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<br />83- u04628 <br /> <br />UNIFOR.M COVE.NANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principal aad Interest. Borrower shaH promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Notet prepayment and late charges as provided in tht: Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by thi!;; Mortgage. <br />.2. FuIIiI& for Taxes and IfliUf'8Dee. Subject to applicable liiW or to a written waiver by lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of prindpal and jntcre~t are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal 10 one-twelfth fit the yc<trly ta:'\e'1 and assess.ments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage. and ground .rents on the Propeny. if any. plus \.me~l\''''elith of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one~twe1fth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insllrance, If any. all as reas.onably es.tirnated initially and from" <br />time to time bv Lender on the basis ol assessments i:lnd hills and rcas.onable estim.ltes thereof. <br />1'he Funds shall be held in an institution the deposIts or acnmnts l)f which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (mcludmg Lender if Lt.'nder 1'S such =ttl mstitutfOnL Lender shall,lpply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rent~, Lender may not charge to;- so hl'~!ding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and compiling said as!loC~$meots and bills, unless Lender pay:- Borrower mterest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a .:harge, Borrower and Lt~nder may ilgrcc in \vriting at the time of execution of this <br />:\iortgagt that interest on the Funds s~K\H he patd h1 Borrower. ;jnJ unless ~uch ,lgrc.ement is made or applicable law <br />requires such lntere_'St to be p.ud, Lender ~h<lil n~yt be ft~qUlrcd h1 pay B~)rrowcr an~ interest Of earnings. on the Funds_ Lender <br />shail gtvt'.to Borrower, .....ithout charge, aU ~l.nnu<li a~C(\lllllU1g 01 lhe Fund;.; :.-ho\\!mg credits <:Ind debits ta the Funds and the <br />purpose fur which each debit w the hmd:o, \..:a~ nl,ldc rhe h':IJJs are pledged 3::. addilional -security for the sums secured <br />by IhlS Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds htld by LcnJer. i.ugeiher \\ lln the future monthly In''t<lllmenlS of Funds. payable prior to <br />the due data. of t<i.'-e5, a:.;se~:i-mem:s. insurJ!1i..'"C rr\;'nmHn~ ;.mJ gu,und f.:nh, :>hall c:x(:eed the ~mount rt~quired to pay said taxes. <br />assessment!.. utsuranc~ rrcmitlm~ and gruund rent'i a~ fhev (;111 due, "l.Kh ~'\C('..$ shall be. at Borrower's <,'puon. either <br />promptly repaid tOo Borrower or crcdJtcd j" fhilTnwcr \-'n [Jlllllth!y l\l'Qa!lrnCrll\ (,r Fund~, If the amount of the Funds <br />held hy Lender ",haU no! ~ >;ufficient to pay !.J.\e:-... ;l!'\"merw.., :n..ur,W":l^ prCmltll1h ,md ground rents as they fall due, <br />BOH(.1Wer s.haH P3Y to Lender a!1j' amount ne..; h' 1',;1"" up lhl' ddk'lCl!\.'~ \.\ nhm J.!) ~by:, I rom the date notice is ['nailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requ~tlng p;'1~ men'. lht'reo! <br />Upon pavment lit fui! ~,f <.\H wms. st',::un:d tn thi" 1 ....nd~: '..haB pr'{}mrll~ refunll tn Borro\'o'cr any Funds <br />held by l..endeL if tinder paragraph 1:-': helH'1 ih~ Pr,;~h;n.. i" <-" 'hL' Pn'i~fl\ t" i.lthcf'Aht: ~\.:qtHred by lender. Lender <br />shaU :ipply, no later lhan lmmedi:atd\ pnor ", !h~ ,,:tk '.'j lht: Pf()l'..:rt\ ,~r ~h i.k:qUis-ltion hy I.endcr. any Funds held by <br />Lender 011 the time i'f ..pph;,;atwD :.1", ,l >.:Xdlt _Ig.illll,,! the ~~Hlh ....~..:mcd r.\ !hj" \'1pttga!!\.' <br />3. .o\pplkadOft o' Pa,.lJIt'nts. Lnh;<,') <lprih:,.hk L.\'o l'r.'\"k~ ,.thn\\l'-,,-'. ;1:1 p,I~t1l(,llh rc,,:clvl;.':d hv Lender under the <br />N<..\{r anti p<1ragraph\. i ;.nd 2 h~P:~li "h;;;i( h: ~~pri.,cd by I ,'OJ":I !ir....l i~.\\nh:nl I'! ;ll1h\Ul\ts P~ly';lhk h, l cnder by B,JITOWCr <br />under poilfagraph 2 hcreo:_ 1hen l'_' ,1l(c!e"\1 r<lY;lhk th'l' .....\[\- nh.n !d l.h. prHli.'lp;ll ,)1 lht' ~,lle, .Hld then h) interest and <br />rnncJpai vn .my Future Ad\'ani.~t"~ <br />4. Cbarcfl; Litoti. Bt'rr...,wcl' \h,lil p,i~ ,d; L,"',.".. ;nc;.'-O\Clit-.. ,!l1d ,.,hn ~ h.UR\:\ /inl'" ,lIld nnpO'iUhHt'i aHnbtltahlc !i.' <br />the Propen~' \...-hkh may ;.Ht;liln a pnnfH\ j"Vtcr thb \t'n'rl~.l~~: <i1J k~w'rH;ld l',nmentj; Ilf ~round !l~nl'i. if an\', in the manner <br />provniffi untie-J p.aragraph:2 h~lcnf i)L 'I ~\,( r.IHJ :'\ \,:-..-h ~\l.inp~:r B,lIi\I\\Cf makln~ IM\"mcnt, \~hen oue, ,!lrectlv to the <br />payee thCfeOl. R~)rn.)""(,l ,h.o1l promptl} ::lrm\.h ti' l.o.:lh_kr .~ij l1\}U-':~'\ ,-'1 .lmuunh JUt' under ihl'" paragraph, ,uld in the event <br />Borro\io-er ,han maKl: raymen( dlj(."\.'l;\. Hj~;r(';I;,.;f --.h.tll i';.Qnptl\ J'lrnl,h (t' i ..'ndef f~C1:ipt.... 1.'\lJICIh.'Hl~ ".IJch p:tvmcnt'- <br />BorrowlCf s.haH pt\)mptly dl~h.u!lC an;" j,en ,...hh:!1 halo t'f~\':1\\ ';H r ,h,.... \.l~HI~ag\.". prnvh!co. [hit! !-\nrrowcr "hall llut t'lc <br />rt""Iuned H-l d,~hatge- afty ~\i.;;h lh:H 'l.' h.;I1~ .~i. th'fH.l'-''-;-:'! ..,M~d; .;~!\'(' 1:! h' :ht' p;J.\m~nt (I! Ih{' i.lbll~.atil.lH 'iccured t'J\' <br />sucb hen In a manner :tc..~q::>tabk in I.Clld~r. '_'( 'IU:lln g.i",'d [,nlh ...l\IH.:,,: 'olk'h ny, ,If defen..! l.;nfor':f:I1lCnt \.)1 sw:h lien It), <br />~al pn...xeedmp which '}r~r;HC I,' prc\"<;:n: Ihc ,'lllt'fi.Xr!H'n; In if~c' :". !,Ir!I.';tHt,; {;! lhe Propert) ,11 :,11\' par! thcrCl\f, <br />S. Hazard l.MUraacc-. U(tnu...t:, "h~il ~cq' ,J1{' :dlpP'\'tmCl1!" ,-q-..H!\/i: \'f hCft.',,\!rcr ,-'rt.'...j~\i ,'fj the PfP!r>.'i!.) iii5i.m;d <br />;4gnlfiit h*\ by fire. 1Hi.:h,Jt.'d Anh'n !h~: tUft'! '.','CH1"-',J _:Jhl '\;,\n oTh-e-r h;'ll.~rd\ .j" l.:nJ..-f ItL-n f~qUltC <br />.lnd III !illK:h ~~ffi\'unt\ ;..nJ Jm "~_h,h j""'.:';:l\'ti~ .~.. j t;:mjC\ r~L!.\ tvql:,r(~. If).fl t ' ...hall m,l fl'q!l!n: (h;.lt Ih~ ,HHollnt of <br />'o,u,ch ':o-\'('fage c.\c\.'e'-! H:':'H -Imt'>unl \'~ '- ~\(!.I~l."' ,~'qmft:d !,) p,l" (!:" ,:n' ...l'~ll!'!:.',.! h\' Ihl.... \'1(~n).:a~t.. <br />fh,e msurance ..anTC', pr\.vhjjfl;:' .h.: n,:>~H;)n'i.'c ,b..tlj be <,.1\,'':><:11 b~ B~10jY'>'i.': ~Uht!\'-l 1", approv;lj by Lcmkr; prn\nded. <br />that ~uch appnw.d shall nl.-~! be (.i(1fe;l"l..~j:J\ihi\ 'AtthhdJ \ll !'(cmwm... ,'0 HhlH~~n;.;c poh.,,:,c$ ,hall h(' p<tHi III the manner <br />pn)\'ided under puagruph 2: hCf~()! ,lL ~t rh.\t r.W.1 ;n ,",It. tI m;itwct i\\ H,1rt(>'t\(;.! makmg pJymcnL \\;hcn dlJc. dlrl~C{I\' to lhe <br />H1lioUra.Di,.':(: carrJe.r, <br />_<\U' fX'tlI":'IC:It an\! ;;;ncv,ah. j!;c'fcPl !"'i; \r\ h,rHl ,!,<n.'p~,!t:>k In ! l.'n~h:;l Mld :oil,1l1 ilh:hak .\. "l;.tlHl<trd mongag~ <br />d:iuse tn f.1\'{.lf (,t and In hX!1l .t'.-.:ept<\t>!t' 1\1 1 <;tlJc(. l.....Htl\.'r ~h;..\!l ~U''d' Ilw fight :" h.\ht tlK p,;lh"ICS ,\nd H:nl.."\'ilh ihert'{;f. <br />and Borftl\\"er ':>hal! promp11v Linu!:Ih tl' i cwJl:l" ah !CtH;;\-41 "i'!t..:~" .lad ,iil Ic,-.cq"'\t,:>...H r;ud rrCrtllllll1\ In the c\ent of in,-.., <br />HQrn\wel ~h:tH j.::l\'e p;\\mpt ,h)!kC \'~ the :n..ULtrkC \...!fnn _-l.fld 1 endG, ll'"n.~.kl iH.i) m.~kc prol\1 (\f lo:.s. I! !Wl m:Hk rromptl) <br />by Burrower. <br />CnkM Len\ler and 80H~)"(:f ;.l!tl(:rWl..I,.' .J~H.'t..:, \\ nllllg, U.....,l:;l!I~t: P!,.....~.~ij.. ~h:,n hi..' .Jpphcd l\~ n;~h)rJ.tiul\ df repair \)1 <br />ihe Propef1} ~!amag('li, pr;"'''ldcd :\.w...h Ir:,,(\'falh'!l \11 r('r~\Jj ~\ ":;.lli1;ltHl(dlh ~t'~\~:hk .It,d !hi: ...n:unty III thIS Mortgage I" <br />not lhere-b)' lmpliIJr~d. If "u..:h n.'"tdt.itlll!.) or ll'p.!l1 I). Ill'l \..~un~llllll;,tij\ H:~I'\lhll..' ,H' J! the l;(;,..:1.lnf\ ot lhl~ ~'iong;J.~c ""'llull! <br />be tlnpa.ut"d. t~ msurark."e pr('Cttu.... ."hall be .1pph.:J k ;ht.' >,unn 'oc\'ur~d toy lhl:'> ~longagr. wllh ,he c\.(c...s, If .Iny, paid <br />h1 8{)rH'\\H~L if the Propcn\ 1;~ ah,J,nJ,)iH;d h H.l.;r..'\.\cr, <'f i; BIH(l."lW\..I Lilh ~,\ rt:'!>~"mJ to lender wlthm 30 da.....:. ff"(llll the <br />t4tit not!i,..'t 1'50 matie;J b\ l,cnder tl.' HOH(l.wcr !!1~t !t,t.' lnS.Uf;Hh.:'(: ,'.J,f'n('"l pth'r:o. h'! ~ett!~ ;1 .:Lum h\f In,,uranc~. hcnctir<;. I..enucr <br />t~ ;;t.uUtonzed ~o cl.tllcct and ilppty the H1:;': p,,;}~ef:o'!o ..I ll.'lH.kt\ .:'plwn <:'!.thcr ill n,.."tOr,l!hJll or repair \A the P!'t'<f'\:rt) <br />~jr tQ the wOl). Jo.~ured by thiS Mongagt:. <br />V~ ufider i!OO .6O'fl'"~r t)thCf\;\~V: il~H."e ),' \~{i!m~, ;u1\ 1.1h.:h <if'plh.i.lIK'11 ,li plIu;:ced:o; tp prll1l.:lj.'.ll ....hali {hit c\tcnd <br />Of f'l'OStpone {he due d4(C {:of the nwmhh U1'it.J!lmt"Hf" r..::rt;fr-.:d (,.t 1:1 par3~r,~ph.. ! _,fld 2 hereof dr ..:lullge the ,lfllowH ot <br />li-uch lnstalhnents. It untief F..a.nIigraph l~ hea.'ut lne Propt::rt\ ;\ u;.-qtllf~d by .In rlj~hl. utlc and l!~fcre~t ~)! B,,-,nnwcr <br />III and to .any t~ur.tU~C poh':lt:-s .anJ in and ~(\ !he pro~ceJ~ t.h~r~l\! JL"Sul1mg ue!1\ uamagc h) Ihe Pr<)rcnv prHH to thl..~ \.Ilc <br />or .iH_'Qoomt-m shaH r.a.>> to Lender I<~ ~M ("fern {;i the '~umi. ~\;'"CureJ D} thl\- ;\h'ltg~igC l!l1n1CdlatdY pni.\f !t' :-.m:h ~ate or <br />""'!U"'IWO. <br />6.. Ph:sen-....... ~i.aiJU~f' of f'f(tpe'rt:J; Lt.>-asewJI.m..: ('ondQmifliiUm~ Ptanned CDit ll('n~'lopmcn's.. Borrowl'I <br />\hali kocp tilt:. Propert)' tn 8Ot->d repair M~d ...hail it,)! l'~}mmit ~a"IC ~H permit lmp~mmch~ 'lH" d!:tent~rJ.ti(m nf the Propert\ <br />and l...'tulU compl~ "'....ith the prQvi~I-(l{1"$ d a.ny It'Cbe d thi:. \lortg4ge !~. ('f1 ;.t kJ:I'idl\>fd. it lrH~ .\IQnga~c I' on ;\ \lnit Hi ~l <br />~-oodomi1uum f~l ~ ~'ia.nne:d i.un! dc\-"dt~pmem_ Bon\)W,,'f 1<h.lll r<:rh1ut! ;,111 (,t Hi}nl.''''''~1 \ ..,hhg,\IiOns iIIH.h.:r !he"n <br />>llf ~t& 1,.:f-catIl\I. Hr !!,oV;;JH;ng jhe ':lmdt-'lfHni.HU1\ l'f pt;jnncJ l:IH! J-c\d(\fHnt:tlL the 0".1;,"" and t-eglllaUon.. \It 1 nt.' <br />...~.tU~ or p.iltnned unit \k:1idi)pffit'UL ,.n:ai l'(ln~t1I1.K'm d~xumenl\ if..1 ~'~11.,1l1tnll\lUm or planned lInt! Jl1\"d\lpmcnl <br />fidel 11 exu:.uted bv Bm'ro~'t'J' and fCl;:\')nkd wg.C:fhcf \Aott-h tht:'- !;.-ti.}r1g.agr. ~ht' ~-j)\'<; MId ;'lg.rccmem'i \'1 ~ul.'"h lidt'f <br />JhaU be If)COlpo.ra~ mt.o and :Ioh.aU amend and "o,lPph:mcnt ~hC i:~l\eHanl'l, >ioti ,1g:fe'l;':mt~nts pi !Iw. M~'n~agc ,1" l! the- n~kr <br />_ it pan Itereof. <br />7~ ~ uf J..ellder'+. ~~ Ii Rl."ltrow-et L1.ilfl. {,\ perh'rm the ~:O\'ert;lnt.. ;~l1d ..~H.'li.'m~IJts ~.;,\tlt~HlCt! III tlm; <br />M<<tlWPl .0(' if an)' aCUt}Q Of pJOl-'lCC1i.hntt 1-, ,,-Uffitn(fK;eJ 'A'h:d'1 fi'HH..:rtaU.,. "He;;{'!!. (\~nJer"s. \:H~n...'t in !hc PT(lpt"ny, <br />jnc.~ but not limited ltl.. emj~l ~m1;Hn. m'iJh'('m~~. ...:ode \:"nh:.H"\.~ement. <H' "U"f~\lt~m~mlS 01" rn>>::t't.-,.htl!tS 1I1w.jnng ~ <br />beAitfllpC; Of do;edftlf~ l~tl tet\likr ~l Lcnder''S- ~lf*~)H. \.lpnn n,~t,c~ t<,) 80(flHI.';;,f, mu.\ nl;ll:;.c su<.:h <iptx!.:Han\.~t.':-'. ,h.t'm:.\t~ <,\I.\:h <br />~~ Lud 1:"'. ~peh .oG:;1itm ii..'" ;.!t n<<eUMV hi IH.):h:'ct I..(;'ndcr'.. Wh:H'sL indot1in~< hlH 1l\~1. !anllet.1 h!, d.\~hlH:s:'(rru,~nl '-'I <br />tt:~ .tt()ffttfy'i iM\'t .nd thH)' UfK'OtJ {I~ P"!'f,.I~n~' H~ H\iJi.e n:p"fp il I {'nder f~..wir(:'(l J~lt'n~1lji!.l.' I!l'HH;lOa il.~, .:! <br />f.'~)Uft of (t,""~1 the k1afi ~'U1ttJ try thl~ Mott.~. Bun('W'~r ;,;hall pa,;;' tfOt, p1t'l1Hun:~ n:Jq'Jl~~ h' mltifH.,w~ ..udl <br />m5Ut'~ ~tt dt<<t lJnW \L~h hlP.t' .;), !lit' rt',quttcment fill l\iu..:h .mH.lJ'ln~C.e h:"frn!fl..I.\'~'" tfl 'h'\.:f'n:L:l\\":': \i;.!lh B\\tro..~t\ ,Hl4..l <br />