<br />I
<br />
<br />83-004748
<br />
<br />9. C~. The proceeds of any award or claim fOT damages, dire..:t or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnatkm or other taking of the Property, or pan thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall "" paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a lotal taking of the Property, Ihe proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In lhe event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />o!berwise asree in writing. there shall be applied 10 Ihe sums secured by this Deed of Trusl such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is eqllllllO that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl immediately prior 10 the date of
<br />tailing beaR 10 !be fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of laking, wilh the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid 10 Borrower.
<br />If the Property is aband<>ned by Borrower. or if. after nOlice by Lender to Borrower Ihallhe condemnor olIen to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is aulhorized to collect and apply Ihe proceeds, at Lender's option. eilher 10 restoralion or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of TlllSt.
<br />Unless Lender and BorrOW"cr otherwise 3gtee in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />~~~~b.~ue date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and :2 hereof OJ' change the amount of
<br />10~ BormWft' Not ReIeasetL Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Tnm Jr.lnted by Lender- to any -successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in an)' manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against mch successor or refuse to extend hOle for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sum!';.
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of liny demand made hy the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />ll~ F~ by IA1Hler Not. ,",'aker. Any f,,-').f~rance by Lender m exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable- law, shalt not be a wah'er of or preclude the exerci$e of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pnA.~nt of Insurance or lhe payment of tax_cs or other liens or charges by Lender shaH not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to aa:e4erale the rT>..a.turJn- of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />11. Remedift C..u:Iatl.~... AU remedies pro"lded Ul thiS Deed of Tmst are distinct and cumulative to any orher right
<br />or remedy under thil Deed of Trust Of afforded hy law or equit),. and may be exercised cuncurrently. independently or
<br />succa:aivd}> .
<br />13. Sotteeon and A... Bouad: lobi. aad Scove-ntI )..laWIitJ.'; C.ptioM. The Cl..Wenants and agreements herein
<br />contained ilIalf bmd, and the righn hereunder ~haU inure [0, {he respecll'.-e successors al',-d assigns. of l.ender and Borrower,
<br />-s-Ubjef..1 to the provisions of peragra~ Ii hereof AU covenants ilnd agrecmenrs (}[ Borrower shall he joint and sevt"rnL
<br />The- captioos and headinp of the pataguph..~ ~:l'f the" Deed ...If ., rust ;\fl':' h,r '("~nVemen':e oniy and art' not [0 he used t(l
<br />interpret or ddlnc the provISIOnS herwf
<br />14~ Notk-e~ El;C-Cpt for .1lny notice reqUlrcd \JOlter apph..:ahlcc j,W, to- t>e gIven In another manner. tal .any noUce to
<br />8orr--o.-er provided for in this ~ of Trust shaH he gIven hy rmulln~ '$uch noll~e by ccnified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address (It .It $uch odter addftt'} as Bnrrrtwer mil~- (.k'.$-l~nJite by notice 10 Lender it:) provided hereIn. and
<br />fb) any notICe to l-endtr -shall be: g1~n hy ce'fufled maiL rdurn receipt requested, to I.ender's audre-ss stated herein or to
<br />~U("h other address as I..endeT may da'g1UIlC by non-ce 10 Borrower ll'i provided herem_ Any llQtic.e provided (or in this
<br />1Jc:ed of TfUS1: shall be: dcemc:d t",'} have' hcen IV\o'-t'-O l(l IWrro-wer or 1 cndc:r when given iO the manner designated herein,
<br />t5. l1~ 0Md of Tnast+ (;.0....,.'"- Law; s,e-,,-fl'abiUty. "nll~ f\)rm of deed 01 Itw;-t I.:",-'mbmc!i> lJOIfoml covenant<;, f0r
<br />national use :!ind non~unlform co\'rnanlJ with limited Vanarllm~ b) j~m1dJ(.'1Ilm tn cnn:'!olltute a uniform security lIl..'itrument
<br />..:ove.rin, real prope.ny_ Tbu Dud of Tnt!t \haH be g...."':erned hv the law of the JUUSdll:-U-ll!l In ~.hich the Property j\ !l)Calcd,
<br />In tnt,event that in)' ~1$;{\n or dalD'C of tha Il<<-d pt Trust ('r the: ~Olc I.'nnfhct~ with ilpphqbte h-,W. '\uch l:On1ticl shall
<br />Oi.)( aftet.1 olner pTOVRlOftS of t"l1. Oeod 01 Tant N the Nt'He wh!(~h ("an h(' J;t"l..ef\ elfC'd Without the conthcung proVISIOn,
<br />And 10 tbis end the PfOvistODl of the Oc:ed of hmt 40t) The ;o..Ok ~r(' declared t,-. he ~e"\'crahte.
<br />16.. 8enowft-~~ C..... B.orro---er shall ~ lurill"hcd it ;':\Informed U!py of !he Note 'lad ,-~f thil{ Decd ut TfU~t .ill Ih" time
<br />ul C'x<<utIDn -or aher f1:C'ord-anon ~J
<br />17, T....... 01. Property; AIIIJtIIPdoa, U all HI an} pMt (,I rh(' Prnpetfy Il!" an interest therein Ii \oJd or lran~ferrcd
<br />by Bonower WIthout l.A:-oc.k-r'! pn~)f wruten ;:;,)nv:nL t"u:h.idms: ~;j 1 !he crt"~tHtn nt a hen lit' cncumhrancC' ':.ur...lrdmale !<1
<br />till! "[.Jeei oi IJ'"tl;$t. I b) the cruuo-n ot .ll pur-chn< nwtK:'\' ~cufHy mlCTt:'s-_t for h-ou\C"h1.)ld 3ppJlaIKt::~, i I.: I ~~ transfer hy devi.se.
<br />~-eftt (.1' hy Ope:r.lh&l Hf la-\\' UPJfi the tk.a-th ,}f ;; I,-'HH {(--flaiH tit i d t {he grant l!f any leo.uehojd mtereu of three yeats Of 1t'5:.
<br />not cont.alnfn,;tn Op(WIl t(l purc-h~, l.ender ma~ ~ ,;I ! coo<r-\ option. Je-cluc all the maL" secured r-y thiS- Deed 01 Trust to tx-
<br />imm-edultcJy due aoo paya-bie. L~f ma!! hotYC- ;Jilin-cd SUt;h (}ptH"H1 1.0 a'-;~IN"t(' If. pn~r in the sale (11' 1ra.mJer. Lender
<br />and the ~n to whom the- PT1."1'CflY 130 hJ No :SiJIJ or trans.h:trt"d f<;"1i..:.:h .larttW(:flf lit wri{ing thal the (fcdlt of such person
<br />is Qti:~lact()fY h") LcOOc-r ~nd tJut the 1n1('fnl ~,ahllt' pt) the .'l-Hm~ "..~(, utc:d h.\- iht" Il<<d t\t -rnl~t ,hall ht; at ~tlch mlc- <1::-
<br />I.endtt stu-U r-cquesl-_ H l..endu- tlas ..awed the i}ptO'l,.)n li;' .K..:cler..te pro~ldr-tJ in: thl~ patagrAph 17. and if Bo-rwwer''$ \lK';C:lSOr
<br />in mterul h.l$ e~<<uted {l, lA>'ntten a>>tampHon il#r~tlW:at a~'\,;(:ptc-.d Il' .... fHHlg t>\' Lender, Lcndt;'f ,.hall release Borrower tn..11H
<br />..It Oh!iptk~ uader [hj~ Oreal i.1! TfU5! and the Nn(('
<br />If l..efKi.cf exefC~ -\och opltt.>n h\ ':;-'::I.:-dC'ril!C ! (nd~r "h.dl ~'(tAIl Ih~trt1v.C'1 110111.:(" of a>:<.'deratltH\ Hi iH.'cnrdance with
<br />p.".r.araph 14 t-.ereot Such notlcc ~haU pnwH.k: a pcfR'oJ of (h\l. k~ thAn .10 Ja8~ tn)fTl the date t~ nf)hce i" mailed within
<br />whkh ~\fh'M-Ci tnay fla); the 'lum~ dcdarw due, if tk1-n,,1..cr f.ul-.. t,1 pay ...t,~h sul1l~ prior to Ih(' nptr.:won \)f such period"
<br />Lender may, -"lthout tu1"ther noH;;r ..1f dcrn..nd ~H\ BD-rr~\""<f. ,tn. pic ..Ii) fl:'fl1t'tht::l peft111tfed tly paragraph I X hereof
<br />NON~lll"'itfO.M COVEN-ANn lk'ffHWCf ~nd 1 c-n\kr further (.'"l.)'lIenant and iilgfC'e as follow,
<br />18. _.,-~; R~ .'s("t'pt.. prn"Wtd In pvacrapla 17 bffff,f. upon Bo,....,.-t'....~ bftat.:n of _n)' ,,'onnant or
<br />..~. of Bern..ff in ... ll<<d uf 111J:td. indMinc the- (ou"naab: to p.~' ~hf'ft due any 'iunu !ieC"tt-d b)' this Intd
<br />..r T....... t....... priG< I" .....-flo.rlttioa..ull mail .....i<< I.. ........... "'" ",,,.""'d in """lraph 14 he.....r 'pnllyln" (I) Ih.
<br />brnri>; ,lllhe ""_ ~ t.. <t.... ....'h !>,neh, l.\1 . dol.. _ '- Ih.a ltl d.y. from I"" date lh. noli.. .. mallod I"
<br />Borro,*"et. by _kklil "U<'ta ~h m_ bt- nut'd; aDd t4.) fu failoff ro Cllf'f: !ftKft breac-h un or befurr 1M dllltt" ft~(ifi-td
<br />ia 'M aodct- ..y f'ftIiIt in kC"raIioa of f~ S"-1IlS st(,,,tftt h~ Ihh IlHd of 'f rmt ADd qk of Ihe' Propcrt".. The no.kt'
<br />dLtII furtlw-r wurm 8erro"'d" of tIw ric'" to R'iaRm aftn at'l:dnafton and ttl-e rie'" to bria& 0 confl at.till" to ao.wrt
<br />tl'M' ~-l~ of l! def-euK t)f ;1m) ~.f .'-eftk uf &no~-~r tn- an-ekmioa 2nd uk. If the bn:Kb i.,,;; not ,"urfd
<br />Oft or _Wot'C' 1M ..... ~ W 1M- 1WJllirt. Lt'ftflff .t IA:adt-t""- up6o!t PlI", dfft.,(' ttll of th-r !ium1t 'l>('("uretl b)' Ihi!' llNd
<br />of T.... to he ~~ due.nO pqt~" ~-ithnut furt,~ dC'm.lttd and ma} i>>-lotiklf Irw. pO-~~f or !i;att' and 3f1~- ofMr r('medi~
<br />......... .., ~ Is... L...... _ "" ...1iIleil tu <_I all ",.........w., <OW; ODd ....._ In<uJTtd in punuing Ih.
<br />~ ......ided in lhis -... HI. ~ but ..... Ilmil.d 10. rt_nabk oil_f. 1__
<br />If ..,..'('1 of ... M io"oke4. T~ dqIJ f"<<otd . ~k~ of defau't in ~*-'h count) in ~hkh lilt. Prop<<-rt}' or '-tllnt
<br />part thieftof k ~ aDd... .... c.... 01 ,-uch .lOIke in tbr rIlHHr- preM'fitKod b) .ppr~ ItIw 10 Borrower and to flit
<br />...........- _......It,......... ..... ,\I... In. ~ ..I ...df li_ ... .....) "" r"ltdrH Ity appli<_ ....., 'h...... .hall
<br />..... JNIaIk ~ of .. 10 die peniOti aM in ttlf" matt_" pR'\'M:rlOed by apptkable qW, Tru.'itrt~ without 4.klhand on
<br />............... M8 dw Pntpt:rt,. at pwNk -'K'tioo to the-- MKhna bicIdfl- .. thr dIM and plJK'e- aud under lh.. ...rftL~ d~ilnAft:'d
<br />ia file IMOtl<< ..r.. la _ ... __ """.... ODd in _it ....r ... T_ m.~ dot...-., h..... ff. may ,..,.Ipu... "'"" ..r .11
<br />... -1 """"' .... file ",-", .., Il'IItIl< __ at 1'- ._ and pIac-e 01 an) ",..lurnly ..d,,,,,..kd "'.... ....der nr
<br />,.......,. .......- _ ~ tIlr ........., 01 _)' ...
<br />"pM .......... <If !lIly-- ..r.tIlr pric:-e bid. T_ ..uIl .Mi,.. ... t'- purd....., !'rm.t..', <kN <""",yin& the l'roptrl)
<br />_. n. r_... Iltt T_. _ oW "" prima li><k .._.. ..c "'" lruth ..c In. .."'.....u.. row llwrdn. (rust<<.
<br />..... ..... Jbo..............r tIlr ... in Ihe r_.... ....eler: (.j ... &II ",_ablt ,...to ....d ..,......., ..r tho! "'.... indw:tin&. bUI
<br />_........kJ. T_'.fteool_ _~"""" "..r 1">..r ,"" 11"......... ""'.., "....-hIe .tt....""~., r....nd...... g( lit'" .,id.......;
<br />,It 1 '''all__........t ~ _1_..rTr",t: and itl u...n,_. ihny, I" u................ _. ....11" .nUtted 1het..1".
<br />,.. ~..~ ,to-........... Notv..'lth:$tandm. L~n.Jef~ ....;;t;('krahOfI i~t lhe !o\-lI'th !>-t,~t.'w\~d ~y thl" net'\! l\i Tw'''!
<br />Bo-I:f~_ ~i M\o~ t~ trtht k'l n&-w. any ~\f"lCt';;C-dtn8-~ hCJu!l hy t enik-r h'. enforce ttu.\i. Ot't'"d of l'rml ~h..t;tH1-l11lll'{'d ;!\
<br />1'1\)' ttme' pfU-.V to the Cadcf t(H.~~-ur f,:d {H the iUtb JII;' bt1';Jre th1t :fojlJ.e di the rr{)pt'n)~ pUr-SuafH h' fht~ r"-'~'\~f of :late I;-nntalllt'd
<br />t-n l,", DMdul 1-"* "ttftd-f'rO:ty of a jt~nf Cllfotcint lhh l:)eed of "fwt.! It: (J;\:! B<'lfh.l',r{("r pa:~t'1> Lender ail !Oum.. '" tut.;h Wililtd
<br />be tMA M Un4tf ftm. l~ elf" 'ffl.~~t. tM- N-<J:f(: ~nd n()tt-.~ ik':Hflf1J1: Ftlture Advaftt.;:e~ If d-fi)-, h.ii\j fW ~K~'der-atIN'1 O~':,I.:UfTt'{.l
<br />tb) ftofrn..-u C-\ftei 411 bf€'~tM!s 01 itt\y ("'-Dcf (:n~\anh Qr -<l$:_feemenh t)f H-orh')wt-r (:(4\tainctt In In:... [>toed \\r "f r'a.~"~
<br />~"q ikw1~'C'1 ~~ AU t'f:~Ji~ tll\f)e(i$:(.1i im::ur~ b.v lenik{ Jilin(i l'ru"),l~ ~n tnl:t"lTCtn-g the i,"{lVc-nants and a-g.reemcHI_" 01
<br />~~f u~...~ fff tb,,, ~ -of "Ttt~t .~d m ~nt~rr\:me- t:fndcr'~ .rt"ld f-nl'...t-e-l."" rt':!lli,."-dk,^", A\ pro'i~~icd in p,;tf'a.gf~ph l?i
<br />~t ~ft.J~ 'hut rmt tmi_,,1<<d w. ~N~.hff aftOlm::"V" fK'iJ.; tilnd (J~ 8fwttl:~tcr Htkc$. \tKh f4dHl-f) ~s l.f'Il~kt mlt~ fl;".H,ti-l~ilhh
<br />t~~, It.); 8~"J~ tn.t t-he ilC'# ni: t~ ,~ -of TnJ", I.-nWt:r'~ h1~tt'e~t H\ trn- 1)'H'lf'Cny .'U'i,J nnrH~I,8,-t-[\ ~"hhll'4itlt.m 1;1 l".n
<br />