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<br />I <br /> <br />83-+104621 <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and ngrL"e as follows: <br />1. Payment of Prlndpal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness eVidenced by-the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nme, and the principal of a~d interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />-~ Funds for Taxes and IDIUJ'8DCf':. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />[0- Lender- on the day monthly 'installments of principal and interest arc payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in fun. <br />a sum- (herein "FunrlsHj equal \0 onekt\\'elfth of the yearly lii,xes and a.ssessmcnt~ which may attain priority over thi~ <br />Mortgage.. and ground rents on tbe:. [)roperty. jf any, plu'j nne-t\velhh (1f yearly premIUm installments. for hazard insurance. <br />plus one~twelfth of yearly premium ins.tallments for mortgage insurance, it any. al1 as reasonably e~timated initially and -from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of as..~\mcnfs .md hills and re:L~onabk csti~1ates thereof. <br />'flte Funds shaH he. held in an institutinn the de-posits or a,::c0unls of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fe-deral or <br />state agency (-including Lender it l.ender 1":) such an in$lltutll.m}. L..:mJer ~haH apply-' the Funds to pay ~aid laXes. assessments, <br />insurance !'femlums and ground Tt:nts_ Lender may nut charge for '-\1 holding <Jnd applying the Funds. analyzing said account. <br />or verifying ~nd compiling said nssessments ~lOd hills, unlcs."S Lender P;}Y~ Borrower iC11erest on the Funds-and applicable law <br />permits Lender to' make '<ucb 3 ..::harge_ BNFOwer and Lender may ,.q~.rce III writing at the lime of execution of this <br />Mortgage th.u interest on the Funds :~hali be pJ:ld 10 Bo-rrrnn~r, .:.lOd unless ~uch agreement is made or applicable law <br />requif'e$ such interest tD be p:..'1id, Lender ...hail oN he required to ray Borrower :'H1} Interest or earning~ \,0 the Funds. Lender <br />shaH give to BOrH'1Wer. Without l.:'haT1':e, :m :mnua! :Jc-countfOl.':' (1f rhe FunJ~ ..,howmg credit.s and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpo...e for which c--ach debit [{'o lhe~FlJnds. v..'.h_ m~lde. rhe'"r'und'o are pledged .!:o. 'addirional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mongage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by L;.'ndcr. 10gt!!1U \\ 11h jhc fuwre monrhly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />tbe due dates of ta_xes, J.ssessments, Hl:..-ur:HKt' -prernmTIi'i ;tnd "rpllt1d tents, ..hall t;'x\.:eed the amount requif(.'J to pay said taxes. <br />asseurnenU. ifU_urance f1rcmiurn~ and ~rflun-d renr.. ;n Ihey t:lH dut:, ..,lIen ,-'\.,:C\S ..hall he, at Borrower's optIOn. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower- or .;rC'dH~d tc, Bf1rT0\..'cr ,-'0 mrHHh!y mstailmcnts t-:f Punds. If the ,!:mount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shail not he :>umclcm to pay !;~xt-\. .!"S:-eS-'inlctH_\. 1!1~llrilnce prc-mmms ,lnd ground rCJ1t~ as Ihey fall due. <br />Borrower shaH pay to Lender an\-' amoHn! ne-''':C!-.'l-iH'\ [;-, 'r);'lk<, lip !hc dt'ii:';'lCn(V u,nhlfl 30 J~\-S from the d~lte nmice is rnailed <br />hy Lender to Borrower teq~Hng paym~n'( ~hen."tlt <br />Upon pa.yment m fuH ~...t ;iil ~ums ~>c';:l.Hed ~l\ ':.t\l<., \-Jvn~<H~t.. ! t'lld~r "hall pr\.lmptly refund to Horrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. i1 under paragraph lS hcrt"-d ~_ht: Propcr1\' !"- ~-<'id pr ~~lt' Pf\ipcTt\' ;~ tllher\'~'I~e ;Jc4U1red by L"nder. Lender <br />s.baH .ilppiy, no bHCf !han !mmediJtcg ;'flm ;,_\ Ibe '<lit:: p! !ill.: PrflpT.:'r1\' c.r !:s ,iI':l.]ui~!tl()n by Lender, an",: Funds he-Id by <br />Ledder il[ the Hme of JpphC~lion --Is. {, ,,~r<:dJt ,J.~am_q ;h(. ,i,ill'; ..e\.:w-rt.~d h~' !hl'i- \1on~age <br />3. .4pp1kation of P'aytneals. t ,-nt-:.h,... "p;~:,~ ,lit:.... '."1\\ i'f_''> ,de;..; ,'lh<..'r\\ P.I;. ail p;;l"mcnt~ i'~,;clved by I ender under the <br />Note and paragraph" . ;_md ;: hefet:.\! ,,!1:.d! ht.' .~Pi'jj<:d by ! c:nd<.:r fir'>l p'!\ fm.'nl <'! ;i010lHHs pa,"tbk 10 Lender hy Borrower <br />uUMr pa.ragraph 2- hen:t.)f. then Ii,) H)!\:fC...t ".l.\'ar-,k ,lf1 :h(' '~\!l~, '.hen ;;1 !ftt.~ prm;.:ipal 01 ihc N{~I~, ,lnd then to interest and <br />pnl]clpal iJn ~ny Futun: Advancc:s. <br />4, C~; LJeM. nono\-H~!' ~h4.E }';.\ _Iii :,;v';', ,.,,:-c~_'d't'n,-~nh ~~j1d ,'lh.:r ~'h,-lt!1e.., 'in"... dnd !lnp(l~itl(l-O'S .Htfll:Hllable t\"! <br />!he- Property whkh may ;ltl~ln a puonn <l\:('! :t"r;" :\torq:.J.).:.c, ,ind \:-a\(.~lh'\hl t1~ynl-Cm~ ,--'f ground rents. if ;-HlY. 111 the manner <br />provided under parag.uph:: hcn;ot ,'r..~ HPt p.l.ld !p >.u..:h HHnn-rf, ~-~~ Ho'-r"'.\l;r In;\kHl!o'- pavml.'nl. '..\:hcn due, dlrect}v to !he <br />pa.yee thereoL 8crro"--e.f 'ih~ij promp;-l'i tunw,h b. 1 ~nJn .:11 !lU!l"'O (;1 ,iUh'll11b ,1\1t' under !in, paraglaph, ~l.lld in the event <br />!k~rrower ."hail make piJ\"mc-nt dHCi.t!\ BUll(1'..l.t"f -,hall f'fi.'rnpl;\ rurn."h !(1 f r.cCtiph t'ndcn..:il1!! ,*u,:h pavmc-nls. <br />B-orrow'i:r "hail rrom.p-dy dl~hOir~e ,-In'" ~!e-n \-\'l-11"h f;a:,< ;m,i.nt\-- .'\tT :111\ :\1Ntga!!r.~: j"r(whit'd. (hut HNf>.lwc:r ~hall nO( he <br />requned 10 dtschargC' ;.tn~- '>lI;.:n jlC~i ~~, :i.'llF .(;;. Ui1n,h;'~1 .,.::.r\~...' :~: !(. lhl: p.nnlt':IH ,.11 !he nbh!!ittlon '>to'cured hy <br />s-lli::h hen manne-r a~..:ept:!D-k: k, L~t1d--..':r. ,it ",h.,11 111 (..':~>i._l,,! :.n:t\ ,-<H1lt~\! '."l,:li tn, ,If detend t'nlufccnWlll oj <;uch lien in. <br />legal pCt"'ceedm~'S Whld, ~:<perart: (i.J pr-c'.:t:m In..:- ~'~1!1'!;..\.'n~';:~lt ,-.; ,~,. t"rlct\ltl..' (It tht' Prt'-pcfty ,_'I "flY part thereof. <br />5. ~ .1bU~. H~)rn1Wer .;,n4ii h..,~p 'he ,mrH~~(m~Hh :-:(1V, C\!'l.!mg Of hr:tt.~;1lter \:ft.'l^lc\1 (10 lilt: Property m"-Ufctl <br /> l~ hy fire_. hazard... UH:lu;J('"d \\lthll1 H1-c '::$11; '!. ,'\t,'!4~e' ,it)(! ..u.,:h i)lhc-t' tl~J:ard... :1', I end.../" nlay rC4tllfC <br />.u1rl m such 31ll0ilnh il.<"11.l J,_'T "'..h.:h f!<:r,.:.o'j .l"> i ;:!,..ier .~-I..t\ ;~'"tl;f\;. Z'!,~"ii.kd, ! 1 ~fld\..;f -t1aH lllH ,l.:qUlrc lh;it lhc ;.mOllnt ll! <br />"uch ("(n"Crage e,'(c<:eu fh:H <lmOt-iH! .'i ~~'..(':r.l~C ~Cq'H:1.~;j t,> ;1dt' :'1': ""111__ -,I:I.:!ifcd h\" ~h~4 \.ll\rt~;l~C <br />The IMlJrJltlC-C .:arntr f'h_wuJmg ,he ; ..!),;:d! h~ -.__h~'~en t1Y BiJrnJ\h'l -..ut\;eu 1,-' <Ipproval by t.cndec provided. <br />that su,,'h 14prh~" ,haii n-Of he :Jnre~m)Jhh -,.qthhdd \ll j1~~'!!H\lHb .ljl ln~Ul;jn.;-(' Ih~ih;:{.':!i. "hail h.' p~tid ill lht~ manner <br />pro'\o'tded utldtr paragraph 2 hen..''-llt or. !:- om pdal In ':,u\'~h manOt'L ih,[fn-;,\cr ~HttkHl~ pavmenl, v.dlcn dtlc, .1!f('(:tiy h) [he <br />mlun.QC'C- ..:.arricr. <br />AU j~urance poh":'lCS ;"nJ rcocwiih tnert.',>l '/),l.h t-,.: J!, 1,)nn _l..,,-,:p!.il'k hI L'uder ~Hld '\h;iil '!\i.,:lud..~ .1 ..,j;tnd.\f(l OlOf!,_~agc <br />dause In b.v\'ir ~"}f and 1!1 f"-'ftD .;:u.:l'_-epU_b1~ h\ L~:nJt;!:_ ! ..-nd.:'r ---h,ili ~id\1.: lht: H~tH [I' flpid Iln: p,--ljj(li.""t .inti :.:nt:\'.~h thercuf. <br />and Borro\\'e-f "h.ili pfl>mp:h- t~J!nt~h k' l end-ef -.Iii 1'cnt.'v..Jl ,1>:\1:!,.':~ ..Iud ;;.ll it';.'l.."lj1h \!j ~1;J.ld j"ft.'nWW1" Iii lb: event 01 lQ,>" , <br />Rorfower :;.hall 8-\(:" prompt nt){ll.:t' !,,-' lhe In~Ui.,:1-\,;C', ..:affH:i ",nJ Lt::fH.k( ! .:thkt rtw.\ m:tkc PlU<)! vi lo-s!\ II n,.t Ill.Hie promptly <br />b~ &)Tlm'I'f'f. <br />Uni~ i e-nUer (Hld Bott\I"^t't .-nht'r"l....: ..~It''\: ,!) >~rHln~. ~n:.w,w"':"; 11r~"'-.:cl.'t_b._ ~!liJH he- .JV"p!led hi n:~torallOll (lI' l'cp~tlr pf <br />the Prx.lpc-r'lY d.arnat,-cd._ pto\'H.ied lI-U\:h ft,.~Wn1tlt'n \11 rt:p::i.H '" c...:,'lw:m..,:::iUV jea~fblt, _uld the -"cI.:Ufi!y nl thl~ ~1ortga~c h <br />nm imp.ltlred. If <,;u.:h ro:~tor..1nl<n uf r~pai{ ;" "',',t ,:-",~\lH)ml\'~d!,; !C.;t~lt>h: III (1 th~ "'~l:\lnty l)t !hl~ :-.tongatr~ Wtluhl <br />be !mpalrW. the ms.Uiafi"-""<' pft>"'-cW~ ~hol.H ~ ,J.pph~\.l h' ,h.: 'UH1!o, 'l1.:....un:d tw !hl':> .\1\Jrlg~gc. Wll/) thr: \:1(CC':>:S. !f ;my. paH.i <br />to Borrower, if the Ptopeu\- l~ .:!hant11.-1nc::d h\ HI..)lH'we-r, ,,[ iT Hn[HlWCf lall" (d ft'-jpond to Lender 'Nlthll1 Jel da}~ tr\Jm Ihl,;' <br />done notice !:t mJ:lJl~ b'" Lender 1':- .BoW~l-\\'t:T rh.H ihe msur .tJ1...'l; ;:',UrtCf ..lrk,-:.. 10 'JcHic iI .:lalm hH lIl\utan"c b~nciits. Lcndcl <br /><-5 aU1ftoflzcG t.o- ",oHc.;:t~ O'>nd oippiy the HlSUr~ni,,-1; pIl'CttJ~ ..t J_~rhJo;I-~ vptlWU ~!ther IV fe:ltor3ll0n or repaIr ot the Property <br />at to tbe Sll!1n secured b)' this. Mongaite. <br />Unle$s Lender l:ind 'BvrfilWer o-t~rwiS4; agree If! ~kntlng" an\: ~uch ap-pli;:,1!iol1 nt pnx:e-eds III p-nol..'ipill ."h.ill not c'tend <br />Of poMpOne lhe due date of lite moruh!v In3talhnems rde1'rro h~ III pan~raph~ ~ :wJ Z here!.lf ~lr ....han~C' ihe, amuunt of <br />~ tMl.&Ut1tet1U. It undcf paragraph is hereof tf1c Property i~ i1-cq\Hred hy Lendel, ~U nght. title and Interest ol Borrower <br />!1! and to aft}' ins.urolliX.-"e pot-i~ aud in and t() the pr~.) thereof rc~yltmg lmm Jamage to the Propeny prior to the ;sale <br />or a~ul.lil_tioo shaH pu!. to Lcud.t>r to the extent d ~he ,:>WJ1~ ~\:.~ur\."U h~, tiu~ \lon~age nmnediateiy pnor h) "ul.;h sale \}[ <br />.~.....ti<>n, <br />6.. ,.,.....,~.aacl ~ of Pr-opcrt); L~llih; ('ondominiuUb-; J)lanoed l;nit Oel-dupme-ntL HorrmH'r <br />-ihaU keep tn.:.~Property jn ~ood repaIr aud 'i.ha.U nut commit wa~t(" "H permit unpalfmt't1t or ~leterioration I..If the Property <br />ua4 shall t;~Y with- die pt()'VjMn~ of any lease J! t.tus ~10ft&lig~ i" {~!l .';. leaschuld" 1t tOt'i Mortgage h OIi a ut\1t 1!l ,~ <br />~ o-r a planned liun devdO'ptllern, IklfWW:i:1 ~haU pert<--1fm .01:11 ot B()rrtl~c(~ {)bhgalwns under the dcdarallUo <br />Qt ~ts cre-:ilinc- ur go-ve.rn-ing:. the ((lad\"'nnmum ,--'I' pliHHlC-d HHlt de\'t,~i(>filnc!tl. !he by~!a\\-s and :-egu!aliotl... ,)f lhe <br />(-ondornt$.Uln Of p1an.acd umt de:vt1opme-m. MHl ;,,'ol1~utll(m "h:X:tinliCIH" 11 J d!l!dol'mnHtfn (Jr planned t~n1t ,it:;",el~lpl\h~nl <br />ridct is t,!<<U:lCd by BoUdwot ~nd re.cOfJ.,,-d t-!.lg.t{h~r ''''-Hh lhh \!,_< Iht: luvt:H-ijUt.". ._Hld ,igfccment\ 01 "H\.'h I!Jcr <br />~--.. t~fPQra;ttd lnto -and 1-haU :an:wmd. tHH:.i 1,uppkment the r':'H:JHtlH:<< ;wd ;.'t~,tt."Cnwnt" of Iht-.. Ml)rtgil~e .t...... i! lhe lida <br />__ .. part hefl:o(. <br />1. ~_ of ..........:t s.1If'i4y. H Bnrr,;.wer'!. ~o pcriflnn the ({)V\,:,mUtH find ugrt'<'-Jl'\Cnu. \:nntaJn(:d 111 !!U~ <br />MiK-...... 0(' jf. ~ <<Utili. or pt(~bi J~ ....{ltntntt,nt;.tl.! wht\:.h m4tcnaHr .life-\-":Q. Lcrtder''l mtcrt;,\l in the PFflr~n)-', <br />\G(~ but_ tM. hnu.t44 \i).~ ~3t -.domaJn~ in~.Nv(,J:~~. ..:ode N'iit_'(~e-n:k'n.l. U-i ,~l'r.atlg-tmt'nh \)1' !~!'l"'1.~dlO1,r:"'" i~W\.~t"'ln# ~~ <br />~ \11 ~t.." tDt.n l,endt:f at Lender"" ..i.~'Hi()n, llt-"k'U 1wih;C In- Ik'}J!'H'",~!" mOlY lniile sUl.:h ufll~anHlct'';t< ,JnhUN~ HI>.:l1 <br />~ * tUt 'lli\IICh ~t~Vjl ~,,' is. nfA':t'i%-,".U-l 1:) P-W1C~{ l-cndt::t ~ irlh.~n-;.L ndu;.,iln~. hut P,,"i hrnHt",1 hl. dl;i.blll'!i("rncfH <br />!-~ ~$J(I1"M)"l'l-- hx'l- !l~ Enfr, ~;p\m \he Pror~n~' 10 H'UtKe n:;p.u...... H !.t;llkf n:-<4HIn.'>.l "n}ft~it!tt:\.'f," ,~, .'- <br />;;,,~Q4&.lWl! (tj ftJAkifii dWt. l~f) ~-un~d by 'ifm. M\~'ng~~~, 1'k'>P'..:,-wer 'thai! ;,~\ nl~ pt-.;~rrHUI1'i," ;;;::-i~\ilr~0 t,-} l1n,UlhJn .,....II,:h <br />\~~ m 4Zr~K-t .until, ,'(-\~b u~ .:n Hw rlC:'iFHtt;U1$Of_ tm ~uoo rrtlUHHh,::t' 1{';'fnHhlh~" ,n il",.....',':'dan"'.(: ~...;:h fh'lrlY!....t~('i J{h.l <br />