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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />83- 004944 <br /> <br />9. COIMIemnadcm. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection witt any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part lhereof, or for conveyane<o in lieu of condemnalion. are hereby ass'1ned <br />and ,lulll he paid 10 Lender, <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceed, ,hall he applied to ,he ,um. .ecured by Ihi. Deed of Trust. <br />with the ""cess. if any, paid 10 Borrower, In [he event of a partial [aking of [he Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agee. in writing. there .hall he applied 10 the ,ums .ecured by this Deed of Trusl such proportion of Ihe proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bean 10 the fair market value of the Properly immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceed. <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property i. abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notie<o by lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to malte <br />an award or sdtle a claim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the- date such notice is <br />mailed, l.alder ;. authorized to collect and apply ,he proceeds, al lender'. option, either 10 restoration or repair of the <br />Property or 10 the sums secured by thi. Deed of Trust, <br />VOlesl Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to priiidpal shall not extend <br />:C1:":':"':::.M dale of the monlhly inslallment. referred '0 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amounl of <br /> <br />1'~ ~ Not RelnRd. Extendon of the time (or payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by thit Deed of Trust granted by Lender to. any !iUCC-es.sor in interest {If Borrower shall not operate to relcs$C, in any manner, <br />the Habmfy of the original Borrower and Borrower', successors in inrere!t. Lender shan not be required to commence <br />proceedings apiMt ~ueh 5ucceuor or refuse to exfend time for payment or olhelVltse modify amortization of the sums <br />~red by tm, Deed of Trusf by reason of any demand made hy the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest, <br />II. Fortonranee by 1_ Not a Walyer. Any h1fbeorance by lender In'Cising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />olherwise atforded by applicable law. shaH not he a waiver (if or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of faxes or other lien." t)r ~harges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />rigbl to ~le the maturity of rhe mdebted..... ,"cured h)' ,his Oee<l 01 Trust. . c <br />12. ReMeItln C....a.tlft, ,'\U remedJa provided m thl~ Oeed of TnlS:t are dlstinc( and cumulative to any other nght <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trmu Of afforded oy Jawor equity, and may he excrci~ concurrently, independently or <br /> <br />'~~ ..... ."-Ipa .....Rd: JoInl alld SOn....1 UabIIlly; (".pllono. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shaU hind. and the flghl"'i hereunder shaH inure II', :hc respect!\'e ~t1cces.wn and as~i8:ns of Lender and Borrower. <br />wbject to the prov-mons of paragraph ! 7 herel")f AU covenants. i-ind .i!grcements of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The capHons .and headings of the paragraphs of thi.s [)ecd ,-If TrusJ for conveoienc-e only and are not w be used to <br />fD't'''JlRlt or define the pro,,"';o.... hereol <br />14. NOIiIu~ Exctpl: for any not.i-ec reqUired under apphcablc law 10 he given in another manner~ (a) any notice to <br />Borrower prOVided for in this Deed 01 Trmt shaH be gfven by m:uhng such nOHa hy certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Propetty Addrea or ;I1 iuch otncr addn:a as Borrower may de$Jgna(e by notjce to Lender as provided he..rejn, ;;md <br />(bJ any IlOttcc to ~ ,bail be g:i"~n t>y ~C'rufied mail. mum receipt requbted. to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />5ud1 other address at I...eoder may dettJllate by notIce !j) B~')fTt1wer as provided herem. Any notice provided for in this <br />Or:cd of T.rust ~han be deemed to hoave been gWt!D to Borrower or I.ender whe.n given in the manner designated herein. <br />1.5~ U.... Dftd of Tf'1IIt; (;O'Jfl1IiDIl,awf Se"t!'nbiltty, Thi~ form of d<<d Of (rust combmes uniform covenants for <br />national me and non-uruform cO"o'enanu wtth hmitro VJ\f'tatmns hv jurisdiction l~) t.:onslitute a unJfnrm security instrument <br />~nl Tea! properly. This Deed (.l.f ThtJf ~h;tH he ~)"t"tncd hy the h",w of !he fUn:!idit:ti-on In which the Pro-perty i5 located. <br />In the' event th;ti aoyptovl-\!Ot'I- Of daUIC ~ll ~hl$ f)c.,d d Timt ur 1h<'; Not(' co-nflH;tS WIth applicable Jaw. such conflkt shaU <br />rwt &ftt'iCt. ot:bn provL~~ i;)! this i.leed f'f Trwu or the Nott! whJdl can ~ ~1Ven d.lcct WIthout the conl1ichng provision, <br />and to rtu8 em$ the- provnK>UI 0.( the Deed Ht Tnmt and the Nt.)f~ Me l.ledared to he seyerable. <br />J6.- ~', eo,,-~ Bonower loh.I! he fllnt1~d ;l ~:(lnrQrmro ropy of Ihe Note and 01 thiS Deed of Tni1it at the time <br />of exeroUon 01 .lter rcc<>nlal"'" lwrrol. <br />, t7~ T't-'............ ~~; ~ If aJI (If' ~.rl>- pMrt pf th~ Pr-opCf1)' Of an jnte~( ther-em IS sold or tral.lSf~rrcd <br />O}, Borrower Wtlbout lc-nd<< $ pilOt wrrt~n (.'t)t1scot e:.tciootng ! it) the ae-a.luJn of O! hen ,?f encumbranec suoordu\ate- (0 <br />thu. Deed oi Tn.'. i h) the ,-r-eatJ-oo .~j .. ~ucha~ nwney M:(;Utlty InlerCit for hQu)Cho!d npphanco" (-; J it transfer by clevis-e. <br />d<Ik-\Cj'il (.)! by o.p:u,{iofl vf law UpO'ft ttlf: dealh \-.'f-! a to.ini hHHHH Of i. d) lOe grant d tiny Je-aseholt.f Inter~t_ of three y~an or les'l <br />n(il conuufun,.an OJM:iOI) to P'UH:ha~. !.(:ntkr .m',a;'.,,- ;l( J coder\- UfHW!l. \kdi1fe all the 5.~Hll~ .\ec-ul'eJ D)' ~hh Deed of Trust to be <br />ImmcdiaU:.-ty d_ and pIi)'abIe. l.c~f ~i1aH h,t\-e """j."w \tH;,h uptUffi iI.' a~u:h:',f#te jf. pnor 10 fhe ':iale- l.,lr transfer, Lender <br />a~ the P't'".nop- ~o whom tbe Propeti)' !!O it,> be M.>-lt! G-f trafi,),ft"u",d i'C.jJ<.'h- ""iree:rnefll. tn. wtilmg that (he. ct~jt (.f !iu-.:h pt:"f-:l.On <br />r~ s.ali1i{ac~(tf)' '-0 Lender and that 1he- UUltt<<! p~)'..b/.c nn lhe S\HH~ ilo(::CU(t"'i.! hy Ih,.. Deed ot' TruSI shall be at 1i-ll(:h rate <t't <br />Lender duU rntUQ,l. U 1..(:1)der hi.. Witt\j~l the iJjWa,O to il..:~.eJefat~ pr'J-1f!t1ed w thii\ p~rasr"ph t 7. aod If Borrower\ successor <br />H1 mlefU.{ has li~e.;Ul-W. a wollen .tl>>wnptlrnl. it,JeemcHt ,h':";e:'pted. lit \\<nlHtg h~' Lender. f .end.n 1haU retea1e Sorrower from <br /> <br />aU ottiT:,. U~~~$- $~i.,)~k~:U::~ ~.:'~;~/:.O~C'~ttdcf ..hill! m.i3t1 BOH-t.lWCf nohcc ,..t aC':cferaliull III ,H.:<.:oroance wilh <br />~"Bph l4 ht'RoL Sui:J'i fK~;e sh#U pro"'ld~;t periOd {)f nut i(."i~ thitl1 ~J:~ day~ froni the date the notice i~ matled w.lhill <br />..<h~h 8orruw~f may pol}' the surrl& dt-<:14rN J:Ui:. It 6<.'~-fHJ-'-"(,f idli!i. to p<<',- ~~h ~um)- poor to the c),.pmuiou of such ptri\\t1. <br />L.('-ndef may. wdhout tunMr IK-l{J('.e or dctTUlnJ' on 8on'l..."'Wtf. !t!\\)l(' an} refncd~c$. permitted by paf.;i2fu,ph IS nere(lf. <br /> <br />NON.lJ'Sj;t'--otlW CO"'~A.Nh Bo:tt(~C'1 ,uul Lender tunncr and iigr~c a\ ioUow$; <br /> <br />It'i. J\C::(~; Re~ t:S(C'pt.. pro\'WH. i-. ,.,.,aph J7 he-ROf, upQft Borrowe-r>> bftaCh or MO)' (Q\ienant 01 <br /> 01 IIonuWef let en llMd of Trwot. lndudiq the t:q,.:efiilUU {i) pal' ~heu due aay 5~1JUI 5t'CUf'ed' by this Ilerd <br />oil....., 1...1lde, prit>< ,,, ...:<~.... ",,*1 mall nutk~ 'ft 80<......... ... "....Ull'd in .....acnopl, 14 hereol .pedfy1ne' (I) th. <br />_It; (11,,,,, ""t.... f"lWM ,,, CUI' _h bln.h, (J/ . du.. "'" 1_ ,un 311 day. fro... rbe date I"" n"tke .. ...aiI<tI I. <br />BDCfUlIJCf\ by _Mil ~h. bnad. nwA b(. dUn!; attd ~4. jh~ failure to l'..'ute ~u("h breach on ()f bt:fore tht- date: "pedfif'd <br />.. lto< tlOtiu _y rewk in ...nlenllo. <>I lhe ...,... ...un<! b~ lhl> f><<d of [...lit ami u1. of rhe Property. The n<llk. <br />dtaU. ""flM:I 1kwTb--.u M tlM' rl&M .u ft:Uu.tatc- .-fter ~nk<f.-tiou and the ri&bl to briAi il (Lourt action to asser1 <br />-he QOIl-('~t' of .. driNk or U) ofb(....- ddiftIW 01 BonU1I':ef tu .u:e1e:cation llQ die. If tbe bU->>4:h i~ not cured <br />uo Vt Wwe 1M dak .-eHi:ed to tM ~. lA'cdN ill l..c'''r~~ QpttoU may d<<'lare aU uf the !ollllJ:3. ~rcurttd b}' this l)~d <br />of 'ftMlt to bit l~ltll due .... pa"aDk ~.itltuUI hu-thf':-f tkmand and nUl)' uu.ukt' tll<: p')".cr of sale .nd any other nmedi" <br />~ b) ~ b-.. Leo.ctc-,,~ hi: UlUtled I.u t:oU<<'t :iU'Wnabk <:QSu. and n,peASI$ incurred in pursuing the <br />~ ""'.ided ia IbIo J>1lI1lllfllpit Ill, iD<tvdJtt&. but. w:l4 Unliti'd I", r.__ .It..n,.~'. f.... <br />U _'PO."'" uf * i$ hnobd, Trfikc m.n nt:(Wo At: nocke of did.vh -in eDch n'llllt) in ","bkh the Prupeft) <,f S-oH1C <br />part t\ot'reof ill ......d ami.hall mall <<l{Jle> oI..",U Ut1tk< ... tb. ...".n'" p"""ril",d b~ appilcahk law'" 8o< and 10 lb. <br />oiItcr _ _ril>e<Iby ~ bow. ,>\fle. ,.... laj>R ..f weft tl.... '" moy .... ,.q"iml b, appllc"b1. I".., n...."" sh.n <br />P'ft ,.c.,Ik ~ of .. to dM ~ and i.n foe m.anMr pf"t'.M'::ribt'd h! llPplkablc 18\1\<. l'rQstee.. withwt dt'huwd on <br />~t:f~ f.Ii:aII ~Il tIN: Pr-op:.1) at publk auc1.1ou 10 tltc- Mahftt hidd.t!'f" at tht time and plan' flInd nndIU the ttnm; d~na_ed <br />.. Ok AQtk~ or _ is t.JfM: (K. more pau'eis imd in wdt ordft .as. .f nt~et mal deie-rmlnt'. T f'lIit~ m.y (JOSIJNne ~k Qf aU <br />... aa,y ,.,...1 '" tlor ~y by pl<Wlc _...emenl at Ilw lime and """,. of sn, l'I'<'vlously ..b.duled ""Ie. L'Ddn or <br />I.......,................., ~ tlor p........, ot lUly". <br />U(IWI ru:dpt ~ ,..rmltut fJf ,tlte price .bid~ T~lee shal,1 de~,"~f to th~ purd~r Tf'U.'li1~'s- ~ 1-vn\"~yinlC m.t fl>~tpt:rt, <br />><rill. no. no<IlaIs '" Ik r""""" . <ked >iIall ". p""'" r....,., ..l<l<rwe ,,. tlk truth of Ih. .Ill_m 01."" thet'rtll. 1....... <br />.w lIPI!4 tV ~ <>I tbe .ooW; in tlor f........... """"" '..' 10 all """"",,"1>1< ._. ...d upo"""" of 1M ..I<. Including, b"i <br />....~.... T~'. ~ gf............ than ", "r 1% <>I tit< Jl1ll'> WIle pri<.. n:l'''''''''b/eo OII...."",'s r..,~..mi c..... of lllle .>id.....; <br />Ihlk>....-~ I>> IbbllMttol'fnW,ODdi.,tit< .m,....hny, ,,,tb<: PO"'''''I<.H' """""'" kttaIl~ cntitll'd tlt<rrio. <br /> <br />It. ~<<r$ "'"(-tQ 1lM:__, ~I;}{WHhM'JHldio;i Lcn..1er'*, a':->.:l."hnatu.1-(1 nt. H,t~ sel:Uf'cd hy IIH', [)<<~J d 'J fH\l, <br />lkn1~t,..~j halt(' tM,_.filhl 10 ~~f ~-nl N(l"1.-"'t-dj~g,i\-. heiun hv I coder 1,,) i:tl.f~)f~e It'lI'i- De~d d Trtn: d"'(.:Of!Hl1U-cJ a~ <br />iitlY t~ pn('lf_ h) dHt tc_ Cii:"C,tU'.of (J} the fHd~ dS)' ~l~\f( 1h1.~ i.aJt tJf the PftJpcff)' pUfSuarH 10 the rOWel (If" sale lomtl'jIHl'.:'!i <br />'''.tFm. ,~afTf-wH UfhtJtn.tfy ~f~ a iVd&rnc-l,U -t:.'lkf-~m& {hh Deed n( !nu.t d: ~dj Buffo....'er r-.ay~ L.l:"Odcr aU J;urn~ ~'hKh W011h1 <br />be t'bCtl ~ ti,t'M' dtt~ fJ!ecd {~ fn~.'jf. the- Note ana J'hi>les. ~1.Hnnl r'uture Ad-v.;u\\:(:s, ~[ any. ha..lno a~,,-de-filtiQn (...-n,IH~..-j, <br />ib-} I'totf(~ <t;\u'~'l ~l hr~~ u-C an)' other (O:f("(niuH~ or' -ilgfC>tmenh of Rono'W't:1 ;;orHaloe-d If. It\l~ [lc-tu i..f '1 r-H\L <br />!1;J &0<<:"."(" r-)"* ..l~ ffljt~~~ Jt.,~.n,~:- HKU.fteu b;' f ~n~kf .and l'nttottcti, 111 wh~f\;ing. lhe -':j,)~"l1dl'll!; ~n~ <\!ir.c-erlH.'na ~,f <br />.hr.~1' ~~.~ r:a, du!- ~ (If rr~"t and Hl' Lcm:k-r\ .'uw lhi4e-c.... n:mct;$1<l- ~~ p-r\J\'H.kd In p;1r~-S.t;.\ph J~ <br />Mt~\f,;- ~;u4f"i.. ~{:nt4 h~" t#:~ tlt~f!~-hlt- aU~MY'" f~; and i,J} BOnf"fw1:r t/lk("~ ..uch -ai:ll(HO a~ l.-C1lJr:f mar .u~:.t:.-;.'\n;tbh' <br />f~~ff'f'i: tu. ~\': ttiat. f~ ltf.".t'i o-f f,btJi. OtttJ \.'!-{ lfU~c t.t;"de.r~~ Imer<<-t t:l !f-,{: PWpt-r!l Jmd lk"lftOWef\ ,~.hiljail,m h1 p;n <br />