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<br />I <br /> <br />UNIFO&M COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as tollows: 83- 00 4 940 <br />,I. P.,- of PrIndpIII.'" 1_. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and l.te eh.rges as provided in Ihe Note. and the principal of .nd interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by lhis Deed of Trust. <br />%. F....,... T_ ..._. Subject to applkoble law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />((1 Lender- on the day monthly installments of prine. pal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a .sum (herein '.Funds~) equal to -one-twelfth of the yearly ta'es and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed of TrllSt, and 8rouml rent!< on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one.-twelttb-of yearly premium installmenfs- for mort.gage' insurance. if .any. aU a~ reasonably estimated initially and from <br />ti..... to ti_by Lender on the basio of .ssessments and bills and r...""".ble estimal.. lhereof. <br />The Funds shall be held io an inslitution the deposits or account.. of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />staleageney (including Lender if tender is such an institution). Lender .hall apply the Funds 10 pay ,aid taxes. as....ments. <br />insurance premium-s and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so hotdjng and ap'p1ying the Funds. analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling. said ~nts and bins. unless Lender pays Borrttwer fOte-rest on the .Funds and applicable law <br />permit, Lender to make such a charge. Borrower a"d Lender may agree In writing at the tlme of execution of this <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funm shall ~ paid to Borrower. and unles" such agreement is made or applicable Jaw <br />requires. such intereat to be paid. l.ender shall not be reqUired W pay Horrower any mtewct Of' earnings. on the- Funds. Lender <br />shalt give to Borrower. without ch~. an annUAl accounting- cf ,he Funds. !'howmg credits and debits to the .Funds and the <br />purpooe for which cacb debit to the Fund, woo made. The Funds an: pledged as additional securilY for the sum. secured <br />by Ihis Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount' of lhe Funds held by Lender. together wi1h the future monthly 'in..'itaUments of Funds payable prior to <br />,he due da1e.. of taxa. ~tlj:. Huurancc: premiutn:'\ and ~round rents. shaU exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />DUe1iiSmetitJ. insurance: premiutlli and ground renb as they tilll due, '\;uch excess shall he. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or c:redited to Borrower i.'Hl monthly installments ~)f Funds. If the amount .of the Fund.,:, <br />held hy t.cndu ~h.aU not be sutfictent 10 ray la~e!>. MSe.s.-,>menfs. insurance premIUms and ground rents a$ they faU due~ <br />Borrower'shan pay tt! l.e:noo .any amm1nf nel:C!l!.D.ry to make up the deficiency wdhih 30 days: fmm the date notice is mailed <br />by l-ender to Borrnwer requesting paymenl th<reot, <br />Upon payment in full of aU J-~rrt1 s<<:ured by thiS [ked of Trust. Lender ,'ihatl promptly refund to '8t.)rrower any Funds <br />hd~ by Lendet. H under is hereof the Propertv ;'\ 'U.11d (If the Property I_(j ot~crWtse acquired by Lender. Lender <br />tJutjl apply. no iater than immcdlatcly poor to the ~~h.~ of the Pr-operty or ns ;u;qmsltwn hy Lender, any Fnnd~ held by <br />tender- At [he: lime- of apptkatwn as .. credit .ag;aimu the ~um'i se-...ured by this Deed ()f Trust. <br />J~ .4.~ of Payatftlis.. Unless applicable hi"" prmlH.ko;; ofhef\\'-'iC~ all payment$. received hy LC'nder lJnde.T the <br />Note and paragraph-s 1 .and 2 hc-re-o.t thall he apphed h\' f .cnder t~r:..t It\ I':\uyment nf amounts payable to Lender oy Borrower <br />umkr paragt.aph. ,2 hCtcof. then to mrere:sl payable (Jon toe Nr1te, then :.0 the pnnCIf)<t1 of Ihe Note. and then 10 rnle~t and <br />pnncipal on any Future Advances, <br />4. (~1..... Borrower <;h~U po;:y all CiW"i. J~l,e'I$rnenh ;lHd {~n~r char~e~. fine.. and ilnpO\Hions aunbu1able W <br />!he Property which may -aHOi..i8 a pno(1ty o..'\':r thl';: Deed lOf TruST. and lca$Chold payments or ground rents. If any. in the <br />manner provKkd und.e.r 2 heral! 0r. if fi()t paid in 'tuch m..inncr. hv Borrower ltlaklO~ payment. when due. directiy <br />w the payee thc:-.reot. Bor-ruwe:-.r ~ha.U pnr.npdy fllrm~h It) l.cntkr ilil ~)tKC-1. oi am-ounts- dH~ under (hIS paragraph. and in the <br />event BotroW'fl' anal! makt: payment duccdy, Bonowt:r ~,hllU promptJr fmmsh 10 Lt:nder recel'ptJ: e...uieo,"lMg s\<<::h payments. <br />fk>>T~"Cr m.a.U rrompd)' drschaI}e an... lj'(fl wlueh ha~ P-floruy 0V!:'r thl'i Dc'cd of Trust; provuJeu. that Borrower shall not he <br />rcqulTed to ~haqte any ,uch hen ~e hmg ll'l, rwHQW-Cf ~h-3H :tgro: m wrllmg It' tOto'. payment of the obligation secured by <br />."och hen m -a m.annt'f .a;;:-cepuilik 10 Lender. 'I}f ~1'li).Jl III g~~-od f!.\lth Ct1nH;~{ ~tJ,;n he-n nv, l~r ddemt enh'\Y\;i.~mC'n1 (It !'t1cn hen- Ill. <br />kg;d fn~inp: ~ch$ch oJlCJ'ate. w prevent th.(': {~n(-fJrcem~nt of lht;; he.n l'f fodelture t,j the Property or any pan thereof. <br />...~ H..... I~ iWrowcr lOh~li k(,CP the Hllprov~nh WJW C,\l\tmg or hef~f:er erected on t.hc. Pn)perl)" Jf1surcd <br />-.:tg,atJ1Jf. tau h,"' fiH~', haum indude-d: wlthin the- tam "f:"t~mietl 'OVN:i~e-', and ~lU.:h t~ther hal.-ards a~ Ltmdrr may reqwre <br />;md in t.Udlllmount-s -and tOt $uc,n pen\x:f~ as. i ttmicr milV re'qUl.n::'; pwv~ded, that Lentier shall not r~u!rt" loat the amount pt <br />-4\uch .rover~ e'~'-eeU that .nwunt of 1.;OVC1-a:gc rt:qwn:d h" P~'i tht" sum' \ecured bs this Ixcd of Tntst <br />lhc Insurance Cilf"nc:r pfo,,'u.tmjr.t the m'>Vfi:in;.:.c- ,-h...iJ be <:Jh'Ketl tl'f t\orfoWC'f :SUUtec-t h'~ appm\'al by . c:nocr: fHov,detL <br />that .such appl"OVal lhilU not he uMe.lJS&:m-ahh' Withheld. All ~Jf\'~:mmrrn. on tti-1UHtfiCC pt"1hde.s 'il-hail be paId in the manner <br />provided undct ~ 1 m:reot 0,;', It ttiH fmlU 111 ~iK;tt tn;luncr. hy ll-orrower m~l[Jnl paYlnc:r.1. wben due. dm~(:tly to the <br />t~ ca.nler-. <br />A~l JllIDfllitK"'C tK>>K~ llnd rcnc\'lral.s ih~'-re-of IhAiJ IX: tf\ form a,,:,;;;q:rtah{c 1('1 Lender i.\:nd ..haU mdud-c a :Standard mor1!l<l:g-t: <br />d.AUfie- ,n t.vor 0-( and,u form l;ioC(",epiah-lr t-i, Lcntkt. I rnder "hiji! h:cv~ th-c nght w hl)h.! the I-\.Uhclc." imd fCfl~""ah: thereof, <br />.tnd Borrower :\baU promptly furn;...h {tl Lt'ud1rf .iit fel1C"Wiif n:tJht:c\ ~0-\1 flii H~t.-eq:.'!tl\. tlt pwJ p-remmms. In lhe c....etH nf 10:\"s. <br />8c~ $h.U prompt DQtw;e to the Hl::$.Uranc-e <;;U'Tltt os.nJ Lender I c-mkf t114'( f~-"t:: pw...,f of h:,lll\ It not tll<ldc promptly <br />bv Burrower. <br />. Unlc:b l.&':nOet .nd BorN'lWer O{he~!U! _grtt JH ~ri-ttng_ iosunmn,' f'HX-:et:"OS, I"h.lIi ht: apphed H' re'l-!uralil..m Of' replJ.Jr ot <br />fhti Property dart\~. proyjd;ed :i,tft,;h ~tQu,hi.m i,}f l~p-alr ,-.. cl..;nf-wnu-i.'IlUr !cl.t'\lbk: .HId the ';C~t!fity f>j' thl~ Deed pf Trust I>; <br />t1\.l!. theo,teby WlpflUf~l If ~u(:h ralou,ttoo Of fe-pall 1'1. {jut t'..:~}n()nH\.:4fh' fe3sIhlc (.( li the sc-cunty ut thJ... Deed of TW'l.1 wm.lld <br />n.; imp.ned. the msuraoc.c pr-tJ;(:-oo!i r.tuul be- ilppiJoe'd In th-c surln, )f.',-..:ured by Ih1'i need ...d frust. with the tx~ess. d any, paid <br />to 60rr0wer. If the Property tll- a-lHlindoned hy I:k\rr~}wtf. .1; If anfn1-~c-r Lul" to fc't.pond t{) Lender wuhm :W day:\ from the <br />date: l'K"'lt:e- k mrliH:d by under to iWrrowet thai We Hi~tifan~C CilUtt".r l,:wkn. 1-U ~lUe ~\ dUHfl tor lO',uuni,;e benefits. Lender <br />1\ authoo.zcd to ~QUcct lilOO liP-ply the- inwrL"K-"C" proc;-+;cd:\t at lender's op.Hon e!t~r to re-stQratu,m ur f"palf ,)f the Property <br />Of to the _urns ~"Ured h,,' tht$ DeOO of Tn$. <br />Holen L~nder nod 9ot'tnWOf otr.uwtiot a!r~ 10 wntlol.. any ~t.t\:h apphC8t10n of p(oceeas to p-nncipal shaH not eX1end <br />or pt~t~ U~e \!ue date '-If the Hl()fi~hf)' iMulHmcnl:$ .fdened fO HI pJiJragrapt'ts I .;rH.i .2 hereof or change the amounl ol <br />Ji,ud:t IMWhnenu. It ~ f'*.ragrupb l:."i nc.rWI the Pfvpenv t~ ~c'4uir-ed b~ Lende.J. .ill nght, !ttle and Interest ot BornJv.'er <br />in aud ~ .ny fI1WHl,O\."'C -po!IC~ ilnd to iUld tu tfte_ r~oceedt tnc:reoi rouhH'Ilt. from the Property prior to the sale <br />~lr acquWlton shall ~ to L~nder to the ,=Xle-n( \.>{ the ).UJ:fa ~ured by th~~ rX-ed O{ !' IrHOltthatcly pnor to ~uch sale (.ll <br />aC'qUitnkm. <br />6. "-_ _ ~ of ~; LeMeltokk; 0,,,,,,,,,,,,"- f'1lomted Vnlt O""elo,,_ Bormwer <br />1J\ilH \"1) [he- Property iJ'I: g~ teT)it1f 3f~ ')On,,!! U~lt ~,mmlft ~ ;a~U,': tr( pernut ftUp-uH Im!fH nr ddenoran~.Jn \if the PWJXrl y <br />and slW~ ~"Clllpiy w.itb tl'ae PfOvWu,Q$. t,1-1' .in} leaSiO jf!hi! ~ of Tru1)t I" (}n d l-e~bt:~d, H t.his Deed, of Trusl ilt on 3 unit HI tI <br />..::ondomtn-lUrt'l Of' 3 ptantlCd tlmt dt:\'doprntni, Borrow-er 'iha..H pedorm all {)f Bon-ower's obhgl\tUlf\S under the d.eclantflon <br />vf ~t..,vt:D&DU tl~tm. or SO't'ermng the ~~'T..)'ndomttuum or ptl\.Hlled !Jolt development. the- by "taws .lOd regulatwn~ of the <br />,-~.mtum or pbmnC<d uo1t de-\'wp.r>>etd. .uod comOtl.l'C:fft documenh; " If a ,,"'ondominium or planned unit dc..-el-npment <br />ndcf Is. ~ by Borrower and reuJrded tQJetRer wnh th~i l.><<d ~)i 1 ruM. the \::overuuU-s and agreetne-nls. 01 !luc..:.h ndef <br />sbaU be' incor-pcf-~ i.nto ~nd ib411 UlC'nd and .iuppiemeot the C\,.1\'enanls .and agreements of Ihis Deed of Trust ,t!i. if Ih~ rider <br />_ . pat hereof, <br />"T. P'rIltedIea of ~ Sec:erity~ If Borrower faii$ to pe-d'orm the CQ\-'enanu ~od -agreement! 'o-(u~med in this <br />Ooed:'ol T~; at ~l .-y acttou 'or pr~tng.u ccmmeflCc:d whi:ch t1UHeriaU" affect. Lender',," inrerest 1_" the Prn~y. <br />l~ but. nut li.nutod lOt ~t domatn... ~VUC}, code- (.oiorcement. or a{T~ngetnmt':i Of pnxcet.lm~. invoivmg u <br />~n.tpt.or 4coedtml~ t~ Lc~ allender's o-puon. U-poll nol~cc In B()tfQW~ > may make SIKh. :lppe.U{inte~, \hsbufSe ~u..::h <br />:ttlQ1$ And take such Betten .u l,\ ~t). to proteCt Lender s mtt:!re~u. mdudmg. but not hmued tn, Jlf.rn.U"kmc:m ~)i <br />~ .U-Of~'j: ffla, ant! eatfY upon the Propc::r1Y v~ make: repairs., H Lender required montage If\$ura.k(:~ .-l~ :4 <br />~~~ol.~_,~ltJ,aa ~ by thl1 Deed ~)f i'f'UIt~.lJort"'"l"We.r \haU pay the premlumi req\ured h,1 mathtliln wen <br />t~ m.dfOtt -until Jueb tht ~r.t fet ~uch H1SUfiifK~ ie!'mmat~ Hl J,1;'QOrdam::l: with Botf'O'WC"r's unci <br />lca1ir(' Wtil.tim......_. . l or ~.' hie law" Bon\1'WU thAn pay the amount of ail mortP.t: lO.:mf1l'ncc pfcmlum~ 11.1 the <br />__ Jll'Q\'idcod~J* 2 """,,,,*, ' , . . <br />MJI........ dttbQ,_ ,.bY. L.endeJ: pu~n. \';0 th~\ paraarllph i. wit.h mlemt lncreon. s.haH hei;-ome additipoIJi <br />hl4tl.uda1<M _of 80rt0wcr,~ by this Deed 0.. TrU1t, Pnteu ~-er and Le!hkt agree h.l mbt"r 1er-frnl of payment, such <br />............. ""-II be \lit" IIpoo.~. from LuIder I" Borr"",..r roj_tinj pa)"'""" thercot'. and sb.H I...", inl".....t lwm .he <br />dMt 01. ~~llrt.. ...:~ paY*bk ~ dme to ome {\n outstanding pt'~nc.pat unde-t the N(tIe hnleu payment of Unefe5t <br />lI{ .~...... ~.bIl:~<>l>lra.t'Y 10 apj>lJCaltlelaw. in whlcb evenl "",h atnWnrs ,,,ali heAr 101......j al the h,g""'t ,,,.t. <br />~ ~ ~ Ulwc N-OIbiot c01atal-ue4 UJ tht.3 p:lfAlflptt 1 ~haU requue Lender tu )~u-r any t:~pc-nH: Of tak~ <br />....,-~. <br />,IL . ~;:l"" ma, make Of ,:aUIiQ: UJ b0.m~ IT...~~ e-nltlm upo"rt. alui "t-'Mr::*~t~tmll of the Prupen-y, prfl.'litJcd <br />tM> t.....!'.c W. .. ..... ~ 001_ prIO< 10 Imy .w11 IM"""I,"" ."""iiyi". ",..""",1>10 el"'''' t""",I<1I n:l.ted to { <nd.(, <br />""- .iIl_rr-u. <br />