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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />.1. payment of Prln..... and Interest. Borrow.r ,hall promptly pay when due the principal of and inlere'l on Ihe <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by thj~ Deed of Trust. <br />2. F....... for T_ and 1_1'IIIlee. Subject to applicahle law or to a written waiver by Leoder, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on 1M day monthly instaUmenh: of principal and interest arc payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein ..Funds...) equal to one-twelfth of the ye'llrJy taxes and a~sessments which may attain priority Over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property~ jf any. plulIl one.rwelfth of yearly premium installments for ha7.ard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instanments for mortgage ~nsurance, if any. an as reasonably estimaled initially and from <br />time to time by Lanier on the M.ds of asteuments and bili~ and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shan be held in an institution the deposits Of accounts. of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />5lafe agency (including Lender if Lender is ~uch an im>tifution). Lender shall apply lhe Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />in'iufafK"e premiums and ground rents" Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling. said ast4eSSment5 and bills. untC\LC; Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permit5 Lender to mate such it charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the lime of execution of this <br />Deed of Trust that jntere~t on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower. and unle..." such agreement is made or applicable Jaw <br />requires snc.h intere1f t::~ be p3id, Lender 1h.aJ1 not be required to pay Borrower any interes.t or earnin$s on !he Funds. Lender <br />.shan give t<l Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Fund$ showmg credits and debit!;: to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds W3$ made. The Fundi are pledged a~ additional security for the sums secured <br />by thi. Dee<I or TruSl, <br />If the amount of the Fund$ held by Lender, togerher with the future monthly in~tal!ments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of tax~. Msessmenfs. in.uranee premium~ and g:round rents. ~haH exceed the amount required 10 pay said taxes., <br />assessments-. inJurance premiums and ground rent" as they lull Juc, such excess ...hall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly re~jd to Borrower or credited to Borrower l'm monthly iostaJ1ment.. of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held hy Lende-r ~haU not 1"1(' sutfic,col to pay {;tX(;~. lliS$Csor;.ments. in..urance premi~lms and ground rents as th,ey .faU ~ue. <br />Borrower s,naU pay to I..endt:r any amount nccc<<ary h1 make- up the defiCiency wlthm .10 day.\; from .he date notice IS mailed <br />by Len""r to Borrower requestmg payment 1~"Of. <br />Upon payment in full of aJf sums '%Cctlred by nus Deed of Tru~t, l.ender '\hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Leuder, rf under po1ngraph 18 here{)f the Propel1\' '<0, ~old ~\r the Property is ,othefwi~e acquired by I.ender. Lender <br />shall apply. no later than 'mmed-u1.f~ly prIOr to the ......Ie or the ProperlY or ils il(;qUl~ltlon by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the lime of appHcanon ai a credit against the s-ums ~cllred hy this Deed: of Trust. <br />3. AppIkadon cd Payments:. Unless. applicable law proVIdes otherNise. ~tU payments rocei\'cd by lender under the <br />Note .and paragrapbi I and 2 hereof .'ihaU he apphed b-v I.l'.ndcr tirst tr1 payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under parag:raph 2 hereof. then 10 interesl payahle on Ihe Nmc, Ihen h.l lhc prulclpai of the Noie, and then to Interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances <br />4. ChaqeI.-; I..iefta. Borrower .shall pav aU LJXes. a~e$$ment" ;md other charges. fine_s and impositions attributable to <br />the Property which may attain a priOflty over this Deed (?f Trust, and leasehold payments .or ground rents, if any. in the <br />manntT pnw,ded under paragraph 2. hl:::rcf."lf ~)L tf not p~ld In \l1cn manner. by Borrower maklOg payment. when due~ directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower 5.hafl promptly f\!nll~h Ii) Lender <.in f.'.otn:cs of amount.s duc under t~i~ p-a~agrap~. and in the <br />event Borrower !lhall maie paytrn:m d.recdy, Borrower ~hal! pmmptlv ttlfrHsh to Lender recerpts evniencmg sueb payments. <br />Bornlwer shall promptly di.lCha.r~e any lien wfHCh hM poonty over thIs Deed uf Trust: provIded. that B<lr.fower shall not be <br />reqUIred h) dfidnuge any srn;h hen w hlng <t'! BOf'ft:wcr \hall ~gfCt" Itl wfltmg to the paymc-nt of the obhg/:ltion secur:cd by <br />'iuch lien In a man~f acceptable- w Lendc-.r. ~:r '\hotiJ Hi. j:{)()tl f.Hth C(H1{C${ sa-eh hen by. (lr defend enforcement of such hen in. <br />legit' pft.X'eedio~ which t:tpent.te to prevent the c_nk)rcemcnt of the lien Of forieltun:: l'f the Propert~' or any part thereof. <br />5. H..-d~. Bo-ffOwcr man k.eep the !mprOycmctH.\ now e~lshn@ or hereafler cree-led on the Property insured <br /> Iou by fire. h->>urd~ tnduded within the term "t'll,lended -cO\-'a"gc". litH! l'u-,h other huatds a1; Lcnd~ may require <br />and m ~uch arnuu.ntl and (or ,,",ueh reriod$ :,h Lender mal. n:qunc; pr(H'!,k--d, IhiH Lc_mrer ..haH not reqmre that the amount of <br />"\uc-h L'Q\-eraee C1r.cecd ",aI -!U1Wunt 01 tovetage requm:d It'! pay the ~mms set'urW hy thH. Deed of Trust <br />The ~n::mnlf)Ce c..rrie.r p:n.wu.hns the m..Ht,tH~c ...h~U he dH)"lCU hy Bm<ro-wt"r :l.ubje-d h:~ applovl.Il by Lender; pl"ovlded. <br />that wch ilppro....a~ matt noc be ltnf~MQnahty Wlthhdd, All prefmum" -on lll)utMtCt; pohcte$ shall he paid in the- ma.nner <br />pfovtded U:Dde-r par-aaraph 2 hef~:)f Of, It not pn~d m :lo.ut;:.n Ilhl.nner, hy Burrower makwg paymem. when due. directly to the <br />lMUnt;fiCe' (''&l'J'1u_ <br />..'.it IttiurlttKc poi<<:les Md r~f.e-w-lib. lhc-r~(}-f ~ha.ll be !tl term a...'~ttrt.,;J;hlc 10' Lender and s.haU include a standard mortgage <br />dau~ in fa"'or of and fIl. form a.:.ccpuJ'le In Lcn~r Lender ...h;dl have ih~ (ish! hi- hohJ ;he pohde-:; and renewal: thereof. <br />",ad !k"lrhJ-'.'cr 'SihaH promptly tUHttsh h) LeMkr iJll n:Jl('wai lH.J-ttte... .inti all fet:etpB of piliu pl'emtums. In the evtnt of JosS-. <br />8()r-ro~-er ~h&U gin prompt nvlH."e l-{) the Hl!ti-UrariCc \,'drficr MH.J L-l;"uder, Lco\ier mii~ make proof of h)$s if nol made promptly <br />bv Bottl)WeL <br />~ Unles.s Lendc..'1 and Jwcwwer othen\.I!K: <lgfce in ..... fIling. ifISUf;.tfl-.:t" pro..:tt-di shaH be applied ~o restoration or repair of <br />ihc Property dama.~, pft)\'-~ '!!-lli.:h reSh)roth')!1 \)1' ft""p-4H' I';. -c~oftonu~alJy h~niblc .md the ~urity (Jf this J:>eeJ of Trust is <br />fHo.>> thereby impalred_ If '!.och N'-Stmatlt..-\Jl ,}j h~JHlII' ... hut t;'<;"..,r'nmH~AJly tcblb~e Of' d {he security of thj~ Deed of Trust would <br />l)c:, Impaired. tbe iJ1!i.UfafKe Pf(:,c.ed.'i ~h.H be apph.ed to lhe :lo~!nJo ~.lih,:d by !hii Deed of TruH~ with t~e. e~cess. It any. paid <br />to llorrower, If the: Pro~rty j'!., abanJ(HlcJ hy ~)IfVWef, ,Jf If >>orro-'~I,:e-l (;.uh: tv re.\pood to Lender wjthm .30 days (rom the <br />date notke is n:taik:d h,"' Lernkr to BotwweT :h~,1 the 1fUUfal1Ct ..::arner otfers tv .etde it daun for insuraoe-e bencfit!i. Lender <br />1"$ aUdlOfll.-ed to cO-u<<i and apply the- ilUUfance pH:l(:\-';e,h .at Lt:nder's option eid\ef l-u rC!j.toratu:m or repair of the Propeny <br />Of to tbe $unu ~Ul-ed by lhlJ\ ~d of Trw.t <br />VnteD l..tnder and Borrower o-tht'rwtse .itgr<!"c m 'itofHjng. J.n~ \IKh application 01 proceeds to principal shall not ex lend <br />or P"-~po-ue- the due date of the mourh!)' HU.laUfl)(:(iI.\ J-eiened In In paragraphs. I und 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />~uch in$lal1tllCnu,. If under paragraph 1 ~ ~rc.()i (ht Propel!) L:\, acquHOO hy Lender. all nght~ rille and inrercst of BOffO-Wet <br />in and to- any in5uraru;:e pohc-1-~ and in ~nd 1:0 i~ priXcedj thereof res-uiltng trom damag~ to the Property prior to the sale <br />or ~cqujsJtt<m shall pa.s.s to to the c.\t.eiU 1,,1-t the ~um:i .sc\:ured by thii Deed of TfU$l immcdiau:ly prior 10 such sale Of <br />acquioitiou. <br />6. "'-natieA awl ~. of Properly; b_h_; Coudomll&lumo; Pbmned Unit o..tIopmea",. Borrower <br />'iRAti k-c-ep tht: Properl)' in good _rt"p-.IHr :md "hall tu.:H. _'omollt wa~te IH IXIfHi-i irnpd:.irmcnt (tr dt'H~fjofa~jon (~I the Property <br />and mall c-ompiy with the ptQ\'I.i-lons 01 any leas.e If thu. Dc:cd of Tnt'H l~ on 4i least:hold. It thilj ~ of Trust Hi, on a unit in a <br />coodominium or 11 pianned unit ~de\'e:lOpl1~t1l. Bor~Q-v,.et shall pcdorm .iH of 8oftOWef'~ oh-Iigatiofi~ under the dedarali-on <br />or c-o-vcna-nu creJuing or govern:ng the -eunJo-mu:uum u( planned unn development~ the by"law~ and regul.utOO-5- of the <br />condominium or planned uni-t Ue\'eJQpnlCflt, and .....oMlituem d()(.;uIl1cnb. If a condominium or planned unit development <br />rider is elCCtlted b)' Borrower and recm<kd losethe-r 'ol.,:th thl$ Deed uf Tr\l~t. the covenants and agree.ments oJ such rider <br />~! :t.c iMOtpOfated intQ and sh.1! ;u-ucnd :ond ~ppkmem th~ i.:\)Venan~ :>ifld agreemenl:S llf this. Deed 01 Tru~t us if the rider <br />wer. .. plIrt hereof <br />,. ProtedIoa of lA-llCler. Seemf)', If Borrower faih t'.1 perfomt the coVenaoli and a.greements l"Qnlamed in this <br />~ of Trust. or if any actioo or proceeding 15 commew;;oo which materially atTects Lender'!j intefC\t in the Property. <br />mdudin&- but not limited to. eminent oornaioy imolvcru.:}. cooe enforcement, ('If arrangements Dr proct.~djngs inVt1lving a <br /> or deccden:t... then u_uder at Lender'ii OPCl<ih. upon notice 10 B{lrIower, ma). make ~U\:h appe,Ojraru.:cs, dj!ihur~e such <br /> and lale such KHan 1\$ ii' necessary h.> protect L.encle-r's inlerc!o.i. ind\~ding. hut not limitt."d tiJ, disbuhcmcnt of <br />~ AttUrney's fee:i and entry upoll ,the Property ~,O make repaln" If Lemler rettuircd mm:tgagc IlbutanCc ,,-'j. :if. <br />c~i~ of makJ~g t~ l{.);l.fl -scx:ured by Lbt1.l Deed of Trual, 8orn';fwcr shall pit}' the pn:miunl$ requm::J to malUtalO s.u-ch <br />~~ in effect utllil such dme itS the requirement for $-uch ins.ufan~,c tcrminatC1i in uc-"Cordancc With UOfwwe(!> ilnd <br />t~.. w.rir.;en a~._ _ ~_ y; ilpYI.icahtel:w, BonOy,ier s.h31l pay the 3!Uo-Un! of ~~!l mortg-a_!.re ;-n~I_Jr-anc:e f'fem~utrt3 in rh(' <br />'Ulll\D4r pto\'itl4d tmdcr paraaraph 2 hereof <br />Atty, a.tllOUOl$. d~ by [.;t'~l ,puaua.nt 1(' thl.$ para.g.r-oiph 7, with mtc'(,'M thereon. shaH he~ome <!ddHl~.m;.ij <br />;-~nN of 8QrroWer *-URd by tbb Deed of T1"m1. BorrO' and Lender agree to other tl"mm of payment, s:m;h <br />~ shaft be payable upon notk..~ friJlJ] Lcnde1 t<l Bo.rr,twer requoling payment tnerro{. and ~han Oeu internt "'mIl the <br />date: of dit.bu~t at the nttc: payabk from time to time on nuhtand!fig priOt;tpaJ under the NIJ!e ll-1l14$1 payment ~lf intere-il <br />at ~h., fate W'i:JUid be, contrary to I1P.~huble l~w, i~ which _ event. ,;;u~:h amounts. ~hall ~.r mter-e-5;t it! the hfghe~t ale <br />~ vndct- .-ppt-ic4btc t.w. NOl.hin, t'Ofttamed m ltl1~ p.antgraph ? ~h:.'iJl reqUire Lender h,) IM_ur an, (-xpensc ,-'f taK(" <br />i>llY o<:t\QQ~. <br />L _ _~ _l..oudc-r rn.-y fllAM -Of \:__-lJ.~ to- b(- nuu:k tU_Mm4bl.-t: .c:,I~u>~e'" Upt.)fl and'tJons \}! the Pft.lf)Cfi\i, r(\~'iid~J <br />iMI .t~ ~t aWe 8t.UtOWto'tt .notice: prior to ~uY' such in-~pe(:-fio-fi s.peclfying f'bS-t,J-nabk: \:;iu~ tncre(i.\! H-li1le4 to 1 ~Hd-or..s <br />""..- iJ\ If!t ~\" <br /> <br />83- 004944 <br />