<br />r
<br />
<br />83-004748
<br />
<br />-tile sums. secured by-this Deed of Trust shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />Ti'ustandthe obligations secured hueby shall remain in full force and effect as if no acceleration had occurred,
<br />Zlk A.....-"'.Rals; AppeIldment'" R_her; (.onder In POO5eSSion. A. additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />hereb)"assiJl'l'lto lender the renl$ of tbe Property. provided thaI Borrower shall. prior 10 acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />h..-for abandonmenl ol'lheProperty, have the right 10 coilect and retain such renls as they become due and payable.
<br />Upon acceleration. under pant8nlph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Property, lender, in person, by agent. or by
<br />jttdicitdly aP!>llinted receiver; shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage lhe Property and .10 collect the
<br />_of the Property includingtbose pa$l due, All rents collected by lender or the receiver.hall be applied first to payment
<br />ofthe.,oos of """"'llemenl of the Properly and colleclion of renls. including, but 001 limited 10. receiver's fees, premiums
<br />ol>r"""i_'. bonds ancl reasonable atlorney's fees, ancl then 10 the Sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. lender and the
<br />rec<>.ver shall be liable to account only fnr lbose rents aCluaUy recdved.
<br />%1. F_ A~ Upon request of Borro....r. Lender, at Lender's option, prior 10 full reconveyance of the Property
<br />by Trustee-to -Bort'OYIC'r. may make Future Advances to Borrower, Such Futun: Advances. with ioterest thereon. shan - be
<br />""",fed by lhisDeedof Tnm when evidenced by promissory noles slatmglhat said notes are secured hereby. Al no lime shatt
<br />the principal &mOOm'of lhe indebtedness secured by th.s Deed of TruSf. nol including sums advanced in accordance herewith
<br />!O protect the secUl'lty of liUs Deed of TruSf. exceed the Original amount of the Note plus US S .. U9.UO.OO.., , ,.
<br />21.- ~ Upon payment of aU sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br />the Property and 5haIl. .urrender this Deed of Trw<t and all notes evidencing IOdebtedness .ecured by this Deed of 1 rust
<br />to Trustee. TruiIee'shall reconvey the Property wltho.ut watrdnty and without charge to ,he person or person~ legally
<br />eruitled thereto... Sui;:h person or pef$()ns shaH -pay all cons of rec-ordation, it any
<br />23. SuWdhde TftilMe4 1,A:nder..t Lender's uptIon. may from time 10' time remo....e Trustee and appoint a succeS!iior
<br />trustee -to any-Trustee appointed hereunder by an 11!5tfUmen1 recorded in fhe COUnty in which Ihis. Deed of Trust is recorded.
<br />W,thoul conveyance ,\)f tlx Property. the 5UCC~501' trustee ~haU succeed to all the: lide. power and duties. conferred upon
<br />the Tr-_ee huein and by app!icable law,
<br />.24. ~-for Setice.. Borrower request~ that eopie-5 of the notice et d.efault and notice of sal~ be sent to Borrower's
<br />address which is rhe Propelly Add......
<br />
<br />IN WtTNUS WHEIlEOF, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />"L:;; ~.j:;.~....,.." ....... ,~,
<br />David D~ Swanson
<br />--.. ,
<br />!<;~~ J i-u.,La... .,:f' .Ii!, ~Jt. ;,L.(~ ,,,/
<br />'f\amela j.. SWAnson' < . . <.
<br />
<br />-Borrower
<br />
<br />. -Borrower
<br />
<br />Sun Of NUItASKA, ,H.;1.U County ss:
<br />
<br />On this !'>t:tI day d ~ 1'1 $;3, before me. Ihe undersigned. " Notary
<br />
<br />duh- ~om.mi~ro and qualified for $.~ud to~mty.. perwf~aHy C3n~e . '<
<br />~):8<V:~~.I?~ ~~..a,~8:i.'!n_~?d Pamela J. Svanson.,. rly~ban?- '],I\U :'f1f~
<br />
<br />Public
<br />
<br />, '. to me known to be ,he
<br />idenhcal i-~\;i. 'f who5c na.mc~ s} itre ~Ulm'fltx"ti h.' Ole- fnrt~()Jng mstrument and i.lc-knowtedged the i.'xecution
<br />thereof ({) be:. , \,(')hmt.ax\' act and dt:e-d.
<br />Witneu my hand and lIotlffial ",..I ~" Grand Island" Nel:lr~,
<br />'late afOl''''''-'d.
<br />
<br />In said county. the
<br />
<br />My Cotrunlm<>n uprr"",
<br />
<br />< .t~
<br />
<br />
<br />--.-..--
<br />~- CQOlMf. S. 8Alt:S
<br />"-llJeo- hQ ~~t~ FOR
<br />
<br />NOUN PubJf(;
<br />
<br />
<br />fo '["liSlU:
<br />
<br />The undenigmd i, the hol<kr of the nOle or H(>I", ,.cured hy th" Deed of TrWiL Said note or nOle>, IOgether
<br />wltb aU Olher lndel:>ted_ s<<ured by thl> De<><! of I'm>!, have been panj in fult You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />"'''' note or noles "lid lhil. Deed elf TrUM. whi<:h are deh"ered hereby, and to f<'(:()!lvey. wilhout warranty. all the
<br />estale now Itdd by' you under Inti Deed ol Tnm 10 the p..'r$on or 1""'00$ lell"Uy elllltled t!lerew,
<br />
<br />Date:, '
<br />
<br />;:s~ ~ PI... Ut"4 R*Ht"l/od f'o~ ~~~ &1m ~eew(JjJ'"
<br />
<br />.w. IU'. an 1>q....1 l'...lo~t OjlportunityfAI'Hnillllti..... Action ':llIploy,nWF.
<br />