<br />I
<br />
<br />83-t104780
<br />
<br />'3. The mol'tgagorcovenanl8 and a~r""~ Ihal if he .hall I.UlO pal' .aid in<lebtedne.. or an)' parI thereof when
<br />due, or shall f.illo ~rorm ahY covenant or agreement of this in8trumenl or the prOmil'l8ory note secured herehy, the
<br />entire indebledneoo hereby secu....d sh.ll immedialely beeom<>due, payable, and colleclible wit bout nOlice, al Ihe
<br />option of. the- mort;gagee or asHf{tlSo regardleA& of maturit}', and. the mort~a~ee or his. assigns may befo-re or after entry
<br />seD- oid property: withOOl-.appraisement I the mortgal!or having waivt'{i ami .a~ip:n~tllo the l11ort~af[ee an rights-of
<br />appraitement) :
<br />
<br />j.) -ill judicial ul4!< pUho.nt to the provisions of 28 U.S.l:. 2001 I Yo' : ur
<br />
<br />(J1 i al the option ollhe DlOfl6Ap. either by auction or by solicitation of sealed bid&, for thehigheal ....1
<br />beot bid complying with the lerms of ..Ie and manner of payment specified in the published notice of sale, lint
<br />~ivinft four Wttk,' ltoticf" of .he time. te-rnt~. and plact" of lHU'h ~ale. h~ ,Hh:t>rti!,>pment not le.JIIl; than onCt~
<br />during each of said four weeka in a newspaper published or dislribuled in the counly in which sa.idptopel'ty
<br />is .ituated. all other nOlice being herehy waived by lhe mot\j!agor (andsa.id mortgll{!ee. or any penon on
<br />behalf of ..id moft6ll{!ee. may bid wilh Ihe unpaid indehtedne.. evidenced by said note). Said .ale ohall be
<br />held at or on the property to he tOld or at the Federal, county, or eity courthouae for-the county in which the
<br />propetly is located. The IDOrtgagee i. hereby authorized 10 execule for ant! on behalf 01 the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the pormuer at lu~h sale a 8uflicient conve,'anee of .aid pro~_rt"!~ which conveyance ahall eontain
<br />noeitaJ. SA t. the happeninll of the default upon which the execution of Ihe power of ..Ie herein granled
<br />dependa; and tbe ...id.~ beftb,....-titu&al'and appoinlA the mort~ll{!ee or any agenl or allomey of the
<br />JDOfl6ape, the agt:nt .nd attom~.iD facl'.of'said : mortgagor 10 make oueh reeitaJ. and to execute said
<br />conveyanee and henibLc>>.tli14ll." w.a' &in.... 'j):;:i"he recitals 80 made shall be eflectuallo bar all equity or
<br />right of redemption, homuteati. dow~r, and all oth~r t"xemption!. of the morlIlR;wr. ..n or whit'.h are hereh~
<br />ex.preMly w..ived and convey~d to thr m()rtg.~f'e': or
<br />
<br />till i take any other .ppr()prial~ action punu.llt to rit.h~ ur Ft!t1t'rall'!.tatulc l'ither in .t..lt' 01' FelJ~rllj
<br />rottrt or othfo.rwise (or the diapoeitiotl of the property.
<br />
<br />In the event. 01 a..1e as hereinbefore provided, the motlll8l!or or any po""'" in p...-aion under Ibe mol't-
<br />g.~or m.an then become and be t~n.nt. holdin;f 01jef and ~hall forthwith tlelivt"r p~M-lnn to th~ pur....h.lt!er l.lt
<br />llllCh ..te or be SWllma.riJy dl.~(l.. iu :J;eeurdilu(.~t.' with the: prt.~\I~ion~ of la"'-' ltPvlicahlt" to tenant.!\. huMinJ' over.
<br />The power and ag$CY h-enb)' tVaDted 3r~ euupled wit_h .!in iQ.~~.t ,~n(1 art' irre\'ol'clble b)' llt"ath nr otht"l'\'. iti+'". rUHt
<br />art:' puted &8 c-u.m-ul.lh{~ to the rrm-t"dieA..,._eoUecttOft~bf 8.ablitttiebtedne>> provtdf'!d h~- ia\lt~
<br />
<br />4. The proeeeda of any ..Ie of said property in aecordance with the precedins parageapho .han be applied first
<br />'0 pay the _ and ""re- of said .ale, the Cll~ incurred hy ,he motlllagee for the pur~ of prolcelin, or main.
<br />tailliD8 Mid property. &ad n-...uowthle .tlortl~Y$~ r~; ~c()ftdly. to. pd.)'lhe illflt"ht~dl1eM Aeeurt-d ht'..eh~- ~ an. I thirllly.
<br />to pay &D.)' aUl'plt.. or ~UeM to the. tMentOo Of pereonll le~.lIy ~ntitled th."t-to,
<br />
<br />5. I.. the event ..id property i. 001.1 al a judicial forecloaure .ale 0' punuant 10 the power of sale hereinabove
<br />granted, and the pto<<>eds are not .ulIicient 10 pay the total indebledn.... """ured by lhi. instrumenl and evidenced by
<br />said p--..,. note. lhe mortgall"" will be entilled to a deficiency judgmenl for Ihe amounl of lhe deficiency witlw",
<br />re,.,.,J ... .,.",....,.....,.
<br />
<br />b. In the t"\'eot the Illorlg.agor faH. to va) a.n) F'e.der"l~ !tot.le, ur lOCdl la:t. d~~meul. Ineome lux or uth~r 1.1\.
<br />liea. eh.a.rp.. r~ or other e~peniC charged againat.t tlte properly the mQrtgagee j~ hert"b~' authori~ed at hill> option 1u
<br />p"), lhe ..me. All)' 80_ 80 paid by lhe n>ort~agee ohall be added tn and become a part of the [>rillcipal amollnl of Ihe
<br />indeb&ed.ncM e,'idenced by ..id note. subjecl 10 tbe same term. and conditiona. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />diocbarp the i.ndcbted.neu evidenced by ..id prumiaeury nole, and shan pay .uch .u..... and sh.n di8eharge all
<br />laUa and Hena ....1 tb.. coal&, f-. and e"~ of ma.kin&. enforcing, and executing dm mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />.haD.. cueded and ....-.-dered.e
<br />1. The..._ beteia conlaioed shall bind and the bcnclilo and .d,a"lajle. .hall inure tv lite ,,',..edi,c .11'"
<br />_.....aoIIip of the. partiea hereto. W...........U uaed, the 'inlIulu oumber ohan i..c1ude Ihe plural. the plural the
<br />oitlplat. ...a.tM _of..., .-u- ahaIl iDdode aU c-len,
<br />
<br />8.. No. w&i-.. of ..y co-veaaat herein or 01 the obliplioll .et=un~d hen!'by llh.ll ...1 oUt) tinu..' tht"h.,,;Jtt'f lw hd,t
<br />to be a wAi_ of the lerOnt hereof or of tbe ..ole secured hereby.
<br />
<br />9, A ~a1 ......... ortl... or judcw<llll h"ldin& any pro'Won lIr p...tli.... uf Ihi. i...lrwIW..1 ;....lid ur 1I.k'I'
<br />'-.we. ~ ..... is any way impair or p,..,lude the .,.,forte_1 01 the remaining I'ro,~ot.. nr [.ortions or Ihi.
<br />~
<br />
<br />te._ .... ......In 1M... tot the -\tape pUt_ 10 Ibe pruvUicna 01 thia inatntmC4t oh.I1 be .d.
<br />...........____. ~'t otfico I3lJX 1688. Grand Island, Nebraaka 1:'>8802
<br />....t an, wriUtlrl DOUce 10 be iMued tn lhe. murlt!agee .ball
<br />... ~'" tho ~ at AdwlH &. f'holmix, iirawi Island. 'O>:l'l'll.'ika 68&)\
<br />
<br />,,;, <i ~...~
<br />
<br />\Ii, _-*. ~ o*"" .". {;;to.',.n
<br />