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<br />83-004621 <br /> <br />Lender"s written agreement elf applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums jo the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant 10 this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indeb!cdne')S of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless BorrGwer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shaH be pa~'"3bJe upon fl0tice from Lender iO Borrower fe-questing payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on otft:Standing principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shaH bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shaH require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. Inspt'diou. Lender may make or cause t<~ he made rcas(\nabJc entri'es upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower nor-ice priOf !0 any such inspection '\pccifying re<l~('nable calise therefor related to I.ender's <br />interest in the Propen/. <br />9~ Condemnation. The proceed.;; of ,UlY :iward l.'f daim for damages. direct Of cons.equential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other raking of the ProperlY. nr part there-of. nr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and ~han be paid t(\ Lender. <br />In the c"'ent of a {Nai taking l)r ,-he Prorerty, the proceeds ~hall be applied to {he snms secured by this: Mortgage. <br />with the c'(ccss. if ;my. paId to Borrower In the event {If a partial l.:\king (If the Pr0perty. unless Borrower and Lender <br />orherwise agree in writing, thc-re stud I t-e 8.ppf!ed to The <:llm" .;;eCllfC'd ,-",y fhi~ Mortgage "l1ch proportion of the proceeds <br />a.g i~ equal to that pr"~")nj(\o \vhich The am.1\mt of the <" ~ecllr{'d .hY This Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />raking beai'5 to fhe fair market value f"{ thl~ Propert.... !lllmediatelv prior 10 the lble of taking. \l,.ith the balance of the proceeds. <br />paid In Bormwt'f. <br />Tf the Pn'iperty is abandoned hI,.' H{,rrow('L pr if. ;dter n{'!tict~ hy I coder ii' Borrower that the- condemnor offers to make <br />an award ('f ,ef1le a claim for damag:e~, flf'lrn~wer hils \C' r(:si-1\-wd h' T coder "\\'"lthin 30 day~ after the date such notice is <br />mail~. Lender IS authorized tn (oHect and ;),pply the rn~ecd-~. :ll 1,ender'" (1f1tion, l'ither to re$loration or repair of the <br />ProperlY <'r to the sums :'iec,urcd hy ;hi~ ~'fot1ga!!"c <br />Unit':s'\ Lender and Borrower fl{hcrwr~e a.grC'l" In ~ ritinj!. ;1/1\' "\'h-h applh.:;.lti0n of proceeds to principal shaH not extend <br />or posrpo-ne Ihe due Ja~c or the mCl!1fhh inst.:tl!m'.:-nt<; rdC'~fe,j !,_~ in r'Ma.~rarh" 1 ;lnd : herc<,'f or change the amount of <br />..ue" mHallmem1l.. <br />fO. BorrowPf :"tot Rdt-ase-d, F\.un<;,PD "t (r..--c l<me ~~)r p;r\~'h.'f)! ,'r tTIPdifh::tllf'fl "r amortizatlon of the ,>urns secured <br />bv !hl~ ~f(lrlgag>.: granted !:>\" Lcnder k an\- "U';.:Ct':"-\<\f ,qh:n."f (-f BI,:"ln{'\\~t;r ~kdJ rh~t i'pe-ratc Ii' rdease. in any manner. <br />~hc liabilitv ;:,( fhe C1figin,d Rorr,,,wcr '_wd B('>rrf',^t~(''"_ '"Ut:':l'S\iH"" "1 l'HCrC'i-t Lender <;hall not he required to commence <br />proceeding'';. .lg-am"~ \u~h ')\I':n~"Sf:jr r('hl'it' ~,., ext<:'nd ,,"11e ~'\r r.l\m~~nt .'f .'(her\".j"" modify ;-m1ortIZation 0f the sums <br />"ecurcd py :hi... MOf1-ga!itt~ tn- rca-<.,p" \i! .H1~- \!t'ln.!nd m;Hj~ f>\ ;hll <"flgln,d Borrower :lod B(~rrf1w~r'5 snC\~CS-"i(lr., 10 interest. <br />J L FfirMaranC~ b_" l~ndu ~t>>"3 ''''ai'n''r. \-,,, ;i'rh';l~a~h:t' PV j ~'ndl..~r i'1 C\erCl"mg an\' ri~ht l'f remedy hereunder, or <br />,'Ithenn-<.,:{' ;dfordcd f>) ~tpptH.:.,.hk ;~n,~:._ :h::.)l ." '.;t' ,J \.\',I'~-U ,'I :':' rr('~'h1l1c lht'" !,.'\::rCISC \,1 an\" 'Hen rq~hl (lr remoov. <br />The {'fLx'urement of imHU'-t\DCf_er W f'~r1t '.\: :.1\.\". ,'lrH..'r !:~:n" '.'1 "h~Hl::e" hv I l.'ndcr ..hall nt"t he ;t \\~\iver ('If I.ender's <br />flght to Jccdct;tte the m~u.u:U\ll)j IbQ-:f~hr~dra:'., '",-'". ":\,';) h-" 1 :'1' \1,-,rt;-:;lj!t' <br />12. Re-mlitIi-..ilC...........~;,All_~~ ['ld'. :,kd \'l'nc;I.I.:~. .;rc .l~qlnd .m.J \"am,:lafi\'~,:, 10 ,my (1fher right or <br />remedy under'thf"-'M"'"1!!t:~ ~a"~ r.v t~\'" ,'I c\IlHl\ ,;ld I'll;;\' \'\~, ...."t';\..'i'.cd ,',H.Kunt'ntl\'. imkpendentlv PI' ~\lt;('essivcl\' <br />IJ~!K)I'$ and A'lStam 8uund: joint and St"\t"rnt IlahiJil~': Caplion!\. rhe ~'C'vcna1H'-' .l!ld <It!recments he-rein <br />~'(\mairn:d "hall !-<inJ, ,Inti the q.l.'j)!" k:n:'m~dcr ..h.d! "l'Ht' "'_ "1;: It'''fl\';,:i:'\\' <;tki.T:\"Pf<; ,!OJ a~"iij!n~ ;;1f I endcr and B!:.lrrower. <br />..1Ib_i~(:t t\'1 the pn:.'\'l~>ion~ ;_IJ r'afi!lZ.aph ; '"' h~~'l~i;'t \1; ~_-"'q'!l.llH~ ~!~,d \,j ROftPWer 1>h,l11 he iomt and o.;f'\'cral. <br />The caption, ,wJ neadm~'" ,'I :ht'" l';tf;l}:f:lrh\ ;.t :-,i<. \1(\'![.::i;.tt: ,ire ,.._'t1V('f"lH:ncc ,\nh- ,Ind ,Ir-t lll'lt [('I t-...c u">ed to <br />;tHerprt-1 m- defin~ the pro".i'tip".... hefc-pf <br />14. Sutie-r. EXl.---ept f(lj :1flV notiCC reql!H'l~d under ;lpf'li.:;.d"k b\\ rot' ~l\'t'n :11 :~nl\lh(':r manner_ 1:11 any noricf" to <br />Borrower pn:"l1;ldcd for in thi.. ).-tt'1tf.jt<tj.!'t" \n3ii h' ","\>:-0 ~'\ !;u~li1\~ .,u>..:h 'Hllk;t: in l-,:r\!fieti mati .1ddre..."cd io Bc.rn:)\l,'cr at <br />the ProperlY ..\Jdre~" ;'f 3( '\ucr. dth~f "ddre'""'- ",'- H.'\lr,'''''o _<,1:1\ .h>;.?tn.1h' h\ ,'n!!;,:c 11' ! ~!1d\':r ,15 :Ifo\'jdt'd h(~r,,"in. uuJ <br />fb} an.v notKc to Li'nJ-ef "f1.J!J !...~ ~f\t'n tt, '-t..'!!,r'icJ t'!.",,, !:'..",,:,['! ;':l-juc-'\t-ed, t,> I ender'" addfC'~" "luted hC'fcin or to <br />'>ltch HIller Jdd~ "u I efl'drr m~!\- dc..i~t1afe 1"'; ppHi:C I., H..'\rn''...-n ;,,\ fHo'-lded h~fC!l\ "-n\-' notice provided (c;r In this <br />M,'ngage shaH he lkerne-d t" i~JSl.' he("f) ).'!'vt"1i :" &Hn.W(;; ,or 1 ;.~\(kr ",hen ,~;vcn In ,he manner dc"\ign:tted he-rein. <br />IS. Vnifonn \-tol'tl:~: Go~t"m-ittl La'M: St-\-t'f1lbitit_", 1 h;\ t.y 11\ <Ii m"nt!;t~e ,\lmhine'5 !!l1dOfOl c{">\"cnimt.. (0f natIOnal <br />use and n-vn~uni(offn c<)\o-enani'S- '...lth limIted \,jf!Jt!U!l'" f-V i'tfi~\.Ldl>'q t,; -;i'fl'iiJtutc d untf('1rm wl,:unly ill~trurnenl covenng <br />real pfD~ny 11w, \tl'ngiig-c ..h311 i"C gl'\-\'nlc,J ;..,\ :1-1-(' _;,l'.\ ;"t !~"lt' ',:rl..<h~-i;nn ~\hh..'h the Property I" il'~IHCd, 10 the <br />e~e-n! rhaI an\. rnWt~a..'i1 ,_'r d~ll"t' ,-,:' :h:.. \hjrtg..i.~1.' ,'r dw ....;"nc -':l'mflk:!\ \' ith aprlic~hle 1,.\\-., 'i!J\:h ,;o.nfli':l ..hall Ill"! affect <br />othet" rf'-~\'l'ion!< .,( !iw.. ~ft\r1~agt: ";- \ht~ '.'t;: .".!H...h ,:.ill tot.:: ~'lVt'n '-'th:d ,\1!h(lld the ,-'ilnt1i(ting pn'\-l"ion. ~\nd to this <br />end tm- rf\'i"n.k'n~ l,t '!he 'tf'f\llag~ .\t1d rh' '\'11;: ,!!-~ ,k\:l:tJ"rd l,\ ht' ,,>:v-erabk <br />16. Bono....t':t.s Cop)'. Rorrl'~<:r ;,hali h: furrn...hed .l ~',,'n/.'Irrned ~'i\p\' ,',f rhe :'\"nlt. ,\rld (l( th,,, Mortgage <It the tIme <br />,'It e.\tX:lftlon ('r ,tft(,f rnvni..Hion hereof <br />'7. of... Propnty: ..\~mpUon. If j!t j'f -riny f'.H! pi 'nt' Prf~pertv '-If ;In mlt:rc-'I{ Ihercm i\ ~dld Of tran,ferred <br />h)" Borf1JW\:'f \\tthOl..H I.enJef\ rfll\f ~\'nlkn ,,_"n~nL ~\..:jw..hng (.j\ !hC' cn;"li~-'n {11 a 11t~n l'f eni.."llmhr.\m:c \uborJlIlate In <br />lhl~ Mortgage-. ih,1 the .:reaCt."" ~'f :.: ptJi\:haw 1lll'i1C\' ...;......:Uflt\ mlen.-..! f,.'f IWil~dH'ld applmnl.'c", J(.') ;i tramfer hy devise, <br />d~.("nt ~)r ~) t~pt'r.;ttJon 'of i.'t\\, upon !he death ~,t .1 ,!t'HH ~endl1i ,.'f ~,.I; !h~ ~rl!Bl (,r any fra~hold i!lfCrest pi three vears Of Ie..s <br />n"lt (:oolainmg an option h) pUf..~h-ase. Lendet' molY. ilt Lt'odcl 'i. ppHnn. dcclMl: .ill (hI.': ',1:01... '\ei.:m~d hv rhl'!. ~1ongagt: It" he <br />jmm~hateIy du(' ~ind p8.)'abk. l_-ender :-.haH h,hC I,.\..u....t':u \ul.:h ;'ptlon :\" d..:c-den1!e if. Prlt'f h"'! tht: ..ale or transfer.. I.cndcr <br />:md the person h,l whom the Property l~ r(l. he s.l.)tJ ()! n,ul.."fcrft'il Jgret'm('nl In ~ fiHng lha! [he credit ()f 'iuch fX'N'.'IO <br />l-S Si1ti--sfa':iv:y to Lender iuld In;:;.i the int~rt:,... p.\'itbie on the '>\inh .."cl.:urcu bv Ihi~ MiJrtga~c shall be ':it ;;.Ildl i'tttC .1.' Ll,.'ndu <br />\baH request. If [cnder hajJ w>>.i\:'ed tbe ('plH~-fJ h) d'cekr.~H: pro"-J\:k-d ;:1 lhj:, r~m.tgrarh 17. ;lnJ if B~'rrnwcr\ SI1t.:I.:~'i.\~)f 1fl <br />:ote-rest hM executeJ a written RS.$umptJoo .;tgfe-c-rnenl J::l;-'~pl(-.Q in ~Hi!Jtlg hy i.enJcr, Lender ~hall release Rorn)\l.-cf fmm ail <br />l)btig-itiQIUi under thi$. Mongaae and the Note. <br />H Lender e\cr.:.:i3e's; "oct '-'Plli..1n h.', Lenda ;.haii mo.!l H~"rfnwcr fH,)tlCC (,f .l\..'...eic.ralH:>f1 Hl ~h."ordtmc(' wl~h <br /> 14 MC\Xlf S.ucb l-hJ{tC~ ~haH prevtJe .:t pen-j,.-,J of Ih:>1 !es." thaI! 30 d~t)':'\ fr'-'1lI the \iat~ ~he no{i~,:t: h mailed within <br />whICh Botro....'cr ma~ pa.y the :mm~ ckclared due< If L~tli. '0 PitY -"!i-.:.h "'\lm'\ rn~\r to the e,pif111j~\n I,r "ll(:h pen~m. <br />l.e.nd(-r may, W.lh(lut f-Ut1hel" noHce Qf dema.od (ltl Bow.:.wcc, Hl'Hlkc ;ln~ f('rnedtc-~ permiucJ "/'iy paragraph i:S hcre()f. <br /> <br />NON.UNiFilllM CO\iES.o\Sl''S. 6orwwe-r any 1 culier further !.:1.'Q;'Hant ,mJ ,1grce a>; follows. <br /> <br />18.. A<<~ .R..~ uCC'lIt.. provided ia parac-(apfl 17 berwr~ UpUIl 8urru~er'1!i breach of an~. (-o\'t!nant or <br />............ tJf Ikmowu h:t this ~'ton&.., indvd... tbe- ("t>.\:~Il.ntit to paJ l\'h~ilI due .m;. SUllb w..:urw: by tbis. ,\Iona~e.~ <br />LnoIor ..... 10 ............... >IuoIl mail BOIke (n 8o<.....~r .. pEn. itkd IQ l''''''llraplt 14 h.roof .p.dCyiOC: (I) tb. "......b: <br />(2) tlM II<:liooa ~ 10 c_ -" bHaoh; (3) . <I.., ..... Ie. I..... 30 dll)" frn", the d... the. ....1"'. lo tnaile<l tn 8.........r, <br />IIy wlii@ __ In-* .......... .."""'*; .....1 i41 _ I.,. In ~..r. ,..... lIre...b n.. Qr he"...., lhe dale .p.dlie<l in the .....le. <br />_....... "" lK'<<Ic<.w.. of....._ _..... by .10;. M...'P!le. I....d...'.... by judleW proceetlJnc .ntI .alo of lhe Property. <br />n..aotkc --...Iwtiw, Uti.. ..nll-w<< of the- riCld to 1"'.....1'" ahc. ct~.,:~Ifl...ioD aAd the: ri&hl to ilMert in lM fot'fflusure- <br />.............. .... _~ of a cklMll ... ..y otl>er <k>f._ of 8...."'.... '0 ""...,Ie""ltm .ntI f..""".......... If the lire""" <br />II........... ... OJ W_ tlM ... .,..lfi04 jq lhe 1lOIi<<. Louder at I..uder', .....ltm ...ay do.<I.", .11 ..I the ..._ ..~u...d by <br />IIoIIt ~ jq 110 ~y .... atKI l"'y.bIe "i'Mullu.lhw de_" JiI1d may lo...d...~ by judkial ..r"'..~. huder <br />....110 ~ IV......1 '" _It ..........u.. all .._ of I..."".....,... j""i.'diq.. but .... Iimiftd In. <..... 01 _.._lary <br />....... .........ll..... tit!. f~ <br />1~ -RJaW to.~... ~tJtwith-~tif-ndH1i Lc-ndet':,;- .!'~..:,derit-h~"!tl 5.\1 ~i-';{': '.m~~-, ,>':;...Jjf~ D~ thl!' \'h,'rl$itg~. <br />~~f ~i h.",~ ~M f~t h;. bll-V~ il:~} i-\f'oc(~mb:nB" h~iml b:~; l.i'n-det ,>1 t_njpf\,.c Irn', \tvn:g~gt: ,li1~\.lH(mucJ. ;H ~wy lmw <br />