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<br />I <br /> <br />83- 004940 <br /> <br />the sums _uredby this Deed of Trust sbaH continue unimpaired. Uponsucb payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of <br />Trust and the ol>lisatiortssecutedhereby shall remaln in full foree and effect as if no acceleration bad ooeurred; <br />~. ~of''''''~ of~LeadeI'i..l'_ .A. addilional .ecurity ben!under,BOrr<lWer <br />benby Ibe reots'oftbe Property; provided.lhat J!olTOwer shall, prior to aeeelellllionuoderparagraphl8 <br />henwf or'al>andonlnent at tlie. Property, have tbe right tlH:DIleeI and relaln such renls aslhey become due and payable. <br />Upon ~ioo underparagmph 18. h""",t or abandonment of IltePrDpeny, Lendet, in perron, by agent or by <br />judlcialtyappointetl reeei_"ballbe enlilfetl 10 enler upon. lake possession Df and manage the Property. 'and. 10 ooIlecl.tbe <br />noms; of the1'ropCtty ineluditlg t"-past dOt. Allr.ats collecled by Lender or lhe receiver ,ball beapplic"tfintlo pajl1J1eDt <br />of.lbe _bot m_,ement ol thePtopertY andoollecdon. of rents>. including,,receJv",'. f_.premimm <br />ooreeeiver's .,bOnl;h. '.lId ~Ie . attorney', feet,. and lhen to the . sutn& secured by tbis Deed of Trust. Lender . and lhe <br />recei_ shall be liableto__t only tot' th_renb actually received. <br />21. F_A.-.- Uponreq_ of BorrowtIT, Lender. at Lender's option. prier to full reconveyance of the Property <br />by T~ 10 Borrower, /Ilapnake Future Advances 10 BOrrowe!'. Sucb Future AdvaflCeO. with interestlhereon; shall be <br />secured by thls Deed of Trust when evidenced by pro........,.,. notes.stating that. said llOfes arueeured ber"by, At no time ,ball <br />.heprinclpal__ of th.indel>l<ldness secured bythi, Deed of TrU$t.not including ,umsadvanced in accordance herewilb <br />10 prateCl thee ...,unty"f this Deed of Trust, exceed the ori,inal amount of the NOle plus US L.., 5300...00",... .....,. <br />n. .a-...,.......upon payment of. all ....... ",<-ured by Ibi>. Deed of Trust, Lender ,hall request Trull"" 10 reconvey <br />the Property Jlnd.shalI surrender this Deed of Trust and .11 notes evidencing indebted_ """,red by Ibis Deedol Trust <br />to TI\lSt.... Trustee shall """,,,....,,. the Ptt>peny without wa'l1Inty and without clwge to the perron ocpenom legally <br />entitled thereto. Such person or penom shall pay all <0$1' or recordation. It any. <br />n .8ullMll_ T_ (..ender. a. Lalder'soption.. may from time 10 lime remoV4 Trustee and . appoint. a ",,,,,,,,,sor <br />'l'U$h:elO'ony Trusoee appo;med bcteunder by all Instrumef!l recorded in .he eotm.y in wIW:h this Deed Dl T....t is recorded. <br />Wnhout ton.....y."" oLlhe Property, lhe su_. tlUSt.., shall suc"eed '0 alltbe lille, power and duties.conterred upon <br />tbe T_lr<lnrin and by applit:able I.w, <br />%4. 11;..- 101' Nolic:eI. BotTO....... requeflS .hal copies or .he ""'''''' of default and nor;"" of sale be ,en' to 8orrower', <br />addreoo wlrkbiJ. the P!Opetty AlIdRss. <br /> <br /> <br />IN Wm..w WHI!IEllF. Borrowt:r has C~led this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />'DO~::'~" <br />lj: // <br />~>LA:",' {../1 ,~<:;.i:~ <br />T~-ri . i.~ . Sa'as . . , . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . .., . . . . . . . .. .~-~~;rc:~~ <br /> <br />-8<>m>ww <br /> <br />Sr<\l'E OF NU;ltMiKA.. . . . . Hall. CountY's: <br />Oft lhh . . . , .l6.t;l1, .day of ~ . 19 83, before m", the undersljllled, a Nolary PublIC <br />dill)' romnliuiOOcd and qllllhlied tor !\aId ""'''''t?:, per~aHy ""me. <br />~1/$!~,lI, ~" .!i.,!'. !I}'l.d,T'!!1. I.,.., S~s';'" ,u.lI.b4tt<!. ~tld."'.U.e, , .... .. H q .. 10 me known 10 be the <br />ldcnttcal penonhl wtK'JSe' "MIChl are subreribed (0 the fotesolOS instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />t~ \0 be ,d,\~~ r:. .. ..' -ofuMaf'l ael and deed. <br />Wil_ m)'hand IInd nOl.ltnalseal ~1.Gt:aod.lsJ..arn.,Nebr<lSkll. . in said eOllnty. tbe <br />dale Illure;atd. <br /> <br />MyC~eJl~: <br />r.lIOtUl'I. SlIlo II..... <br />CI:lNHIf S. IW.fS <br />. . .., _ I.. 0<1 II 19n <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />,.~':.",,1,~,<--,;< . <br /> <br /> <br />MiUrt P~hc <br /> <br />'ro Tlll/iiUl!: <br /> <br />The ~ is lhe holdef 01 the nolC or llO"" ""t.'ured by thlS DI:ed of Ttu>I, Said nOle 01 nOle., together <br />with aU """" inde~ _utOO It)' thIS Deed of Trust. haw: been paIdln lull You are hereby diret.'ted 10 cancel <br />>aid _ ~ ntlIeS and thi$ Deed or Trulil. which are deliYefoo hereby, and to '"""mvey, without warranty, all the <br />_Ie _ held l:Iy )'W UlIdef tbis Deed of Tlw to lhe pelWll (II per.oru legaliy entitled tbereto. <br /> <br />Da4e;"...,.. ...,..,. <br /> <br />\~.~ T~.4l,~ ~ f~ l~ Me; ~j <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ii_at. _lklul blplQ,--tOVl>os:tunity/A.fHr_t1ve Actiou El!lployn y..J'f. <br />