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<br />r <br /> <br />R~_ 005205 <br /> <br />lhe sUJ!U ><:cured by Ihis Dee<! of Trusl shall continue unimpaired. Upon such paymenl and cure by Borrower, Ihis Deed of <br />TrUll and lhe obligalion< secured hereby shall remain in full force and effecl .s if no acceleralion had occurred, <br />20. A1ooIpIneDlof Rentr. AppGlal_ of Rec:eivfl';, Le.....ln P-mon. As addilional security hereunder, Borrower <br />hereby millO" 10 Lender the rents of the Property, provided thaI Borrower shall, prior to acceleralion under paragraph 18 <br />hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to ,ollect and relain such rents as they become doe 'and payable <br />Upon act:eler.uon under paragraph 18 her..,f or abandonment of the Property, Lender.' in person, by agenl..orItY <br />judicially. . ,appointed, shall be ehtitl.oo to enter upon; take possess. . ion 0.. fand ma.nage tbe p.ropert. y.. .an.dto .'. 01... .1"". t.lh. e." <br />rents of the Property including Ihose pa>t due. All renlS collecte.! by Lender or the receiv... shall be applied firsllo.pajrment <br />of the cmtsof management of Ihe Property and ,01leCtion of rents, including, but not limite!! to; receIVer'S fe..., premiums <br />on recelver',s bon<ls and reasonable atlorney's lees, and Ihen 10 the sums secured by this Dee<! of TrtISt. Lender and lhe <br />receiVer shall be liable 10 accounl only lor those renu actUally received. <br />21. v_ A~ Upon requeol of BorrOWer, Len<ler. at Len<ler's option, prior to full reconveyance oftbe PiOperty <br />by Truotee to Borrower, may make Furure Advances to Borrower. Suc:h FUlure Advances, with InleRSt Ihereon; shall be <br />secured by Ihis Deed of Trusl when evidenced by promissory notes stating Ihat said nOl.. are secured. hereby. Atno'timeshall <br />the principal amount of the indebtedness =uted by tbis Deed of Tm... not including sums advanced in ,accordance bereWtth <br />to prOle(t the -..rity of this Dee<! 01 Trusl, csceed the original amount of the Note plus US $.>.'''""~~.'.'''."".''m.'''' <br />n. a........,._, Upon payment of all sums _med by this Deed 01 Trust, Lender shall request Trusteel()'t"eeonvey <br />the Property and shall .."render Ihi, J':leed of Trust and all nOl.. eviden<:ing indebtedness secureriby this.Dee<!ol'TrU$l <br />tn Trustee Truotee.hall re.;o"""y lhe Proputy without warranty and without charge to thepel'$on.or persons. legally <br />entitled thereto. Su<:h penon or pe""'" ",..II pay all cosls of recordation, if any. <br />23. ~ T_. Lender. al Lender's OptiM.. may from lime to time remoVe Trustee and appoihl'a~r <br />trustee to any Trusteeappomted h~un<ler by an instrument recorded in the ,ounly in which this Deed of Tn 1St i.:recorded: <br />WitMul convey.nee 01 the Propeny. .he su"....,r tm..."" sh.1l .ucceed 10 title. power and duti..conferredupon <br />th. T....\ee and bv appheable law, <br />N. Ite-' 1M N<itlcn. Borrower ",qu..ts lha. cOplC' of the notice of default and /lOtice of ..Ie be sent to Borrower's <br />add,.,.. which is the Property Add...... <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEll.EOF. BQrrower has executed this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,t/!k1"1<t.,-!. .~:~.~,..,.,.........,.,..... <br />'A en It, Hansen -_..... <br /> <br /> <br />/;};~ .., i' ' It <br />. k._ -t.l.'G;~of..UM(~, . ,f,"W:1.!4''-V. , . . . . , . . . . . . .. .. <br />Ja uel-lfle lIansen -8or~ <br /> <br />STATE OF NnMSltA, HlI n , . ' . Counly >s: <br />On till. ,1!!t)'1 .day 01 $ep~",b.tlr. 19, 1)3, before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commosslOllCd ltlld. qualifkd for said cwnty. personally "Imc, Al"!.~!l R,.. .Ill\~~!l. !"n,q . ' . <br />. ,J,l\<;' .l\4llll'tt., t>u.'!1l4Ild "lldwU'l .. '. to mc known to be the <br />i<lenlk."'al perroni S) whO!!<: name!,) 'lte ,.umcr,bed 10 the forc{:Qmg ;n.mumctll and .lCknowledged the executiQII <br />lhere.ot 10 be, . ,~"'" t r . . voluntary acl and dCC<l. <br />Witness my hand and nQ(aflal """I ~I. r.rand 1sl.and. <br />date ttiorWIld. <br />..t DENISE KA ~ lOWlY <br />My' Commi..i"" ex 'r. ... GtNEllAlNOTAlY),...oI_. ' <br />'""'~ M, c-I.... ...... 2$.liV <br /> <br />. ,to said counly, the <br /> <br />. / /j <br />Jj 'u ,.. ~' . ,J'"" ..-1 <br />/~ J "",, _/.-"-".f l,t..l ," i l v v...J <br />.. ',.(;/'<""" '" . I a/!. . :7Jd. . . ':".1. . <br />N<<..r1 P_!t( (J <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To T1UJSIU <br /> <br />Tho: undersigned i. the holder 01 the nOle or nOI" >ccure.J bJ In" Deed 01 Tru.1. Said note or notes, together <br />witlt;ill ~'lthe1,ndebte.Jne.. ,<<ured by Itll. De<:d d 1'ru.t, h,,"e 1><:<,,, paid in lull. You are hereby directed \{) cancel <br />said tWle (If n(>(e, and th.. 0ee;J of Tru". wbICh are delivered hereby. and 10 re,onvey. without warranty, all Ihe <br />C$late MW held by you under lhl> Deed 01 Tru'l to the pen,on 0" persons legaUy entitled tnereto, <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />(~. ~ T'h'>> i..l-~ Ra;et-.....c FG( t..runr L""lcj Ro\K,.Qrdcrl <br /> <br />t <br />