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<br />r <br /> <br />83';;;'\JU5205 <br /> <br />UNJFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and lender covenant and agree as (ollows: <br />I. Payment of Prlnd.... lUld Borrower shall promptly p.y when due Ihe princip.1 of .nd int.....t on the <br />indebt.dness evidenced by the Note. prep.yment .nd late ch.rges as provided in the Note. .nd the princip.l. of .ndinterest <br />on any Fulure Adv.nces secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />2. JI'nds fOr Tu:...lUld I_nee. Subject to .pplic.blel.w or to. written w.iver. by Lender. Borrower Ihall pay <br />to Lender on the d.y monthly inst.llments of princip.1 .nd .re pay.ble und.r the Note. until the Note is in full. <br />a lum (herein "Funds") equ.l to one-tw.lfth of lhe yearly lax.s .nd ....stlm.nts which m.y priority over. this <br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents"" the Property. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insUr.nce. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inst.llments for mortgage insurance. if any, all .. .....onably estim.ted initially and from <br />time to time by lender on: the basis of assessments and bilts and reasonable estimates the-reof, <br />The Funds shall he held in .n institution the deposits or accounts of which are imured or guar.nteed by . Federal or <br />state .gency (including Lender if l.ender is such an institution). Lender shall apply lhe Funds to pay laid taxes. assestlments. <br />insurance premiums and ground renls. Lender may not charge for '0 holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills. unless Lender pay. Borrow.r interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits- lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in wrhing' at the time of execution _~-_thi'S <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shan be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicabl~ 1_3W <br />requires such inter.rst to be paid, lender shall not be required to pay 8orrower any interest or earnings on' the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an. annual accounting of the Fund'!; showing credit$ and the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums ,secured <br />by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly inst.llments of Funds payable prior 10 <br />the due dales of taxes, use-ssme-nt!;, insurance premiums and ground rents, :-.haU exceed the amount required to. pay said taxes, <br />aJlCUmenb, insurance prenl)ums and ground rents a~ they fall J~, such excess shall be. a.1 Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to BMrower on monthly Installments nf Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay t~n:es" atsessments, iMurance premiums and ground rents as they (aB duc. <br />HOrrower shall pay to Lender any amount necasary !O make up the deflcienC)' within 30 daY51 from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in fult of all sums secured by thit Deed .of TrusL Lende,r shaH promptly.refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender, If unde-r paragra,ph 18 hereof the Property I" sold or the- Prt~perty IS (~fh(':rwl~ acquired by Lender, lender <br />shaH apply, n~ later than immediately pnor 10 the ..ate of the Ptnperty ur lls acqui~IIIOtl by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the f1me of applic.tion <1$ a credit againn the loums ~ecl!red by this. Deed of TrU'it. <br />3. ."-pplicarion of Payments.. Unle:\s appjj(able b", rrovi~ O(herv.'l~. all payments reCeived by Lender under the <br />Note, and paragraphs- ! and 2 hercoof shaH be applied bv Lender first m pa.yment of amounts payabJ-e to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest payable on the Note, then 10 Ihe priocJpal of the NNe. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future ^dvances, <br />4. Chal'ltS; 1Je-ns. Borrower s.hal! paY an l;}'\c'>., ~K~mem, and pther charges, tines and impositions aHTibutab1e to <br />the Property which may attain a priority over IhlS Deed of Trusl. and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. in the <br />manner- p-ro'lo'ided under paragraph 2 hereof {lor, if m?t pOliJ ill such manner. by Borrower malohg payn:e-nt. when due, dir<<:dy <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower ~haU promptly (urmsh h) I cmkr ;in n01,R.~" oi ammmb due under thiS paragraph. and in the <br />event Borrower s.haU make payment (hrect!y, Bor-:-ow.f'( s.hall promptly tmmsh to Lender receIptS. eVHiencmg such payments, <br />Borrower thall promptly d{~har~e an~ ljell "".hi.J., h.l~ pnonty (WeT ttWi l)e~d of Trust: pnrl<',deu. that Borrower ~hall not bo.: <br />requued to disci\arge .any )ueh hen ~n ionJ.!: ;-is Borrower "half ugrcc In ~nllng to the paYl'11Cnt 01 the ohtlgaHon !-(cured by <br />5.uch hen I:Q a manner 3i;ceptable tn Lender. u( -shali In g:OL~ faIth CQr'ttnt \tH:h hen hy. vr defend enfml,:.cme:nt 'Of such lIen In, <br />kgaJ ffOCce:-dinBs whtch operutc 10 pr-cvent the t.'ntorce~nl Di thl:" lIen or forfdwrc d the Ptf3petly or any part Ihe-reof <br />_. HaarcI JftRll'aIttt. lWrro""cr ,hall ~eep the Imp-n.')\'c:mcnh IW\IO C\"1$t1n[{ (!( h-t.'realter c-r(-cted nn (he Pr\"'lpef'ty m~ured <br />against Iou by fift';, haurds induded within the !co.rm "'\:'-ten-dc~ ;";i.),.t:ra~e". a.nd ~Ud1 (ltiler h-'llUnh <1:\ Lert.dcr may ft:-qUJr~ <br />and in such amoutHs: J.nd for :mch pe-ftoJ:\ a~ r cmlcr- ma',- rt~qUlfl:: provlJ~d, !hi411 l.-C'ndtr ~haU not rcqUJft' that tht" .amount (It <br />~uch .cO'\'e:fq:c' t~cecd that am.ount of l~OVeritg-c f('Qulrc-d tn pa)' Ihe mm'\ '\Cl..ured hy thl~ Deed of TrwiL <br />The- inSUrafK"-t l.:flrtfct' prodding: the- m$ui'4"n~~ "hail he dW~n by )ubjtt:'f h-" ap-pw\I,ll tw Lt:mi~r: pnJVldetJ <br />thal such appro-vIi! .,ball not be unreast-mah1y Wilhhdd. All p-re:nuuflUi on In'\\HaIKC polic-lcs 'Shall he p.:u-d in Ihe manner <br />provided. un~ :! hereof ,Jl, If h,ot paid in "u~h lliiinncf. hy Borrower lnakmg ~yn~nt, when Jue. dirretly to the <br />Insurance carner. <br />AU insurance poltt:te.s ;;,.OJ rene-w.ah 1l1crevl 1'>hiiU t~ In 1{lml ill..';.:eputbk h} Lender and \hall mdude ,il st:tl1durd monga~e <br />clause in favor ot and in form .i:lccev!abl-e io t cn-dl!;'f I ~~mk:{ ..h.:tH h",'vc- !he ng,hi 10 hold lhe p\Jh':le,~ ;loa rcn~~ill'$ lhereot. <br />~nd Borfo-Wet- :<,ha11 pUH"Optly !urnl-)h h, 1 en;j~f .1U t~rli:--....'al n,,~h~t-'" .Hld all r\,;,;'C'lpt\ l}( p.uJ pre-malO-h. in th~ evcn-t of Itw.. <br />Borrvwer shaH gl....e p-r-omp4. no-tKC h} the HlitutJ,OCC ..' J.rfler ;w-J l.t':nd\~t'. LenJu mOiy make PHX\t t}f h)ll:) ti not m~dc promptly <br />b)' p,.orrower. <br />UnJC:l'~ Lender -lltlO Bufn.)..,.,c,' Olnel''l,i,'llie lI-gr;;;e lH ~mmg, H\J,.ur~n..C' prn'..:et:~h "hali he ,ipphed 10 tC-"'ll)fallul1 ~)r reptli, of <br />lhe Property daflH\geU. pfO.lot\ded );,.u~h rC,~Uf.tW__HI uf !Cp>i1t J" <;..c)fI"-i-tllh...i1lr k.J:i.tbic and th'C ~C"(l!nfY uf thl~ Deed of Trw;.t I" <br />not thereby Jmp-alrN, It \uth rea.t'QiatH,m i.1f ;.. iK"4 C,,;piHH'fttc:aUy fea!tibk: l)f If fhe- '>-t'~lJllly oj Ihl' Det"d (~t I fll!H wl)uld <br />be impaired. the insuuo:cc p-r~ ~haa be ilpph(:\} f1} the ~U:fW~. ~(j.',-lftd hy :}U', l')-(:co uf lm:'Jl. With lhe e\<:n\, If ;)0)', r,U(j <br />10 Uortower, If tbe Propefty '" 3ba-ntJone,,J b) ikHflJWer, ."r If a.-Jn~j\olrcl i"nt.. W f-t:\pi.1Ifd to Lem.Jcr wilhlO JO d.:.y.. from lh..: <br />date nutu;-c i-:o mailC;,j by Lender to BOtff1\o\.C-f thaI tht' W:!I.llun..:e ....<lHH~f dkf:<> 1(1 ~tlk. a l.~L:tjHl tOf lfl'iUfall\:C mnel1h. Lendc:! <br />is auth.oriud tu ;,,;-oUecI ltn4 apply ~ i05Uran-.::t; pfv,,:eeui ;j{ Optioi,.H1 clIner to f(;\WfatH,}Il m repair of the Propcrt~ <br />or (.0 the IUnts Sre"ured h)' th,!. .Deed of TW:li<t <br />UnJC$$ Lender and Borrower olbc:rwl~ .Agree m 'Wnlmg~} ~h apph..-:all-O.n d ptlXccds (('! pnnc'pal "ih.all n(.t c.:\tend <br />or poi-\pone the due dale of the: fnlmthl.)' ms.taHment~ tet~rrcJ to in r......tagraphs I am:'! :2 nerci.Jf o-r chao_&e the amount ()I <br />~uch instaUn'lents. If under ~ragraph I.IS hereof the PfOptut~' J-\ a(..'futfw by Lend,(c al! fight, nde and l!1H.:Jc:~t 01 Borrpwer <br />In and to any insurance, pi..lllClc::. and in ;H10 It, the pn.x<edt. thef~\'"i re-:..ulilOg trom tlilm-it-ge hJ the Property pnl1f h) the :i.alc <br />\.'\T acquiSItion shaU ~ 10 Lendc,f 10 lne t:"\tem Ht the ),urn, :W:;"UfC..J b}- thJ$ Deed 01' frU!H IHHnelil-llh:l> priOf to 'Hh.:h l>.11c Or <br />acquisition. <br />6. "-'"lioB..d MMam....... 0( Property; {,._hold<>; Comlomin._ t'botoed On" Ouel_nlS. Bo,,,,,"<, <br />s.h..lI keep [he PtQpe:n, Hl g.xld re:pilJf .md "ha.ll no~ ,,-,\lHtnJI W.t~ll: tf, flC/nHI Hnp,alfllH;'nt l)f J('H':Ht,[.}thm \,1 !hc Propert~- <br />and shaH comply with the pro,js.iOll~ d any ie-a.'S.C If thl''i fkeJ nl ~l ruitl I" on a leasehold. if this Deed of lrw.t i~ 00 a unit in .1 <br />cQndomi.nium (iF a.planned unit d~vek1pment. Bono",'cr ~hall pt'uorrn .ill 0.1 8orrQ~'er') obtlga;liolh under the dedarall\.H'l <br />Qf covmant~ creahng 1.1t governing the fondonlHlium ~)-I pt.m(K~ Unit Je'tdopmcnt the oy.k.w~ and regulatlons. (1[ th-t." <br />condominium 0'- planned unit de"\-'ciopmenl, and co-nslltuent \h~umenh~ H a C{m-4.k.\ffilnium or planned unH devclopmco! <br />ride! is c"ecUled b~' Borrower and rcc(mkd tvgt~hef with thi-s Oecd Hf Trusl, the .:uvcnanb and agfe-clHcnl~ '-It 1i-uch (;der <br />shall be incorporated. luto and "tdlH /.amend and .suppltme--ill lhe l:.YH~n:lhb dM -agreements of this Deed D! Trt-t~t ,l~ if the riJc'l <br />were a """ hereof. <br />,* ~ or lA1NSeJ-., SeC'1lrity. If Borrower ra,l~ to pe'rform the cov-emUlh. anJ agrec:mcn.h ,-:~}nfalHCd in tlw. <br />Deed of TNIt, or if any action Dt p-coceed~ng i'S romrucnk.::ed whh..'-h matcftl.l.Uy affect;: tender'... mt-etC:Iot in !he Property, <br />i-net..... but not Hmited to, eminent doma.m, ift$Oivcncy" <-o4c eofon::emem~ or arrange:rnenh or pnxccdmg:\. m~'-t.)lvmg ;l <br />bankrupt or ~nt~ then Lende, at lender's optio'l\, upon nOlice IQ Borrowcr, may make sw.:h appear.!fh:C\: di'iburse ::..u.;;:h <br />sums. _nd. t.kl: J.uch action at is' to pr{l-tCl~t under's mtC'n:.~_t, m;,;Jmhn&. h,.u nvt limited In, dlshur~rnt;llt 01 <br />reu<J1lll.. .......WC liuo.rn.:f$.fCC$. and entry upon. _the Property to male repair}.. H l.cndef.. required thor.ipge m).\Jr.>in~:c ;h ,1 <br />\."'O~ of m&kin3 thf: Joan 1CCW'cQ by th.a Deed of Trust~ 8o-rro~'c-r :)h:;ll pay the pre-miunu reqt/lrcd 1ft m.iUntoJitl ..,uen <br />j~~. in effC:d; until ~uch. time u the requircfueot for ,uk.:h in~uHmt:e m ..lcwrdancc wlth B4;'){r(lwer"\- .ilh.i <br />l.J:odiit!$ -w.ritJe:n .-~t Cf appfteablc law_ 8\)f!o-."er shaH pay !~ am.ount ()f aU mortgage in~ur-an(e prtiltium'\- In lhe <br />__r l'fOVid!ld Uncl<lr plUilJfapli 2 ~t <br />A.oy &IJlQtID1$ 4tSbUncd hy Under ptJmufil to iNS patagrapb 1. wuh -'"tcrest thet('ou. j,haU hcc.~mw .1Jditlonill <br /> cf.~o-wef MK1U~ by {h~.Dc:ed o-f TrU$L Utltn-~ Borrower and L-ern:ler .a,ree 10- otbct t-efllU oj paymcnl. '"uch <br />~tl~gbtI"lY.b1c Ilpon noti.. from Lend.r 1<1 ll<>rmwer req.....tinlll"'yment lbot...f, ..\<I sh,1I be., in!e...' (",m 'he <br />. Of.~t allhc ra,ti!. payable. frO<<\ time to time o~ out'-tatlding prtni.'-lpal utldtor the- Nillc untdi p'ymenl~ or iOfCfe&t <br />.t ~h fUe .wquJ.d be contrary t.o ."pt~..ble law, in whkh tV'tru '\t.~h atno.unt'S. shall beat ln~cres..t ~( too h,&-he~t rate <br />~ """"" ~ Llw, N<>lhinll <Otllained in lhi> p<I,osraph 7 ,h.1l r<<(utl< Lender to ,11<;\11 .ny <xpe_ or talt< <br />ItIl}' ~ btm!llder. <br />.~ ~.,. tettdet:. may mm ill ,\.-.use to be m~' re:.a5O'OAbk -entri-e1> upon and m!~,pteltOlU, of the- Pr-opcrty~ prin <br />t.hat ,~ "Jt~ Jlorr(W11!f 00l-H.'e prior ll,.). :any ::#ol.K'b IMpcctrM lP<<'ifying ~'JJ1.abic catn-e therefor fc.hued h~ Ler1,j(.r ~ <br />i-..t ill the JfroiIerI~. <br /> <br />