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<br />83-004748
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<br />UNIFORM COVE.NANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />.J. ...,_.. 01 PrIndpa1 .... In-. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedtleSll evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances $eCured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. ....... for T_ _ 1_. Subject to applicahle law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower .hall pay
<br />to Lender on_tbeday monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (berein "Funds") equal to one. twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain prior!ty over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plu. one-twelfth of yearly premium installment. for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mongage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />lime to time by Lender on the basis of ......ments and bill. and reasonable eslimates thereof,
<br />The Funds shalt be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stale agency finduding under if Lender is such an iMtitutionl, Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />insurance- premtum~ and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so hoJding and apptying the Funds, analyzing".!laid account
<br />or verifying and com-piling said- a$SC$Sments. and hills. \JOIes., Lende,r pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interelt on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower. and unless ~uch agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such inlemt to be paid. Lender- shaH not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eaminJtS on the Funds. Lender
<br />shallgiv.e to Borrower. withem charge, an -annual accounting of the Funds shOWing credits and debus [0 the Funds and the
<br />purpoose for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional securily for the sums secured
<br />by mi> Deed of Trust,
<br />If the amount of the Funds held oy Lender, together wilh the future monthly installments of Funds payahle prior to
<br />lhe due dates of taltCS-, auessments. insurance premium'- and ground rents. shall ex.ceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments. insurance premIUms and ground fl!ot.s a.-i. they f.lll due. such exct.Ss shall be. af Borrower's option. either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to RornH\i"Cr on monthly installments of Fllnd~. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by lender shall not be !ufticjent !.l,J pay taxes. as-\eS-illlents. ifl~urance premiums and ground rents as. they fall ~ue.
<br />Borrower shalf pay to Lende-r any arnounr fiet:'c-uary h) make up rhe defiCIency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requestill~ payment thereof
<br />Upon payment in fu!1 of aIf $llm~ secured b~' this Deed of Tru~t, 1 endcr shall promptiy refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender-> If under paragraph I S hereof' rh~ P-roperty i.~, ~(\ld or the Property IS _ nthCH\'Ise acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />matt apply, no later tlum immedtalcl~' pnt.lr tn lhr "~lic of lhc I'fnpeny tH' Its acqul'IHon hy Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender 1lt the time of appllcittion a~ a credit agaimn the S-!lm.~ \ecured by thts Deed ('If Trust.
<br />3. Applkadoa of Pllyaenh.. Unl~~ iipphcaht-e law pr0vHk" nlner.nse, aU payments. recetved by Lender under the
<br />Note and par3.lf3eb!i- I and :! ~reof ~JuJl ~ :apphc-d h Lender fiNt in payment of amounts r.ayahlc to Lender hy Borrower
<br />lJnder paragraph ... herrof. then to tnt("~t pa:',!~ble un fhe Not~, then tn the pnnt:lpill of the Note, and then to intere~( ~lOd
<br />princlpai (to an)' Futuft' Advanas
<br />4~ CbaItts; Lie:-. Borrow~r ..hall pa~- ~\H L1,;e-... J-UCs.~01ent\ .!I"II} ~1thef .;harf.;e~. tlnt:~ ,LOti Imp\"lSltiolts <lllrihutable hI
<br />the Propeny which may attain a prionty "ver tf'W~ Deed pf Tru"\t. .wd le~iehoJd payments Of ground Tents. if any. in the
<br />ma.nner- provided under p;aragnph 2 her~'t.lt ,\f. d no! raid It! !.ltch manner. bV Borrower makHj~ payment, when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereo-L 80rrQWe'f ~ha!l prornpd;' fllmi'\h. h' I cndcr all 1l.otl(C\ of amounts due under thts paragraph, and in the
<br />eVCDt Borrower shan malt payment d1fcxtly, BOH(\Vo'e'f !>-h-ali promptly t~!tmsh hl Lender {"ecclpts cVHjefiClng .'Such payments.
<br />Borrowltr $ban promptly ditoeharge any li<::n ,,\ hkh hal pnofHv {'vcr tfll!i. Jk~d of T(IJ!;.t; pro"'ldcd. that Borrower ..haH not he
<br />r1:qui-r~d 10 diKharge any such Hen -"0 long ~1' Burrower ..hall .lgrcc III wfllin~, h~ the p;i)'lncnt of fhe obligatwn St..'CUfcd by
<br />'\uch !~ 10 a manner aect'.ptlibk: 1t~ i. enace ,)f ...hali It' gi.xxl f.lith ';"OfHC\t \ll\.:h lu~n hy. \If ddend cnlon:cment of such hen In.
<br />le~al p~inp which operate- tn prevent the- ~n!On.~CmtfH t)f the hen i)f f~)rtcltllrC {)f the Property or any part f,hereof.
<br />~, 1IazanI1~~ &crown ,.hail kcc-p lhe lmprOVi"mel1t'iO. nov.- e"\lx!mg (If htrcaher crc;;tc.d on the Pro-perty Insured
<br />:1#JlInst lQt.'t hy fire. hazard'! included wuhin the ~erm "c\le-rKicd \.~werag-e.', and \uch \'\ther h3-703Tl.h as 1 c-nder may reqHJfC
<br />and in !.uch atnounbi and for ~uch pc-nods a.,> l.ender mil\ n:qUlf"\:; rnwidc-d, th~t Lender "haJJ not reqUire that the amount .:)1
<br />'\uch ~O~ e",eed chat .a.mount ",.if ;':(h'cn:~ r"'~{Ulr-cd I.:) pay Ihc 5UI"" ~urcd bV thu. l>c-ed of Trmt
<br />'fhr huura.nce car-nt'f pnwn.Hng n'te Hli-tHanl,:~ ....h;di he \.-tH1~fl ~y H()rH~WCr \tlhi-e-~.~ I,I itppn,H:ll hy l.ender: pnwHkd,
<br />~ !lrl 4~V!!l d~JI;U nor he llul'eas..1o..bly Withheld. Aft vrt'n-l1um~ (>n 1tl~m;ln~e iX'licid shall be paid in the manner
<br />pnwided under -paraantpb 2. ~t N. tf :-h."'Jt pat\! HI ).lJ-(:h manner, hy liorruwcr mak.l-og paynw-nt. when due. directly to the
<br />-~,
<br />AI! insuran<< poItda and te-newah.- :hen::~JI ...haH t>e- In form a<':(.'cpuatm: {I' j em-kr and 'l.hall mclucle a s.tandard nl(lrtga~c;
<br />clause: in favor o( and in to-rm -'iC(.'"("publc t,,) Lender Lender ...hall h~t..'e the fight (0 hold the poikle'i and renew"ls. thercoL
<br />.And Jklrnwve-r!i-naU pr,"-mlpul turni-1h i<.i Lendc-r :.tU n:-nc-v.:.li t~{)th.('''\ .wd ~tll (\.'"\.tlPh of p:ud rreml~ltn!!i, In {he- ~vent of loss,
<br />Borro",-cl stuln gl'VC prompt n\){tcc: tu me lt1wunce \..arfl~f :lud 1 (~tH.k-I. ! .rntfCf milS Uiiikc proof Of l()$'i. d n~H made promptly
<br />b\< BofTO\o'<c:r,
<br />- Unk:s\ Lender a.nd Bt;)fr'1.'lWCr c'-therWi-\C ~s:n:e Hl -... nhrtt In~Ufan~:c pHK<<d:. ..hall h< ;Jpphctl to rc"\{oration I1r rcpan of
<br />the Pro-perty damll,cd_ pru,..u;k:d 'i.Ul.:h f~!(jf..lWn lH fi:p-itH r... ~1..',mofjlH'-'-i.llly h~~\lhie Mld rh-c \<<:t1f1I)' d- Ihl\ llccJ ~!/ Trust p,
<br />nO( thereby tmp~iln:d, if ~uch r<<toratlOfl 1,"'( repAIf I" niH c'.:.~'nHnll":ltily i<.:a,'!th!c. or d the 1!oc<::1.Ii1ty of thi>. Oec-d p1' TnJ\t w(Jltid
<br />N: unpau-ro. t'M- ,"$unt.ncc-- p-roc~ shaH he i;lp~hcd fp the ~um" ll:cl.:ttfe-d 11:'r lith Ueed of Troy., with the e~,:c'i". If any, p~tid
<br />to 8ono"'C'r_ If the Property i, .abandoned b~ 80HO""-(,"f. \If if fU)ftO",t!f I.Hh. to Ics.poud to Lender withm .'\0 d.llY~ from Ihe
<br />date OOIk"T"- mailed bv Lcndct- tQ Borrower Ihat the lI\.wun,'(: t.:AHlt:f olien to )re'ute it da!01 tor msur~nc~ Oc"efit~, Len-der
<br />i~ aut.honze.d to. \:I..l-ll<<t a.od applY the intuHtMC pH.K..~\ at Lende!-s. iJpHOn either 10 fL"Storalton or repan ot fhe Pro,x:rt~
<br />01 to the llUffiS secured hy th" [)ecd of Trust.
<br />Uniea Lf:adc-r .and Borrower ot~f\Ii'tse agr<< In wnHng, lH1}' '!H,tch ",pph~atlon of pn'ICeeds ti) prmcipal !\haH not ex.lc-od
<br />Of postpone the due date of the mo\mthty HutallmefUi- rctcrn..--d 10 HI paragraph, I aU\,.l ~ hereof l1f .:hauge the ..moun I oj
<br />~uch in..t.aUmcnt-i. H under ,parllJfa~ t ~ hereof the- Propoe'.rty H. ;KqUlfc-d hy Lender. all IIgin. lltle Ol.nd intereat of 8orrower
<br />tn And 10 .i.\.n)' 1OWr.OClC pol~ies and in .mil to lhe pfOX'1.-eQS there'ot re$uhm8 from damage to the: Pn.lpcrty p-f1or tu the ...ale
<br />o-f acqutstlKm shaH pafi to l..cader to the e~lcnt l)l th1e: ~U!m ~uf'cd by lh." IXcd of Trust tmtncduuely pm.\f to such \alc or
<br />KqWSiltOll,
<br />6. ~......... ~r r 1 ,. 01 .....,..,.,.: Lo-'>oIds: C...........__ I'lIuuoo4 URlt~. Borrower
<br />~haU k<<V tbe Pn~tty m gUlld repan .ind ~illl U\.1{ commH wUle (H pt'fflHl :ntpamneot or Jetcriotatl(!11 l'lf the P-ropt=rt~
<br /><lnd shaH cocnpty with the pfO'\o'J.&.icm 0-1 any ~ if thu I)ced of TfID,t b on a lc~otd. If thts.. Deed of Trust '" on It umt in I.t
<br />c~tnium ..-:t-r & planned unit o.c-..-ciopmall. Horruwc; sJu,H t-"JIt;I.lOnh aU of Borrower'3. oohgatlom under thl;:" tie--da.<1hml
<br />or COYC"naotl ctalinX Of gotrernioB ~tte >:l)ndomHUum Dr planned unit development. the by~law$ .uld regulation!! pf the
<br />cuodominium or pl-aDlled \unt Jevdopmenl. .,nd conutt~nt d(x:ument~. H a -.:ond{}minium Or planned Untt development
<br />r1der is ~ by 8ofr.-.)WCf .ad recorded t-oge{ne-r wi{h thl\ I~ (1( Trust. the covenants- and .igreemcnts of such nde-r
<br />$ball be incotpofated into And ,bsll ame-nd and $Uppicmcn1 the. cu\"c-nanls and agreemenu of thtS Deed of l'wst as if the rider
<br />_re _ pan heRo!,
<br />,~ ........ 01 l..cader'". Sec:arit)'~ If 8t.\f'fQ\\U falls to perform the C(w~nanu. .lnJ a~ment.. contained in thi.,
<br />~ of TflI$l. ot it ~y action. ,m proceedina ,u, (,.'onune-need WhlCh fflllleually atft(:b Lcndcr'~ IOtef~t 10 the- Prope,rty,
<br />t~ but not luntteO to~ emtnmt domain-. l~WOCYt code enforcemen1, ()r arrangemenu Of pf\X'eedin~, lll\l'olvlng a
<br />baakrvpr or~. then Lender at tender's opuon, upon fl{\(ice to BOnl..'f\Vef. may make such appear-anc~, dl'~hursc' ~Ui.:h
<br />l-UfbiI. -aad tHe $UCb ACtion U 11 t'tOC'eSU-ry h;l' pro-tcef Lcn-der'.! mf.ernl, Including, hut nOl limited In, dishurM:-mcnl l)!
<br />~ l.uomcr'l Ices .00 c!ou"y upon tbc PI"OpC".rt)' ti.') ntai;;.e repair.\. H Lender fnluired mort Pie Ifl-SllnU)('( ;1\ It
<br />coaditioft of matirta the loan ~ by lbi& Deed of Trust. Burfl'JWCr ,hall pay the premiullli required to maintain Wd1
<br />i~ in -effect mWJ sudl time- u the- requirement (or s.ucll .iflM,ltotflcC terminate. in nC(;Qrn-anc.c wilh Botfow-t'r's. and
<br />tadar.... wri.I:tM. . ..~~. oal Of a . ble Utw, Borrower 1-b.' All pa)' the amoun. t ().f all nl(Jftga~ In\\\lrance pr-enllum" .itl. tht':
<br />___ jlRWided Ull<lcr . Z boteof.
<br />:z. ~. by l.endrr JlW"UI.l1l to tbl'- paUi,I1'aph 7" wJlh Inlcn~,;\t the:fel)f', ,lihaU bec~m)C atJdlllOnal
<br />1l;4el. eUl oJ ~ -.t l>y II... Deed af Trm.. Un""" Borrower .nd Leoder .g= In other terms "t paymen', ,uch
<br />_1IIIlOIl bo ",,)'IibIe upon Il<ltice I""" Lendef to.Bo"."..et requ..unlll'ayrnent the"",!, aod ,hall boar mlt,..t from .he
<br />dale of ~1It" .._"",-.Ilk!""" tlIne to lime "n ounl_oding I'nncipal undo:<: the Note un_ payment'" ;",.""t
<br />.. -.II ... -w.t bo <ODtr'U)' to applie.bIe ,...., in wbi<h e_t ,ut'h a"",unt>ih.ll hear 'oternl al rhe hrghelt tat.
<br />~ IIOIfor appli<able~, N<<hlnll "<,,,tamed in thio par_lltllph '1 ,hall require Lender to ioem 'ny .....1'<'_ or t..e
<br />..., Ktloft~,
<br />... ~,~ may make M.i,;3.UM to bt: made rcuoMNe en-tria tlpt.lfi iHtd tmpxhOO5,\tf .lhe Pn.1f'C'.rty. pf(lv}d~d
<br />tMt~1IIIlI1JlMo lIc>r_ 00ljc" pnOr to ..ny !IUdt i~bon '''"''''rine tt:_bIe "all'" ther.for r.iated to Lend",.,
<br />_..._~,
<br />