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<br />I <br /> <br />83_ U05205 <br /> <br />9. Cond~mnatioD. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shan be paid to Len""r, <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess. if any. paid to Borrower. In the evenl or a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise ague in writing. there shaH he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />;.1$ is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />!.aking bean to the fair market ,..'aloo of the Propeny immediately prior to the daft of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid 10 Borrower. <br />If tbe Propeny is abandoned by Borrower, \)r if, after notke by Lender t(l B~rrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a clAim for damages. Borrower faits to respond to Lender Within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's. option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or 10 the sum. secured by this Deed of TN". <br />Unless. lender and Borrower otberv.'lse agree in writing. any ~uch application of proceeds to principal shall nOl extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installmenls referred hl in paragraph\ I and 2 hereot or change the amount of <br />'\ouch instaUments_ <br />1'. IImTo-wer Nof Rdtoated. Extensi0n of the time for payment or m(\d11k.alion uf amortization of the sums secured <br />by this .Deed or Trust granted hy Le.nder to any succeSStl( in inter("St of Borrt'\wer \hall nOl operate to relea,sc, in any manner. <br />the h..biHty Qf the. onginll) Borrower an~ Borrowu\; successf!fII in Interest. Lender !<<hnll not he reqUlr<:d to commence <br />proceedings agaInst such succeS-'ior or refuse to extend tIme tor payment or otherwise modify amorti7..arlon of the sums <br />s.<<:ured by rhl~ Deed oJ Trust by reas.on of any demand made bv the ongmal Borrower :1 lid Borrower's successors in interest <br />11. F~ by l.ender Noc . Wah-er, Any forbearance by Lender In cx('rdsmg any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded b.y applicab1e law, shaH not he a w~iver .:)~ or predude th~ exercise of any such ri~ht (l~ remed~ <br />The procurement of lniUrance or the payment n-f tax~ or (Hhe-r hen,; nr cha.rges hy Lender !ihalJ not be- t-t W31"'<er or Lender:; <br />nght ~o acc-elerate the m:u:unty of the mdcbtednes!i. "e'~~tired hy 1 hI'\. Deed .of Trust <br />12. ReaaecHa ('ulIIuladft. AH rcmed~s proyaiotd In fhK Deed of Tm\t arc di~hnt:[ and cumulative to any nlner right <br />or HUttedy under thil Deed of Tru.'\1 or ;dhHded b\<' !d"-' or CqUI(;, .md ma;.. be tn';,crcised c~)ncurrcnUY. independently or <br /> <br />,~.v~~t'-.on- ami A.... Bound: Jain. .nd Se'l't'nd Liability: esp-dons. The ,-'(Jvenants and rlgreements herein <br /> 'Shall hind. and the fights hcc-el1!l-der ~haH Jflure h-,_ :he ff.'S-pe':iiVl' sutcess-on ;.IlJd .a!>SI~ns of Lender and Borrower, <br />1j.ubje.c( to [he ptm'isions of paragraph 17 hert'ol Ail "'-t}\-"c-nam~ ~Hld agreements of Borrower :>hali be joint and several. <br />fhe .::apciom and headings of the p.lnlg,raph'i nt tht~ need jlf Trust ;Ht:' tiJf Ci~nYe-nteoce only ;md are not to he lISed ti."l <br />Inte.rpRt tlr define the prm'mons t-~-reot" <br />14. Notkr. Except for any notICe xquHcd under ;~pplH;;}bic 1;.\.\ hl be' ~l\en lH anolher manner. {;l.} any nMlc:e to <br />lk.'1ffQWU pttlvided for in this 0i:ci:1 VI TflJ,S,t ~haH he. g\'\,'~\1 by ma.l!ing ~u.:h notlce by rertHlcd rn-ad adJ:resse.d 10 Borr?wer at <br />the Prope,ft). Add-reo -U.f -:).[ 'Weh otht:r 3ddress ;I<j Borrower may J-e~tg.nate DY notice !(1 Lender a~ provtded herein. and <br />1 b) lUW f.lobce tll f ~ 1.faU hi: given h-y (ert1fi.ed tniU!. return re--eeipt re-qm::stcd, \(l Lender's address stared herein or t-o <br />~ud1 other 4dJ~ o'll l..eaOef ,nay dcsJgn.ate by IWtJ{.'e !u Borrower ~h p-wYlded Mre-m, A.ny notice provided for m this <br />[Jeed ctf Truu .iJ1aj1 be: deemc::d tn h:il.~'C' been ~i"er.: to B-t,rrow\':f .If I_tl1\Jel ,,,. hen gi"'cn in the manner desigrmted herein. <br />15~ lJnif.... J~ fit Tntif; (;onf'l'lin<< L... Se"'f'n.bWt)", lhls furm oi dced oi frU!\t I..'ombmcs tUllforrn cnvc-nants for <br />natil,)llJ,1 U$oe and fHm.umfQrm CQ-"..c-nant! 'Wlth flmuc.o vanatiOl1\ !Iv Jlln$t.h(,"liun In ~(~nslllutc- a uniform :5-t"cnnly instrument <br />;;o--vmnl feaf pfO-p<'fty <11ln: [Jeed of Tn"-t $hal! Pt: ~('\"emt"'d h' iht' b-w ('1 the rwi:st.hcl!Qn lH which the Pro-pc:;rlY l~ locaf~d. <br />in rbe ev~ot that -'ill>, ptUVI;U(I'O 0f daU$('. d fhi:\ {)eetl ~\~ r~\1:\t (1f jl1l;." J'.,{?It' ';':,Jt1ill(tS with appJu:.l1bte law, ~m:h t:ftOthc_t s.hall <br />nm ~ffect n1ner- ptl)'+I~(m'J oi tl'1n l~J of TnAI l'lf lhe Note Wbl.;h ~an fo.e ~ivcn dIcet wahout the 1.',lf\I1tctwg pHwistOo, <br />-and to Uli~ eM lhit ptO"r'J3Jom of tt~ l~ of frU_\l i1uJ the :-':()l~ Me dcd.ued h' \'~ "K:'ver-ab!e. <br />16.. ~"$ t:opy. Rorr-oVlltf :thaH h<" !'Hni~hed;li ...nnfmuwd "dvr ~,; the Note ;.tod 01 this Dcetl 01 TrWi! al the time <br />()f el<<'-ut.!-Ol) t)t' ",-her re\;otdabon herro{ <br />.,. r""'er of tk............,)1 A....."ao.. If all "~f ;'Un p-~ll ~,( {he Pmptft'f \.;;- ;Ul intCf'CM (tJe.rciu fli soM (if Iransferred <br />l~ Bou-~-tU' 'Widmu~ Lend6-'~ pfiPf' wf,tkf1I;...m....~ul. cH~h.tUHlg ;-.ti the ~,r-t'lfll(Hi nt ,l hen ('r caC'u~nbfance ~ubo-~t.1imltc, t-\) <br />;ht~ ~ o-f TN\{. I b) tbe ('ruh('m 01 ~ pu:rt;-.h~'te !1';um'\ ~l:,'.(tJ-fH~~ llltffe~t 1,H ht.lU~ht)fd .appi;.:tfJC~, \ t.:) ~ lran~fer tl;" devJ~, <br />~~tit ('pf b)' {}pe-Ati~)n {it Jaw tiptm th< -dea-th c(,t ;.! inm1 tt',;!-arH Of i d I !hc ,gnmt {~t M1V' ka")t:b.oid jnlrrt:M (1t tht1:e ),'car!l< or ks~ <br />tmt (:wt;oltfl;ffil, an. option hl purt.>h-\tSi(', i t;~d m:n, .:J.l i ~l'.fdCf" (JP~IOil, k!.ecl;:}lt: ;tU tnc- ,,"utns ~ec_atc-d_ by 10l& need of Tru..t to be <br />Hnttl'C!iduuely d* iMid pay.trie. l.tndcr !l;:h..u hiS""t." "";,ilwd ~\:#..h t'll~U~H tp d,\.:l;;('knte If. prwr '0 thtz- ,1I-ak Of transfer. Lemief <br />;u14 the f'l(7.f')O(\ j;.> whom (M propctty a to ht- "<lj\l n HaH~fJ.:111."iJ rc-;t".,'h ~\~fre-eln,;'fH HI \ol<fltin-g d,lU Ihe ,--'re{jll pf ~u\.:h penon <br />.,ft ~:otl~full.>>) hJ ) rndef -iind th1t~ the HHt:tnl r~<il.lhk "h I!~ HjtH~ \~:~lHt,tl h {hl--~ Dct." Df Tru~t ,hall he al ~u-.;;h r~He: :a~ <br /> f~uest, tf Le-ndef ha:l lloil~"'~ thi: ~-'?llll,i j,,! ~,,-,.:;dC'flJit: pi"I,)"'lucd In flu!. p,;ar41!traph I F,.and if 8orrvw~r's ~Ut.:~f."S<'fOi <br />in aUetai hA)('UJ;-\flcQ a *Jln~n .iJ>>U!nrttUtlllitJ<<n.~al .)~'_:;':~~+leJ ;il1olrfllH\K hy l.end<r. 1 e-n-d<-r <j,naU rdc-be- Borrnwer from <br />aU i..."lhh-tal:t(lfl\- under Inn. ~ ('it TrUit ~nJ the- NOle- <br />If L~n<:lef nef'1.;t~ ~oK;h np(tOfi t-O itG-t'k.r;ne, t t;:tlJct ."h,ji! !THiIIl B-('ttrU~'-Cf rH.1t\ce of a\,:ct').ef3hon in a;.:\:ordilnce \fo,.\{h <br />p.u:j.-Iuph 14 ~ct ~ fkHiox ~h.a p-W'l!-Je ~ pcllOV of n,-,! k.,.i'l' thlHl .1(1 dAY~ from the: Sate lhe notice- 1<; m~nled within <br />'lfrhk;h aotft}..~( mill,- Pii) 1M 'l.u-m_" d<<-t.iUe;,j i.t~(' if (i.{HfP...(-! Ltti.. ~d p.-~\, ~u~h ,UIlU, pr.'i.\f lu the t.~),pilahoo ,,\')[ ~Hich perii.x1. <br />Le-~ mi\-~, wl-thvat twthcr 'mtK~ ..:r Jcm.a:tliJ ,)-n iknrn-v.c-r. !;-,.-pJ,,'{', $,tn- ft;mahCi. t1eHl1!HN by piliiigf3ph I K hc-rCi)t. <br /> <br />NO_1-..l3:-OU<UR,M -(""l!,r'l:N"NI\ s.:)H~'WC:i ,t{}J 1 l"unh<t -;:\}....eihiht .;anJ agree a\ toBow~. <br /> <br />tlJ+ .-\u''''~ R~ f'~(e" .... pr"'l'iONJ in par__..... 11 Mrro(~ UJH>D Botfowrr':i breMt'h of any ,~ou:JWmj oe <br />~.._ of itt f_ rl.tcd- t.)-f ,-~ im~l~ tlw ('O\o~tli\nb 16 ,., _awn dw by SUIlUi ~t'ured by this D<<d <br />aI.'r-n..,. t~ priur to ...c~ dulD mail ,..-kt t.o B(l..--n.~.e-. ~ VUHiftd in patallapb 14 bereof specif">i...: (I) tbe: <br />_... illllM .._ .....- t.. n.... _It b",lI<It, 13, . dill~, ..... .... t'-' .l\l da~" from t~ date tho noli<< .. mallfll '0 <br />....'Wet. 1>)' wllkh >Kia ~h a.- be- cured; ad (4-. that failm~ to (.'Vft! !Ouch breach on Of btfOJ'e the date ltp<<"i6ed <br />it< ... ttOlin _ """" ht ...,dcnItlotJ of t.... ....... _.",0<1 by tIU. tl><<d of Trmt .nd ... of tbe Property. '11,. 001.... <br />.... ,__ laI_ ........... of tho riabt t.. ..._. aim ",.ffiorallott and tho riaht to brins . .....rt a.tloo I" ....., <br />t" JMMt.o.C'.~ \l-' . tW'Mdt ()t aa,y (}tMI dd~ ul 80(f-o~~f iu at;ukration and~... If the bruc-b Ui om cured <br />....01 ...._ .. ""'" ___ itt II... ....Ilrt. L....... al h...... opt..... may <I.d... aU of tho .......! by Ihi> DHd <br />of r..... "'.. -.w.tdy "... ad ,",yalll< ..ithout runhtr d.....lUtd .ad ,...y I..,,,,,. tht po.... o( ..u aod any othor .._it> <br />""nMIW4ltt ~ IPI, 1.........alI ho ...._ to ,ol&ott all ..-....w. ,....,. .n" ......_ incurred in punulnll th. <br />........... .......w..Ila .lMo ~ 18. i",,~, !HIt "'" Ii.....ed tn. rc_ an_y'. 1-. <br />If doe ,.._ of .. io itt.~ Truot.. ._ _",II . uotk. 01 default in .""h in whicb tho Pt.rt) ", rom. <br />..... u...n.r Is l<>caIe4l1m1 *"It..... "..,... of _b _in! In tit< """'BOt ......,dbod. by' .pplkable law 10 Borrow.r _ to th. <br />011........- ...-riIoo4 Ity.~ law. ,'f.." tho....... of ...<:1. ti.... "" may .. trqlOired by applkabl. Ia.., Trust... "hall <br />ct......., ....... uf" 10 lIM _ .... In tit< .........., ......oriboed ht appliealll< Ia... Tt1lOUe. ...lIwut ""_ on <br />~ri..." KII UM FfVjtti"11 _ puhik avcd6a iu I" ilicbKt ~r at 1M ii'm(' .nd piat.:-e -Ud un~t t~ t",1Ib de--.Jpat<<l <br />.. ~.~ ..r.....loo """ Of _ " anll in .""It """" .. T_ ....y dekrnolue. T........ ....., p<>ot_ ..u of all <br />...., pilKtl uf ~ ~y ltt pllIIIl< _._... at tho Ii_ .ad p..... ..f My pr...louofy ..b<<IoIcd..u. L.o""r or <br />,.......... ",,",--. _' .......-- tile Propmy at ..., ... <br />t.......... ... __..r tI.. pdc. bid. T..-... ,_ "1;'<< to the'....s ..ed eonnylug 'he Propeny <br />....... 1k~. lot floe T........ dft4. aI&alIlte l'rltu faco. .'ide....., of Iht t,lllh of ,Ite ,t........o.. ",ade Tru.oIN <br />........., .. ......... of 110. .. Ja 11M ''''1&1 ",du, t.l, to .u r~~ e..... lUtd ._ of 1M ..u, mdudi"ll, bu' <br />-lloI!iiaiI.... t~... f_ 01' nul _.lll<ul~ ' r"\J,, ." '1. of lho ,;,_..... price. r.-....bk atto_y', ,_ .ad ....IS of <br />~~~'"' l1>> to" _ _"" Ity llols Imd uf T""" _Ie) tile uc_1f ...y, 161be _n or ....- lec.alIy c"tIdod <br /> <br />I'_i" '~.... RiJIrt to-.......... N.Qi.\O;.th"_M\~in~_'';,; >l:-(L'C-(eldOU;1 uf fhc 'Blfih ';Ci;UfCd tw tn.-.. t)ced of frU1o.L <br />~f _~_.U hav. H~:ti&hl 10 h.v.t: ~ny ;;rt.~"ujn,fli: begun b1f Lender ,l~} enhJft.:C Ihlj [)e~d i)f tru~t ,Jis-cnH(m-u~d at <br />MY -~~ ,P<<'~}f 'et.he url~f t_~ '-)l;~-ur ~f W 1M f1fds- d.y, kfv,-~.~ uk ~}f rhc P"W-pl:rty ptlnuant {(1 the j.X.\ij\'-Cf of ~k (-,,>ntOjHw.J <br />HI~~""'l'n'"'tL~ lh)~ftQf & ll.~~nt t">>t{}f' lh.\--t:>ee~i cd ~t tlOiJ: ~f: {4' llon(tv.:er plt)'~ 1 cnJcr an s-wns wha::h w'-"<ll~l <br />~_ tflrcn,~ ~ ~ ~ of Tn~t ~- NC\~ ~nd f'Krt~ ~'i,::~fnt1& "utUi(:'_ Ai.t"AtU:rS... d an}', h4d H., itH'-e-kHUW-J1 t-~~-UH~-4~ <br />ftiJ "'tt~ (~~~ aU hf'C"~~:i n-f jh)-~ otbttf ~4y~haoh 0( -il-8r('~menh of Bono~'er ~:<'lOhtioc-d. In ~h~s r.ked id Tnh\, <br />fe-I 8urt\fl\~t _P~l~ _'"~ f~~:mabk t"\._P'l:.lW:'$ l-nCU~n:-,d bJ-' J.,~~f and ,fn~H.t~ _ in -e--nf';'1rcU13 {~ (,t,.'\;1;H.;toh J'nJ ~,,~r"t"(:l!'i:CliUI ,'!' <br />th>>~,. (:,.l)A~~ H'i t~ ~ (~ Ttw .nlol H1, ~{l-fU("',H';J Lcndc:i' $ ~n4 TnJi.!ceoj. rt-mWffl$ rt"t Vj(}-;,~.:kd l~t p~ra.wltph j ~ <br />~,. ~~ bm.}'K4 .umted tj,l. ~c~bk:: 4th'nn<y, t<<\-. ,*!l~ {d) fk)trt~w\":-r t~-kt1, ~i.Kh a.ctwfl; -it.. l.enikr f1'la~' leJ:_~'-n,lh~\ <br />reilu-;-nt U, ~ .t~ tMt hCtl ,-:rf thl$- ~ ut Tn~~, f.el":>;tk.f.~ mH'l"f'!t m ~h(- PfOpcft)' J-n-d n:1O,1f<~~~(~ obll;gaHnn \g i'M'\; <br />