<br />f
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<br />83- 004628
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable Jaw. Borrower shall pay the amount of aH mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and lender agree to other terms of payment._ such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest 'from the:
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time 10 time on outstanding principal under the Nole unless. payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary ft' applicable Jaw. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under appbc:able law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. lraspeetioa. Lendt;r may make or cause to he made reas.onable cntrie<j upon snd inspections of the Property, provided
<br />thaf Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any sHch i~~pection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intere!>t in the Property.
<br />9. Con4e:mnation. The proceed_I; of any aW<1rd Of claim for damages, dirCi:t or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or fer coO\'eyance in liell of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />,nd ,hall be paid tl' Lender.
<br />Tn the event of a lora! taking- ~1f the Propert\\ the procteds shall be applied to the s.ums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the- C'<CC'\.'i, if any. p<t1d h) Born;wt';_ III the event 0f a partIal !<1king of the Property, unles..~ Borrower and Lender
<br />otherv..'il>e agree in writing. there ~h:d! he rlppl!ed 1,'< the "um~ se-c!fred hv this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />a,oI; i... cqtml to thou rroporticm lJ.hkh the: amoum of the "um~ '("'-.~llred n\ thi... Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />laking bcar~ to. the fair market '>'alut' of the Pr.-~pcr1t' immediately prll"'r 10 the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid h) Borrower,
<br />If the Property i.. abandvned rw Borrow("r. \)r if. after linnet' hv Lender \'0 Borrower that the condemnor offers to-make
<br />an award \1;r \cnle l.l daim h.r d.am;~g~. Borrnwe-r Lul\ to rt'''~~1nd f(. Lender within 30 day-s after the date such notice is
<br />lluuJcd. Lenoer t.. auth-orited 10 i.:nllct:t :ind applv rl'W pr('l~'ced~. :H Lender'" pption, ~ither t(l r~toration or repair of the
<br />Property or (,\ ihe "urn, ,-('cured ~\" thi'i \10ft~<l;:(,
<br />en!('s-~ I cnJ.t.r .1nd BerrQwer t-'!nt'TVrT~~ J.grt'~ if' ',,-rili~~, ;111\' '<;l.k'h arrhc.uiCtn n( prcx'ccds to principai s.hal1 not c'Witend
<br />(~r JX~tP0ne rhe dLl'C d:H\" "f lhl~ mO!lfhh in-o,taHrnt'nt<; fcff."rn,.'u tf) in r"'f:l~rnrh<;. j ~lOd ~ her-eof flr change the amount of
<br />'>Hen H1'>!a:Hmcnts
<br />10. 8orm""~r '01 Rf"kased. r\tcn<;;,no ,.,f In;,.' lJt1W pa\'ment l'f In{ldific3!lnn "f ;\mortization "f the :'iums secured
<br />t>~. thiS ~it)n:g;)g'L" ~r:i:Oted t-,... tender !,' ,HW -"Ul..:;..:e,<:,_'t H, m!l..'fL'''1 "f H,'rro\l,.e-r -;halI n....l lJpe-ratC' to rdease, in any manner.
<br />Ih<,' !lability ,'"<I rh~ .oritir;,;i B\)rH~~t'r ,.lld B('rr,_~""'CT'" 'iq\,.;.:t:~""i)f" in\c.'"ft"~t l ~'ntkr "hall flflt he required to ('ommence
<br />
<br />~;~:~~li~~$;hl~J~~:~r1~~~ ~:c~::~~::r ;":~; r.~,~I~I'~kl~~:I:,:~l'~li;~dl;n~: \'r~:: 1:,::.~.~:::~.;:~! f~::r;:~~~~~~;~~~f ~~;~w:~O:::~:'~~~:~r;~~nt~~t;~e~t~
<br />
<br />11. -"~orbeanmc~ by bmdu 'Sot a \Vah-f'r. .\~1\- f,'rhc;t!,ID,-'t' h\, I ,'nd~:' in ~'\erCI"I>l~ In,' fight (If ft"medy hereunder, or
<br />'_llheN'I'H.' .Hf.."rd<t".d h\' ~'1rrhi.~l:iNt" !it". "h,t!: ;;.-'~ \\.: .J \\ ;ii\ l'r "l ,'I' ~re-dulk the t'\.ClCl'i'.C pf ,'H1V such right or remedy,
<br />.T1n: prxxure-ment {~f lnnwan'i.-e ~'r ttw p,l\nlt"lH ,"j ~,I'(> \'r ,.!hn iJ\.'l1\ ~:~ \.harge'\ bv l.l'nd~r \h:~11 not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />ri~ht 11\ ai..~\.d':f;:HC th~ matl1nt\' nf tht" 'nd,'h!,'(.!r~\ .'"\...,j f'\ lh;;, \l\~rn;,~aJ..-e
<br />f2. Rrmnties CtttnuJath'f'. 4,!! r'~f'l:;"di{,,~ ,'-< ".dt.'.-l '_il ("h \1{,n.i!;1~~" .ire diqin.:, and ..-umtliafivl.~ to an\' other right or
<br />leO'1c-Jy under thi, ~-lpn~;,~c "I ,d!I'rdnl 0.,\ ;_i\i ,VH! rn;l\ h.. l'\Cf';I<;('d '<.."'!ll,.tlfn.'oth. independenlh' l'<r "jj,uc-l'e~$ively.
<br />13, StK(.fl,-'.on and A~~n~ Bound; Joint and Sorlie-nil I iabilih': ('lIlplinn,. rh~~ \.-IIV('f);tnl'ii :tnd ;,t~reements herein
<br />
<br />:::~~:~.~~:~ ~t;::!! r~:_~~i:~,~~~ :~:t~ i:~:=;; .1i~~;'t"-( ~l<:~~;~~i~;l: t '~;t: I ~,,!~,:, !,.lf~t~:-(>':;~':'~-~:~~~'{~f:;(:'~~t~~' :~~ ~:~:_f~~::,:~f\:~:J!~11 ~~h~~'~n<:n~n:O;~;:~:
<br />
<br />Tht' >.:aptl"on:-. .lrh_~ heaJ,n~\. i,t Ih;;: P.11,l>!f.l;:1f1-, "',1"-. \1'.'r!;':,l!t~. ;11,_' ;,'t ,'nvtn\cn~:(' ,-,nlv :lnd an~ 11\.'1 to ht.~ ll~ed to
<br />J(lft"ff'n-t <.'~ -drfmt,' {hc pro'.',..!""" "'('fI:;~1
<br />!;!. ~~~::-_ F~~::~~! L'~ ~,~', ~,'lh"" ",.!\."".! n_d,~~ .i~~i"'ik.j"k i:;:.~ ~i< b-<.: :::ivcn 1'1 iFhlther mannt'r, j;j} .HI\' n(ltH:~ to
<br />Hnn.'wer f'n'-I;(.1;:d fpf ,.. !:-.(~ 'f'-'1-t<:.l.~X ..~a\~ i", ";1':1f)l.;' -':..h ""ti;.';:" i'\ ,,':-!;fied rn;nl ,iddr-c'i;\Cd to BOir,"wt'_r al
<br />iht' Pn'~!1"- .-\"k-tn:.."_ ,'~~ ~~ ~_-h:h ,.,!h,'~ :,,~dfC",~ H,Cf.,->\-q' i\ ,k~l;.'_~\,11" r-.. '-'('fi,:~. \'-' f -t-ndcr :1', pro..,ifkd hen"in anti
<br />d:''\l ~n\ netli.:~' w ! ~:;1dt'r ~h:;n ~, ;;:,\~!,~ h\ 'f..'!f,!1ed '\"~'c,'! r"(jjh~'ICtJ !,' I t'n,h.~r'\ J.dJrcs."i stated herciYl l"f to
<br />"til:Jl t,!her ~t.ddfe't" ;,;" I '='i1J("'; 'j,:,-, .!,...I.;!L.ak ;--, ;\,~lk~~ ~ H ,~. n pf"v:tkd h.':C'in \0'" nO!I{:t' rrpvfdeJ ((1f in thi~
<br />\11'n~ag~~ '\i!1;.i.fI h.: ~kem'Cd :" !'..l"'~' ;'\'~'\ ~..,.:;j '.' Ik'f",'\>'c ! . rid", > v"he! f"":-;) 11\ tht" IfU1HWf \ie..i~nated hercin
<br />1$. l-'tluor-m \-fort-c~("': (~\nt'"nltn~ (4"": ''f'\t'tilbitih. .'rI \'1 I1hHa';l~r.' ",l[nh-mC':\ unifc'rm ,,-,)y;;,o.ant<; fnr nat!,'!n;]}
<br />;l~ ~Hl:d 11\)1'1 ufuf",nn ~','n.~(1,11n'. -., 't~l ;\!n~~,"_; ,_,~ ',:!.,'ih 1'-. ,l1n...Ul,lle .l \;[11!\)nH \t"\:unty HlstrU:l)cn! ,,-'l)vering
<br />real pn'pt"n\ P1;'i" \h~n~;i.!t:: '~\.l';~' "'in;:..! ;f1i' ",>" ,.' trt<,' ';;'"b.;l!;'U \Ahh..h Iht" Propcrn ;, kX:dtC'd, Tn the
<br />cy....rd d~;;{ ,~n' r'fi.~"'t"d>'l ,~r '~I\"\ . l~:.. ....l.'n,;'.n.'~' "-':\'!c ,":l~!h.:h ,;,nh ;;j;pll,,-,lhl-e Ln.., ~\:-.;:h '~'\>nnl\,:l ..h~i1 nt1f affect
<br />,'lhcf rr>l\l"'h~fh "t :n:" .\t."n;.:~(!tt' ,-' r'w '..,,;, ,,\'; h: ~';\<'I) c:h'~ ~ ",-Uhl'l,f Hk' ,,1ntlHtll'll.! pn1\'i--'!P!l_ :HHJ to this
<br />~'ftd the P!l'\-"l,i'~~"'I'i ~~w \h\nt!:i:t~;:' ,':',~ Hh '.'ie ,In: \:~;'!nt ',I ~"\' -"\'''.Cf;lhk
<br />16. Ilono..~f'''' ('up'-, B.PfP.n\'~'f he' !. -q.,h::d .'l.~h'(P'~nl ,,'P', ,'I lhl.' 'fl!<.; ;lnd nt Ih!>. \.tort,[i:;'lgc- ;tt the lime'
<br />,'I e-,"(,,":.l!th~n ,': ,tflt:r 1'\'d,t\hrhHl h~'ft',lf
<br />17. Traasft"r of the- Propt'f't\: .-\~umpfion. J: .j!;,:- ,li1\ ;ll:' 'd,l' t'n~pt'f!\' c;t :l:l !nter~q lht'rem i.. ,('Id I~r tran<;ferrt'd
<br />hy B0fhn~-t;:. \.\.lfhnH! t t.n-del'", Pfl.'f \\.Tj!~el: ~(,n"i,:nl c.<i;~dlnt:. l~-~(: -.n':I!l"n \1:- ,I In''l (11 l'ilLllmhrano: <'llhordlfli.tlc h)
<br />Ih~'\: ~i{'rtj.r.ai:-t.'. !t'll l~C d'('itlH."n d ,-, p"n..h..;,... H'.'.:"'" '("n~n\ ,!d('f~-.d L'; ~"'I\-.ehld,.! :tppIJ,w\'c'l_ "~'l ,I lf~Hl...fcr by d~vise,
<br />,k<;'i..'Cn! ~lr t-y ,~j:'Cf;Jtlon or !.!\"\,. upi.'n lhc ~~cath r;{ :, i,"(H ,cn~jf'H c'{ \,.1) !hl' ~~fJlll ,'1 .!~'\ k,lS('hi"'ld illh..rcst (,f lhr~c Vt':tr\ t'<r Ie...:,;
<br />nt~[ -::ontlcltfllflg :)D ,'{'Ih'f! {(, ptH-.:ha.s>:. I ~'nl.h'! rn.1\ ,J' I....: Ih,'l ""f'titW d"'.:brl.: :ht: \faW, 'il~,:Wt~d 11.. II-Wi ~1()rtgagt." 10 be
<br />;mnxxhaid~ due- In-J. paJah\- i ('ndcr \rl;,!H h,j,\i,: '" ",,,..'ll ",;...;, 1,-' .h'-',-,h:r.dt r'_ ;,nnl I" thi." ...,de .-"r IT,\nsfcr, I Lllder
<br />.md tnc PCIS<;Jfl H\ 'do\'h.lfH t.he PrOfl'('rI\. 1. !;; h<.:. ..,"'k~ d H"~h-h ,i~n:nn,,-'n! \\ "'1lng Ih;tl lhe ~rc.Jit <:'f ';\1(11 r..~fSt\n
<br />\. 'S~tl-~,.fa.,:-h..,r-! h' Lender and !h_H ~h(' Iilh'n~\f r,H.,hjt: ,'n Ih1.~ "j!;<, <.t::..\)ft'ti h ,hi.... \1,ln!t:t~l.' ',h~tll he .H '>1:..:h 13.te ;-'" ! t'nder
<br />~haH r-e-qU!:".;;.t If f eade, ha~ W;al\-eJ ~hc ':'j1th'fl :.' :;':("~;t:'t;HC Pft,\;:d...:J i:) d'li\ fXlr.:tp~ph Ii ,iJ)J Jf B~lrmw("t\ \:\>";i:e:oiSor in
<br />;nteres.t n.t.\ e,~.:::u~et1 a wnHt:n ;i\-~umrW~n ;l#;I~l:lnCf!! <i-..:...ert~d If' "rH,ng by! e-nd(:,f, I."Ht.kr "hil!l ~dea..C' B\)rrow...~r from an
<br />-t\.h!italii')fl:~ un>kr lhrs ~h'-ftg"'~e and !fw S,,-...tc
<br />If 1 cnder e,CfU!.t"" ,,-u.:-h ('p11(lrl h' J":i.'ckr;j!t', i l'_:\<l.;'l" de;}!! rni1ll n"HnW(~r iWfll::.~ d .1...-i..e!CratJ0l"l ltl ;h'~..'lnfanct ....ith
<br />paugraph ]4 h,,'~;.f 'w;h fh~!lce ..hJ!l pr('v:de ,,\ 1'\.::-n:'4..! ;I! f1i'1 k"" 111;)11 JO ;b\, rr~'m the ..::L:w: the ll,~ticc 1'. mail~d .....ithin
<br />....h,<:-h Bonnwer mar pay th(' ..um~ dc-..::r;lred uue_ If s..:,r,tmcr i,i;;_' '" p;,n- ":_n:h ",-\m" rfjpr i.~ ;he ~\pir,ftH-'fl t,r 'i\h:h -pt~rli.:"'l.
<br />I e:n~kr m4Y. \.\'!th-t~H further flL+{l..-:e 'Z'r ,)ernand {~':l U"!-)I'WWCf. ;1\,-oko: ;m\' ft.'flH:dlCS j'rt'rm'lIcd Iw p<traj;upn ! x hcred,
<br />
<br />!'-inN.t;N"IFOR~ C<J\'f~A,""1";' B-(}'U(1Wer .!1ll1 l cndt'T tunher ,,-,,\<.'n.lll! M1J .l.:re~: ;\" h'lh:',,-o;
<br />II_ ...\c.--duatiea. Rt"R"~ ....Xt--e-pt:it'\ prn~~ in v>>r>>i:f\lph 11 t\l"r~oL upun BonoWtu'~ btttih'h of 8ny t:o\'rn.l'U or
<br />~_Itt nf 8orT~t!t itl fhb \-1ortc..-, btdud-i-Uf: tilt" ,'H\('nanh ~u pa.,- l"\ht"u tit"' LUI~ ...um~ lOeCUffif hf th-h Mort.lIKt'.
<br />t:.flMIft ,not to a<<denJtkMti ~haIl mail nofk'e- to BonoVlt. .... pftHidl!'d in p~-qr~ph 14 hereof ~dfying: (1) the bnadl:
<br />ill dte.lld__ ~ to cmt' tlKh: bnat..b-: (J~ . d;ttt'. It'-'' ~ thall .10 da~ \10 from Itw datr fht' fi().in i.. mailed hI 8t)tft)".f'r',
<br />by ..ltkh !IRK. ttfta€ta mtDt bt<_ ~un4;: aud .4\ Ih.. bihut '0 (til'~ '\U('h bn-,uh on ur ht-fOff tbe datr ~pt"t.-jfitd in th(' n()tk~
<br />..., f'C:'WIl m ~ ut t-be- 1I.ttnt'- \C('urW b, fhl\ ,\tfit1lll:lf. fnrfl"ltnu<< &.\' fudi-(.'jal pf'O('of'fdina liI!nd ~lt' of the> Propert)i.
<br />lite ~ ... fwt_ Worm Jkwro-wer .)f 'M riah. t... rt"in-!Iiltat(- >>flU 1h'ofltlt'"f.tion and Un. ".2h. tu aCll..~t't1 in tht" fOf'ed(~uf(,
<br />~ tilt ......,......f" 01. dd..~t ilt an, ut-Mf' de-"ftW of B(M'UJ.~r In ~-('(-k-fa.km ~ud (nffflt:t1J;4!ff. If .he bn*.-h
<br />h. tJ!Of ~ "tlt' Won ItN- d...., "'P<<'ifitd in ttltt ftuth.'t'. l.rrttkr .1 1..t'JMk"" upt.nt' ".\a~- drdaf't alt of th" '\U1N W(Cun."u b~
<br />ddt Mort..... hJ'" lmIDftNak:t) dw and ,.-yablr .'Ut.-md fu"hr-f Mm-artd .mI nut). fnndoolfrl" b1:' judid.' Prtlt'ft'd.ng. L~n-dt--,
<br />-W ~ ~ ft~ .:-utie-t"f in ",U(-b pfm"Hdiac ~U (''''~ O'f fnrl!.dtlij,un, tJ)d-ttdint. ".u nof hntitt'd tu, l't)lit-lt uf d-ocun:tmtan
<br />.._.. .....-..... - ............
<br />If,. ~,R~ 'Ii RdnMlIle. "-.;PfWllhd;H';{hn~ I ~rKk:r'.. ,h\,~k-f4J!Ji'n ,',; llw '-imH '-c~-1.:red by lhh -\4\lnl!,.t~t;
<br />~n.'M~r tIIh.n hltvr' the: dffht :(1 b.a...cc :ln~ t~rH{1Oi:lllnR" hlfje\!11 ~y l ~'fl~t !i) t't1h1r~;~ !h:l M~'!l~,~,~,. d!"~'i.mlmpC'J ..I -M1'1 11!\h~
<br />