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<br />I <br /> <br />83-JI04780 <br /> <br />Said p~ryJ'''':te wu given ti, "'<\lre . lo.n in whi~h lile Small Bu.in_ Adlllinistration,an agenCY of the <br />Unit.,dSta""'.of America, liu participated. In compliance with section. 101.1 (d) of tbe. Rule. and Regnlation. of <br />the S_1l BtlIineN Administration [13 C.F.R. 101.1ld) 1. thi. inatrument i. to be con.trued.andenwrcedin accord. <br />_~applie..ble Fedolrallaw, <br /> <br />1. The mol'tgaF"""'eJI"'" and a~ a. follo_' <br /> <br />'-,-'" <br /> <br />... He willproniptly pay tbe indebte.m- evidenced by said promiaoory noft: at the tim...and'in>tbe <br />__ therein provided. <br /> <br />/>; He will pay all tax.... _nta, waterratea. and other govemmcntal or mur,kip~ ehargea, finee,_ <br />impooiliotU, for whieh J>>:'O"iaion bunO! been made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver theolJicial n:ceipta ' <br />thereto.. 10 th...aid mo~ <br /> <br />e; He will pay .mb exp_ and 1_ .. may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of &aid <br />property. ineluding the f_ 01 any .ttom~' employed hy the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indeOtednea heN-by ~urf"d~ .or forecl08Ul'e by" mortga~eP.'1" s;>le~ or courl procaeding~ or in can,", -other- <br />litigatioD' or p~infl; affeetin. said prope:rty. Attorm,"v~' ft~~ n~a"ll>Ol1ahh' incnrrt~fl in all" other way shall he <br />paid hy the Dlortg.j!or, <br /> <br />d. For better ~('!urity of the in.dc":htedll~~ hf""~by ~('.'urt'd, upon lhe n'qu~~t of the ll1ortfIagee~ iu <br />~uc.ceMOn or 388iJrfis. h~ ~halJ ('xecute anti deliver ..t ,;,uppiemental mort~.H~t~ nr mortJ!RJ'e'l ("ovt"-rin~ an" <br />additions, improH',"ent.s~ iJl" Iw-ltt'mlt~u(", made to Iht' pr-opt'rty ill-reinilbnu' df'Scrillt'fi and all propert~ <br />;!cquirt"tt by it after the date h{'T('uf ,<\11 in form !'atisfa('lOr~ tlJ uwrt~i.l:z;e:t'" 1, Fnl'lhpnnoC(', ~houlfllllortga~or <br />fail to l'Urf" .un- default in tiu-' panrH~nl uf a prior or inff'rior t'il('UlUbT<lIl(,~~ \lll tht' pI'Opt'ft~- de5('ribed hy <br />litis ill$lnlDlent. mOft~il~or herd)\' .qHt.t',:, In p(~mlit IUorlJ:a~e-t" tu earl' ~Udl ddilUh. hut Illort"a~{'e ..s not <br />obligatt'd to 110 l'-O~ and l'-udt ad\"alU't'i'i "haB hN'mnf' Jldr-f ill tlli' il1dt'htt,~llH':<>_" ";'l,tlrt'd hy (hii'> inl'trmuN11, <br />~\lbj<<t to the qme term" and ennditioo"", <br /> <br />f', The ri,dtb cTf':ated by liliA l:dn'>f'vance ~hall remain 111 full fur~~' illU! pfft..ct tlurin~ I.UH pUfOlvonttHWnl <br />or eXleludon vi th~ tim.. of th.. payrn.>nt of Ih~ ltuJt'.httJdue.:"-i" t'"iflt'tl('t~~l h\ ("-aill p-romi,."ory IlUte Of' ltn\ p;'lrt <br />th"",.,f ."""red heceb,', <br /> <br />J. H. will COD.tinU-O-lU-.Y maintain haaard irUUfllnte, ()( '!!uch type or tYPe8 and in But"b &mounte al!i the <br />mort~a~ ",UlY fn..un ,im~ tn limt' H_'flU'"" nil th~ ltupru\t'U\t>tlt,. HU" Ht lll'n....ftt"f 011 ,..~ifl pr01H'rl\, ,till I <br />win p.ay promptl)' whl!'n dut' an)' premiums lhf!:refor. :\11 il\&urance fthllll be carrit"d in companiea- a~eptable <br />to nld:TlCaltet':- O'nd lht: f)1,.iieit'$ aoo. nn~w-.Ia ihe"ceuf lfhoilU h'i: held h"J- mt;:-~~-:.:~ee ~.:-~d hJ!'Ve att!.d!.~rl th~~~to <br />JON pAyable in fa~(,lIr of and in form acceptable- to ,he fnortitagt"e, In {'vt;'nt of lo~ m-o-rt-gagur will give <br />itEltlH:'-di.t-e notiee ion writing to mortgap... ;and mon~_a.l'e~ mar pr{)()f of 10-&5- if not made promplly by <br />mortg_,or. ant:l each in~ur.nn~ e-mnp.u1Y t-"t)n~t="J"ed is h~r~h;. authorited i.nd directed to make payment fottuch <br />108lt difff:t1}" to mortgil~t"e i.n.lead of to murtg&~Of "wI OIQrlg~~ jointly, lHH.l the inaur-anee proceed&. or an)' <br />part thereof. may he appli",l b,' mortgag.,. at iu option eilh"r 1<, Ih.. ",ludi"n of the i...l.btedn_ hereby <br />~u.rf:d Or lo the refJ.tol'.-iliou or repair of tbe pruperty uam..a~M Of de&<e:d. In event of foreclo6ure of thi& <br />mortgagt", 1.1(" nther tr.-..ier of l1tle to ~aid prope-rtv in extih~ui~hnl~fjt of the indt'btedneu ii.ecur--ed hetehy. all <br />right,. tide. and inle-relit of the mQrt.g~;tor in and to iln)' inf,UTanee policia then in force !ShaU pllM to the <br />pliJ'ChA~r ur J\tortJC:~t'-t' (lr~ at tilt" ul.tiotl of Iht"' tnortl!a.~"t", HI..... ht~ "Hrrr'I,,{..n',f for" rrfHHIL <br /> <br />1(. lie will ~p aU building;. and other impro''-'''lUtn1li- -on Mid ,.,rnl't'rt)' LH j.:.Ht.HJ n'p-U-lf' .HHI cu.nditiotl~ <br />win ~rn,it~ CUlDmi.~ 01' .utf-er no Wiltole.. impairment,. d.,.t-erto-t.tion of ~ahl l'rot,.~rh' nr ...n~' p~rt tllereof; <br />in the: f'\-i"'tlt o[ bilure of the Uh)r~a~Qr lu kup the huildiuJltl on- ,,~ill prt~Il11l'!t,'t'- ...Hul lh~ N't'-t'U.,J on s.aid <br />~ vI jtn.,to-veDtt"it'~ lht'reon. in ~-uod r~pair.. the- O'H_)t".'Bf(~e UUI~' lHak(' :'ouch Tt'l~ilin Lll' in ll" ~lis('rt"tiHn <br />it m,ay (If!eUl l~ry for ttw proper p~r\'atj-Qtl th"N"()f; >.Inei the fuB .-.mounl or each awl "'H'r~ -:o>u('1I <br />llilYD~nl m.U he iJ:nm~,el)' due awl pjfTahte: aUt{ ~haH he ~urC".t b~' Iht' tit'lI t')( th,,. mort~aj.;.t:. <br /> <br />It.. !:Ie wzn not \'olunt.itil}' crr.ate or pennit to he ere.led agiiluLit ehif' property ~ubj-ect to thi. any <br />h~n or H~--u- inl-erior Qr- ~UJl<f!rio.r to the Iit"n of thi.. tn(l.rlg4~t": without Ih(" wriUen (~ontK'"nt of th.. mort,;agee; and <br />in",her-o- that he wilt ).~It .ul~l m~iHlaju thl:' ~aUw ir~ fHHH 1111< ('iaim ui ..ill pt'f.'4IHI> ~Hppl~ in)t I<llku' 01 <br />,"~ri.k for rooslrudloh of ..n~. ilud aU buildin~~ or i_mpl'u..'ellwnb HOW lH"tutL ..ft.~h.(l ur In Jw- t~n'l' nu <br />w.t.pnmioeo. <br /> <br />t, He- will nol N"-nl nr a""ign ';Ulj IJarl Hf the fr'nt uf ",ail!mortto!atu.d pruvprh or ;tt'n-wli~h, nr l'I'UW\C. <br />or ~,he4ilUli.llll)' a.lte-r an~' huildin;l without tht> ~-ril1f'n t'n-USe-HI nf lilt' nwrl~atWt'. <br /> <br />j. AU .W"f~ of damaft6 iit eonnecl.ion with ilIU)' cundemnation fOoT t)ubli(' H1\{~ uf ut iujUf~ '0 ~n~ of lilt' <br />jtIOpt'fl) ~tib~t- to tb~ mO-rtJt~If' d~ hereby aNi-ign-t'!d aud 1,haU b-e p.ud tn nHH''~. Wh'-l tlH't~' appl~' th~ <br />~re: to p.aPUf'-ftt 6f tlw iUf:O.lalhnent~ la!il ~-tUt' u.n,ie'f !l:.iAirl fu.Ht\. ..HId nHtrtfta~t'e j}l h€"n.h~ iJltllwrl~ed. in th~' <br />'ftaltw o.f tu(" rnDf't-pgut. to {>~e('ule, anil (kU-vcl' \ialiii iW4fuhhmee-1i tiu~ffof atHl In ....iwa) from :.tll~: JIIo-ut.;-h award, <br /> <br />It.. TM'__~1I*A"'k i'-h.U,It.~-f" thl\ r.llbt 10 iO~I)et't t~ niUrt~ltitt~,! ,)~mi-~~ ,It .Ul~ N'-.Mlthlbltt .ime, <br /> <br />'t,n.t" in _,. ",.1M "",v"....."',,r .....dition. of Ihie .not...o,....t or or the "U\~ Of loan allreflment _uO'<1 <br />~.ltaH ....noiA;; l>l<JrtP.or'. ripI 10 ~ion. u.e. ."d enjo,n'enl of the propert", 411he opt..... "f the <br />~ ...1'. .........'<!it heillll....,cd th.t th"lllo~~.hall h.... .uch ri"bt until default), Up'''' aoy md, <br />~tl. I,...., ~. .hall he<<tnu; the> ....".r mati .., die r...." and profit. a""nuDj( al... default .. ""."rll\ <br />f".llwlal~ ~ ""noy, ..ilhthtl\'....l to.__ ~AiJt jlrO\l<'rtr r"f the 1""(""'" ,,( ""Il..,ti", ou.h <br />.....'" .... J'r~ .TJ.lo i............."..h.1I """""Hi ...... "'~I ..r or r...,tala on ..i.1 pCOfl"'rlY ."lh.1 '''<mI. <br /> <br />~t)... #'"'0 ~ ..". tf-..H!l: <br />