<br />I
<br />
<br />83-(l04621
<br />
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<br />r
<br />
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this. ,....,. 4~~...... . , ,..,.... .day of... ~Q,!~~. .................,
<br />1983. .. between tbe Mortgagor,.. .RQdlley. A.. ,LQ~ee .llllo!. P.E:IH'ij .1:1. .l-P.s.E:El. ,Q\I$l>Jil1\<t .ijI)Q. '<IJf~~ . . .. .
<br />. .. .. .' . ., . .. .. . . . , , . . . .. . . .. . , , . . . . . . (berein "Borrower"). and the Mortgagee" ~n'lElH.llilflk. .. . ,.
<br />~~t.lI\9!\. .t1llHpJlp.l. ,~~~~.i~.t.i.ql) ..l:llllit.l,n.91j, )l~!>rp.s,l~<l . ' ,. .. "a corporation organized and existing
<br />under the laws of. . . \Ir1.i,t.e.<! .~tllf~.s. .q~ .~~fJ !=P. . . . . . , . . . . .. whose address is. . til'.5.t;i.lJg~,. tl~P.r:l\ll~q, .
<br />
<br />. . . . , . . " .. . . . . . . , . ' , . . . . . . . . . ' .. , . . ' . , . . , . . . . . . , . . ' . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, Borrower is indebtc<l to Lender in the principal sum of, N! ~!l. :r.lJqu~~t:l9. :r~ .11'!1J9fli!P. :T:1Ji.r:ty-
<br />,f!y!!. ."''14 .4UH)~."'.-:~~~77'7'7'.--:-:-:~~77':-:-.-,-.-:-:-::Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated. ". , ,~/~'{~). ,.. . '. ,...', ' ,iherein "Note"). providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not woner paid. due and payable on". .1013/83.......,..",....,.
<br />,(bereJJ\.'~Hote!').,..\fith the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid due and payable
<br />on 19/3/8); thi~ real estate mortgage shall also app!~ to any renewals. ex~~~n~f or
<br />modfo~A~S celi~ rflW'/i!fli~8flilft9~al!bteJlih~'t!~na!d (;r~M.rJ.twitd '1~H!.tl ,~be I be
<br />pa)'ment of all other sums. with interest thereon. advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this due on
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of tbe cownants and agrecments of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment the
<br />of any fUTUre advan=. with interest tbereon. made to Borrower J)\' Lender pursuant to paragraph 2J hereof (herein matur i ty
<br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hercb\' mortgage. grant and convey to Lender tbe following described property date of
<br />located in the County of.., ., ,. . tl".J1. ."",.,. '.,.",,', "" '. State of Nebraska: the
<br />respec -
<br />tive
<br />Lot Twenty-one (21) Whites Sunny Slopes Subdivision, Part note.
<br />
<br />of the Northwest Quarter (NW~) of Section Twelve (12), Township
<br />
<br />Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />wbid> lias the address of, . " . " .. .. .. , ' . , .. .. . .
<br />(Su.Q
<br />
<br />{City)
<br />
<br />. ,(herein "Property Address");
<br />
<br />1__ Zii> Co<lol
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />TllGI>l"I$!l withllell the .itnproVelllrnlS now or hcreallcr erected On the property. and all "~ments. righl_.
<br />apjlUl'I~;.retm, royaItic!t.mm.:n1. oil and ll~ right. and rrolil'i. Watet. waler [iibts, and water stock, and nil
<br />lUtUlj$ now (It' heRllfti!rllUllo.-hi:d tll the property, all of which, induding replacements and additions thereto. ~hall he
<br />~ tQ .billllld. ~llin . plittoj' the property c<:n'ered by' t!ria Mortgage; llod all of the fvrcgoing. tOA,'ether witb said
<br />p"'~{tK the ~ eallUcifthls Mtll'IlIItI" is 011" 1eDC1iold) are herein ref..med I" as the "Propctty",
<br />
<br />~ _Il!t l!lllt Bom_ti, litwtully <cised of the e.tate b"reby COIW"yed and h"" the right to mortgage.
<br />~lilld<<l~ thel'~rtl, lilln the Prol"'tty "' Uf>tneumbered. and that Born"',,,.. will warrant and defend
<br />i1<li<'~ lite !'iUq ~" the l'rop<'ff)' .#1IIt all dallmlll!\l ..remanm, >Ubi<'~1 to any decl"'''tion,. <"sement, 0' ,""trictions
<br />
<br />"'~_~~A~i'.~M '~f__v'~r~' .1-.~_1
<br />