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<br />I <br /> <br />83-'()OR205 <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> <br />0060350-5 <br /> <br />mrs AIlJUSTABIE RA1E RIIER is made this aJR~ of ~~ l~ ' am is <br />1no:Jrporate:l into ani shall be deomed to aIIl!Dd the, of , or Dee:l to <br />Secure Debt (the "Security InstroDent") of the SlIIIe date given by the lDIer8igDI!d (the ~") to <br />secure Borrower-.. Adjust:ah1e Paymeo:t oote to Cc:mErclal Federal 5Il'rlngs am U:a1 (the <br />"Lemer") of the SlIIIIl! date (the '1bte") and o:M!!rlng the property described in the Security Jnst:r\JIIInt <br />and lDcate:l at: <br /> <br />~Jl~ q'~aeri~89 U"~h. C~"nA T"l"~~~&Ol <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CllANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />EVERY 5 YEARS. IF THE INTEREST RATE INCREASES, THE BORROllER-S MON'l'BLY <br />PAYMENTS WILL BE HIGHER. IF THE INTEREST RATE DECREASES, THE BORROWER'S <br />MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BE LOWER. <br /> <br /> <br />AlDITICNt\L a:NEN\NI'S. In addition to the C<M!mDts and ~ made in the Security!JwtruDeat, <br />Borr~ and I.&nlex' furtN!r COIIe1ant au:! agree as followB: <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />'!he lbte prorldes for an in1Ual interellt rate of 1 2 . 17,x. Section 4 of the Ibte prtJ\'ide . for c:hIqpls . <br />in the 1ntenst tate 5ld the monthly ~, as fOn'Oii": <br />"4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTRLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />(A) Change Dates <br />'DIe rate of interest I will pay ..., ~ on the first day of ~..~ a ' . aCll1, <br />that day every 60th lllCDl:h tbel:'e& Each date on >Mdt aq rate of '18 C::a1JAIda: <br />"ChaIge rare. " <br />(B) The Index <br />~ with the first Olallge rare, I'4Y inreresl: rate wl1l be base:l on an Ind8Ic. :n. "1nda:" is <br />the --.i:ly 8lII!DIgI! yie1d (D ll11te:l States TJ:easury sa::ur1ties adjuste:l to a C<XIlItant lIIIt1II'.'1tyof5 <br />years, as made a'IJ81lable by the Fe:ltiml ~ lloIml. :n. IIlDBl: receutly availableInd8lc fi,gureuof <br />the date 45 days before each 0laDge rare is calla:l the "CUrnot; Index." <br />If the Index is 00 It:qII!l' availab1.e, the Ibt.e IIolder will cl-ooE a l1I!W iD:Iex >Mdt is bue:l. upon <br />"""'P"....hlE' lnfoIlllllt1on. n. Ibte lb1der will give me not.1ce of this cb:W::e. <br />(C) Calculation of Changea <br />Before each <balp Late, the Ibt.e IIolder will calc.ulaI;a lIlY l1I!W rate of interest by ~ 1 .900 <br />pen:enrage poiol;s (~%) to tha Curreal; Index. 'DIe SlID. wl1l be my tll!IoI intflreat rate .mil t:'!ii'iiiit <br />0laqJe rme. <br />n. Ibte lb1der will then dete11lIlne the lml<&lt of the monthly pt)1lllS1t taU: 1ClUld be suffidentto <br />repsy the UIlpl1d prttxipe.l ba1aDc:e of I'4Y l.asn I aa expec:te:l to owe (D the ~ tate in full on the <br />llBtUrtty date at I'4Y l1I!W rate of interest in wbatantially equal pa)'lIlISItS. The ~t of tI1iIi <br />calc")$'jnn will be the ~ aunt of I'4Y monthly pt)'lllllDt. <br />(D) Effective Date of Changes <br />It' new rate of 1ntereoIt will ~ effective on each 0l8Il@IIl rare. I wl1l pay the tll!IoI lml<&lt of <br />lIlY monthly pI)'IllllDt each mcath ~ on the first monthly pa:)'llll!l1t date at the 0l8IWl Date .mil <br />the lml<&lt of lIlY monthly pa)'llll!Dt ~ again. <br />(E) Notice of Changes <br />The Ibte Iblder will lllllil or deliver to me a notice of any c:hfw&es in the lIIllOWt of IllY lIIXIthly <br />pa:)'llll!l1t before the effect.1ve date of any~. The ootice will include infOIlllll.t.i.oo required by law <br />to be giveo me am also the title am tel.eplooe fl\I1lber of a will llIlIIWI!r any questioo I 1l!IBY <br />haw ~ the not1ce," <br /> <br />B. C'HAllGES;LIENS <br /> <br />lbifOllll GMIDant 4 of the Security l'natrtau1t is 8IIlIlDie:l to ~ as fol.looB: <br /> <br />4. CIl!ll:1aS; UENS. BoITOlol!r shall pay all tallI!S, alISl!SSIIillIt, au:! other charges, finea am lmpoaitions <br />att:r:lbutable to the Property loilich my attain a p:iorlty aver this Security Instn1lll!Dl:, ani leaselDld <br />~ or gtOlDi ren.ts, if 8D'j, in the __ pr<Mded tnler paragraph 2 hereof or, if rot paid in <br />such llIlImI!1', by lloI:roIoer lllllId.n8 pa)'lllllDt, ..tlen due, directly to the payee thenof. Borrower shall <br />prolIpt1y flll:Uish to U!oler all mt1cea of aoowts due L'l:OO this paragraph, au:! in the eveol; Bort'OOlO!r <br />sl:all llI8ka pr.yment di.rectly, Ilorrower shall prauptly furnish to U!oler receipts ~ such <br />plj1IIlDta. llurn:wer shall praaptly discharge any lien loilich hss priority over the Security Inst::rLIDerJt <br />prorided, thet Ilorrower shall rot be required to discharge any such lien so loog as Borro<oe.r; (a) shall <br />aaree in writing to the lll)'lllllDt of the obL4!;1dm secured by such lliln in a !llIICDer acceptable to <br />U!nder; (b) shall in good faith conteSt such lien by, or defend against enforcEllE1t of such lien in, <br />lop! ~ WJJ.d1 in the op1nia1 of I.&nlex' operate to prevelt the enfo~t of the lliln or <br />forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof; or (c) shall secure frarl the lnlder of such lien an <br />~ in a rom satisfactoty to Leeder subortUnating such lien to this Security Instrulll!r;!t, <br /> <br />If l.eo:ler de~ tiBt all oc any part of the Property is subject to a lliln loilich my attain a <br />s:rlodty over Security Inst::rLIDerJt, U!oler shall sea:! Bo=-r mtice identifyi.og such lliln. llorroIer <br />sh&ll _t:UIfy such u.. or take oae or am-e of the actions ee1: forth abore Idthin ten da)"S of the <br />giv:\.ql of oot1ce, <br /> <br />C. NOnCE <br /> <br />tb:I..foaa 0:MIrIiIDt 14 of the ~ty IniltIUllllllt is 8IIlIlDie:l to read as follo;ls: <br /> <br />14. ltltice, l'lIcept for 8D'j notice required ua1er applicable law to be g1W!ll in arother 1lliIIlI1oer, (a) any <br />rot1al to ~ ~ fur in the Sotcurity Instn.m!nt shall be given by deliveril1g It or by <br />~ 1t by first clMa IIIIlil ~ to llorrower at the Property i\ddres$ C!t: at ~u::h address as <br />~ ,., d..dpte by rot1c.e to 1.eo:ler illI prav1ded herein, am (b) any rock.. to Lender shall be <br /> <br />ADJUstABLE. RATE ~lDEa <br /> <br />YE,AB TREASURY iNDEX - .-'" raa:ilv \~~'J ;:ap) ~-f,->Jiflt~d tJ.:> <br />