<br />I
<br />
<br />83- U04940
<br />
<br />9. Cll.l r -,.,.,... The p-roceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condenmalloa or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and ,!WI be paid to Leader.
<br />In the event of a totlll taking of Ihe Property. the proceeds shall he applied 10 the ,ums secured hy this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the ex<:ellll, if any. paid to Borrower. In lhe event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othe.....i.. ....... in wrilius. lhere shall be applied to the sums secured by thi, Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />"" is equal to that proportion which the amount of lhe sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />tuing bean 10 the fair marltet value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower,
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. aher notice by lender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor offer.; to make
<br />an -awant or :SCttIe a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender wi!hin 30 days after the date such .notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authori""<l to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's opllOn. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums """"red by this Deed of Trust.
<br />UnJeu Lender and Borrower othefWi5e agree in writing, any s.uch application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or JlOIfpone Ihe d.... date of the monthly installment. referred 10 In paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amounl of
<br />stICh inStallments.
<br />1... IIorrower Not R...... Extension -of the rime for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Tnm granted by Lender to any $.ucces:sor in interest of Borrower shaH not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />tbe li.ability of the oritinal Borrower and Borrower~s succes.son in interest. Lender .shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedin,p against such SUCC't.$80T or refuse to extend time for pa.ymen1 or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />~red by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. F~ by Leader Not a Waivtr. Any forbearance by Lender 1n exercising any nght or remedy hereunder, or
<br />o~ a.tronted by applicable law. sball not he a waiver of or preclude: the _exercise oi any such right or remedy.
<br />The pr-ocuremeat of insulllnce Of the payment of tax~ or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be B waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accel-e-nlte the matunty of the indebtednes.1- ...ec:ured hv this Deed .of Trust.
<br />11. ~ C~e. All remedies provided m thiS Deed of Tru5t are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded hy law or equity, and m3~' be exercl1ed concurrently, independently or
<br />.u<:casivdV.
<br />1.1. ~-ct!lIIIOt1l aad A.,. Bottrtd; Jaiat net St-Y~raJ Liability: (~aptioM. The covenants and agreements herein
<br /><:ontalMd dtl!1 Nnd~ and lM righb hereunder shaH mute w. fhe re'iipe<"l1\'e ~ucces-_S(ln and assign5; of Lender and Borrower,
<br />~ybject t-'? the pro-vaiom of paragraph 17 h-erct.."H' All co\'en~nb .and ~tgr~rnenr-s. of Borrower ~haH be joint and several.
<br />fhe captWUil And headings or the pan;graphs ot !tH~ Deed t)f Trm;t arc lor convenience onfy aoo 11re llO[ to be used to
<br />"""fJll1It or defl"" the proviaiOO$ hereof
<br />,4. N.... Ex<<.pt lor ~nv n~lc(, requH"ed under ;ipphc.:ih1.t Lw. In be ~\V('" In ~nother manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower ptO"'rided for In thia t.'>ced of TnJ$l sha.H be gr\-'en h'lo.' t1\_iuhng ~u.ch now.:.e by_ certified mati addr-esud to 8orn,)wer at
<br />the Pmpttty .'\ddreu or -a1 tOCh o1ber ildd~ ~:\- Borrower may destStnatc by nonce h, Lender as provided herein, and
<br />1 b) any notice to Lendc-r dlAii be gIven fly !:'C"rtrfied mail. return receipt r-equ.est-e:d. l~1 Lender's a~ress stated here-ill or to
<br />5ucl1 other- addfeP at- 1...encIttt m.ay UCStlftatc- by rn:~tlce !O Bo-rw\4t-.er as p-roYlded herem. Any Otltu;e provided for !n this
<br />fleed of Trm1 1h&1i be damed :0 have been gIven h} H:ofrmtfer or Lender when g:'iC'n l!l the manm:r designated he-rcin.
<br />I'. t,hlif-ont:t; Otied_M Tnnit (;oYL'","" t~; M\'fl1lWIIt)'. Tnt' form c:f ~d of trust .combines uOlform cQ~:enants for
<br />natiOnal ~ ;:cnd rn)fH.lmform <;o-vcnanu wnh limned vannI 10m h! !Un)QKUOO to (;{'IlUlltUle a umfonn securuy Instrument
<br />c~mtt'- feaf ptOfl't"rty, Thk ~ of TNS-f_ ~h.lH be gr)\'e"~~ hy !he. !;1W of :hi: tunsthct!on in _whu:h the P-roperlY is .i<X'3tcd.
<br />In dle e:ve:nl that any prOvtsH.m or d.au.ilc of tht\ Doffi r~l I tU.il or the 1\Iute J:;:outll-'H wllh apphcabfc law. su.cb l.;onfiJCl .shall
<br />not aff<<"t other provrtU,l-nJ ot t-hlJ t10ed of T tus:t cr rhe N{iU~._, wtueh CAn he Flven effect Wlth(lUt the I:nnt1tctlng pnlVni-TOfl,
<br />l1nd f-O -In-n end: the ptt:W1MOfn .o{ the, fJbtd (J-t 1 tU$t and tho: Notc Me d<<iarcd t\' t~ M"verabie.
<br />16. ~; (~. 6orT<~""l';r mail be jlJf"~ ~" t.:-;;''"fllonned (~)py ,~( thot Note and of thi-s De;:-d nf T'rU5! ~! the time
<br />,li -elect.il!Ott i,..')f llftcr fecuN.atam .bcn:o:t~
<br />1"~ -rn..t.- of.-be ~ A.......... If ~H nr ;';l~W p<,1fl ~lt the Property or ..to loteren then:O-n1 i$ !;(itd or inmsfcrred
<br />flY ~t ,.,ubout l~{t prwt wntlen <(:nnwnl, nducl101l. i;;l! the \:TC,illHJn (~f a hen nr e-ncumbrant.~ o'iubordini1te to
<br />tt,:t, lJeed t,)j' Tnt5t. ~ b, the i..'1C:llfion ~~i :I pun:ha.u: nWHC\' ~e:;::lJnt-v lntr(~~ for h.Jur.ehofd ap-phafK:es. Ie) ~t Ir3mfer by deVIse,
<br />,~"Cf)( m 0)' npuatioft of law upon the J(:4th oi ;1 J-;-~HH ~;z-nAOl J:X I d I the gr.i$nt \H any le,a.~-rnl-W U1tctes1 ot lhrec yean or les~
<br />llOl' containin.- an "(ipth:in It:1- putt.h-ax-. 1 cntkl m~y > ,H i c!lt,jer"\ option, t.h:dare ~Ii the "J.unn ~t~'u.red hy (his Deed of TrUlH to he
<br />mUnCdulIGfy due and Pfiyal*. i.--cnaeT '!naU h;,;\'c ~al"ed ~x.b ,';ptlffil m ~ceicratc If, pnul' to the ~alt: -{.lr (ramJet". Lemler
<br />.uK! t.he ~>>U lo wbo.ro the Prope-lly IS h'l> b4: ~;~hj l-\r !f;:lttifertcd r~a(:h I,l!lr<<ment In wriung HUll t..he 'fcd.lt of such pef~on
<br />13 ~-;;tiJ!3'i!tOfY l~; t:teder- and th-~{ t~ ';fHCfn~ r~tYi!bk fIll tht" H,lm'\. ~..:u-!'od I"\y th!'t. De-cd nf Tru~1 lihaU he iil :.uch fate .1:'1
<br />LenO<<,,.ha-U~, H i..t':ndct' nu .....l\tcd 1M t'jXl1:m h~ ;tct.:c'~fah..' rf-m!id~ in thi\i: p-atagnph 11. and If 8orrower's sll'"t:e~S(1r
<br />In mlCtUl ha ~MK-m01 a wfltk:n a,;j.)tunptlt>>1 4gr<<-tt'lCut 4t.:'CC~W Hl wmm, hv Lender, l-end-er ..haU rdea~ Bonower from
<br />.;tn ~~"'=?"Ue~"-t~_~~(l;i:~~; ~~~e~~ilt~,(1~~_fll:kr "h..H rHitil UMh_n'-'er t,ot-,..~c of lkcde-rat.on Ifl .h:conhmce WIth
<br />~tafJ"aPt 14 hflC()(, Sucl1 tlOfn.~ \-ha!l pn)v~tk l'i pcr...,u of not ku than ,10 ctil-V!i trnm the date the notice l~ maHed within
<br />wftjc,h Bonuw<< nUl,? pay the ~un_ d<<'-lili~ thJ:lt. H .&t-rH'1W~l LId.. liJ 11:~Y ..Hch ~UJm pnor .hj l~ e\.pJmtiO~1 {\f ~ue:h penod.
<br />L-ender tnay. ,,"-,I hoot {urtbtt f)i.)(~c(! (\ct deouuld i.m Bono-wef. jl';'q)ke- JUt)" 't'n1Cdle~ fX'fffitltcd h:y paragraph I ij: hereof.
<br />NON~lJ1'O-tHJtlM COVe:NAN'l $, IkwTow-er <tnt! Lender further t'U\,'CMnl <lnU agn:-e- ~'::i follows
<br />Ill. ."t~~; R~ ~u'ti''''' J'f$~w.d ia ~ 17 hffeof~ upoa 1kH'fl,.<<,r1"", bft:at:b of any (-o,--t!ltAu' ur
<br />.,fft..... of ~.f' i. tWa tHfll tif 1,..,., indfidUtc the HUe-It'" ttl p., 1lli'hM due an)' 5llm$ K('UfM by thw Dt!t'd
<br />uf 1....... I,~",.,.... 10 "".,........"'" >ball ...... _i<,~ '0 .......,....' .. I"",i<kd in ~ 14 h._r ,...,cifJiatl, (1IIh.
<br />........11' ':1 'Dc ..__ roqlIin4 to <l'" ....I> btft<l" !JI . thM, ..... 1_ ,,,... 30 day. I....... ''''' dat~ ''''' no,ie. ;. rnllllt-d to
<br />a-........ t.,' _Ilkll -II hRto.-l> _ It< ,.....0; _ 141 Il>ttt IlIitu.. I. u"" ...<1. 1In""" 00 ... ""I.... th. da,. ,...,dfittl
<br />i.. the ~~ uta) ~ if) 1K",'~natioD ut ~ w.,. w:<-ttf't'd b" tft. l~ nf "frmt aucl ~ ot tht'- }).rOfWny-. The notke
<br />... (11ft.... Worm- Bono_tr tJ ttw rilttt 10 ~*t afw.- iU"t'eltrf'in1:4tt and t~ figbi to brilll a t:ow1 a-l~don to anert
<br />-- ~~ (Jf . dflalf ur- iltt) otba fkfea:w o-f Burrowt'f iu ju;('-d~naUon aad we. If lh~ hNak"b t.oi not cured
<br />oft 01' ,~ dae .... ~pKitk!d PI lM ~" t...... III I,.....r'~ opfiollt tn.) dfe(:"larr. aU of .he- liUQb ki"ufl"d b".- tnk O(>~d
<br /><>f 1... '" bt ~ 01... ...... pay_ ..it....'" h,J1l'", d._..d ...01 _, ""ok_ th. (H>..er 01 sale and ...y ..'h.r ,ernedi<'>
<br />~ ~ ~....., l.flldu.... 1M- eUlilW_ to .(-011<<-. aU ~ ("M-bi ,anti el-))f-AM.\ imurnd in PUf1iuilll the
<br />'~"""i4ood l!I tlllo ~ 18, iDcllttl!Bc. ltm w~ IllRiled '0. '0""""",* otlor"'y"' I....
<br />If tiw potM:t oI_,,*, -"',ill"..... T~ flhailr<<ord . noikt Qt default in t'1k:h COUltt)' in 'Whk~h dtt Proper')' In some
<br />,....tlliomtof .. Ioc_ ...... ..... ..a ...... <>f _b _.... I.. 'b. .......... p,eo<.,.;_ by app!kJObie Ia,. ,.. ............ ...... t" Ih.
<br />...... - _riItt<I by ~ 1=w. Aft... tbel_ ,,1 .....It 11_ ... ....y "" ,,,,,.urad by ~ablr "'''. Two'"" $l>all
<br />~ plIIill!l: ~ <>f ... '" Ilw _ ..... ,.. tl;,e """"'" _ri_ by >;>p1lc:bl. !.w. Tnool"., wit"""t d<_cI ..0
<br />..........,........1Ito .......rty at""",*, lIIlClloo 10 '''' bit!..... bi<I4I<. ... ''''' 11_ ",,01 pi.... ."d undn lb. ler.." d.....aa..d
<br />Ut-_ .. 1MIJIfk':t -9f .. __ fIRe: -IN" mDft pare_ ud in ft>>dt or'" 8$ T"tV<< tn.", dtrlnmiM~ Tru;<<ee ma} (HMitpOfte 1rJIlco of aU
<br />". .., ....-.... tDc ~1 .., ~ _._AI tM ,Dc li_ and platt ", oJ I""-y ""_uIod.... I.~.... or
<br />t......... .......~. ,....,_ lito l'tottmy lit ...y ...
<br />11flIoo ~." IJlIl- uf lito t>rl<.. hid. T_. ..... deli.... '0 Ibt- """,_ '1........,. deed """"ittJl'''' I'!".....,....,
<br />..... 'n..,..........iIi tbt- "f_'o de<<! ""'". '" pn.. facit! ..idmu of ,"" lruth of Ibt- Sla'_'" madt I"'''''''. r."..""
<br />.... "'1'Pb' doto ~ uf ,1.10 .... itt tbo.-,........ .....tor. (aJ '0 IlII ..-....Ifle ...... _ .._. ..f tho >ale. Ind",li1lg. bUI
<br />- ......lD. ~'s _.... _ ........ibalt " uf I~'" tho_ .... "'"... .............. 01........:'. I.... and ,""'" of litle e,i.!....'"<,
<br />,", .....-........ t..1blo .{l..<4ufl......, _ i~; tV ..""... if my. "'tho............ '" ~ ""lOUr t'Qt.itied lho.......
<br />i'?_ ~Ji." ie -~-.. Nl)t_jlh~_Htfl;{hn, i.t'u.uc-r'$ iH,-'i;cln1!H(l{1 41f lne wrn~ ~l:."CUfr;J, b~ rn:\ ~1et!.J PI T[mot
<br />~-f~t $aU ba-R the- rifh-t lo h.aY't: a'~r PHW<<u,in., ~J;Un by I i:"mkr to e-nfnn...w dUj ~ ui Tr-US:1 tfi.).i~:OfHmU(:<i ;H
<br />.3-!,,~ _t_ Pfft1t-lo ._-.e..~~~,f .t, tH;l:.yf 1-4 {lj l~ tilth d..,- hefore; the $3k:: of the ,Pf'vpen:y punu.iHU to fhe f'i\".1W-cf n-f ,\,'lk ~-~'nt.aHiI;;J
<br />ifJd:$.~ofl'tutlc:r (!i~-e"tty-of.. )udt!lt('tlt fofu-t~ine: thi~ ['lot."~ ,Jt l'ru-sl:' ft \-tlJ &"ro'A-'"Cf P-3Y~ tC't"d~f ;;~li S.UffI'i Whl;;;h '....';.\\11\.1
<br />~c t,~ ~ UiII*r!~ ~ i:i Tr_r.m. ttw: N~)t(; .lUlU i'k~i;;'!I: ~":':UHflf,' FUHJrt' ."dv.i\IW~. If .;;tW_ had no ,H:->,:cl-efiltltm \"t'cuffl."d:
<br />(b) .,n1,)'t\-$1 :cqJ~ _~n bf~:~ td _~n:y (i1h<<' i,;1J.-vemmfi, o-r ~f'~nreflt~ ...~f fJ.of'tQ~"i:!t (,~~ll:taincd In 11H, Deed 'ill" .r rw..L
<br />~"! "'r~ ~!l,.;IM. t'~_.:Wt<< -C:'.~.t- lfK"\!'~Nd b~~ i.,endc:,r ;;tnd Ttlnt~ m e-nh.1(("1~ Iht: .....rn,"t1HH\h .and ;.tgnr('m~nt~ (l~l
<br />~. c~ ~ !'hJ_" t~, u{ T"fml ~h-d In 't"-nti.-1t"H1;e Le-nM_f""!i ,-tOO TrU1_(~ ~ rr~li"';'~ 4"- p-wv~J(,:d H1 ft,if~~J 'l'Vh _l ~
<br />_f~!>- _t~ bm m~ fmHted- to, fto_m....iUtorn>ey" f('t"i~ ;;utd (-dl twl-n:)W-ef t>tkt'-$ "~Kn art';!'41 U Le-I1tlt:r l-r'!~'r t\Q4'j.;-1-j1JJt>h-
<br />f~nt tv ~", th-;t.l ~ {fWtl ;(,;f' UIUl t'lctd.m .1"t!i;$L Lr_hde(~ lJHiir<<t m ~~ Pn'Vf:-f'l:~ and 6o-rr(n~.e(" ,-.bh~;jH\'111 jd !~;t\
<br />