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<br />....:::...i:~, <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br /> <br />r: <br /> <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this. , . . . . . .. . ,tst, , ...,. , . :. ,. . . day of; . ,.. ..PAA;~~..;~.,..;);~.~,,,;( <br />19,83., between the Mortgagor. , (1!!:J-lJm.O,. ~A~I;, !\NP:.l:;J\ffQl..I.'.Pfi.l\f!i~fF".!J4~@l:t,,~(?ltJlt,lit~ <br />. ., . . . H . . . .. . . . . . . " .., . . . . .. . ., ., .. . (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortllllgl:e,.:. ....,"~;:;...\ ,,'. <br />,.~~~~~~.L~.~~~~I~............ ,... ....l!.<:{)rwrationcoflllIIlitecF.) <br />undet'thelawo of.. . . . ... . ,. .., . .t:lE.S~ASKl\.. . .' , . . . .. " . . . ,.whoseaddt~i$;.... ;"';~~"~',;.. <br />. .~~.~~;".~ ~..~.~1..,.,.............. ,........ ..(herein,"~).'. <br /> <br />W Bo . , d bed Le d . h ',' If' T....NTY PilI'. THmiSAI\IO'Aoiri,I\IOJi';:ui <br />_____~_E~~::___~~~~:~_~.:__~~__~_:.r_'~_~~!.."nclPa sum.o ',' "........... '':''';:' ......... ':'?"';':(":\~ <br />.,....'" ":"'" ....' , . . " ."., , .' " .. ,. ... .floUars, whIch mdebtedness lSendencedbY~'IYet'~'l!lllI: <br />dated. . , . ' September. 1... .1983. . (herein "Note"). providing for monthly. installments ofprincipal'IUlil:;bi~4 <br />with the balance of the indebtedness. if not sooner paid. due and payable on. . ,S.E\Rt;_~f;. ,l....J.~;: ,.<, ;:. <br /> <br />To SecuRE 10 Lender (a) the repayment 01 the indebtedness ~videnced by the Note. with mterest thereon;: the <br />pay_fit of all other 'U!ll5. with interest thereon. advanced in aeC<Jrdance herewith to pro'.ect tJlecsectuityof.thi$ <br />Mortgage. and the performance oi the eo"",,ants and agrecmentoi of Borrower hordn contained. and (b)therepayment <br />of any future advane",. with inten'1it thereon. made to Borrower hy Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />"Future Advance""). Borrower doc" hereby mortgage. gram and convey to Lender the following described Jl1'OPl'rty <br />located in the County of. ' . . , . . , . ., .. Hlll.l. .. . . " ,,' .,.........'. State of Nebraska: <br /> <br />LOTS NINE (9) ANt1 TEN (10), IN BLOCK ,rVE (5), OF CHARLES WASMER'S ADDITION TO THE <br /> <br />CITY OF GRAND rSL.4NDt HALL. COtJNTY., NEBRASKA <br /> <br />, . f'iJ!!hr;<l~ij, ' , !i.aara. <br />lE~~l~PC'C!Ol1 <br /> <br />. ~S04, .'JI. .Qiv.i",iQ'1 . <br />:St~t.l <br />(hett'll1 ."Pr{1pt'flj .Addn,~-<;' L <br /> <br />v,r.a.nQ ,l sl:;lf1~. . <br />l(iwi <br /> <br />which luts the add res, "f, , <br /> <br />TOO-lrIHISl\ with aU the tmpn)v..-meO!5. now >:.if ht~(t'..dtt.'r \..Ti.',;~'i:':d (In ~h{. prop',riy. ~tJ"}d ~dj ca.~:n\.:'nt~, rights, <br />appt.J(1(~es. rent,-, fuy.ahies. oil :anJ !t.:tli. right's and protH~. wala ri~JJb. ~-I.nd w..dt:!" ~t\~L'k~ and ,all <br />ft;l;tu~ now or krea11tf anadK'u to the propnlY, dB \!f \vtu\'h. iHdudinf, r\:'~"lal:\'men!~ and aJctitit'ri;.. Itu.::rt'W, shaH bt.' <br />d~, t{l bc,~nd ~tl -a part oi' t~ pn'J-lttrty -t:nn'rcd hy ItU'i- l\!\;'; and tiil {Ii tilt': fol'q:"Olfl!!.. :\.lf~ethn w.nh Slid <br />rfO-~rty tot-tOO if.'~~tmtd ~-tat(< if thh ~\tnrt.gagc is on t~ k-a'5~hnhIJ ~H\~ hC'n.~~n fe-krrcd t~).1". !ht" "!).rop-~.~ny" <br /> <br />&rt~t ~:tJV~1fJW:ti (ba-t BOH'o'l.\'\:'t h, ia.vduHy '!iel'!t.,-::-J uf' 10(: ('-;t_uit: h";:H~by ('OH'lX~\:J itm! h;i~ ltw pght li) m\l!tJ<~f.~t?c <br />~:raftt ;ij;fid \OO~,)' the .Pf~~t1:~ ~m.t ~he Pn'i~Ji-y t~ UHi'nn.tmhr-ret'1, i:md that HHi:h'\;\;'~:,f ,,, i!i Wilrntnt ;,Hh.! l-kftnd <br />i~m~t'~'1Hy-Utt {-wt~--t{~ t~_rfn~ft~. u-~h~:\t aU d~hn", rlHd d~nd5', ;;,uhi;;,.(~ to ~my -!'_h:dllni;li~'.n~. ~:,._..'-'...'lm'o;\; dj r,'-"jHh,:lH)f\.'_ <br />~~~cd:th ~ ~;h-<<iuk,:, (J;t t'~\';t'pthi't\.!<-- h~ i.:u\'-C:l^a~ m ;~qy tl~lt,' m"unHh,;';- fl<rti-c\: l~I:'>UHl'g Lnhll'f ",nh'n::iil tht"" Ptt~p.l,,:~n\ <br /> <br />~.., ,". ,_<"t';-:"-<_r!!IUIt \I1Il!'Olllt IltSlWMt.1H <br /> <br />