=:: 'C~tig~~i~Q~~ha~~'-~~~g~d{~~'~~
<br />t;,of_-lhe;-'Produ~S'_'al)d_-;servic~it\1 ~y:"owc~dlt.-_ _"'''__ _ -.-",,-' :'-'_ ,--_:'
<br />~: -,~b~y,._:.alld::YQu a~rte--.:t_o sen~:- for .the~ Touil SaJe -,Pr~e,,: sel'_forth ~IQ~." ih,t :,p~~~ts
<br />you-the' in accord3UCe-wJth'the payment, schedule_;ser fonh belo~;-.togethcr Wlrh"y1tel"~st',thereon '_ __,
<br />below~ _ J also _ agree to _all .of the other- (crow: on-"bOth 'sides- of -this cortl'nlct;--On1r ,,-prOducts>manufacttired "by":Tbe:.\
<br />-~~~..Y~ Lim~~ed Warranty. .;0 e~~e-:or ~interior tlj,. v.sin:<<ng ,or ,sta~g,--will :~_:prJ_O~I~~ ,~I.~~~~ed:.j~J~I,~ ',~_~~~~~ct~. < : " .
<br />;. ~<A-"4~ . ~r , ~ ~-. "';':6 ,.. ,,~~;.q;.< ~ / <;f~ <?"'<<-<";';;'~?A;<-:-- "'~~,,~+
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<br />A
<br />
<br />f~'~UCh."Add"","iS:~+ \ ~;}.;~{1: .~ t Jood.lZ~ oX (I tl 0
<br />
<br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Base cash pricc S " 7/),') ~'+ .ax ~+ addi.ional
<br />Total'ca..;;h_price $ /7' ,.,4:,() ~, -Cash ftotal) downpayment $ /,...:..~~ L::I.~.::J
<br />fniMIZATION OF THE AMOl'NT FINANCED OF $ "'i r>1/ :U
<br />
<br />warrdnty/scrvice coverage ~ $ /"?LM~ ~.
<br />''''' Unpaid balance of $ /....J1 M '.(;bS
<br />
<br />
<br />$ / 7"/')/) ~ Amount credited to this contract (Same amount as the ~'UnpBid Ralllnce. "')
<br />$- ~.. 'TCo,/') QP'- AmoUnl paid on net balan~e from prior contract v.-'ith us,
<br />AmQunt(s)puidto other.; on my behalf:
<br />~ $__- ./ ;7 i ~ .to insu_Iance company for Credit Life insurance
<br />$'. j-;,.'~ :U toinsu~.mcecompanyforAccidentandHealthinsurance
<br />
<br />$ ,.J? LW to insurance company for Property Damage insurance
<br />$ ~~ to public officials for tiling/recording fees,
<br />$ (,''?t) ~;;C. '0 (Specify)
<br />
<br />
<br />ANNUAL
<br />~R"TE
<br />'The-- cost of my cre-dit as
<br />_ a y_early. rdte.
<br />
<br />CHARGE
<br />The dollar amount the
<br />credit will cost me.
<br />
<br />Amount
<br />
<br />Financed
<br />
<br />The amount of credit
<br />provided tn me or on
<br />my behalf.
<br />
<br />Total 01.
<br />
<br />Payments
<br />
<br />The amount I will
<br />have paid after I
<br />have made all payments
<br />as scheduled.
<br />
<br />Total Sale price
<br />The total- COSt of my purehaSe
<br />on.credit" including my
<br />downpuyrnent of
<br />
<br />
<br />/$.0,,:1 %
<br />
<br />$
<br />e
<br />
<br />/'b ..1 y',
<br />
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<br />
<br />$. JJ"G)/. ~L
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<br />$
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<br />$
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