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<br />I <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br />(PartidpatioD) <br /> <br />83-004780 <br /> <br />Thl. mMtgage made IUd entered into tho 30th day or August <br />1983 ,by and between W.ilHam D.' S8;pp' and IhOOrtK. Po1ilnd ; GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />(hemnarter referred to &lIm>I'IgaF) and 1llEOVERJ.AND~ICNAL BANKO]!, GRAND ISlAND, <br />GRAND ISI.A\'ID, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />i hereinarter referredto.. <br /> <br />mortga@:ft'. who m.intaw an ofti<."e and pJaee of hmineu at <br /> <br />304 West 'Thitd, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> <br />WlT~'F.!!iETH. that for the C'onsidt'tration he~inafter $tated. receipt 01 whieh i, herehy acknowledpd,. the <br />mortga8or'dON hf'reb)" mort~.~", RH. grant. aNjg~ and <,onvf!'''' unto the mon~a~ee. hi.. tUl':CeMOr9 and aaaigna,. all <br />or Ihe following d.,..".;!>ed property ailualfli and ~ in the Co....ty M Hall <br />State of Nebra.<:ka: <br /> <br />A part of the Sout.hwest Quarter of the Nort.heast QJarter (3WiNEt) of Section Twenty- <br />CXle (21), in Township Eleve.n (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth (6th) <br />Principal Meridian, in Hall CountS', Nebraska, 1OO1"e particularly described as follOlllS: <br />CX:ml1:!ncing at a point on the center line of Phoeni.x Avenue Seven Hundred Seven and <br />Nine Tenths (707.9) Feet Westerly fran the Intersection of Lincoln Avenue and <br />Phoenix Avenue (As sOOwn by Plat of South Park, Now Vacated), Which point is at the <br />i ntersectiOl1 of the ('.enter line of Pboeni)t .~venue and the West line of the Fast Half <br />of the Southwest. Quarter of the NOrtheast Q,larter (E~tNEt) of Said Section Twenty- <br />One (21); Thence South along said West Line, which line is the center line of the County <br />Road now called and used as South Adlims Street, a Distance of Four Hundred (400) <br />Feet; Thence Enstat Right Angles to Last Cburse a Distance of One HundredSeventy~ <br />Nine (179) Feet: Thence North Parallel with Said West Line of the East Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northealst quarter (E~SW:tNEt) of Said Section Thelty-One <br />(21), A Dist&nce of 1\10 Hundred. Fifty-foor and Eight Tenths (254.8) Feet to a Point; <br />'1bence Northerh in a curved line. concave Eastwardly of a Radius of Four Hundred <br />Sh'ty-Eight and Thelty Eight Hundredths (468.28) Feet. Tangent to the Last Described <br />Point:; ~ O1St-1l~ as ~~~ i.n the Arc c:! Said Cu.~-,,'B of ere H'w~-ed T"wenty-Nine <br />and Thenty-8even Hund:redth:; (129" 27) Feet. "l1le Long (bard. of Said C'urve being One <br />Hundred Th>enty-Eight and ~ine Tenths 028.9) Feet in LenKth flI1d Rearing F.ast\\71rdly <br />ftnn the 41st Described OXIme. Produced Northerly, Seven JJegrees. F'ifty-three <br />Minutes (7"'53'} to It Potnt; 'l'henceNOrthwesterly in a Straight Line at an Interior <br />Angle as MSasured 'fron 3f'oresaidLong (hord of One Ilundred'r'artY":Three I:e~, <br />Fifty-Nine Minutes (143059'), A Distance of One Hundred~t anrrJ'ifty-Five Hundredths <br />(lOB.55) Feet: to the Center Line of Phoenix Avenue; Thence Soutl1\\C"terly along <br />the cent{'r line of Pboentx Avenue a Distance of Cne Hundred Sixty-Five (l65) Feet <br />to the fuint of Begiwting. '1his Tract of Land ContainIng Seventy-Nine Thousand <br />Seven Hundred Forty (79,740) Square Feet. <br /> <br />fogt"th.~t Wilt. aad hlt,~I.d'.g all huil4.hD8"'. aU ft'nJM"~ iA(~ludit'l@ hut nut i itnlCt""d to ail plumhing. heahng. bfl:htinf(:. <br />'i<f"llul.ti.,. rt"-lrir-rat.ifi8~ tttet.....-rtthn,r. dir l"U!1:lhhoaiug OjPpia'Nlu~~ llnd d{~"8kH"'" {tht'" ftlofi~f:Ot' lu:f't'h" ilt:"dsrinlllltat <br />iI }!oO tQlt'1ld~ dwu t~ .lll".~ lii-rd-ft td:iiftl€Nte-d "'...It ~ tl'!'~.....d to bltH" hf"C_D pr-nndnt"nd)' Inst81h~d a...... IHnl ui" t.he rei!h,\ I, <br />aud ....U ltapro........uts a(jl\% HI' hffea:h~-f'" -€~i~ti.g l~~ tht- ht",..~li.lalMt.'tit.'!'i lJtHi jtppurt~rtu.n..~-el"o uud. 411 ulhel' rig1tt~ dlt'n'~ <br />\HIlu bduapag..t,)t' jft jU'j-"-t~~ appt'rll;1ltUng.. <.tDJ Il'H' n;lo~'r~ion and rt'ld'r';'o<mu,. r-t'rnitIIHlt'f dud rr.nHtintlt~rs. ;-,11 rif:hts of <br />r-c--.dt>*,tiOA... ,aad du.- -fl:'ftl~.. isSti~_s-. and J~N(it!l;. of Iht" abuVt' d("!'<.4.'r1ht-o P~)J)l.rt;. i ?o)vHlt:'d. no\.'....\(.r. that Iht, ll\tHIIl"~r <br />~haU 1M-- t"-etUI...d to, th4"" ~sa~!I':8ioe 0'( "'Bid Pf'01)~J't)' and 10 ('HUed and N'ti\in tl... ""1ft,,. i~~ut'"~. it-nU IH1.,f-ils untH dt~r"uh <br />h~t'..~it'.t;. Tu lu!,"f" alld (,0 \Gtd tb4" "\tolQ lh.... I'Il:(.W'lgttfl.e-t' Oi-lui the ~UN.t'!"<M>>''' in lnh,.t'''~l uf tht'- fR.Jr1fP"~ " fn"~"..'r <br />iA f<< "" M Ada QUtetC'">ttlk. II' jUt). Ufo< tl!" ,...lfth:.6 .U~'f"'Ui. <br /> <br />The mortPICr ""'_eo Ihal .... j" lawfully ...i...d and r-d of and ha. th~ ri,:ht I.. ",,1\ and ......~ey <br />pt'Opc!t1}';.. t~" ,he-. is, f~- (rom ;aU ~Xt'~pl iI!il h,..rt',ln...btHt'" rccatMi; antI tha1 hf' hf't~b)' hinti. <br />hi_If and ltH ..._ra In il\t~..... 10 ..a,rant and tler..od the tid.. .r.........i(llhnrto and .~rry. pan Ih.......r a, <br />tMc",W- (I{.al1...-..~~",," <br />,gtltU'Mty of Hobert K. I\'Jland and. WUlillID D. Saw <br />'tlria ilultwll..I.... &i~"" .10 _..." the/,,&) OJ"''' of a I""nu.....) "o'r ,t.ln\ August 30. 198;3 <br />i.. t'" ~_ "'" 1m, lXlO,OO . .ip"" lJ., ~t K.Poland and Wi J I tlllll. D. Sapp <br />iftbellalt'" t:Q'AND on" I}<<';. J"n!!sid>>..nt s,"'l'l"l:m'Y <br /> <br />~'ilP.", ;;.1,0"".... ;:'l!-~ l/4.:'1I, '.~f'-,I" r. It;,j"':__,"'_',. "-I--llt: "'f"o.iJ'._~:<~-' <br />