<br />r
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<br />83-004944
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<br />the sums ~(:ured by this Deed of Trust shan continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />Trust and the obligation$ secured hereby shall remain in fun force and etIect as it no acceleration had occurred.
<br />%0, AoolgII_nt of Ronb\ Appo_ellt ofR_ver, Lender in P........mn. As additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />hereby assigns 10' Lender the.-rents of the- Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under . paragraph 1M
<br />hereof or abandonrrwnt of the Property~ have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due and -payable.
<br />Upon acceleration under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of lhe Property. Lender. in person, by agent or by
<br />judicially appointed receiver. shall be entitled '0 enter upon, take possession of and manage ,he Property and to collect 'he
<br />rent. of theProp,myincluding those paol due, AU rents collected hy Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment
<br />of the cost1- 'of management- of the Propen-y and coHection of rents. including, but not -limit-ed to, receIVer's fees, premiums
<br />,,,,receiver's bond. and reasonahle attorney's fees. and then '0 the sunu secured by ,hi. Deed of Trust. Lender and tP.c
<br />receiver shall. be U~ble to-accOUnt only for thllie rents actually received.
<br />21. F_ Adv_ Upon request uf Borrower. Lender. at Lender's option. prior to full reconveyance of the Property
<br />by Trustee to- Bo-rrower. may make Future- Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advance$.. with interest thereont shall -be
<br />secured by ,his lJreed of Tn,st when e\'iden(.~d by pr(}mis.~ory notes. stating that said -noles are -secured hereby.' At no time shan
<br />the princiPid .amount t'>f the indebtedness secured by this Oce:d of Trust. not ine-Joding sums advanced in accordance herewith
<br />to prote\:t the security of this Deed of Trust. e~ce-ed the original amount ot the Note plus- US $_.__ 43.000.._00_ ..._.
<br />Z1. RecoaveyaltC'e.. Upon payment of an !iUms secured by tht~ Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br />,hel"roperty and shall surren<ier this Deed of Tru>t and all notes evidencing mdebtedn... secured by ,his Deed of Trust
<br />to Trmtee.. Trustee shaH reconvey the Pm.pert)' without warranty and without charge: to the person or persons legally
<br />emitled- thefet().. - Such perron or persons ~ha)l pay alJ co:st:S of recordation. If any.
<br />23. Substit_ 'fmst.ee. Lender, at Lender's. O-puoo-. may from time H> ume remove TruMce aDd appoint a Suc.cc.'\.50r
<br />trustee- lO any Tru-uee appointed hereunder by an 1O.s.1tument recorded 1n the county in which this- Dced.()f Tms.t is recorded.
<br />W'jt.hout co:~weyancc of the ProperlY, the success-or trustee s.haH ~uccted to aU the litle, power and' duties conferred upon
<br />the TfU:itec: herein .and by apphu-Me law,
<br />%4-. ~ for Notku. Borrower requests that coptes of lhe llottCc of default and nOlice- of sale be .wnt to Borrower's
<br />add.... whieh .. ,he Properly Address.
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrower ha. CU<llt:&1 '~f ::~ t! l 4
<br />/ 'Z~,o""" ~..=
<br />~~k ~...
<br />
<br />,-,8on-ower
<br />
<br />SlATE Of NUltl.ASIO." Hall. ' ,Couoty ..,
<br />On rbi. ,16th. , day ol. Septeut:lel:: . 19,83 . before me. the undersigoe<l. a NNary Public
<br />duly -c!.1t'Um.~...-iont'd and -qualified for ,aid county, pC'r~(maUy came
<br />.EAl(~CI:L~~ 9p,q4~~ cJllj. ?A.t.r;:t;:;L-\, f\..~_ .4i.JQ-4el<.. .;\u)o~Q;,p)4, ~P~. )i.lJ.i\~,. _.... to me known to be the
<br />irle:ntk:~ penon(s.J, w~ n.umcb} af(' "Iuhscnbcd t(~ lhe forcg.OtnJ!; instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />(befool to be. tM,trc vduntarv ad ,mo deed. "
<br />Witoes~ my hand and flutar~,i ,cal ,; Gr.ap;l, T;l~<llll. ,Net>+lUi\kA . ,If' ,aid couoty. thc
<br />date afnr"",id.
<br />
<br />My Com.ll...s>oo eXPir~lIIIM8II.. IIlII'MY.. $ltlt.. 01.___
<br />CONNIE S SAl.6
<br />If, 0.... h~ I]C) ; I :l;a
<br />
<br />. . .~.;:: -<.,.f
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<br /><';..-'~/ ~-:'< ~..:,<
<br />
<br />~~Q{JHy P\.1hfo(;
<br />
<br />lu"Qt.'l:sr H)R RECONVEYANCE
<br />
<br />To T1HJSrH.'
<br />
<br />11le undenignw: {-~ the hoider- (,f the flot.c or nnte:~ s4....(:ured by thh. Deed ~}t TruSl. Said note or note:), together
<br />Willi aU <>Ihcr indebl>:ti,,,,,,, ,""""red by ,hi. De~..:I '" 'fru", have been pa,d UI full. You are hereby directed '0 cuneel
<br />",id n<>le or nOle' >nd rht> Dt'<'d of fru.!, willch are dd.ver>:ti hereby. and to re",)l1vey, without warranty. .111 lhe
<br />estate now heid by you under .hl> f)ee<l of ffll'l to .he p<r1i<>I\ Or pcr"'", legall,' cntitled Ihereto.
<br />
<br />Da.~;, .
<br />
<br />;-s~. ~ r"'-3 iA,* R~_ rQ,t L~l'".(,te( ~M <-1~'Q'd.d
<br />
<br />W4\\ llt<to an "<lUlll _luYMt\t trpportun1tyl AfHn....UV" Ac!lon I""ploy", M/F.
<br />